It doesn't say that they sinned in heaven. It is speaking of the sin that 1/3 committed on earth with us.
So where were they cast down from?
It doesn't say that they sinned in heaven. It is speaking of the sin that 1/3 committed on earth with us.
Just because they weren't allowed to stay in heaven because of their greed doesn't mean they actually sinned in heaven.So where were they cast down from?
Just because they weren't allowed to stay in heaven because of their greed doesn't mean they actually sinned in heaven.
Why should I believe Jesus is speaking literally about Satan and not metaphorically?
Why shouldn't you?
The devil was created the greatest of fallen angels (Rev. 12:7–9). He tempts man to sin (Gen. 3:1–7). He is the father of lies (Jn 8:44). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 176). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
So God created the Devil, a experiment gone awry!
He is wrong about the Fall being angelic however, scripture harks back to when the angelic conflict took place, followed by God's plan to create man.
No. We learn much about him in his dealings with the wicked (Ro 9:22).opcorn:
Well he'd have no business in the Garden of Eden otherwise. I can't think of a good reason why God would let Satan in there. Lucifer, on the other hand was an Arch Angel. No reason to prevent him from entering.So which was the first sin, awhile ago Nick was saying Lucifer rebelled and was cast down. Now he was still an angel hanging around in the garden and he sinned by tempting Adam? I for one never heard this from anybody before, but i've heard the earlier allot of times.
Your logic doesn't follow. In what way is it not just?But doesn't this conflict with the all just and righteous God? We and our world became this broken/suffering abode while Heaven did not? I mean certainly, Satan's sin was obviously worse.. he did that on his own 100%: he was all wise, he didn't have anybody pull his leg... he fully made that decision while with Adam&Eve it was almost like a prank. Serpent: "God didn't mean that.. you misunderstood.. take the bite... psyche!!".
Satan (The Adversary) is cast down in this world. Earth is called heaven. People imagine vain things from their traditions.So where were they cast down from?
There are many heavens and Earth is one of them.
Revelation 10:4Earth is not heaven, but there are three heavens. The atmosphere is one heaven, the space beyond the atmosphere is another heaven, and then there is the spiritual dimension (heaven) that surrounds the earth.
Just because they weren't allowed to stay in heaven because of their greed doesn't mean they actually sinned in heaven.
@ fcisd.....The answer is, He has a plan. We were one with Him from the foundation of the world. But He didn't want companions/children that only loved Him because that's all they knew. He wanted ones that would have the choice to love and obey Him. He didn't want anymore beings, like Satan, to go unproven.
He has a timeline, and He has busy working for the past 6 days (a day is like a thousand years) to accomplish His will with mankind. Satan serves as a polar opposite, he's a servant, who does his job well.
Is He real? I see no reason to believe he's not, since I've experienced the reality of demons being real, in the realm of deliverance ministry.
As for why heaven didn't change, the earth was cursed because of what the first man did in disobedience. So was the serpent. Why would He curse His abode?
As for the fall of any others up there, it's impossible because for them to be there in the first place, all darkness in them has been overcome by the blood of the Lamb. I hope this helps you. Peace
You simply don't make sense. What makes you think heaven isn't the same or whatever? Please back up your assertions with scripture of some sort. I'm not getting upset at all. People have countered your non points but you just repeat them without justification or answering our questions. If someone answers your question the. you should answer theirs.
Perhaps you could reword your question and I can word my answer differently. I thought I answered the questions posed in the op but maybe I didn't.