The existence of Satan makes no sense.


New member
*6. Thou seest what Azâzêl hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were striving to*learn: 7. And Semjâzâ, to whom Thou hast given authority to bear rule over his associates.


New member
4. And again the Lord said to Raphael: 'Bind Azâzêl hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dûdâêl, and cast him therein. 5. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. 6. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have*disclosed*and have taught their sons. 8. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin.'*


New member
Well im having a problem at the moment of what comes from the devil and when is God testing you.

I mean your evil thoughts are maybe from sin but what about all evil apart from your thoughts,is it all from the devil??? which if it is leads to all kinds of problems.

So in quick,how do you discern what is from the evil one and what is from God?
One is direct and obvious and outwardly positive. Chastisement may come from God but will not be of a negative, belittling sort, but that moral of shame for doing what you know is wrong. The evil of self is manipulative and lurking in the hidden corners of self. Through chastisement under God you may feel burdened for a time but the end result will be that of knowledge through a learning experience. Pride, selfishness/ greed, prejudice, and manipulation for any reason are of Satan.

Promotion of peace and givingkindness as often as allowed sensibly, charity or doing for others without regard for reward or what others think or will do with your charity, detachment from the desires of the material(lust/ greed) are some of our direction under God. You must never put yourself over another in value or worth. The selfless conscience and utter honesty with self through introspection are ways to get more in touch and discerning of the direction and word of God and attainable through the teachings and example of Christ through his healings and self sacrifice for our sake.

Good luck.



New member
Well im having a problem at the moment of what comes from the devil and when is God testing you.

I mean your evil thoughts are maybe from sin but what about all evil apart from your thoughts,is it all from the devil??? which if it is leads to all kinds of problems.

So in quick,how do you discern what is from the evil one and what is from God?
When in doubt refer to scripture.


Well-known member
Best just to dump Christian mythology. It is a good form of entertainment, but not much use besides.


New member


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Azazel Azazael appears in the Bible in association with the scapegoat rite. In some traditions of Judaism and Christianity, it is the name for a fallen angel. In Rabbinic Judaism it is not a name of an entity but rather means literally "for the complete removal", designating the goat to be cast out into the wilderness as opposed to the goat sacrificed "for YHWH".

In the Bible, the term is used thrice in Leviticus 16, where two he-goats were to be sacrificed to Yahweh and one of the two was selected by lot, for Yahweh is seen as speaking through the lots.[1] The next words are read either as "for absolute removal" or as "for Azazel". This goat was then cast out in the desert as part of the Day of Atonement.

Leviticus 16:6 Aaron shall offer the bull as a sin offering for himself and shall make atonement for himself and for his house. 7 Then he shall take the two goats and set them before the Lord at the entrance of the tent of meeting. 8 And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the Lord and the other lot for Azazel. 9 And Aaron shall present the goat on which the lot fell for the Lord and use it as a sin offering, 10 but the goat on which the lot fell for Azazel shall be presented alive before the Lord to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I'm having a problem trying to believe in the existence of Satan for many reasons. It's like his existence logically contradicts the popular view of God being a just God.

Satan is believed to be a former high angel, who fell from heaven because he either hated Man, rebelled against God or both. Now, this world is a suffering world.. we die, there is pain, there is evil, the world is just damaged because sin entered it through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve fell into the temptation of the Serpent, so the serpent is accepted to be Satan which means his fall pre dates the Garden of Eden.
Who said it has to predate it?

I believe strongly that the fall of Adam and the fall of Lucifer happened simultaneously. That the tempting of Adam was the first sin - ever.

So here is the problem, if this world became what it is because of Adam and Eve sinning, then why didn't heaven get the same results if the actual first sin was done in heaven - through Satan?
Well, as I just said, I don't think it happened in heaven but that's really beside the point. Even if I'm completely wrong and the was a rebellion that happened in heaven, the reason that heaven did have the same result is because God had a different reaction. God booted the whole bunch out of heaven. We, on the other hand, are all still here on the same Earth that Adam inhabited which God Himself cursed for our sake (Gen. 3:17).

There is more to this question, but i'll just start off here because every religion forum i've been to can't answer this.
Hopefully that's a good start. I admit up front that I haven't read the whole thread. If you've covered this already and don't want to rehash it just say so and I'll read through the thread. This is a fairly rare position though so hopefully you'll not have heard this response before.

Resting in Him,


New member
Would it be because the Holy Spirit didn't include it in the Hebrew Bible?
The holy spirit?

The books that were chosen to go into the bible where selected by men. Regardless of the direction of those men under God it is written in the book you reference that our cleanliness is to the degree of a soiled clothe and that not one of us has been pure as of yet. So men have their own will.


Izaiah's vision of Lucifer had him in existence then falling before Eve talked with a "crafty beast".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Who said it has to predate it?

I believe strongly that the fall of Adam and the fall of Lucifer happened simultaneously. That the tempting of Adam was the first sin - ever.

Resting in Him,

He is wrong about the Fall being angelic however, scripture harks back to when the angelic conflict took place, followed by God's plan to create man.


