Why would any conservative support Donald Trump?

Nathon Detroit

And then Hillary will, win. this us the shame of it. there are more who think the current ideology is correct, than those who oppose it/
Head to head Cruz beats Hillary. Yet Donald loses to Hilary.

Cruz is more compromising; he must be as the act of being political is being to compromise.
Actually that's one of the things Donald attacks Cruz on.... Trump says Cruz is too uncompromising and wont be able to work with congress.


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Head to head Cruz beats Hillary. Yet Donald loses to Hilary.

Actually that's one of the things Donald attacks Cruz on.... Trump says Cruz is too uncompromising and wont be able to work with congress.

I believe head-to-head Hillary will beat Trump/I am not sure if Cruz will beat her? I would hope so?

Cruz would be more compromising, as if he was unwilling, he would be ineffective. Trump is facade; he may be willing and he may not. This is the point; he is unpredictable, who knows what he will do? Who cares. If he wins the nominee, Hillary will beat him; we agree on that.


Destroying political correctness is something that only Trump is willing to do. Everyone else is funded by others, has people whispering in their ears telling them what to say, and clings so hard to whatever side they are on that they can't even fx what is relatively easy without somehow offending some bias of their ilk.

Trump is an unorthodox conservative, and that's what conservatives need whether they want to cry about it or accept it, because right now your rigidness is your folly :rolleyes:


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Should people have to lose their homes in order for an egomaniac to build a golf course?

No, they could have just accepted the inflated offers he made and bought new places with the big fat checks.

Look, I agree with you that using eminent domain for a rail way is a different animal than using it for a private golf course but a private golf course is still more valuable to an community than a cow pasture or a dune, apparently, because the Scottish Government let him do it.

If you want to be mad be mad at Scotland for going along with it, not at The Donald for doing what he does. Hate the game not the player.

If your criticism is the he's a bully that comes to places and........builds golf courses.........then I would ask you to look at the list of bullies that we have to chose from and tell me why you find them more palatable.


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Destroying political correctness is something that only Trump is willing to do.

This is it! What I have been saying is summed up in this simple statement. No matter what it means, the same reason is why Trump is getting so many votes. What can we do, tell them all the reason they may be wrong?


New member
He isn't cowed and bullied by the media.

Why would he be? He's an expert at manipulating them. They give him free airtime.

He will not apologize for being politically correct.

Presuming you mean politically incorrect...

I guess I don't see why this is so appealing to you. You want a President who is rude?

Thanks mistaken for being a tough guy.

He's not a tough guy. He has a tough-guy persona, but he's a baby. He talks tough, but he can't stand it when people aren't absolutely flattering to him.

He just isn't afraid of anyone in the sense they can hurt him politically.

He's like an independently wealthy guy applying for a job. Worst case for him, he doesn't get it, and he goes back to whatever else he was doing.

He says exactly what he thinks. That isn't being tough; it's being courageous.

Courageous in what way? Seems like he's following the same proven formula for self-promotion he's been using for decades. What risk is he actually taking? I'm pretty sure that if he perceived it as risky to himself in any way, he'd stop.

Most politicians watch every word they say for fear of being interrogated by the media.

Depends on which voters they're trying to pander to. Drumpf is all about the average white voter who isn't very smart but who is full of rage just waiting to be directed toward something. If that's your demo, you'd pretty much do exactly what he's doing. But I guess it does count as an somewhat under-served portion of the electorate.

Once they get you to apologize for something, there is blood in the water and your days are over politically.

And, as good parents always teach their children, you should never admit a mistake, because it shows weakness.

In other sections of our culture, if you have any game or influence at all, one mispoken word can get you fired or your product boycotted. These are the acts of a bully. There are scads of them around in the media.

In short, one big reason I and many others support Drumpf is that he has no fear of these bullies and refuses to be silenced by political correctness. This is pleasing because it holds the prospect of one day getting rid of political correctness.

You support Drumpf because he flatters you constantly. He allows you to blame your problems on anyone and everyone but yourself, and he says nasty things about the scapegoats he conveniently provides you.

