The existence of Satan makes no sense.


New member
You obviously haven't done a lot of study- or just don't want to accept any explanation.
Your own church answered this a long time ago ~bro skillet~

I'm not refusing any answer it's just no logical answer has been given.. lets take a look at yours.
Angels have a perfect will in which, once they make a decision, they cannot go back on it. Satan cannot seek redemption because his will is incapable of doing so, having seen the Beatific Vision and yet still turning away.

Other angels chose the same, while others stayed perfect in Heaven. That is why Heaven is not tainted, and why Satan is still the most wicked. He binds his time as being the prince of the Earth, being the agent of adversary and swooning men to their own destruction- the same ol' Serpent from Eden hasn't changed.


Ok, i do see where you are getting at. I do find it more understandable to a degree that these angels made sins while other angels did not so heaven could not get tainted. So pasting your explanation with the response of This Charming Manc makes this discussion allot better. thanks. But this goes to the second question I asked earlier after this. How are we then sure that the rest of the Angels (Micheal) and the Saints (Mary) are still up there? It is possible for a high angel to sin after all, then why can't we think that it is the same with the other angels at this point in time.

I do give allot of gratitude to you for your response, i'm not fully sold yet on the existence or theology of Satan but I do like your answer.
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New member
You don’t believe Satan exists. :plain: If Satan doesn’t exist, he can’t change any angelic attitudes. :juggle:

He speaks with the Lord—like I speak with Town Heretic. Would we tip toe through the tulips together? :roses: Unlikely.

“…Tom, while being a very nice guy, is the Devil.” ~ Aaron Altman, Broadcast News


Does Satan still have access to Heaven? Why does God allow Satan to enter Heaven, as recorded in the Bible?

You don’t acknowledge that he exists. :rolleyes:

You can’t be sure of anything. You don’t believe the bible. :dizzy:

Adam sinned (Gen. 3:1–5). The world was good (Ge 1:31). It became bad.

Vote for a child killing, serial adulterer. :banana:

You were born in sin (Ps 51:5). You have committed enough of your own sin to deserve going to hell. Forget Adam. He was born into a perfect world. You were not. You are not Adam. You are you.

It’s Tuesday. You still haven’t repented.


Your father’s sins are not held against you (Eze 18:20). That’s Klingon theology.
No need to discuss Adam. No need to discuss daddy. Discuss yourself.

You, :eek:linger: CathOlic :freak: are a sinner. Let that CathOlic guilt work on you for a while.
When you realize that you are you are: wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked (Re 3:17), you can be saved (Mt 5:3).

Wow, you just made snippets of my comments and acted like some punk kid here. Not only did you show allot of immaturity with your response but I guess you really had no other option because there really had nothing to answer in context. Your last sentence is quite funny because i guess playing mockery against somebody who is trying to get this all worked out is more christian like in your point of view. Disagreeing or seeing problematic logic with certain theologies is something that makes a person bad rather than an acting like an A hole and just mock all his comments.


New member

I don't claim to know anything, i'm just telling you that what we were taught does not make sense at all. If you want to keep criticizing me then please answer my question as to why Heaven did not change.

The bible never suggested that Lucifer started when he tempted Adam, all verses have illustrated that he fell prior to being in the garden. Where did you get this answer that Satan only became evil when he tempted Adam?

There is no way I'm going to answer a question as though someone's skin color is relevant to a discussion about justice.snip

First of all, If you are calling that question stupid and irrelevant yet thought that it's primarily about skin color then it's you who has the problem; you obviously did not want or could not understand that analogy. Skin color was not the point, and you didn't need to be told that. Remember, this is on the question on "how can we see God as a just god" with this specific theology.

I answered your question simply with this question and the point was if it is ok to judge him or anybody (no matter what race) for the sins of his/her ancestors? You answered no.

Since no is your answer then why is it that we are condemned for the actions of Adam and Eve when we had nothing to do with what they did in the garden? Condemning us for what they did is like judging another person because his ancestors did crimes. You can't deny that we are not condemned/cursed because of that, we are all born with mortal sin, we all commit sin, we all die and we all needed a Savior.

The whole existence of Satan just makes God unjust. Simply because of what i've put.

1st problem of un-just is the main question i started with: Heaven not degrading like the earth

2nd problem the fact that we -the descendants- of Adam are condemned because of what he did.

3rd for God to label/kick Satan out of heaven and yet love/die for mankind when mankind without a doubt has a greater track record of evil. That's like me labeling a random dude who just cursed and got mad at me as a pure criminal while the other guy who killed countless people is a greater person. You won't get this because you, just like millions, have gotten to use to "blame it or blame a bit of it on the devil".

Because of these problems-these holes, i just think it makes more sense to dismiss the existence of this Fallen Angel and accept the fact that the possibility that our negative sides/ungodliness is what satan really is. Where in the bible does it state that satan was actually an angel anyway?


“Wow, you just made snippets of my comments…”
Your words. :juggle:

“…and acted like some punk kid here.”
Santeria ~ Sublime
“…Not only did you show allot [sic] of immaturity with your response…”
“…but I guess you really had no other option because there really had nothing to answer in context.”
"You keep using that word. :AMR: I do not think it means, what you think it means." ~ Inigo Montoya

“Your last sentence is quite funny…”

“…because i guess playing mockery against somebody who is trying to get this all worked out is more christian like in your point of view.”

“Disagreeing or seeing problematic logic with certain theologies is something that makes a person bad rather than an acting like an A hole and just mock all his comments.”
You are bad (Ro 3:23). :Clete:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
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New member
When someone has to resort to trolling, and still criticize someone's Christian life you know he is completely butt hurt for not making any sense.


Well-known member
Well im having a problem at the moment of what comes from the devil and when is God testing you.

James 1:13 Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.…

Satan cannot tempt anyone who doesn't desire the sin.

I mean your evil thoughts are maybe from sin but what about all evil apart from your thoughts,is it all from the devil??? which if it is leads to all kinds of problems.

All evil comes from the sinfulness of sinners, whether eternal sinners like the tares and goats or the sinful elect like the sinful good seed. All suffering comes from GOD as a judgment (no rehab value) or punishment (with rehab value) for sin.

So in quick,how do you discern what is from the evil one and what is from God?

Ask Job and he will tell you that all things that come to you are for your good if you love HIM or are at least called by HIS purpose to save you. All things means all things. Accept GOD's gifts of happiness and suffering, resist the temptations of so your own desires and soldier on.

HE allowed Adam and Eve to meet the devil without warning them to teach them the tough love lesson not to disobey - would you place yourself higher than them to be treated better?


Well-known member
The first sin wasn't in heaven. Those in heaven do not waiver from the will of GOD.

Rev 12:7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.

If this is not the first sin and the war against it, then a sinner did invade heaven as this war was in heaven. Where was your supposed first sin and how did they then invade heaven?


Well-known member
So God created the Devil, a experiment gone awry! Then put His off spring made in His Spiritual image in the same compound, knowing full well that this lurking misfit would encounter them. Sounds like a case for the Child protection agency, or read it like it was meant to be read ESOTERICALLY. Galatians 4:24.


HE gave everyone created in HIS image the ability to make free will choices to be perfectly holy or perfectly evil because HIS goal for our creation was the heavenly marriage of HIS holy church to His Son and no love nor any marriage is real if it does not come from a mind free to choose either option. [Leaving aside for the moment that holiness and evil are free will choices as no one programmed to choose a certain way is in fact holy or evil.]


Well-known member
No. We learn much about him in his dealings with the wicked (Ro 9:22). :popcorn:

Yes, the reason the sinful but good seed must live with the reprobate tares/goats, demons in human guise, until they give up their idolatry of them as good neighbours and family and accept GOD's plan of judgement.

Oh anyone will accept d*mning Satan but your favourite...?


Well-known member
The scripture plainly states that the heavens and the earth and EVERYTHING in them was created in six days. This includes Lucifer and the rest of the angels.

Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.​

Where have you been since then?


Well-known member
There is no hell. The words "grave," Gehenna," and "pit," do not translate as "Hell." The Hebrew word "Sheol" means "grave."