...f this world became what it is because of Adam and Eve sinning, then why didn't heaven get the same results if the actual first sin was done in heaven - through Satan?

God was not defeated when the angelic world fell. He created man (Ge 9:6).


So because of the fact Satan doesn't have free will...
Satan did have a will. He exercised it.

...that means Heaven can't get effected?
He has changed. The angels still observe 'the rest of the story'.
So Satan was generally just created to become this evil entity?
He was created perfectly (Ezek. 28:14–19).
Also, the whole "we all suffer because of adam and eve's sin" is really politically incorrect.
You'll notice when Jesus walked the earth he was not concerned with political correctness (Schwarzentraub).
Why are we condemned for the actions of Adam and Eve, we weren't in that garden.
Would you have sinned had you been there? :Shimei:

They were created in a perfect environment. You were not.

It's a mute point. Your situation is different than theirs. Ps 51:5

...that's like me going to a random white person and condemning him because his ancestors committed murder.
You've committed enough sin of your own to deserve hell. Repent and live.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Well im having a problem at the moment of what comes from the devil and when is God testing you.

I mean your evil thoughts are maybe from sin but what about all evil apart from your thoughts,is it all from the devil??? which if it is leads to all kinds of problems.

So in quick,how do you discern what is from the evil one and what is from God?

Pray always for a repentant heart.

Pray always for a faithful heart.

Always do your best.

Desert Reign

I'm having a problem trying to believe in the existence of Satan for many reasons. It's like his existence logically contradicts the popular view of God being a just God.

Satan is believed to be a former high angel, who fell from heaven because he either hated Man, rebelled against God or both. Now, this world is a suffering world.. we die, there is pain, there is evil, the world is just damaged because sin entered it through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve fell into the temptation of the Serpent, so the serpent is accepted to be Satan which means his fall pre dates the Garden of Eden.

So here is the problem, if this world became what it is because of Adam and Eve sinning, then why didn't heaven get the same results if the actual first sin was done in heaven - through Satan?

There is more to this question, but i'll just start off here because every religion forum i've been to can't answer this.

You seem to be discovering theology.

And don't worry about thinking for yourself: it's ok for a Catholic to think for himself so long as what he thinks is in agreement with the Church. Actually, that's not strictly correct. It's so long as what he teaches others is in agreement with the Church. So by all means go ahead and think through this stuff but it's best if you don't talk about it or else you will get a gentle visit from your priest and if the worst comes to the worst, you will also get a visit from your bishop and it will be the last one you get.

I'm sorry that other forums didn't give you the answer. (Although I might suggest that perhaps they did give you answers but you didn't like the answers.) In fact the Catholic Church has all the answers you need. But you don't really need any answers at all. It is sufficient for you just to be a Catholic in good standing and you are deemed to be in possession of all truth and righteousness because you are a member of the Church. Though I guess you know that already...

Anyway, I was saying. Oh, yes, there is a fellow Catholic of yours in this forum called Cruciform. He is an expert on where to find all the Catholic teaching on every subject under the sun. If it's Catholic you can be sure he either knows it or else he can tell you where to find it. I just thought I'd mention that because you might get along with him well.

As for me, I used to be a Catholic myself. But I decided after much thinking that thinking for myself was a fundamentally good thing and even though I was a much more faithful person than most other Catholics in my parish or indeed elsewhere, and I went on all the pilgrimages and said all my prayers and helped with the local poor, etc. and I went to early morning mass before work and school because I loved Jesus so much and was often just sitting contemplating the Remonstrance, but despite all that, I'm afraid that thinking for myself led inevitably to that visit from the local priest, who I have to say, knew Jesus a lot less than I clearly did and hence he was unable to have a proper discussion with me. He had his rules and I have to admit that most priests would probably do the same. I didn't really blame him for that but it was clearly inevitable that I had to be the one to go because, as I said before, it is ok to think for yourself so long as you only think what the Church also thinks.

So back to your subject.
You said:
Now, this world is a suffering world.. we die, there is pain, there is evil, the world is just damaged because sin entered it through Adam and Eve.
Although this is not your central and highlighted question, I think it is more fundamental. Many people, including you apparently, perceive suffering and pain as evil things. But suffering is necessary to define us as individuals. We only experience joy because we know there was a possibility that it could have turned out differently. You experience happiness when you win a bet but you experience frustration and hurt when you lose a bet. You feel happy when your stomach is full but you feel pain and worry when it is empty. You feel satisfaction when you are with your loved ones but loss and bereavement when you are separated from them. None of this is evil. You feel these things because the possibility of the opposite happening was real.
If money grew on trees, so to speak, you would not know any of these feelings. These feelings are necessary to define who you are in a world where anything could happen. They set the boundaries of your personality: if some random person on the other side of the globe dies, it means nothing to you. But if your wife or husband dies, you lose a part of yourself. It is the same as having a leg amputated. So the boundaries of your personality are defined by what makes you joyful and what makes you feel pain. Without them you could not be a person at all.

I ought to stop here for now in case the mods decide I have been wittering on too long. We are supposed to be reasonably brief and communicative here. But feel free to comment and I'll talk more about your questions.