:idunno: I don't know. How are similar situations handled? For example, if a black judge is hearing a case involving a KKK member are they supposed to remove themselves from the case because of a conflict of interest?1. Not only will they not care, but if they're anything like me, they'll be cheering for him while he does it. There's not an hispanic or a muslim alive who should be presiding over the Trump case. Clear conflict of interest.
Normally, I think, conflict of interests are based on something more tangible than not liking someone's particular ideology or politics or religion. A lot of people have been saying that Trump's comments are the textbook definition of racism and I don't think I'd fully agree with that, but I also don't think Trump has that much to stand on.
2. What he needs to win is patently clear to everyone: he needs to get more electoral votes than the other candidates.
What I meant is, and I think you are smart enough to know, can Trump win based on his base? I imagine not so it comes down to other segments of the voting population. So your comments about his base not caring don't matter much.
Will be interesting to see how things go.One predictor of this is popular polls. Clinton currently has the advantage, but not by much. And if trends thus far are any indicator, she won't have it for long.