toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?


Well-known member
Free health care for everyone! (except the people who have to pay for it).

So you're talking about like it was before the ACA was passed. Yup it was pretty bad to have people getting healthcare for free by showing up to hospitals. At least now they'll be asked to pay for it ahead of time.


Well-known member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 7th, 2012 12:16 AM

toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?

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Depends on what believers do. Will they believe God's word? or enslave themselves to the Pharaoh Obama?


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Health care for all will be realized.

Is that what you called it when the world came to America when they had "free healthcare"? Moron...

After a brief uptick in healthcare costs, the cost will come down a bit and be relatively stable.


Christianity will slowly subside.

No, but you will go to hell. :)


New member
So you're talking about like it was before the ACA was passed. Yup it was pretty bad to have people getting healthcare for free by showing up to hospitals. At least now they'll be asked to pay for it ahead of time.

Nobody gets free healthcare! Someone is paying for it.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I would be opposed to that too, for government healthcare to work those paying for it should get it too.

Any socialised healthcare system should be universal. If not it is grossly unfair and I understand the objection.

If possible all should contribute something, if possible all should receive something

Free health care for everyone! (except the people who have to pay for it).

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
The conservative vision is decaying in a way I wouldn't describe as "gradual".

You win. You liberals did it, you killed America. Welcome to the other side. But when this "Europe" crashes it aint gonna be pretty.
It was (and is) the US economy that allowed the Europeans to get fully invested in their current financial mess. If our economy models theirs, "ain't gonna be pretty" will join the list of euphemisms.

Just to be scary about it all, Obama, the Dems, and some Repubs plus Libertarians are advocating huge cuts in defense spending while the Russians, Chinese and Iranians are plowing big money into their military budgets.

The grand upshot of this, back in the 1930s, ended with "Yesterday, December 7th, a day which will live in infamy ..."

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
So you're talking about like it was before the ACA was passed. Yup it was pretty bad to have people getting healthcare for free by showing up to hospitals. At least now they'll be asked to pay for it ahead of time.
How? If they didn't have any money to pay for healthcare before ACA, what makes you think they will have the money to pay for it under ACA?


Well-known member
Only in America can a president get re-elected who wants the bureaucrats who can’t run the Post Office to micromanage the administration of every American’s health care.


Well-known member
Hey guys, just want to show you this fascinating map. It takes all that Red to Pay for the Blue

This is a county by county map not a popular vote map.


The Barbarian

That would make a lot more sense, if blue states were getting more federal handouts than the red states.

But they aren't. In fact, the reverse is true.

This gap between political perception and fiscal reality is also reflected in the distribution of tax dollars at the state level: Most politically "red" states are financially in the red when it comes to how much money they receive from Washington compared with what their residents pay in taxes.


New member
Hall of Fame
Can't tell if it's cynicism or its own kind of nose-cutting wishful thinking but people who are saying this election just "killed America" are a special kind of obnoxious.


"His [Romney's] numbers looked a lot like McCains."
Romney didn't even get the turn out that John McCain did in '08. Think the RePublicans :cigar: will nominate another child-killing, antichrist:reals: (2 Pe 2:1, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) in 2016?

[Joel Rosenberg article: "...Considering all the data, is the implosion of America more or less likely today, and will the Church in America wake up and repent and call the nation back to Christ before it's too late?"] "Back? What was the last decade where you think we were something more than a nation of struggle toward an idea with serious character flaws?"
I believe he is referring to the founding of our country. :plain: The rest of the article gets better. He's calling for revival.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Romney didn't even get the turn out that John McCain did in '08.
He mostly did, falling two million short with around 57 to McCain's 59 and it might be closer now, but the President's turnout was the real story, dropping by around nine million.

Think the RePublicans :cigar: will nominate another child-killing, 2016?
I think that it's likely that whoever gets the nomination will agree on exceptions.

I believe he is referring to the founding of our country. :plain: The rest of the article gets better. He's calling for revival.
Then he has a tremendous moral problem or an incomplete understanding of our slave trade.



Well-known member

Obama Won. Now What Will You Do?

by Gary North
Tea Party Economist

If your answer is “not much,” then the election was peripheral. It really did not matter.

My suggestion: never take seriously the pre-election hype in any future election. Don’t watch the polls; watch Intrade betting. Don’t post comments on Facebook except to show your amusement at all the hype.

On the other hand, if your plan now is to prepare for a collapse, then you were right to be concerned. You are now going to put your money – most of your liquid capital – where your mouth was. You are consistent.

If you are somewhere in the middle, you are like the polls: “within the statistical margin of error.”

I will make no changes in my life based on Obama’s victory. That is because he is boxed in.The House is solidly Republican. The Senate Democrats cannot get a 60-vote majority to shut off a filibuster.

Washington is headed for gridlock. This is good. This is not a dysfunctional government. A dysfunctional government passes lots of laws. The laws are almost always bad laws. Then the federal bureaucracy interprets and implements these laws in the Federal Register. What little that might have been good gets bad. A gridlocked government is the best we can hope for. That was true last year, too. It was true in 1955. It was true especially in 1913.

If my assessment is accurate, then the election of 2012 was not “the election of the last century.” The election of 1964 was important, and it was a rout for Goldwater. The most important election since 1896 was in 1904. Who can recall the name of the Democrat who lost – the last “Clevelandite,” meaning the end of the Old Democracy? That defeat changed America as no election ever since did. That election gave us Wilson, Roosevelt, and Johnson.

The day after a Presidential election is like the day after the Superbowl. The hype is over. Life goes on as before for most people.

My suggestion: start making major changes in your life’s plan. Make them in terms of reality: the unfunded present value of future federal liabilities: $222 trillion.

Great assessment by Gary North. Just be prepared for what's coming.


Well-known member
Hey guys, just want to show you this fascinating map. It takes all that Red to Pay for the Blue

This is a county by county map not a popular vote map.

Except it doesn't reflect population at all.

This one is from 2008 but it's distorted based on population


Population centers tend to vote democratic. It's rural voters that vote Republican and the rural population has been declining.


Well-known member
Nobody gets free healthcare! Someone is paying for it.

No kidding. But currently we all pay for deadbeats who go to the hospital, run up huge bills and then can't pay them. The ACA/Obamacare will force people to buy insurance ahead of time so that those that can pay into the system while they are well, do so rather than showing up to the ER, crashing and burning and dumping the cost over what they can afford on the rest of us that have insurance.

It's the free rider problem. Even Mitt Romney understood/stands it.

The Free Rider Problem

Alas the Massachusett's plan is actually better on collecting revenue from deadbeats than the ACA, but ya'll objected to that part of the bill. :doh: