Why would any conservative support Donald Trump?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What 'inflated offers'? These were their homes and amid supposedly protected land. So in your opinion they should have just taken a payment and upped sticks out of their own homes? These people had a community and were appalled at what was going on. Have you actually seen the documentary 'You've Been Trumped'?
No I haven't, so let me concede the point and say I agree that The Donald has no doubt "railroaded", "steamrolled" and "bulldozed" all sorts of people.
Was that your only beef with him?

Oh it wasn't just Trump but it was born out of his gigantic ego - his brainchild to 'build the best golf course in the world' that never happened but still. Big bucks rules but this caused more outrage than anything else and rightly so. It was bullying pure and simple and had squat to do with being 'valuable to the community' as it simply wasn't wanted by the people who were there.
Okay, I get it, he wanted to build the greatest golf course in the world and the people didn't want the greatest golf course in the world to be built on their cow pastures and beach dunes and ancestral homes. I can understand that.
But, on a level of one to ten how bad is a golf course?

Other people weren't blameless in this either.
No doubt.

Comes to an area and uses underhanded bullying tactics because the residents who live there have the audacity not to move and let him build the thing? His attitude towards those people was appalling and he's nowt more than one gigantic puffed up egotistical tosser. Is he the only one in the field of business/politics? Of course not but he's more transparent than most and holds more power than most unfortunately.
He built a golf course, he builds alot of things, someone is always mad.


like marbles on glass
Okay, I get it, he wanted to build the greatest golf course in the world and the people didn't want the greatest golf course in the world to be built on their cow pastures and beach dunes and ancestral homes. I can understand that.
But, on a level of one to ten how bad is a golf course?

He built a golf course, he builds alot of things, someone is always mad.

As long as it's someone else's backyard though, right?

By the way, this was pretty good:

It's official: Scotland hates Donald Trump.

For evidence, look no further than last week’s Spirit of Scotland Awards in Edinburgh where the “Top Scot” prize, given annually to that Scot who “has made the greatest impact in furthering Scotland’s reputation at home and abroad,” went to Michael Forbes, a small-town farmer who gained notoriety after he refused to sell his 23-acre property to Trump’s massive Aberdeen golf resort.

The honor, previously bestowed upon such figures as famed author J.K. Rowling, comes just weeks after the network premiere of “You’ve Been Trumped,” a documentary about the real estate mogul’s attempt to steamroll the land. Trump’s lawyers reportedly tried to prevent the film from airing in October, claiming it was highly defamatory and misleading...

No word from Trump yet on the award, but the real estate mogul hasn’t minced words when asked about Forbes in the past.
“It’s disgusting,” Trump said of Forbes’ farm. “He’s got stuff thrown all over the place. He lives like a pig.” To which Forbes later responded, “It’s my home. I’ve stayed here for 43 years now, and he won’t put me out of it.”


This question can be for anyone but I am specifically interested in what conservatives who support Trump think he will do if he were to be elected President.

His entire campaign seems to be based on his claim that he will build a wall at the border. Well and he does wear a cheap hat with the word's "Make America Great Again" embroidered on the front. Is that it? Is that what makes conservatives and evangelicals support him??? :confused:

Trump is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, supports eminent domain, supports government controlled health care, says he looks forward to working with Democrats in congress, etc. I see little reason to think he would be anything but liberal in office.

So I ask..... why would a conservative support Donald Trump?? :idunno:
Sorry for my lateness.

1) I believe in this republic, I am a republican, small r, particularly an American republican and not a European republican. So I'm conservative. Trump is not a risky bet, it's a very small bet with the potential to be a huge win. Little downside.

2) I like "Make America Great Again."

3) He's The Donald. He's as American as McDonald's.

4) You're fired.

5) He's flippantly pro-Second Amendment. We need that. We recognize that the right to live, or right to life (pro-life), is the tree and the RKBA is its trunk. We need to tone it down a little, we need to take the gun issue down a few notches. We at least need a national conversation on guns. Right now we're lining the walls of the dance hall yelling across the room at one another, but we need to dance. Treating the RKBA flippantly, in a cocky manner, bragging to the world about how much safer we are here than anywhere else, that terrorists have a lot more to think about in America than in Europe, because Europeans are unarmed. I could have said "disarmed," but that's passive aggressive. I want to dance, not hurl insults.

Anyway, I think that we America can be great again. Trump just wants that to happen, whatever that means to him, and I agree with the words, according to how I read and hear them, and I believe in the republic. The republic can and will survive Donald Trump. So bring him on.

Besides, you think I would root for Clinton? As a conservative?


