ECT As many people doubt the scripture regarding speaking in tongues:


Well-known member
For those who have seen the youtube videos of people misusing and abusing the manifestation of speaking in tongues, that is what God had Paul reprove in I Corinthians 14

You are correct to be repulsed by the obscene antics of those people.

Speaking in tongues, for the vast majority of its purpose is not public, but is silent spiritual perfect prayer and praise to God within yourself.

Again, if you are repulsed by the obscene antics of what you may have seen on some youtube videos, you are right, for that is not God's doing, it is the antics of those who actually end up mocking God.

Is there any record in scripture of the apostles or other disciples doing that crazy stuff? No, there is not. Is there any record of that crazy stuff being condoned by God? Not at all. But there is clear record of God reproving those things

Paul, who understood what speaking in tongues is and its God given purposes and origin said this of speaking in tongues. I Corinthians 14:18

Who on this website has grown to the spiritual heights that the apostle Paul did?

Who here has been visited by Jesus Christ once let alone all the times that Paul had that honor bestowed upon him that are recorded in scripture? That is not to say that there may have been other times not recorded.

"I thank my God I speak in tongues more than you all." I Corinthians 14:18


Well-known member
For those who have seen the youtube videos of people misusing and abusing the manifestation of speaking in tongues

How do you know they're misusing/abusing the alleged gifts? If you met with them, and they were open to at least listening to correction, what would you tell them they're doing wrong?


Well-known member
So you do not believe speaking in tongues is genuine?

Show me someone who speaks fluently of Christ in a language he verifiably never heard before, and I'll believe it. I hear anecdotal evidence of this happening ALL THE TIME, but like claims to raising corpses to life, they never seem to be able to catch it on tape. Odd, that.

or do you have some other objection to those who do speak in tongues?
See above.

God's word clearly spends time and effort on the subject of speaking in tongues. It is there. Why do you doubt the veracity of it?
Because point above, and because 1 Cor 14:22 is never observed as the baseline rule of why "tongues" even exist (assuming they do today, which they do not).

Fear of the unknown is most likely.
Not fear. Caution. You probably won't admit it but there has been much flesh and spiritual deception among pentecostals and charismatics from the start at Asuza Street all the way up to today. To them, any apparent manifestation of "the supernatural" -- by no means limited to "tongues" -- is self-authenticating as from "God." Any who question it are sub-spiritual if not unsaved. Appeals to Scripture are often dismissed as old wine in a dusty old wineskin. That is very, very dangerous ground to tread and the longer people immerse themselves in that atmosphere, the crazier they get.

Love for God and knowledge cures fear.
God does not author confusion. Confusion has been the hallmark of pentecostalism, in all its branches, for over 100 years.


Well-known member
Show me someone who speaks fluently of Christ in a language he verifiably never heard before, and I'll believe it. I hear anecdotal evidence of this happening ALL THE TIME, but like claims to raising corpses to life, they never seem to be able to catch it on tape. Odd, that.

See above.

Because point above, and because 1 Cor 14:22 is never observed as the baseline rule of why "tongues" even exist (assuming they do today, which they do not).

Not fear. Caution. You probably won't admit it but there has been much flesh and spiritual deception among pentecostals and charismatics from the start at Asuza Street all the way up to today. To them, any apparent manifestation of "the supernatural" -- by no means limited to "tongues" -- is self-authenticating as from "God." Any who question it are sub-spiritual if not unsaved. Appeals to Scripture are often dismissed as old wine in a dusty old wineskin. That is very, very dangerous ground to tread and the longer people immerse themselves in that atmosphere, the crazier they get.

God does not author confusion. Confusion has been the hallmark of pentecostalism, in all its branches, for over 100 years.

Acts 2:11

Is not Jesus Christ's life and ministry and his selfless love to live and die for us for our redemption and salvation a wonderful work of God?

Is there a video tape of the day of Pentecost? or of Moses parting the Red Sea? or of the creation of the heaven and the earth and all the other things God did in Genesis 1 and following? or of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? or Peter raising Tabitha from the dead?

You need video to believe those things?

"Blessed are those who have not seen and believed."

I Corinthians 14:22 is a sign of what? For that matter what is the definition of unbeliever?

a. those who know enough to believe but refuse to

b. those who do not know enough to believe fully

your verse is speaking of "b".

Unless a person knows enough about speaking in tongues to believe, they will not believe.

God does not give foolish or hurtful things to His children, or anyone else for that matter. God is love.

God is always looking out to see that we receive, not just good, but what is best.

Speaking in tongues is the best solution for many of life's challenges.

If people would only care enough to want to know that.

I have to leave now.

Word based mystic

New member
being a bit new here on this site, I always thought John w was just being a bit sarcastic and having fun about some of the things He says and talks about.

