toldailytopic: Is it wrong to hate?

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Ask Mr. Religion

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Does God hate the wicked?
Define Godly "hate".

Hopefully you will end up with something like:

A withholding by His own purposes, of His preferences or favor towards the sinner, thereby leaving the sinner to his onward and rebellious march towards Hell undisturbed.

Words like "hate" and "love" carry quite a bit of human baggage, wherein we humans are given over to passions, such as "I hate his guts". See here for more to contemplate.



Well-known member
He sent Him to die for those He hated, because He loved them so much. And yet He does not forgive those who do not repent. So what makes you different than God that you can forgive them?
I am not God. I am not holy, I cannot righteously hold anyone accountable for their actions because I am as much a sinner as they are! I wouldn't sacrifice something so precious as offspring for them.

His dying for them was not His forgiving them. And how does the fact that God is love mean He forgives those who do not repent? That's just asinine.
I didn't say he forgives those who do not repent but He is offering salvation and forgiveness to those that have not repented. And its not the repenting that saves them, it is the acceptance of the gift of God. Repentance is evidence they've understood.

And I don't hope for their salvation?
I didn't say you didn't but if you HATE them in the human sense, how can you?

First off, who said anything about holding grudges?
Not forgiving someone that has wronged you is holding a grudge.

And if you forgive someone if they don't already understand they did wrong how are they supposed to understand it? How are they supposed to understand that what they have done is bad?
Obviously you'd explain to them why it was wrong. You really have some whacked out concept of forgiveness too. But there are some that will refuse to accept that they were wrong. They are blinded to their own sin. Is it right for me to maintain anger and hatred towards this person? If I maintain hatred it is MY spirit that will be damaged. Hate is not a fruit of the spirit.

they must first understand they have done wrong before you forgive them. And if they truly understand that they they repent. How do you know they understand if they do not repent?
Some may recognize what they did as evil but simply not care. Not everyone is going to repent. You're not living in the real world if you think that.

And? You think this makes a difference? We have been commanded to forgive those who repent. Where are we given the freedom to forgive those who do not?
Hello! Do good to those that hate and persecute you? Do you think I can do that if I haven't forgiven them and still HATE them?

How does one get right with God?
Receive God's gift of forgiveness and repent.
And why don't they need to make it right with you to receive your forgiveness?
Because, as a human being, hate destroys me. As an imperfect human being I can't ask perfection of another. God's ways are not our ways. We can't do things "because God does them". That's faulty logic. God isn't a sinful creature of flesh and blood as we are. Christ IS God in human flesh, therefore we follow HIS example of a perfect human life. Where does Christ say that he hates the evildoers?

I've already answered this one. They truly believed they were executing a guilty man. They had no reason to repent.
you don't think if they treated even a guilty man that way they would have to repent? Secondly, even if you commit a sin unaware, you are not innocent of that sin. They would still need to repent.

They had faith, meaning they were repentant.
That's funny, I don't know any verses that say faith=repentance. Its highly unlikely he understood the full extent of his sins when Jesus said what he did.

If we have not done all that is within our power to keep them from going then we have let them go. I never said we sent them there, I only said we let them go. Just as if we do not stop our children from running out into the street.
YOU can't STOP them! You give them the gospel, its God's work to bring them the rest of the way.

So David, a man after God's own heart, shouldn't be taken literally? You're an idiot.
You mean the guy that repeatedly lied, committed adultery and murder? He's just as flawed as the rest of us, and I think he's giving his opinion in that Psalm. Plus it isn't MEANT to be a detailed explanation of doctrine. Its poetry and you should respect that genre.

All forgiveness should come with repentance.
We would hope. But sometimes the forgiveness comes first and sparks repentance. I repay their evil actions with good that I heap burning coals on their heads that may bring them to repentance. If you simply hate them, why would they see you as any different than any other evildoer?