Bible Study said: examination of the usages of kever (grave) and Sheol (place of the waiting dead) reveals that Sheol cannot mean the grave. The following twenty contrasts between kever and Sheol demonstrates this point:

1. While... kavar (to bury) is used in connection with kever, it is never used in connection with Sheol. We can bury someone in a grave but we cannot bury anyone in Sheol (Gen 23:4, 6, 9, 19, 20; 49:30, 31, etc.).

2. While kever is found in its plural form 'graves' (Ex 14:11), the word Sheol is never pluralized.

3. While a grave is located at a specific site (Ex 14:11), Sheol is never localized, because it is everywhere accessible at death no matter where the death takes place. No grave is necessary in order to go to Sheol.

4. While we can purchase or sell a grave (Gen 23:4-20), Scripture never speaks of Sheol being purchased or sold.

5. While we can own a grave as personal property (Gen 23:4-20), nowhere in Scripture is Sheol owned by man.

6. While we can discriminate between graves and pick the 'choicest site (Gen 23:6), nowhere in Scripture is a 'choice' Sheol pitted against a 'poor' Sheol.

7. While we can drop a dead body into a grave (Gen 50:13), no one can drop anyone into Sheol.

8. While we can erect a monument over a grave (Gen 35:20), Sheol is never spoken of as having monuments.

9. While we can, with ease, open or close a grave (2 Kings 23:16), Sheol is never opened or closed by man.

10. While we can touch a grave (Num 19:18), no one is ever said in Scripture to touch Sheol.

11. While touching a grave brings ceremonial defilement (Num 19:16), the Scriptures never speak of anyone being defiled by Sheol.

12. While we can enter and leave a tomb or grave (2 Kings 23:16), no one is ever said to enter and then leave Sheol.

13. While we can choose the site of our own grave (Gen 23:4-9), Sheol is never spoken of a something we can pick and choose.

14. While we can remove or uncover the bodies or bones in a grave ( 2 Kings 23:16), the Scriptures never speak of man removing or uncovering anything in Sheol.

15. While we can beautify a grave with ornate carvings or pictures (Gen 35:20), Sheol is never beautified by man.

16. While graves can be robbed or defiled (Jer 8:1,2), Sheol is never spoken of as being robbed or defiled by man.

17. While a grave can be destroyed by man (Jer 8:1, 2), nowhere in Scripture is man said to be able to destroy Sheol.

18. While a grave can be full, Sheol is never full (Prov 27:20).

19. While we can see a grave, Sheol is always invisible.

20. While we can visit the graves of loved ones, nowhere in Scripture is man said to visit Sheol.

This is a small part of a much larger study of these topics.


Well-known member
I'm having a problem trying to believe in the existence of Satan for many reasons. It's like his existence logically contradicts the popular view of God being a just God.

Satan is believed to be a former high angel, who fell from heaven because he either hated Man, rebelled against God or both. Now, this world is a suffering world.. we die, there is pain, there is evil, the world is just damaged because sin entered it through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve fell into the temptation of the Serpent, so the serpent is accepted to be Satan which means his fall pre dates the Garden of Eden.

So here is the problem, if this world became what it is because of Adam and Eve sinning, then why didn't heaven get the same results if the actual first sin was done in heaven - through Satan?

There is more to this question, but i'll just start off here because every religion forum i've been to can't answer this.

God is in charge of heaven, His throne, but Adam was in charge of the earth, he had dominion on the earth

God did not sin, Adam did.



Well-known member
Satan launched his Atheist rebellion against the Fathers rule. Such a rebellion when fully chosen eventually leads to eternal death so that's worse than the death of the body.

If Satan really knew Jesus' Father he would never rebel against him. It only stands to reason that Satan thought he could actually get away with what he tried to do........and they allowed it.

These are not hard pegs to hammer into the wall...What would be interesting is what do you want to hang on them?


Well-known member
Fear and rebellion being part of the adolescent period of the conscience temporally imprisoned in Matter/Mary.

- Why did the one consciousness split into billions?
- Why did it temporarily imprison itself into Matter with its attenuating suffering?
- Why does that which is perfect and the base of all being go back to an adolescence to pretend to grow again?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I don't claim to know anything, i'm just telling you that what we were taught does not make sense at all. If you want to keep criticizing me then please answer my question as to why Heaven did not change.
Were you not the one who said, "This is the first sin MENTIONED in the Bible but when you read that verse you posted we know it isn't the first sin ever to take place. Satan simply fell because he sinned."