John are you saying you are something special? like in 3 john seeking preeminence.

Word based mystic

New member
Show me someone who speaks fluently of Christ in a language he verifiably never heard before, and I'll believe it. I hear anecdotal evidence of this happening ALL THE TIME, but like claims to raising corpses to life, they never seem to be able to catch it on tape. Odd, that.

See above.

Because point above, and because 1 Cor 14:22 is never observed as the baseline rule of why "tongues" even exist (assuming they do today, which they do not).

Not fear. Caution. You probably won't admit it but there has been much flesh and spiritual deception among pentecostals and charismatics from the start at Asuza Street all the way up to today. To them, any apparent manifestation of "the supernatural" -- by no means limited to "tongues" -- is self-authenticating as from "God." Any who question it are sub-spiritual if not unsaved. Appeals to Scripture are often dismissed as old wine in a dusty old wineskin. That is very, very dangerous ground to tread and the longer people immerse themselves in that atmosphere, the crazier they get.

God does not author confusion. Confusion has been the hallmark of pentecostalism, in all its branches, for over 100 years.

many of the desires of atheists demand video proof of God moving.

Yet Here if someone put it on a video it would be criticized as self promoting and the like.
I would never put the subject of a prayer under the camera.
Not a loving thing, and prayer and Gods moving is very personal.

not for show. Jesus denounced the pharisees demanding He show them signs.
but yet as He went in life there was plenty. And even then the Pharisees called them from the devil.

Yes there is plenty of fleshly manifestations of spiritual gifts.
paul had to discuss this issue several times.
Yet punctuated the discussion by (commanding) that no one should forbid speaking in tongues

immaturity in anything in life is part of a babe growing in Christ. It occurs in all fellowships and mens denominations.

when i discuss gifts, miracles and the such to the young adults
I over correct the theme by continually stating.
Never be impressed with someone with charisma or gifts.

But rather always be impressed by a persons (CHARACTER and trustworthiness combined with long time relationship with the Lord and others.

Trust is the main foundation for an elder or leader.

Yet traditional denominations that are cessationists do the same thing by venerating a charismatic pastor or preacher or even self proclaimed Bishops that seek preeminence outside of a group of elders.
Thus not submitting one to another.

notice this scripture.
For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, 19in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.

fully preaching the Gospel is combining the word with power.
all throughout acts and the gospels you will see a pattern.

preaching accompanied with power to verify and validate what was preached.

Word based mystic

New member
over 20 years our fellowship and the missionaries that go to the indigenous groups have found that there is little to no respect if preaching is without power.

their shamans and witches have power,
and if demons cant be cast our or the sick healed
they consider their old religion as more powerful.

I have seen some of the most stunning power miracles and even translation (tongues) when going to a people group that has never heard the gospel.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It may surprise you to know that Jesus Christ, not you, is the head of the body

Oh. That's a stunner. Please teach me/us...Please?

You missed it. Members of the boc, in contrast to lost people, such as yourself, have power, authority.

Jesus Christ is lord, not you

Ssssssssssssss.....hisses oatmush....

It's the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ rejector.

In the meantime, you should...

In the meantime, you should get saved. Then, I will recognize you.

So there.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
being a bit new here on this site, I always thought John w was just being a bit sarcastic and having fun about some of the things He says and talks about.

John are you saying you are something special? like in 3 john seeking preeminence.

"Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me."-Don John W

Word based mystic

New member
"Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me."-Don John W

i don't watch sesamee street anymore

what should i ask them?

are you one of the 2 witnesses?

are you preeminent?

are you above the submitting one to another?

Are you sarcastic or just a joker?

I am relatively new so I ask you.

so how do you define who is in the BOC.

i am guessing you don't prevaricate. hmmm maybe..

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
i don't watch sesamee street anymore

what should i ask them?

are you one of the 2 witnesses?

are you preeminent?

are you above the submitting one to another?

Are you sarcastic or just a joker?

I am relatively new so I ask you.

so how do you define who is in the BOC.

i am guessing you don't prevaricate. hmmm maybe..

You're beginning to bore me already.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
They don't call 'em saint john w the great, and Big Barn the Great, for nothing.

That's right, Mayor. And you don't have a party in my honor, with "Necatarine Crunch" being served, and all them rabble rousers, visiting my site, for nothin'. You ain't talkin' to a jerk, ya know.

Wonder what causes that?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
1 Corinthians 14

22 Therefore tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe.

Acts 2

8 And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.”

Take a seat, oatmeal and CR.


New member
1 Corinthians 14

22 Therefore tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophesying is not for unbelievers but for those who believe.

Acts 2

8 And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? 9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.”

Take a seat, oatmeal and CR.

It's a negative sign to unbelievers because they can't understand foreign tongues, which is why Paul explained not to do it.

"If an unbeliever comes in, they'll think ........".