Oh yeah. I took drama in high school and there was a lot of talk about both, I got them mixed up. I don't like musicals.
Les Miserables does come in a musical form, but the movie version isn't a musical. Stop complaining and just go watch the thing. ;)


New member
You actually asked me several questions, but you chose the one you must have thought you could make hay with and are curiously silent on the others, which provided context for the one you took up. Ah, well.

If you want to classify a description of the passion as cute and meaningless, that's your call.

Not at all. You're simply ignoring my earlier writing on point. But if you want a scripture off...:plain: 1 John 4:8; Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:7-11; John 3:16...I'm sure we could both keep setting out examples of God's attitude toward evil and men who entertain it, but only one of us appears to miss the fact that God in His righteousness must hate what God in His love extends mercy and grace to redeem through the sacrifice of Christ. I am not God and so, rather than spend myself in an imperfect attempt at hatred I concentrate myself in gratitude toward as perfect an expression of love as I am capable.

I get that you're feeling righteous. I touched on that. I'm not arguing with God or His practice; I'm arguing with you over yours.

So, you tell me I'm the sort of Christian who misleads others...that I must be ignoring God...and I'm the one with a temperamental difficulty? :D As in so much, you assume what you will within the context you need to make the point you came to the moment I failed to nod my head in agreement.

:rolleyes: Oh, you've done a great deal more than that...and the devil himself can quote scripture....and no, Tom, I don't think you're the devil.

Town Heretic,

You quoted the Sermon on the Mount, which most do, and specifically Mat. 5:44. I will asnwer and show you that the Sermon on the Mount can't be used as an argument and that most Christians have a misunderstanding of what Jesus taught.

But first:

You can't separate sin from the sinner: "As a man thinks in his heart, SO IS HE" (Prov. 23:7)

"God HATES all WORKERS of iniquity" (Ps. 5:5).

"The Lord ABHORS the bloodthirsty and deceitful MAN" (Ps. 5:6).

"The WICKED and the ONE WHO loves violence [God] HATES" (Ps. 11:5).

"The face of the LORD is AGAINST THOSE WHO do evil" (Ps. 34:16).


"The LORD HATES a HEART that devises wicked plans, a FASLE WITNESS, ONE WHO sows discord among the brethren" (Prov. 6:16-19).

God reminds us, "All wickedness is in Gilgal, for there I HATED THEM. Because of the evil of THEIR DEEDS I will drive them from My house; I will LOVE THEM NO MORE" (Ho. 9:13).

And Moses wrote of God: "If you do not obey ME, MY SOUL shall ABHOR YOU" (Lev. 26:27-30).

Then there is hypocritical love: God warns, "Should you LOVE THOSE WHO HATE the LORD? Therefore the WRATH of the LORD is upon YOU" (2 Chr. 19:2)

Paul also warns of hypocritical love: "Let your LOVE be without hypocracy. ABHOR what is EVIL..." (Rom. 12:9).

Now, I've made it easy for you. In light of the above passages (I can give more), can you admit that God HATES wicked humans? I'll make it easier--multiple choice even:

A. Yes.
B. No.
C. I rather not answer.

I really want you to answer!

I pray that Knight leaves his up for an extra day?

I have an appointment this morning. This afternoon I will show you your misunderstanding of the Sermon on the Mount.

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX

Nathon Detroit

Town Heretic,

You quoted the Sermon on the Mount, which most do, and specifically Mat. 5:44. I will asnwer and show you that the Sermon on the Mount can't be used as an argument and that most Christians have a misunderstanding of what Jesus taught.

But first:

You can't separate sin from the sinner: "As a man thinks in his heart, SO IS HE" (Prov. 23:7)

"God HATES all WORKERS of iniquity" (Ps. 5:5).

"The Lord ABHORS the bloodthirsty and deceitful MAN" (Ps. 5:6).

"The WICKED and the ONE WHO loves violence [God] HATES" (Ps. 11:5).

"The face of the LORD is AGAINST THOSE WHO do evil" (Ps. 34:16).


"The LORD HATES a HEART that devises wicked plans, a FASLE WITNESS, ONE WHO sows discord among the brethren" (Prov. 6:16-19).