Didn't you say that in rejection of my postulating the notion that Lucifer's tempting of Adam and Eve was his act of rebellion, or at least the beginning of it?

Now you claim that it is merely "what we were taught" and that what we were taught doesn't make sense. Well, perhaps, to some degree I agree with that assessment. There's a very great deal about what "we were taught" that doesn't make sense and that isn't true.

The bible never suggested that Lucifer started when he tempted Adam, all verses have illustrated that he fell prior to being in the garden.

Really? Are you sure? Which verses have illustrated this?

Where did you get this answer that Satan only became evil when he tempted Adam?
I make it a practice to reject as false any idea that is not rational, what is left must be the truth.

And you should be more careful with the names. Lucifer is the name of the Arch Angel. Satan is what Lucifer is now called (i.e. after his fall from Heaven). It isn't entirely inaccurate to call Satan, Lucifer but it keeps things clearer if you make the distinction that Lucifer was good and Satan is bad.

First of all, If you are calling that question stupid and irrelevant yet thought that it's primarily about skin color then it's you who has the problem; you obviously did not want or could not understand that analogy.
I specifically asked you what skin color has to do with it. If it has something to do with it then explain it.

Skin color was not the point, and you didn't need to be told that.
Then why did you bring it up?

Remember, this is on the question on "how can we see God as a just god" with this specific theology.
Which has exactly nothing to do with a person's skin color! Why are you acting as though I'm the one who brought it up? You're the one who asked a question about a white kid, not me!

I answered your question simply with this question and the point was if it is ok to judge him or anybody (no matter what race) for the sins of his/her ancestors? You answered no.
And then you accused me of not answering the question! What are you on drugs? The whole thread is still here for all of us to read...

In response to my answering, "no", you responded...

"I never denied or spoke against people going to hell for their own faults, what are you talking about here? You made this whole block of a post quoting bible verses and none of them are really on topic to my points. "

Well, I'm talking about my answer to your question, that's what!

Since no is your answer then why is it that we are condemned for the actions of Adam and Eve when we had nothing to do with what they did in the garden?
We aren't! That's why I posted the whole chapter of Ezekiel 18! You should read it. It is specifically talking about this exact topic.

The doctrine of original sin is a lie as is the most of the rest of Augustinian theology (better known as Catholicism or Calvinism).

Condemning us for what they did is like judging another person because his ancestors did crimes.
Precisely right. Did you even bother to read even one sentence of the passage I quoted?

You can't deny that we are not condemned/cursed because of that, we are all born with mortal sin, we all commit sin, we all die and we all needed a Savior.
I most certainly can deny it! God is just and Calvinism is a lie. I side with Ezekiel, not Calvin or Augustine.

It is true that we are all born with what is called a sin nature. The bible also calls this, "the flesh" but Christ's death took care of that issue for all mankind (Romans 5). No one will be sent to Hell or punished in any way by God for any sin other than that which he himself commits. So says an entire chapter of the book of Ezekiel.

The whole existence of Satan just makes God unjust. Simply because of what i've put.

1st problem of un-just is the main question i started with: Heaven not degrading like the earth
Had the angels been permitted to stay, it would have been. God is able to preserve His own heaven.

2nd problem the fact that we -the descendants- of Adam are condemned because of what he did.
This point has been refuted. What else have you got?

3rd for God to label/kick Satan out of heaven and yet love/die for mankind when mankind without a doubt has a greater track record of evil.
How do you know this? A greater track record of evil by what standard? Where in the bible are we told this?

Where did you learn the degree to which Satan's evil reached and by what standard did you compare that level to the level of man's evil to conclude that man's is worse?

That's like me labeling a random dude who just cursed and got mad at me as a pure criminal while the other guy who killed countless people is a greater person.
You do not know what you are talking about. You have no idea what Satan did nor the height from which he fell. His tempting of Adam and Eve alone out does anything the human race is capable of! He killed an entire race and made it so that God's own Life would need to be forfeit to salvage it.

You won't get this because you, just like millions, have gotten to use to "blame it or blame a bit of it on the devil".
I don't even understand what that means!

