Louis Farrakhan: Liberals, Thoughts?

The Berean

Well-known member
that's all very nice (as well as being very imaginative of you :chuckle: ) but he does exist and he wasn't created by "white people" and he doesn't get "trotted out", he draws attention to himself by making inflammatory statements that most of the black community ignore

I wouldn't say most. Many in the black community agree with Farrakhan on some issues. The question is WHY do they agree with him? Understanding the history of the Nation of Islam, and other black Nationalist movements, is important here. The underlying priciple and idea being propagated by people like Louis Farrakhan is that black people will NEVER ever be considered equal to white people. If a black person has been called n*gger all his life, has been denied opportunity in education and employment al his life, has been denigrated and marginalized all his life, then here comes a Black muslim telling him that he is black prince and that his history and family heritage have been destroyed by the white man and Jews, it's easy to see why this message would be quite popular among black people.

The problem is, like all extreme ideologues, Farrakhan mixes some truth with all sorts of craziness in his rhetoric. Black people have suffered greatly throughout human history. They were taken from Africa and cut off from their history and culture. They have been beaten down for so long they they started to hate themsevles. Farrakhan's predecessor, Malcolm X, gave this speech in Los Angeles in 1962 asking black people who told them to hate themselves?



New member
Hall of Fame
I wouldn't say most. Many in the black community agree with Farrakhan on some issues. The question is WHY do they agree with him? Understanding the history of the Nation of Islam, and other black Nationalist movements, is important here. The underlying priciple and idea being propagated by people like Louis Farrakhan is that black people will NEVER ever be considered equal to white people. If a black person has been called n*gger all his life, has been denied opportunity in education and employment al his life, has been denigrated and marginalized all his life, then here comes a Black muslim telling him that he is black prince and that his history and family heritage have been destroyed by the white man and Jews, it's easy to see why this message would be quite popular among black people.

The problem is, like all extreme ideologues, Farrakhan mixes some truth with all sorts of craziness in his rhetoric. Black people have suffered greatly throughout human history. They were taken from Africa and cut off from their history and culture. They have been beaten down for so long they they started to hate themsevles. Farrakhan's predecessor, Malcolm X, gave this speech in Los Angeles in 1962 asking black people who told them to hate themselves?


And when Malcolm changed...look where they got him.

Farrakhan's a nut and racist crank. But whenever he opens his mouth the people he's trying to rile oblige him by giving him air time. It's a racket and a media tango.

The Berean

Well-known member
And when Malcolm changed...look where they got him.
Malcolm left the Nation of Islam because Malcolm wanted to gun down police officers who had killed several Black Muslims at a mosque in Los Angeles. Elijiah Muhammed said no.

Farrakhan's a nut and racist crank. But whenever he opens his mouth the people he's trying to rile oblige him by giving him air time. It's a racket and a media tango.

No disagreement there.


New member
Hall of Fame
Malcolm left the Nation of Islam because Malcolm wanted to gun down police officers who had killed several Black Muslims at a mosque in Los Angeles. Elijiah Muhammed said no.




New member
This man has publicly called for Blacks to murder Whites and especially Police Officers.
If a White leader did this same thing would he/she still be loose?
This is unadulterated racism and it is already having an impact on race relations.
What is the Liberal response to this?

Black lives matter

Deal with it

unborn children


Deal with it

(waxing sardonic of course)


New member
Carson's yet another grifter who's running a book tour, not a presidential campaign. They keep falling for these suckers election in election out.

I'm not sure. I think he may have legitimately lost his mind. But he sure knows how to get camera time for free.


New member
that's all very nice (as well as being very imaginative of you :chuckle: ) but he does exist and he wasn't created by "white people" and he doesn't get "trotted out", he draws attention to himself by making inflammatory statements that most of the black community ignore

But it's mostly white people who support him. You can always find a black person to say crazy, foolish, and self-accusatory things in the GOP, but it draws from a tiny and extreme minority of black experiences.

The Berean

Well-known member
But it's mostly white people who support him. You can always find a black person to say crazy, foolish, and self-accusatory things in the GOP, but it draws from a tiny and extreme minority of black experiences.
Mostly white people support Louis Farrakhan? Wait, What? :liberals:


New member
But it's mostly white people who support him. You can always find a black person to say crazy, foolish, and self-accusatory things in the GOP, but it draws from a tiny and extreme minority of black experiences.

White people support him? That is curious. He hates white people.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Heh, you know, I misread what ok doser said, in that I initially thought he was talking about Ben Carson. Sorry guys, my mistake.
Admitting a mistake...I think they ban you for that. :shocked:

But I might be mistaken...shoot. :noid:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't care how many "acceptable negroes" you would vote for, if you invent a paranoid conspiracy theory about the origin of our first black President, you're a racist and an idiot

I wanted to come back to this to ask the obvious question:

if I'm a racist but I support and respect ben carson, who is black, what race am I prejudiced against?

the "race" of obama? :freak:

is bammy his very own race now?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I wouldn't say most.

and I shouldn't have either - that's what I get for multitasking :doh:

the point I was working toward was that the black community is not very vocal about objecting to his rhetoric, imo

much like the muslim community wrt Islamic extremism/terrorism
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Well-known member
Are you guys really this out of touch and paranoid

I'm out of touch, but not paranoid. I just figure the way things are going it makes sense. If I'm right, you can eat your words and I'll settle for that. ;)

or do you just like saying wacky silly stuff?

I love saying whacky silly stuff. I keep my grandson in stitches. Anyone older than five, though, usually just gives me an eye roll. :idunno:


This man has publicly called for Blacks to murder Whites and especially Police Officers.
If a White leader did this same thing would he/she still be loose?
This is unadulterated racism and it is already having an impact on race relations.
What is the Liberal response to this?

Some enthusiastic Christians call for the public execution of homosexuals.

Would I be making a blanket assumption by imply all conservatives are in support of such extreme action?

Of course I would.


New member
Some enthusiastic Christians call for the public execution of homosexuals.

Would I be making a blanket assumption by imply all conservatives are in support of such extreme action?

Of course I would.

I was not making a blanket assumption. I am asking a question about the specific actions of one man.