If you do not believe God has given one gift then you do not believe in any of them.
Historically He gave them all and for a specific reason. Once the reason was performed then there was no further need.
If you do not believe God has given one gift then you do not believe in any of them.
Historically He gave them all and for a specific reason. Once the reason was performed then there was no further need.
Read Acts
of course, that's why I can't judge, all things are possible for those that believe Pilippians 4:13 KJV - anyone can play the "card" - YOU DON"T BELIEVE - that's not what scripture says about the gifts (see DAN P posts) so i have reason to doubt and question. i certainly wouldn't base my faith on the gift of 'tongues', especially since it goes against scripture -atrol:
See Oatmeal... I've belonged to a COG Pentecostal Church, really good country folk. I never spoke in tongues, never even tried, but found it rather amusing at the time. A simple rural church, dude staggered the streets Saturday night, and spoke in tongues fluently the next morning, I've heard plenty. He was quite skilled at it... even interpreting from time to time. Preacher knew it, we all did in that small town, but no one would say anything to the dude... everyone was sorta spiritually subdued submitting to an event they all subscribed to, rather interesting phenomenon. No one could challenge the dude without challenging the basis for the church. I later frequented a Pentecostal mega-church, one you might even have heard of.
So, tell you what, Oatmeal... Let's say I provide an audio-visual event of a person speaking in tongues in your church, and pause the recorded event before translation. Then, I will provide that cropped tongues aspect of the event to ten of your best-known interpreters, and independently ask their interpretation. I'd be willing to bet a hundred dollars to one that the tongues message will have ten deferent interpretations. And, that's not lack of faith on my part, that's lack of edification on yours. "Hock-uh-muh... Hock-uh-muh Hock-uh-muh Psalm...bia!" Can you interpret that one? First time I ever heard anyone speak in tongues visiting a church with a teenage friend, 'slain in the spirit' as I've heard it called.
Sure Paul referred to himself speaking in tongues found in 1Corinthians 4:15 KJV. Paul spoke in tongues in Romans 9:6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I don't suppose you can tell me specifically who Paul was referring to when he said, "For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel." Try interpreting that tongues message from Paul. I've heard these verses mentioned several times on TOL, and in churches, typically casting guilt trips on SINNERS!... who was Paul specifically referring to? Now, I know you profess the embodiment of the Holy Ghost, but please toss in a Scriptural coordinate or two for support, just to help me overcome my unrelenting doubt that tongue speakers have exclusive rights space-docking with Almighty God. I proffer Paul was speaking in tongues... and, you're speaking something different, altogether... not edification, but exaltation.
There's only one instance where people spoke in a foreign language.
I think you would find it an impossible task to locate a post where I claimed to be a "Pentecostal"
Show me the post where I state, "I am a Pentecostal" or some other such claim.
I do speak in tongues, but a Pentecostal, no.
How do you define the unscriptural term, "Pentecostal"?
My interest is to speak in tongues because the apostles did it. They were decent and in order, there was no confusion except among the unbelievers who mocked them on the day of Pentecost.
How do you define the unscriptural term, "Pentecostal"?
It all boils down to what you're expecting based on what scripture says about it. Your own opinions about what you've experienced are worthless.
There are times when I've questioned a tongue and interpretation, but not the legitimacy of the gift from a scriptural perspective.
What are you talking about?
I speak in tongues as instructed in scripture.
No, as commanded in scripture. I Corinthians 14:5
Get with the program!
Raise the dead, drink anti freeze, and tells about it,
Otis Campbell, the Great, could do it.
Where is the certainty of truth in this "story?" People
tell tales all the time! Watch Benny Hinn on You-Tube
you'll see a lot of, "telling tales!"
A few years back, Benny Hinn made a bunch of "predictions" (prophesies)
He said Fidel Castro would be dead within the 1990s. (wrong) He said
that, the homosexual community would be destroyed in the 1990s (Wrong)
He prophesied that the TV station "TBN" would become part of, Heaven on
earth. That way people would only need to watch TBN and see what Heaven
was like! (wrong again) Benny Hinn and his ilk claim all kinds of miracles,
etc, that doesn't mean those "miracles" are true! Those guys are "Scamsters"
at best, and disillusioned at worst!
Lots of opinion but topics like this thread, very little scripture
There's a plethora of Charlatans out there today!
A modern day Simon the sorcerer, of sorts. I suspected as much by your many attempts at promoting your falseness.
Thanks for confirming the obvious.
Speaking only for myself, I didn't say you claimed to be a Pentecostal. I said you are pentecostal.
You claim to be pentecostal, you do it.
"I speak in tongues as instructed in scripture."-you
Shuck your translators, then.
I thought so. Fraud.
Raise the dead, drink anti freeze, and tells about it, "as instructed in scripture," "all scripture is written specifically to me, is about me, is for my obedience, and is applicable for all time" charlatan.
Watch the dodge ball, spin, deceitful response, as usual...Watch...