God reminds us, "All wickedness is in Gilgal, for there I HATED THEM. Because of the evil of THEIR DEEDS I will drive them from My house; I will LOVE THEM NO MORE" (Ho. 9:13).

And Moses wrote of God: "If you do not obey ME, MY SOUL shall ABHOR YOU" (Lev. 26:27-30).

Then there is hypocritical love: God warns, "Should you LOVE THOSE WHO HATE the LORD? Therefore the WRATH of the LORD is upon YOU" (2 Chr. 19:2)

Paul also warns of hypocritical love: "Let your LOVE be without hypocracy. ABHOR what is EVIL..." (Rom. 12:9).

Now, I've made it easy for you. In light of the above passages (I can give more), can you admit that God HATES wicked humans? I'll make it easier--multiple choice even:

A. Yes.
B. No.
C. I rather not answer.

I really want you to answer!

I pray that Knight leaves his up for an extra day?

I have an appointment this morning. This afternoon I will show you your misunderstanding of the Sermon on the Mount.

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX
Fantastic post!

:first: POTD

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Fantastic post!

:first: POTD
And it would be positively devastating to someone attempting to suggest that God doesn't hate sin or those who practice it. Maybe someone should help him find that person so he can feel really, really good about the whole judgment song and dance he apparently derives a great deal of satisfaction from.

The debt Christ forgave me fills me with gratitude and the desire to forgive and to by word and example steer others to that same grace. There is no scripture that rejects this and the cross upholds it, as we were ALL condemned by the law and yet God loved us and set his example in the sacrifice of Christ. Tom was wrong in his attack on that grandmother. He remains so.

I would rather speak of what men should embrace than what they should reject, what they should run toward than what they should flee, but to do one is not to deny the other...cannot reasonably be seen as such, in fact.

But not all men are reasoned or reasonable. :e4e:


The Dark Knight
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I am not God. I am not holy, I cannot righteously hold anyone accountable for their actions because I am as much a sinner as they are! I wouldn't sacrifice something so precious as offspring for them.
You can forgive them but you can't hold them accountable? What makes the difference? I say you can't do either, except to the extent that God has delegated to you to do.

I didn't say he forgives those who do not repent but He is offering salvation and forgiveness to those that have not repented. And its not the repenting that saves them, it is the acceptance of the gift of God. Repentance is evidence they've understood.
I'm willing to forgive those who have not repented, if they repent. Same as He is.

I didn't say you didn't but if you HATE them in the human sense, how can you?
Who said anything about hating in the human sense? As David wrote in Psalm 139, "I hate them with perfect hatred." That is not of the flesh, it is from God. For there is nothing perfect of the flesh, only that which is of God is perfect. Perfect love and perfect hate go hand in hand.

Not forgiving someone that has wronged you is holding a grudge.
No it isn't. Letting it go for yourself is not the same as forgiving them.:nono:

Obviously you'd explain to them why it was wrong. You really have some whacked out concept of forgiveness too. But there are some that will refuse to accept that they were wrong. They are blinded to their own sin. Is it right for me to maintain anger and hatred towards this person? If I maintain hatred it is MY spirit that will be damaged. Hate is not a fruit of the spirit.
You don't know what forgiveness or hate, either one, are. If you do not abhor [hate] that which is evil then your love is hypocritical. [Romans 12:9]

Some may recognize what they did as evil but simply not care. Not everyone is going to repent. You're not living in the real world if you think that.
I never thought all would repent. But if I want to do my best to lead them to it I cannot forgive them while they have yet to do so.

Hello! Do good to those that hate and persecute you? Do you think I can do that if I haven't forgiven them and still HATE them?
You think it's good to forgive people while they remain in wickedness? Would it be good to let your children disrespect you and just forgive them without them changing their mind?

Receive God's gift of forgiveness and repent.
There is no getting right with God. The only chance we have is if He makes us right. Which He has promised to do if we accept it.

