Why would any conservative support Donald Trump?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I think he's going to make common sense decisions...not politically correct ones. Not decisions that are in the old "playbook". He will be thinking outside the box, which is what we need so desperately at this time in history. There is so much he hasn't been "schooled on" that he will bring in people who he can trust to offer him advice, and will pick the advice that makes the most sense (common sense). Everyone says that we are facing an enemy like we've never faced before, and we don't need someone who will automatically fall back on what was done in the past. He will push for such things as water boarding and whatever else it takes to keep us safe. To sum it up...he doesn't give a hoot for political correctness and it's political correctness that is killing us.

He doesn't give a hoot about anything except Donald Trump...

Nathon Detroit

I think he's going to make common sense decisions...not politically correct ones. Not decisions that are in the old "playbook". He will be thinking outside the box, which is what we need so desperately at this time in history. There is so much he hasn't been "schooled on" that he will bring in people who he can trust to offer him advice, and will pick the advice that makes the most sense (common sense). Everyone says that we are facing an enemy like we've never faced before, and we don't need someone who will automatically fall back on what was done in the past. He will push for such things as water boarding and whatever else it takes to keep us safe. To sum it up...he doesn't give a hoot for political correctness and it's political correctness that is killing us.
Thank you for actually answering the question. :up:

I agree Trump would certainly make unique decisions and we can agree to disagree on the wisdom of what those decisions might be. However, I am thankful that Trump and Cruz essentially killed the establishment Republican party. I'm just very concerned about Trump's bizarre and seemingly immature behavior.


Well-known member
He isn't cowed and bullied by the media. He will not apologize for being politically correct. Thanks mistaken for being a tough guy. He just isn't afraid of anyone in the sense they can hurt him politically. He says exactly what he thinks. That isn't being tough; it's being courageous. Most politicians watch every word they say for fear of being interrogated by the media. Once they get you to apologize for something, there is blood in the water and your days are over politically. In other sections of our culture, if you have any game or influence at all, one mispoken word can get you fired or your product boycotted. These are the acts of a bully. There are scads of them around in the media.

In short, one big reason I and many others support Trump is that he has no fear of these bullies and refuses to be silenced by political correctness. This is pleasing because it holds the prospect of one day getting rid of political correctness.

Yep, and so we see a lot of lying going on about the man who dares to tell it like it is. I hear them saying he incites violence. What a crock. Was he in Ferguson inciting violence? Was he heading up the Occupy Wall street disruptions? They say he is a hater. That's a crock, too. There is more hate going toward Trump and his supporters than there could ever be coming from Trump and his supporters. They say he claims Mexicans are rapists.....implying Trump says ALL MEXICANS are rapists. That's a lie. They say he supports Planned Parenthood, when he has stipulated PP does lots of good things...excluding abortions. They say he's immoral when he's no more immoral than many who claim to be Christians. And it's EXACTLY the same lies that Cruz spews forth with every breath he takes. Evangelicals see that Cruz is a hypocrite....I'm surprised more don't. :think:

patrick jane

Thank you for actually answering the question. :up:

I agree Trump would certainly make unique decisions and we can agree to disagree on the wisdom of what those decisions might be. However, I am thankful that Trump and Cruz essentially killed the establishment Republican party. I'm just very concerned about Trump's bizarre and seemingly immature behavior.

Trump's behavior is what worries me too, from actions and words he says. I was hoping 2 months ago that he would dial down and focus on details of his plans. Every interview and speech he gives doesn't focus on details. I too think he will be surrounded by experts and advisers to guide his decisions. This country needs a man like Donald J Trump right now, it's perfect timing.


Well-known member
Thank you for actually answering the question. :up:

I agree Trump would certainly make unique decisions and we can agree to disagree on the wisdom of what those decisions might be. However, I am thankful that Trump and Cruz essentially killed the establishment Republican party. I'm just very concerned about Trump's bizarre and seemingly immature behavior.

I'm thinking the Republican Party will cheat him out of it in the end. It won't matter if he gets the required votes....they'll fix that come convention time.

I do think that Trump loves this country, and would do everything he could to keep us safe. When I hear someone like Pam Bondy talk about the man she's known for years, he's not as "immature" as he appears. Right now he's working to win, but he has a good heart. She says people who work for him love him and respect him. I've heard similar things from others....how he gives money to individuals who he can't use as tax write offs, for instance. His kids all have a lot of respect for him. To me, that means a lot.


Well-known member
He doesn't give a hoot about anything except Donald Trump...

If that was true, he wouldn't have decided to run for President at all. He sure didn't need the fame or the power. He just got sick of seeing the bad decisions that have brought this country to it's knees and feels he can do a better job himself. I think he's right....if he gets the chance. Unfortunately, too many fat cats in Washington are afraid they'll lose their gravy train, and they won't let go of it without a big fight.


Well-known member
Head to head Cruz beats Hillary. Yet Donald loses to Hilary.

Only because our ticket is so split at the moment. If those Trump haters wise up, that will change.

