The cigar lounge


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I think I should point out I am not getting a kick back for my promotion of his many cigars. I just like them, and the price is right.

It's all good, I like his cigars too, it's always good to hear the trivia also. :D

Nathon Detroit

I am so pumped up about the Father's Day gift my kids gave me. Check this out....


It's a 3 drawer 150 count humidor. But let me tell ya... it looks like it could hold twice that many sticks. This thing is massive. Look how it dwarfs my previous 100 count humidor. It's now in the process of being seasoned. I can't wait to stock this puppy!!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I am so pumped up about the Father's Day gift my kids gave me. Check this out....


It's a 3 drawer 150 count humidor. But let me tell ya... it looks like it could hold twice that many sticks. This thing is massive. Look how it dwarfs my previous 100 count humidor. It's now in the process of being seasoned. I can't wait to stock this puppy!!

That is awesome Knight, you have some great kids. I had a big Bar-B-Q at my house for all the Dads, as you can see I grill a lot at my house, next big one is July 4, any of you who can make it are cordially invited, I'd love to have ya. There will be plenty of food, wine, and cigars to smoke while the kids blow off some fireworks..:D

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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I am so pumped up about the Father's Day gift my kids gave me. Check this out....


It's a 3 drawer 150 count humidor. But let me tell ya... it looks like it could hold twice that many sticks. This thing is massive. Look how it dwarfs my previous 100 count humidor. It's now in the process of being seasoned. I can't wait to stock this puppy!!
What a nice gift! Stocking it is going to cost you! ;)


Nathon Detroit

Transferred my cigars from the old humidor to my new humidor today. Boy was that fun!!

I also got some CAO Brazila's today but haven't tried them yet.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Transferred my cigars from the old humidor to my new humidor today. Boy was that fun!!

I also got some CAO Brazila's today but haven't tried them yet.

Sounds like fun, that sure is a nice humidor, now I want a new one. i too just ordered a sampler from the monster that included a Brazillia and a Padron 5000, I don't remember what the other three were but, it was a good deal for $16 I thought. What did you do with your old one, give it to your son?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You all are going to hell for smoking cigars!

(Sorry guys, I could not resist):chuckle:

Is this thread for men only?

No anyone can participate but this thread is limited to discussion concerning the enjoyment of tobacco Cigars, Pipes, and things related to them. If that is your bag than welcome. :D


New member
No anyone can participate but this thread is limited to discussion concerning the enjoyment of tobacco Cigars, Pipes, and things related to them. If that is your bag than welcome. :D

Thanks for the welcome, but I have no love of cigars, pipes, or anything related to them. I just wanted to come in and check things out here in the "Cigar room' :chuckle: and be my silly self.

I figured there would be an overwhelming concentration of testosterone in here with the subject title and all. ;)

So, I will bow out and leave you boys to talk about your toys. :D


Well-known member
Yep... still illegal.

Most cigar smokers will tell you that Cuba no longer has the corner on the market for the best quality cigars. Nicaragua, Honduras, the Dominican Republic all make amazing cigars (although most of the best cigar manufacturers use tobacco seeds originally taken from Cuba). I like cigars from Nicaragua.

When I lived in Honduras for six months I picked up many of them from the mainland. Down there they are very cheap even for the best ones. A dollar or two at the most.

The other interesting part was driving through the mountainous countryside where the farms are. Because I remembered growing up in CT where they use to have a lot of tobacco farms. It seems that tobacco grows very well on silty soil over red clay. So whever you have that combination, and you have mountains or hills you get a good quality tobacco leaf.

I prefer a dark cigar with a strong flavor. I also like the infused flavors you mentioned.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You gotta be kidding me!! Why havent you tried them yet???

They are amazing, and affordable!

You can get a 5 pack on famous for $17.

O.K., O.K. I'll go for it, you know it's all your fault, you have me stuck on these Nica Libre's :chuckle: in fact I'm burning a torpedo right now with a tall glass of Sailor Jerry and Coke, good combo. I'm also getting ready for another trip to Florida. You know what that means...more cigars out by the pool. The big bonus on this trip is I will get to see the very final space shuttle launch, kinda sad, it's the end of an era for America. I am also working on, and going to see, another launch the following week of a new GPS satellite, very cool, actually the work part on the pad will be very hot and humid but, it's all good, theres always the pool/or beach a cold drink and a cigar at the end of the day. :thumb:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
In honor of America's last space shuttle launch today, which I was fortunate enough to witness I am having a Padron 1964 Anniversario Torpedo out by the hotel tiki bar. It's a sad ending...:sigh: It truly is the end of an era.