The cigar lounge

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'd say you really showed him, Nang, but I think he already knew how to use the ban function. :plain:

So what's with the self-immolation?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Great information. Thanks, Knight and Rocketman.

I just took all the wrappers off and placed the Padrons back into the Humi-Zip.

My wife was chomping at the bit to try these last night. It's still raining. Might have to smoke 'em in the woodshed today. :think:
We get a couple good storms off the lake every year and I remember the neighbor used to open his garage door and watch it in a lawn chair smoking a pipe. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I'll do it with a cigar.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
PM me if you like. I'm not going to expose my wife to any more unjustified ridicule here. That isn't going to create the nostalgia I was hoping for, and it's definitely not relaxing.

Thanks again to you and Knight for helping us get started with cigars. We both apprciate the tips and cigar and drink recommendations.

We'll take it from here on our own. :e4e:

Elo, nobody that matters here has ridiculed your wife, I'm sorry she was offended though. In fact I think your bride is pretty cool for sharing in this with you. Please don't leave the cigar lounge on Nangs account, we love having ya...:D

Here we have some ladies having cigars, I especially love Raquel Welch on the cover of Cigar Aficianado magazine. :thumb: and of course Demi Moore, there are many more ladies that partake of cigars, your a lucky man that your bride does...:)
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View attachment 16446


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No intent on my part to be rude, Knight.

Just testing to see how you would react to someone interfering with the spirit of one of your threads.

Seems you are intolerant.

But you do not hesitate to allow others to abuse and rudely interfere with threads started for serious theological discussion on TOL amongst Christian members. (i.e. Lon's "Our Triune God" thread.)

Irksome, isn't it?

:mock: Knight

This is plain dumb! Nang, you are much too old for this monkey business and should know better. Why fight with the owner of the forum? Do you not see the futility in this? If you come back, please be more tactful; we may discuss this if you wish.

Sorry to interrupt, please continue. :wave:


Well-known member
Elo, nobody that matters here has ridiculed your wife, I'm sorry she was offended though. In fact I think your bride is pretty cool for sharing in this with you. Please don't leave the cigar lounge on Nangs account, we love having ya...:D

Thanks, Rocketman. It takes a lot for me to share aspects of my personal life online, even something as trivial seeming (to some) as cigar smoking. Nang's intrusion into the lounge just made me feel like maybe this isn't the place to share for me, and that perhaps I should just stick to slugging it out in the ECT forum against the likes of her. :idunno:

My wife really did enjoy smoking the cigar, so much so she overdid it a bit and became nauseous (that first-time nicotine buzz nausea). I recall her puffing away and suggesting we grow our own tobacco and make our own cigars. So I'm pretty sure she liked it without the nausea. She said she'll only smoke half as much next time. We'll see.

I became a little nauseous, too, after finishing smoking. I had expected a reaction to the nicotine because I know that's common, so it did not ruin the experience for me. Being po' folk, at this stage of the game, we've decided to have a cigar together occasionally and make it a date. I don't have any cigar smoking guy friends that live by me, and no cigar bars in town.


Well-known member
Thanks, Rocketman. It takes a lot for me to share aspects of my personal life online, even something as trivial seeming (to some) as cigar smoking. Nang's intrusion into the lounge just made me feel like maybe this isn't the place to share for me, and that perhaps I should just stick to slugging it out in the ECT forum against the likes of her. :idunno:

My wife really did enjoy smoking the cigar, so much so she overdid it a bit and became nauseous (that first-time nicotine buzz nausea). I recall her puffing away and suggesting we grow our own tobacco and make our own cigars. So I'm pretty sure she liked it without the nausea. She said she'll only smoke half as much next time. We'll see.

I became a little nauseous, too, after finishing smoking. I had expected a reaction to the nicotine because I know that's common, so it did not ruin the experience for me. Being po' folk, at this stage of the game, we've decided to have a cigar together occasionally and make it a date. I don't have any cigar smoking guy friends that live by me, and no cigar bars in town.

Don't leave the thread because of Nang's uncalled for comments! I know what you mean about sometimes not wanting to share personal things at TOL, exactly because of that display of whatever it was from Nang. But hopefully you'll stick around in this thread... It's great hearing your stories.



I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

:mock: Knight

Oh c'mon now. Guess who looks stupid now


I think I'll have a cigar now. :BillyBob:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Thanks, Rocketman. It takes a lot for me to share aspects of my personal life online, even something as trivial seeming (to some) as cigar smoking. Nang's intrusion into the lounge just made me feel like maybe this isn't the place to share for me, and that perhaps I should just stick to slugging it out in the ECT forum against the likes of her. :idunno:

My wife really did enjoy smoking the cigar, so much so she overdid it a bit and became nauseous (that first-time nicotine buzz nausea). I recall her puffing away and suggesting we grow our own tobacco and make our own cigars. So I'm pretty sure she liked it without the nausea. She said she'll only smoke half as much next time. We'll see.

I became a little nauseous, too, after finishing smoking. I had expected a reaction to the nicotine because I know that's common, so it did not ruin the experience for me. Being po' folk, at this stage of the game, we've decided to have a cigar together occasionally and make it a date. I don't have any cigar smoking guy friends that live by me, and no cigar bars in town.

If you are not acclimated yes you can get a nicotine buzz, or nausea, even downright sick (nicotine poisoning) you gotta smoke a lot for that though. I'm glad you and the wife had a good time together though. If you don't want to share I understand but, stop by and see us once and awhile here in the cigar lounge. Heck, I'm enjoying a Padron 2000 maduro right now as I write this. Hope to see you again. :D


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
My son is the big smoker in my family. I have enjoyed the taste of cigars when he has bought them. I would be a cigar smoker if my husband didn't object to it so much.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
My son is the big smoker in my family. I have enjoyed the taste of cigars when he has bought them. I would be a cigar smoker if my husband didn't object to it so much.

I get no grief from the wife on my cigar habit, I have been partaking of cigars since before we were married. She knows it is my relaxation outlet, in fact I usually have a cigar going when I am posting on TOL in the evening.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
If I my husband took up smoking I wouldn't give him grief. I didn't give my son grief over it. I miss the smell of his cigarettes and cigars.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I recall her puffing away and suggesting we grow our own tobacco and make our own cigars. So I'm pretty sure she liked it without the nausea.
The government has a lot to say about your ability to grow tobacco.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
:smokie: + Captain Morgan = ahhhhhhhhhhh............

The others just don't know.

Nathon Detroit

Me right now...


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I have actually been trying to figure out the green drink. Or is that just a lime on top.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
We scrubbed our launch this evening and were given a company directed day off tommorow to conserve hours for launch attempts on Fri, Sat, Sun. The Range has a rule that the crew can only work 60 Hrs a week. So, tonight I am trying a cigar a friend at work gave me and it is really fantastic. It is an El Rey Del Mundo "Olivados" torpedo. It is a mix of Nic, Hon, and Dom Rep tobacco's in a sumatra wrap. This is such a smooth cigar,rather creamy, nutty, no spice it has a really tight ash that is white as snow, I am really impressed with this cigar wow. Sorry no pics tonight I need to charge the camera battery :(. Oh well maybe next time because I am going to order a fiver of these from JR.