Grosnick Marowbe

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I'm 65 years old, I grew up in a family of Democrats. I was taught that the Democrats were for the poor folks and the Republicans were out for the rich. My Father was a Marine who served his country overseas during WW2.
He was a 100% conservative, John Wayne type of ALL American. He once grabbed a visitor at our home by the nape of the neck and seat of the pants and threw him out of our house. Why? Because he perceived the guy was pushing communism on our family. If you spoke against the USA, it was best if you didn't do it in front of that former tough Marine. My Sister, to this day, tells people; "My Dad was basically, John Wayne."

If he were alive today, I believe he would be a "very conservative Republican," because of his values. As I grew up, I was drawn to the conservative Republican side of the street. I believe in peoples right to bear arms, the death penalty, and I'm anti-abortion. Our country has suffered 8 years of having an "ultra-liberal socialist" in power. These people have done their best to bankrupt our country, make gay marriage available, and "feminized" our great nation. The Democrats want Hillary in office because they'll get Bill along with her. That's what they really want. Eight years of the Clintons will mean, eight more years of spending. Trump is a business man. I think we need a business savvy guy in office. We also need a President that can stand up to the likes of Putin, N. Korea, and the Chinese. Hilliry is not that man!

We need to close our borders and we need some real power behind the throne. The first time I voted was in 1980. I voted for Ronald Reagan. To date, he's my number one favorite President of my lifetime. In conclusion, I believe that Trump is the kind of President we need at this time of history. Could I be wrong, of course? I have a friend I've known for forty some years, we met at a church we both attended. I spoke to him the other day and he tried his best to have me vote for Cruz. However, I feel I must follow my gut on this. If we had another "Reagan Type" running, I'd change my vote in a heartbeat.

I'm sure there's plenty of people who think Trump is a "loose cannon," and they might be, right? But, I've made my mind up and will vote for Trump.


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I'm still waiting to hear what you think Trump is going to do in office that makes you want to support him.

Come on... convince me. Convince me that Trump is a wise choice for President of the United States.

I think he's going to make common sense decisions...not politically correct ones. Not decisions that are in the old "playbook". He will be thinking outside the box, which is what we need so desperately at this time in history. There is so much he hasn't been "schooled on" that he will bring in people who he can trust to offer him advice, and will pick the advice that makes the most sense (common sense). Everyone says that we are facing an enemy like we've never faced before, and we don't need someone who will automatically fall back on what was done in the past. He will push for such things as water boarding and whatever else it takes to keep us safe. To sum it up...he doesn't give a hoot for political correctness and it's political correctness that is killing us.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No, they could have just accepted the inflated offers he made and bought new places with the big fat checks.

What 'inflated offers'? These were their homes and amid supposedly protected land. So in your opinion they should have just taken a payment and upped sticks out of their own homes? These people had a community and were appalled at what was going on. Have you actually seen the documentary 'You've Been Trumped'?

Look, I agree with you that using eminent domain for a rail way is a different animal than using it for a private golf course but a private golf course is still more valuable to an community than a cow pasture or a dune, apparently, because the Scottish Government let him do it.

Oh it wasn't just Trump but it was born out of his gigantic ego - his brainchild to 'build the best golf course in the world' that never happened but still. Big bucks rules but this caused more outrage than anything else and rightly so. It was bullying pure and simple and had squat to do with being 'valuable to the community' as it simply wasn't wanted by the people who were there.

If you want to be mad be mad at Scotland for going along with it, not at The Donald for doing what he does. Hate the game not the player.

Other people weren't blameless in this either.

If your criticism is the he's a bully that comes to places and........builds golf courses.........then I would ask you to look at the list of bullies that we have to chose from and tell me why you find them more palatable.

Comes to an area and uses underhanded bullying tactics because the residents who live there have the audacity not to move and let him build the thing? His attitude towards those people was appalling and he's nowt more than one gigantic puffed up egotistical tosser. Is he the only one in the field of business/politics? Of course not but he's more transparent than most and holds more power than most unfortunately.