Because of these problems-these holes, i just think it makes more sense to dismiss the existence of this Fallen Angel and accept the fact that the possibility that our negative sides/ungodliness is what satan really is. Where in the bible does it state that satan was actually an angel anyway?
You know, if you are going to call yourself a Christian and then go spouting off about how unjust God is if Satan exists, you might want to read the bible to find out whether Satan actually exists before making something up off the top of your head to satisfy your own erroneous thought process!

Guess what? You don't get to decide whether or not Satan exists. He either does or he doesn't. Your personal opinions do not effect reality, nor does whether or not you like the implications. Your duty is to the truth, not to making up your own doctrine because you don't like someone else's.

The fact is this; either Satan exists or the bible is false.

That's how painfully obvious it is that the bible treats Satan as though he were a real person. You'd have to through out Genesis, I Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Job, all three of the synoptic gospels and Revelation AT LEAST, perhaps more than that!

Rejecting the existence of Satan is simply not a rational option. If you insist on it then why bother reading the bible at all or calling yourself a Christian? Just go make something up and go with it!

OR you could understand one simple thing - contradiction do not exist! If you think you've found one, check your premises! You'll find that one of them is wrong. And this, to your credit, is basically what you've attempted, you just rejected the wrong premise and have unwhittingly thrown the baby out with the bathwater. What you got right is that God cannot be righteous (just) and act unjustly.

It is the premise of "original sin" that you need to reject, not the existence of Satan.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member

HE gave everyone created in HIS image the ability to make free will choices to be perfectly holy or perfectly evil because HIS goal for our creation was the heavenly marriage of HIS holy church to His Son and no love nor any marriage is real if it does not come from a mind free to choose either option. [Leaving aside for the moment that holiness and evil are free will choices as no one programmed to choose a certain way is in fact holy or evil.]

Experiment, Just Parody for the literal minded.

Free will is a glass half empty, Our mind under various types of influences can be controlled by them, Fear, Anger, Deception, Religion, Governments, Lust, stress, worry, emotions, ego, dependent Love, ETC...... All influence our choices in these Personas effected by such triggers, they are called good or evil yet there just tools in the Creators class room of experience.


I'm not refusing any answer it's just no logical answer has been given.. lets take a look at yours.

I may have been a bit brash there earlier, I apologize. A lot of times when there is skepticism about Satan or, in general, evil, there tends to be a looming bias already existent which can sort of make discussion futile.

Ok, i do see where you are getting at. I do find it more understandable to a degree that these angels made sins while other angels did not so heaven could not get tainted. So pasting your explanation with the response of This Charming Manc makes this discussion allot better. thanks. But this goes to the second question I asked earlier after this. How are we then sure that the rest of the Angels (Micheal) and the Saints (Mary) are still up there? It is possible for a high angel to sin after all, then why can't we think that it is the same with the other angels at this point in time.

I do give allot of gratitude to you for your response, i'm not fully sold yet on the existence or theology of Satan but I do like your answer.

The 'Beatific Vision' is important, and even central really depending on how on sees it, to this whole thing.
It's the direct communication and grace with God when a person initially reaches Paradise. It's a vision that exceeds all others- it's so 'final', that if it is rejected than it is required that the will make an equal and opposite decision which is to forever leave it and reap a very dark vision.

The difference between the saints and angels is that angels aren't human. Coupled with the fact that they were also born into grace unlike the saints, they have a very different nature.

Contrary to what people tend to think, the angels don't necessarily represent a 'hierarchy'. They are more like a 'semi-hierarchy' with simply different roles.
But Satan was nonetheless the highest which undoubtedly is in some way a factor to his fall. The Bible, particularly with Ezekiel and Isaiah, puts him on a remarkable pedestal and then crumbles it to illustrate this.

False Prophet

New member
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were really your Father, you would love me, because I came from God and now I am here. I did not come by my own authority; God sent me. 43 You don’t understand what I say, because you cannot accept my teaching. 44 You belong to your father the devil, and you want to do what he wants. He was a murderer from the beginning and was against the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he shows what he is really like, because he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I speak the truth, you don’t believe me. 46 Can any of you prove that I am guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 The person who belongs to God accepts what God says. But you don’t accept what God says, because you don’t belong to God.” john 8