Because, as a human being, hate destroys me. As an imperfect human being I can't ask perfection of another. God's ways are not our ways. We can't do things "because God does them". That's faulty logic. God isn't a sinful creature of flesh and blood as we are. Christ IS God in human flesh, therefore we follow HIS example of a perfect human life. Where does Christ say that he hates the evildoers?
Is Christ God?

And, again, we're not talking about the same hate you are.

you don't think if they treated even a guilty man that way they would have to repent? Secondly, even if you commit a sin unaware, you are not innocent of that sin. They would still need to repent.
First off, those of whom He spoke did nothing wrong in their treatment of one guilty of those things which He was accused. Even though they were not doing them because God commanded them, they were still doing what God commanded in that regard.

Secondly, what makes it a sin? If they believed Him to be guilty where is the sin?

That's funny, I don't know any verses that say faith=repentance. Its highly unlikely he understood the full extent of his sins when Jesus said what he did.
I never said faith=repentance. I said that fact that they had faith shows that they were repentant. You don't come in faith unless you are repentant.

YOU can't STOP them! You give them the gospel, its God's work to bring them the rest of the way.
When have I ever said otherwise?

You mean the guy that repeatedly lied, committed adultery and murder? He's just as flawed as the rest of us, and I think he's giving his opinion in that Psalm. Plus it isn't MEANT to be a detailed explanation of doctrine. Its poetry and you should respect that genre.
As a poet I know what poetry is. And poetry can be made from truth. Not to mention, Psalms is not the only book that states God hates evil/wicked people. See Tom's post to Town Heretic that Knight gave POTD.

We would hope. But sometimes the forgiveness comes first and sparks repentance. I repay their evil actions with good that I heap burning coals on their heads that may bring them to repentance. If you simply hate them, why would they see you as any different than any other evildoer?
No one ever said anything about repaying evil for evil. We all know that would be evil. Nor did we say we simply hate them. We hate them with perfect hatred because we love them with perfect love.

It is good to punish evil, and to do that we must punish the ones who practice evil. That is the good with which we repay. For it is that good that shows them they are in the wrong. And it shows them just how evil they are. It gives them a reason to repent. For if we simply forgive them then how do they ever learn that they are evil and therefore need to stop doing evil things? If you're just going to keep forgiving them, why should they do anything different?

Les Miserables does come in a musical form, but the movie version isn't a musical. Stop complaining and just go watch the thing. ;)

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Yes... back to the Father... where you tell him about your feelings and ask Him to work in you to let go of the anger...

So you won't be the one in heaven who says "When will you avenge me?" to God? Hate is more than just an emotion. It is action. And you should hate evil. He does.


New member
So you won't be the one in heaven who says "When will you avenge me?" to God? Hate is more than just an emotion. It is action. And you should hate evil. He does.

Hate is an emotion.

Oxford English Dictionary said:
1. trans. To hold in very strong dislike; to detest; to bear malice to. The opposite of to love. 2. To dislike greatly, be extremely averse,


New member
So you won't be the one in heaven who says "When will you avenge me?" to God? Hate is more than just an emotion. It is action. And you should hate evil. He does.

Interesting that you bring that up. That's the one phrase / illustration in Christian literature I can't find an interpretation of that is consistant with Christ's commandments, nor with history. Christians are called to love our enemies and care for others. From what I've read about the martyrs in Roman times, they went down praying for their persecutors, not threatening vengence. That's one of hte reasons the persecution ended eventually, it was boring to watch praying people get slaughtered.


Well-known member
So we should trust the dictionary over the Bible on the definition of hate from a Biblical standpoint? You're an idiot.

Where is hate DEFINED in the Bible? I think the main problem here is you have invented some wacky definition of "hate" instead of accepting "God's hatred" as an anthropomorphism that doesn't necessarily mirror human hatred or tell US to hate.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Where is hate DEFINED in the Bible? I think the main problem here is you have invented some wacky definition of "hate" instead of accepting "God's hatred" as an anthropomorphism that doesn't necessarily mirror human hatred or tell US to hate.
Anthropomorphism? First off, anthropomorphisms are physical traits. Hate is not a physical trait. And I see no reason to even consider the Bible to be anything other than literal when it says God hates. Next thing you know you'll be telling us God doesn't love us either.