Actually that's one of the things Donald attacks Cruz on.... Trump says Cruz is too uncompromising and wont be able to work with congress.

He's right. Cruz won't be any different than Obama....he's a "My way or Highway" kind of guy and he can't even get along with those in his own party. Our system is not a one man rule type thing.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If that was true, he wouldn't have decided to run for President at all. He sure didn't need the fame or the power. He just got sick of seeing the bad decisions that have brought this country to it's knees and feels he can do a better job himself. I think he's right....if he gets the chance. Unfortunately, too many fat cats in Washington are afraid they'll lose their gravy train, and they won't let go of it without a big fight.

Do you seriously think that the allure and fame of becoming POTUS had nothing to do with his decision to run for office?! C'mon GD, get real here. He'll be wringing his hands together at the prospect!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Was Trump the President of the United States when that happened? No, he was a businessman....a successful one.

Well of course he wasn't, so? You think someone with an ego the size of the country he's now running for office in wouldn't crave the accolades and fame that go hand in hand with the most prestigious position of being POTUS?

Again, get real.


Well-known member
Do you seriously think that the allure and fame of becoming POTUS had nothing to do with his decision to run for office?! C'mon GD, get real here. He'll be wringing his hands together at the prospect!

The "fame"? The "allure"? No, but I do think he is confident in his ability to do what others can't. And he does have children to think of. He doesn't want this country infiltrated by the enemy. He was angry, as we all were, on 9/11. He doesn't want Trump Tower or anything else blown to bits by some nut jobs. He cares about this country and believes he can make it great again.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The "fame"? The "allure"? No, but I do think he is confident in his ability to do what others can't. And he does have children to think of. He doesn't want this country infiltrated by the enemy. He was angry, as we all were, on 9/11. He doesn't want Trump Tower or anything else blown to bits by some nut jobs. He cares about this country and believes he can make it great again.

Then you just have so many blinkers on I don't know what to say. The man thrives on public attention, on being in the limelight. For someone with a gargantuan ego like his where's left to go but the most prestigious position of the land? You seriously think he's doing all of this because he loves America so much and can do so much better than any other politician? That he's not running for personal reasons at all and his obsession with fame has nothing whatsoever to do with it?

You need a reality check.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm 65 years old, ... The first time I voted was in 1980. I voted for Ronald Reagan. To date, he's my number one favorite President of my lifetime.

Age 65 and you first voted for Reagan; you were old enough to vote for Nixon against McGovern, yes?
I voted for Barry Goldwater, so did both my parents.

My father did not like jimmy Carter, I liked him, but did not vote for him. My father did not like Lester Maddox, called him a cracker. He liked Bo Callaway.
So went the republican in the South thing.


Well-known member
Then you just have so many blinkers on I don't know what to say. The man thrives on public attention, on being in the limelight. For someone with a gargantuan ego like his where's left to go but the most prestigious position of the land? You seriously think he's doing all of this because he loves America so much and can do so much better than any other politician? That he's not running for personal reasons at all and his obsession with fame has nothing whatsoever to do with it?

You need a reality check.

The "reality check" has come upon a lot of us. It's called Isalmic Terrorism. I don't think Trump would have gotten involved if it was just the normal everyday state of affairs. Why did he start off with border security? He saw our vulnerability...just as all his supporters do. We see the stupidity of our open door policies, and he isn't too afraid to say so. No, Arthur. It's nothing more than a poor tactic to try and accuse others of needing a "reality check"...of being "stupid"....of being racist and sexist and bigoted. You can fiddle while Rome burns, but the rest of us won't.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The "reality check" has come upon a lot of us. It's called Isalmic Terrorism. I don't think Trump would have gotten involved if it was just the normal everyday state of affairs. Why did he start off with border security? He saw our vulnerability...just as all his supporters do. We see the stupidity of our open door policies, and he isn't too afraid to say so. No, Arthur. It's nothing more than a poor tactic to try and accuse others of needing a "reality check"...of being "stupid"....of being racist and sexist and bigoted. You can fiddle while Rome burns, but the rest of us won't.

Excellent post.


New member
Yep, and so we see a lot of lying going on about the man who dares to tell it like it is. I hear them saying he incites violence. What a crock. Was he in Ferguson inciting violence? Was he heading up the Occupy Wall street disruptions? They say he is a hater. That's a crock, too. There is more hate going toward Trump and his supporters than there could ever be coming from Trump and his supporters. They say he claims Mexicans are rapists.....implying Trump says ALL MEXICANS are rapists. That's a lie. They say he supports Planned Parenthood, when he has stipulated PP does lots of good things...excluding abortions. They say he's immoral when he's no more immoral than many who claim to be Christians. And it's EXACTLY the same lies that Cruz spews forth with every breath he takes. Evangelicals see that Cruz is a hypocrite....I'm surprised more don't. :think:

I keep hearing how immoral he is as if sexual sins are all there is. Most presidents and politicians I know of are at least as immoral if not more immoral than trump.