Are you suggesting heralding the "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" as the cure for alleviating hate, or bringing some kind of ultimate justice? See how Jesus treated this principle with a newer more non-violent way. - he taught forgiveness, love....transcending the old 'eye for an eye' concept.
All souls ultimately reap what they sow,...there is justice in the universe, although it might not be manifested or resolved immediately - the universal laws are exact,...measure for measure. However, Love absolves all...and is the ever effectual atonement for all sin.
Thats the writer of the book's perspective, from his observations. Such would depend on the situational context, morals and ethics pertaining. Only as a last resort in self-defense is such really justified. Otherwise all means ought be employed before any bodily harm or the destruction of life occurs.
No matter,...killing a person does not bring the murdered one back or somehow "fix" the situation, neither does such an act of
brutality necessarily help, reform or rehabilitate the criminal - so, does murdering a person do any justice? - it actually perpetuates killing! - more transgressing of the law, more SIN. Its insane really. Could this be why Jesus was against the "eye for an eye" concept? Ahhhhhhhh :idea:
In this way, I'm leaning more towards a view of non-support of capitol punishment (which could be seen as a gesture of hate, and "eye for an eye", "you hurt me, now I'm gonna get you back!" mentality. -which is really self-serving...not self-transcending)

See my blog entry -
Thoughts on the death penalty.
Also for a more rivetting commentary against senseless vindictive killing see Billy Meiers treatement on this
Food for thought. Someone has to step up with a voice of reason and stop the KILLING. - oh, as a side-salad......while on the topic of 'hate',....even if there is no hate involved with enforcing one's sense of justice, is to evaluate the ultimate value, good and effectiveness of any so called punishment or 'justice' to the good of all involved. Hate only perpetuates more hate, while love perpetuates love.
Each human being is responsible for their choices and practice. You and I contribute to the suffering and destruction of life OR its support, enhancement and facilitation, as every soul is of value and has the potential to change and become a better more healthy, sane, productive individual...worthy of happiness and to live out their lives in peace. This is the heritage of every soul.