Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Bisexual I suppose. Although I don't believe in the recently-invented concept of fixed, innate sexual orientation. Rather than homosexual or heterosexual, you are merely sexual. Your experiences, morals, and values will determine how and with whom you choose to satisfy the sexual urge. Or, like an animal, you can just satisfy it anytime, anywhere, with whoever's available.

i'd call him a human who had chosen to sin and needs redemption



Bisexual I suppose. Although I don't believe in the recently-invented concept of fixed, innate sexual orientation.

So, you're heterosexual by choice then... a mutable concept where under a specific set of different conditions you could, theoretically speaking, become a homosexual?

Rather than homosexual or heterosexual, you are merely sexual.
I couldn't agree more.

Your experiences, morals, and values will determine how and with whom you choose to satisfy the sexual urge.
Heterosexuality is not innate, you weren't created hetero rather you were taught heterosexuality?

Or, like an animal, you can just satisfy it anytime, anywhere, with whoever's available.

Conversely, other's follow a different approach regarding their innate sexuality....as per your example above?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Right. There goes that pesky external locus of control again.

If Quip found himself in the presence of only other men, he'd have "no choice" but to have sex with them (gross).

What if Quip found himself in the presence of only children? Or only animals? Or only relatives?

Insanity. Complete insanity.

Yes, it is.

Find a sane argument. Preferably one that doesn't involve people being able to train themselves to like crappy pop songs. You might then get the drift.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

care to take a crack at quips's question?
Out of desperation or lack of an option I might choose to perform a homosexual act.

So, the question remains: Given the hypothetical prison scenario, am I now a homosexual, heterosexual or some combination?


Well-known member
Yes, it is.

Find a sane argument. Preferably one that doesn't involve people being able to train themselves to like crappy pop songs. You might then get the drift.

So you're an optimist! :rolleyes:


The strangest aspect of these pages is that as soon as a news report appears about a person who wants to be genderless, most probably asexual, with little interest in sex ..... some members start writing posts about sexual perverts or child molesters or gays etc. They just don't get it, do they........?

Their lesson for today is:-


Well-known member
Yes, it is.

Find a sane argument. Preferably one that doesn't involve people being able to train themselves to like crappy pop songs. You might then get the drift.

Do you agree with Quip?

Is it possible that you would choose to engage in homosexual activity in prison?

Also, you haven't answered yet - do you believe that 86% of women and 65% of men were born homosexual or bisexual?


Do you agree with Quip?

Is it possible that you would choose to engage in homosexual activity in prison?


You claimed that such a person would be bisexual. How so?
Wouldn't there have to be a 'hetero' prison option in order for you to assert any 'bi'-sexuality?

If this (pre-prison hetero) person gets released from prison do they continue to be 'bi', 'hetero' or 'homo' or can he (or she) change back?
Are they irreparably homo/bi?


Well-known member

You claimed that such a person would be bisexual. How so?
Wouldn't there have to be a 'hetero' prison option in order for you to assert any 'bi'-sexuality?

If this (pre-prison hetero) person gets released from prison do they continue to be 'bi', 'hetero' or 'homo' or can he (or she) change back?
Are they irreparably homo/bi?

I don't know whether the condition of "irreparably homo/bi" exists.

I think the whole prison scenario illustrates the fact that people can and do change "sexual orientation," sometimes multiple times.


I don't know whether the condition of "irreparably homo/bi" exists.

I think the whole prison scenario illustrates the fact that people can and do change "sexual orientation," sometimes multiple times.

Thus, homosexuality is simply one of many natural expressions of human sexuality?


Well-known member
Thus, homosexuality is simply one of many natural expressions of human sexuality?

If by natural, you mean "occurs in nature," then sure. But the mere occurrence of a behavior does not justify it.

Plenty of disgusting and/or immoral behaviors occur in nature. That, in itself, doesn't grant anyone moral license to commit those acts.

Are you willing to admit that so-called sexual orientation is not immutable?


If by natural, you mean "occurs in nature," then sure. But the mere occurrence of a behavior does not justify it.

Plenty of disgusting and/or immoral behaviors occur in nature. That, in itself, doesn't grant anyone moral license to commit those acts.
Nor to authoritatively condemn them either.

Are you willing to admit that so-called sexual orientation is not immutable?

Never said it was immutable...though I do believe many complex factors are at play here. It's not simply a dichotomy of either being mutable or immutable.


New member
Hall of Fame
For instance, my sister, she loves her girlfriend and is attracted to her, that is not sick, that is the way of God. If she slept around simply to "get laid" and to please the skin THAT would be sick. But I do agree with you disagree-ers out there. Lust does run rampant in the homosexuals out there. But just being attracted to the same sex is not ill.

Sent from my SM-G935T using TOL mobile app

No, it isnt.

Christ defines marriage in matthew chapter 19, no need to define all the things it isnt.

Then we have this:

Romans 1:26 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 Likewise, the men abandoned natural relations with women and burned with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.


New member
Hall of Fame
So, then they were not heterosexuals by the logic of your argument...because the choice of a hetero sex option is not available. :idunno:

Thus there's no choice to be had. :idunno:

We've been over this doser.

So you are saying it's possible you would choose to engage in homosexual activity, rather than no sexual activity?

Life in prison... Who knows?


Is not having sex at all, not an option for prisoners?


New member
Hall of Fame
So you're an optimist! :rolleyes:


The strangest aspect of these pages is that as soon as a news report appears about a person who wants to be genderless, most probably asexual, with little interest in sex ..... some members start writing posts about sexual perverts or child molesters or gays etc. They just don't get it, do they........?

Their lesson for today is:-

Because its certainly not possible to refrain from sex, without having your own officially recognized new gender, right?

There is a desperate need to let others know your sexual status to the point of needing ones own designation. Weird.