He claims to be a Christian. I'm not numbering this one, because who knows what he believes. But he got the papacy to invoke him, and his campaign instantly rhetorically trounced the papacy, pointing to obvious hypocrisy, and then we got to hear what some of the other candidates claimed to believe. One of them scolded the Pope for calling into question someone's Christian faith, that not even the Pope can do that. I thought it was well said, but I forget who said it. It wasn't a Catholic. Kasich maybe. But then again maybe it was a Catholic. It was informative, and Trump's claim that he'll build a wall isn't the worst idea I've ever heard, for much the same reason that the Vatican has a wall.

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New member
1) I believe in this republic, I am a republican, small r, particularly an American republican and not a European republican. So I'm conservative.

That's great. Not sure how it relates, but good for you, I guess.

Trump is not a risky bet, it's a very small bet with the potential to be a huge win. Little downside.

That's what I really don't understand. What potential "huge win"? What are you hoping to win here?

3) He's The Donald. He's as American as McDonald's.

McDonald's...sounds Irish.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The "reality check" has come upon a lot of us. It's called Isalmic Terrorism. I don't think Trump would have gotten involved if it was just the normal everyday state of affairs. Why did he start off with border security? He saw our vulnerability...just as all his supporters do. We see the stupidity of our open door policies, and he isn't too afraid to say so. No, Arthur. It's nothing more than a poor tactic to try and accuse others of needing a "reality check"...of being "stupid"....of being racist and sexist and bigoted. You can fiddle while Rome burns, but the rest of us won't.

Yeah, ok GD, he ran for office with no thought to himself at all. There's no personal investment in any of his decision to become POTUS and he's doing it all out of the goodness of his heart and because he loves America so much. You certainly have been 'Trumped'...



like marbles on glass
Anyway, I think that we America can be great again. Trump just wants that to happen, whatever that means to him, and I agree with the words, according to how I read and hear them, and I believe in the republic. The republic can and will survive Donald Trump. So bring him on.

What, in your opinion, would "make America great again?"

What do you think Trump would do to "make America great again?"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Are you able to see into the deepest recesses of Trumps heart, and mind? If you can, maybe you ought to run for President?

He's shown enough of his 'heart and mind' in several public areas in order to make a very easy decision. The 'Trump train' only needs other people to continually stroke his massive swollen ego. The gullibility of the duped will serve just as well as fuel for that...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No I haven't, so let me concede the point and say I agree that The Donald has no doubt "railroaded", "steamrolled" and "bulldozed" all sorts of people.
Was that your only beef with him?

I thought he was an arrogant gimp long before what he tried to do in Scotland. It's obvious that he seeks personal gain in all he does, be it money, fame or anything else. This gullible fawning over the guy, as if he's actually running for POTUS out of selfless interest for the nation is just bemusing beyond words.

Okay, I get it, he wanted to build the greatest golf course in the world and the people didn't want the greatest golf course in the world to be built on their cow pastures and beach dunes and ancestral homes. I can understand that.
But, on a level of one to ten how bad is a golf course?

If you're the one who's being driven out of your long term home because of it I'd say it's a bloody big deal. Maybe you'd gladly take a payoff to up sticks and let some tycoon use your land for a sand trap but not everyone else would as ably shown in the documentary on the same. That land wasn't just a 'cow pasture' either...

No doubt.


He built a golf course, he builds alot of things, someone is always mad.

Those people in Scotland had every right to be mad. I doubt you'd be so laid back about the guy if you were being treat how he treat those in the way of his precious ego either.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As long as it's someone else's backyard though, right?

By the way, this was pretty good:

It's official: Scotland hates Donald Trump.

For evidence, look no further than last week’s Spirit of Scotland Awards in Edinburgh where the “Top Scot” prize, given annually to that Scot who “has made the greatest impact in furthering Scotland’s reputation at home and abroad,” went to Michael Forbes, a small-town farmer who gained notoriety after he refused to sell his 23-acre property to Trump’s massive Aberdeen golf resort.

The honor, previously bestowed upon such figures as famed author J.K. Rowling, comes just weeks after the network premiere of “You’ve Been Trumped,” a documentary about the real estate mogul’s attempt to steamroll the land. Trump’s lawyers reportedly tried to prevent the film from airing in October, claiming it was highly defamatory and misleading...

No word from Trump yet on the award, but the real estate mogul hasn’t minced words when asked about Forbes in the past.
“It’s disgusting,” Trump said of Forbes’ farm. “He’s got stuff thrown all over the place. He lives like a pig.” To which Forbes later responded, “It’s my home. I’ve stayed here for 43 years now, and he won’t put me out of it.”

Trump, what a guy...

Well, what a something at any rate...



"Make America Great Again" doesn't specifically denote anything to me right now. Because the future is open. And I feel like Trump is the one candidate who personifies this, while the others personify more of a predictable future.


like marbles on glass
"Make America Great Again" doesn't specifically denote anything to me right now. Because the future is open. And I feel like Trump is the one candidate who personifies this, while the others personify more of a predictable future.

"Make America great again" doesn't specifically denote anything to you, and Trump personifies what doesn't denote anything to you?