toldailytopic: What will 4 more years of Obama mean for this country?

Nathon Detroit

Told us what?? What does that mean?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
This is what doesn't happen. Presidents don't get re-elected with 8% unemployment. He is about 20%. They don't get re-elected when less than 50% approve of his performance. We are halfway through the door to hell already.


We are halfway through the door to hell already.

Isn't that what is supposed to happen for your dispensational eschatology to play out?

Isn't everything supposed to get really really bad for the "rapture" to happen?

Aren't all the nations on earth supposed to oppose Israel so your "anti-christ" can appear?

I would have thought that you would have been really happy that Obama won yesterday.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The dow is. :smokie:

Funny you posted this SD, I am working nights this week and was watching the returns, I saw the market tanking before it happened and I moved all my investments into a stable fund before this mornings market opening as did my co-workers. I am glad I did, it's tanking as we expected. Didn't need Dionne Warwick or Miss Cleo to see this one coming.


Well-known member
Isn't that what is supposed to happen for your dispensational eschatology to play out?

Isn't everything supposed to get really really bad for the "rapture" to happen?

Aren't all the nations on earth supposed to oppose Israel so your "anti-christ" can appear?

I would have thought that you would have been really happy that Obama won yesterday.

Oh Tet, showing some ignorance today huh? :carryon:

The Barbarian

This morning:
Markets have reacted to President Obama’s election victory by selling the safe-haven dollar against most other currencies as foreign exchange investors bet on racier alternatives linked to economic growth. Stocks are mostly higher.

My expectation would be the market to have gone up a bit if Romney had won, and down a bit for an Obama victory, but neither would be very long-lived. The real issue is the fiscal cliff, and how that will play out. So probably no big thing either way.


Well-known member
This morning:
Markets have reacted to President Obama’s election victory by selling the safe-haven dollar against most other currencies as foreign exchange investors bet on racier alternatives linked to economic growth. Stocks are mostly higher.

My expectation would be the market to have gone up a bit if Romney had won, and down a bit for an Obama victory, but neither would be very long-lived. The real issue is the fiscal cliff, and how that will play out. So probably no big thing either way.

Still down 300

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Explain what's wrong with his assessment of pre-trib dispensationalism...

Kingdoms are conditional. I will excuse your ignorance compared to his retardation. You just didn't know.


Well-known member
Gee, so it's not skyrocketing the day after an election?:rolleyes:

I mean come on, doc.

Come on, what? I was just mentioning it was down 300.

But if you want to discuss brass tacks, we are in the middle of a recovery so called at the hands of America's favorite son, Barack Obama. One would think that the markets would be more favorable to his reelection.

Nathon Detroit

Isn't that what is supposed to happen for your dispensational eschatology to play out?

Isn't everything supposed to get really really bad for the "rapture" to happen?

Aren't all the nations on earth supposed to oppose Israel so your "anti-christ" can appear?

I would have thought that you would have been really happy that Obama won yesterday.
None of that is accurate. In this dispensation there would be no sign of anything in any way whatsoever that would be a precursor to the end of the dispensation.

I thought you at least had some knowledge on this topic. No?


New member
Hall of Fame
Come on, what? I was just mentioning it was down 300.

But if you want to discuss brass tacks, we are in the middle of a recovery so called at the hands of America's favorite son, Barack Obama. One would think that the markets would be more favorable to his reelection.

Immediately? That's asking too much and you know it.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not asking for it to skyrocket. Or even massively fall like it has.

It's going to stabilize, but the immediate aftermath of an election is going to be uncertain. I'd say that's unsurprising.

Is there anything you guys haven't or won't blame him for, by any chance? Gets re-elected and the Dow is jumpy; his fault. A hurricane showed up and he did his job; no fair. On. And on. And on.

Junius Gallio

New member
Is there anything you guys haven't or won't blame him for, by any chance? Gets re-elected and the Dow is jumpy; his fault. A hurricane showed up and he did his job; no fair. On. And on. And on.

And if the Dow had gone up, the accusation would either be "He's in cahoots with Wall Street" or "He's cooking the numbers so he looks good."


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The fact is the market does react immediately to all events worldwide, a 2.25% plunge the morning after a presidential election does tell us what investors are thinking of as it relates to who was elected and what the financial climate will prospectively be like. I would say until the fiscal cliff question is answered we will see the markets hunkering down in anticipation of a rough ride. Heck, being I work in aerospace/defense I may be looking at a layoff on Jan. 1st they have sent everyone in the company a memorandum of possible layoffs, I just don't know, and neither do investors know what faces this country in the coming months.