New member
So we should trust the dictionary over the Bible on the definition of hate from a Biblical standpoint? You're an idiot.

The Bible is written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. 'Hate' is an English word. The meanings of English words are defined by the dictionary. If you think the Bible wants you to pursue a course of action based on hatred, that's fine, but don't say 'hate', because that's not what the word means.


New member
The Bible is written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. 'Hate' is an English word. The meanings of English words are defined by the dictionary. If you think the Bible wants you to pursue a course of action based on hatred, that's fine, but don't say 'hate', because that's not what the word means.
What words are you referring to please, so I can look them up in the Lexicons?

PRETTY PLEASE?!? :angel:


New member
What words are you referring to please, so I can look them up in the Lexicons?

PRETTY PLEASE?!? :angel:

I'm talking about the English verb 'to hate'; I don't know what the Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew words that are used in the original scripts are, I'm afraid. You could ask chair about the Hebrew, and I think there are a couple of Greek speakers here somewhere...

The point I'm pursuing is that a book can't redefine the language it's written in, because to argue such is fundamentally self-defeating. In this case, Nick M, LH and co. are saying that the 'hatred' referred to in the Bible is a course of action rather than an emotion. However, 'hatred' is defined in the official authority on the meaning of words as being an emotion. Therefore, what Nick and LH are describing as 'hatred' isn't hatred, it's something else. That doesn't necessarily mean it's not what's described in the Bible, but it does mean that the word 'hatred' is an inaccurate description of it.


New member
Define Godly "hate".

Hopefully you will end up with something like:

A withholding by His own purposes, of His preferences or favor towards the sinner, thereby leaving the sinner to his onward and rebellious march towards Hell undisturbed.

Words like "hate" and "love" carry quite a bit of human baggage, wherein we humans are given over to passions, such as "I hate his guts". See here for more to contemplate.


Mr. Religion,

I try to respond to all posts directed at me. I missed this one. I apologize.

You asked my definition of hate? Frst, there are different degrees of hate. I hate the homo Catholic priest who sodomizes innocent little boys with intense hatred. I hate him with righteous indignation. I hate the rapist more than I hate a petty thief.

I don't try and read double meanings into God's word. When I open my Bible and I read God saying, "My soul shall abhor you" (Lev. 26:27-30), I take God at His word.

When I read that God says you are a hypocrite if you love those who hate God (2 Chr. 19:2), I take it just to mean that. If God has free will to love, it is logically that He has free will to hate.

If God loved everyone--the wicked and the righteous--His love would be meaningless. God had no problem with King David's perfect hatred (Ps. 139:20-22).

We should have no problem hating those God hates. God hates the wicked and so do I.

Rebuking the wicked is showing love. Not rebuking the wicked is the opposite of love.

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX


Well-known member
Anthropomorphism? First off, anthropomorphisms are physical traits.
Not necessarily. Human beings are creatures of passions, and sinful ones at times. God is described as "regretting", I don't think God actually regrets in the same way human beings do, its a simplistic way of explaining God's actions to human beings, not necessarily showing a direct analogy from human emotion to divine emotion.

Hate is not a physical trait. And I see no reason to even consider the Bible to be anything other than literal when it says God hates. Next thing you know you'll be telling us God doesn't love us either.
The problem is, hate as defined as a normal English term is an emotion that, in humans, would be completely in conflict with sacrificing one's self for the person you hate. This is clearly something God has done. So either the Psalmist is taking a bit of descriptive license and/or God's hatred is not like our hatred.

Either way, a poetic statement that "God hates evil" shouldn't be construed as a command for US to hate people. Especially when hatred is not part of the fruit of the spirit nor do we see Christ hating anyone.
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