Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person

Arthur Brain

Well-known member



Seriously, you gonna pull up one stat and expect it to be taken as legit verbatim, there's a plethora of others that run contrary. Seriously not interested if you're just gonna pull the same crap you did in arguing that folk can train themselves to like Beyonce songs dude.


New member
Hall of Fame
Youre a little on the slow side, or deliberately lying. I see no "badness" in being celibate, i see "badness" in declaring another gender apart from what God already defined and the slipperly slope from there that liberals love to slide down.

Me? Lying? How can a question be a lie?

Last time i checked, what you said that i responded to, wasnt a question, did you forget that you accused me, instead of asking a question about "badness" and assumed my answer without my response?

Lets look: You said:

Yet you see badness in all this.

So with that, i can assume that you are lying, instead of slow. Thanks. As such, i see no reason to discuss anything with you.


Well-known member
Last time i checked, what you said that i responded to, wasnt a question, did you forget that you accused me, instead of asking a question about "badness" and assumed my answer without my response?

Lets look: You said:

So with that, i can assume that you are lying, instead of slow. Thanks. As such, i see no reason to discuss anything with you.

What a pathetic and boring post...... and so petty!
Look, I do think that you find badness in an innocent wish by a person to be gender free, gender neutral etc.
And I simply say that your statement about 'Liberals' is total prejudice ..... hang on..... what was that rubbish you wrote.... just a sec..... Oh yes! :-
'i see "badness" in declaring another gender apart from what God already defined and the slipperly slope from there that liberals love to slide down.'

So there are no Republicans or Conservatives who would support this person's wishes? I think you've lost the plot.

A lot of Liberals are Christians, you know, and you might as well learn to get along with them, surely? After all, you might find that in your Heaven they are all around you...... for eternity. Best to start the process of understanding now.

patrick jane

What a pathetic and boring post...... and so petty!
Look, I do think that you find badness in an innocent wish by a person to be gender free, gender neutral etc.
And I simply say that your statement about 'Liberals' is total prejudice ..... hang on..... what was that rubbish you wrote.... just a sec..... Oh yes! :-
'i see "badness" in declaring another gender apart from what God already defined and the slipperly slope from there that liberals love to slide down.'

So there are no Republicans or Conservatives who would support this person's wishes? I think you've lost the plot.

A lot of Liberals are Christians, you know, and you might as well learn to get along with them, surely? After all, you might find that in your Heaven they are all around you...... for eternity. Best to start the process of understanding now.
You are pathetic


Well-known member
Well I never......!
BBC Teletext service reports that there is a strong movement to issue 'GENDER FREE', 'GENDER NEUTRAL' or 'GENDERLESS' passports! 'Stonewall' is organisation pushing for this right.

Apparently there are many people who could benefit from having their gender 'undisclosed', and many others who want their gender to be 'neutral' or 'asexual'.

I cannot copy or give 'source' for a Teletext report, but I reckon that such news must be available elsewhere. I will have a look-see. :)


Well-known member
you really are,
What..... a nice bloke or an ...... an ....... embicile (sic).... :rotfl:

..........your spell check is wrong.
Now where did you go to school, eh?

I'm sure you'll not forget this simple lesson, how to spell 'imbecile'. :)
a stupid person.

Imbecile - Wikipedia

Imbecile was a medical category of people with moderate to severe intellectual
disability, as well as a type of criminal. The term arises from the Latin word ...
................. enough.

Matthew 5:22} But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be
in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

As for this thread...... people need to be able to speak about and live with their sexuality freely.
I don't think that all Christian Churches are against this policy.
The emancipation of women to become priests and Bishops has already begun, and freedom of sexuality cannot be far behind.

Gnash your teeth all you like. Love and Understanding is coming......


Well-known member


So Google it then.

Seriously, you gonna pull up one stat and expect it to be taken as legit verbatim,

One is more than zero.

there's a plethora of others that run contrary.

So it should be easy to cite one.

Seriously not interested if you're just gonna pull the same crap you did in arguing that folk can train themselves to like Beyonce songs dude.

Still stuck on that?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

He and his co-author questioned 142 prisoners at a maximum-security facility in the South about their sexual orientation. They found that of the sample, 24 men changed sexual orientation while incarcerated.



Well-known member

He and his co-author questioned 142 prisoners at a maximum-security facility in the South about their sexual orientation. They found that of the sample, 24 men changed sexual orientation while incarcerated.

B-b-b-b-but... that's impossible!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
According to a liberal, no one can ever choose anything (except abortion, of course).

Liberalism is very deterministic.

Says the guy who makes a deterministic comment about 'liberals'...

You can choose to believe what you want dude. You can be bonkers enough to think people can train themselves to fall in love with door mats and paper clips if you want.

Some of us know exactly which way our attractions lie even if some of you lot don't.

As to the article then:

"These results do not conclusively support Carson’s point, Hensley said. The sample size is too small to make any sweeping conclusions -- 142 is just about 0.001 percent of the nation’s prison population.

Additionally, Hensley said his research does not support Carson’s implication that prison behavior shows that a shift in sexual orientation is a choice. Prison sex culture is not analogous to the sex culture outside of prison.

"Carson is taking a simplistic view of sexuality," Hensley said.

It’s possible that people go into prison unaware of their sexuality, and then once they are exposed to homosexual behavior as an inmate, they realize that they are gay or bisexual, Helen Eigenberg, who also studies prison sexuality as a professor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, said in an interview with PolitiFact. This isn’t necessarily captured in Hensley’s research, she said.

Eigenberg added that sometimes victims of sexual abuse -- in prisons that can mean gang rape, prostitution or other forms of coercion -- are sometimes confused. They might think that just because they played a role in a homosexual act, they are now gay, which is not necessarily true.

"The fundamental assumption of the analogy (Carson’s) using is insane," Eigenberg told the Washington Post."

But hey, the far right and the trolls seem to have to insist that it's a choice so hey...some are even so nuts as to think homosexuality disproves evolution.

Insane is about 'right'.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well I never......!
BBC Teletext service reports that there is a strong movement to issue 'GENDER FREE', 'GENDER NEUTRAL' or 'GENDERLESS' passports! 'Stonewall' is organisation pushing for this right.

Apparently there are many people who could benefit from having their gender 'undisclosed', and many others who want their gender to be 'neutral' or 'asexual'.

All I can say is one would have to be a both moronic and boring to wish being gender-less.