Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person


difficult enough if you can't define Y

but i sense you're only interested in playing the fool :idunno:

:doh: Y is the exception to X.

If X is heterosexuality then Y is its exception, homosexuality.

Are you dim?


It seems that celibacy would have been the other choice.

If imprisoned, would you choose homosexuality over celibacy? I wouldn't.

No the question would be would you choose sex over no sex.

And I've never had to face such a dilemma...I doubt you have either.


Well-known member
No the question would be would you choose sex over no sex.

And I've never had to face such a dilemma...I doubt you have either.

So you are saying it's possible you would choose to engage in homosexual activity, rather than no sexual activity?


ok, why isn't the exception asexuality, or bestiality?

Because the subject matter is general sexual orientation...heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Those are likewise exceptions...you could call them exceptions A and B.

Start a thread about them if it pleases you.


I would not.


I thought your position was that a heterosexual person could not choose to live a homosexual lifestyle. Are you instead saying that it is possible to do so?

No, that's not my position.

Out of desperation or lack of an option I might choose to perform a homosexual act.

So, the question remains: Given the hypothetical prison scenario, am I now a homosexual, heterosexual or some combination?

Or rather am I still a heterosexual under unique (homosexual) circumstances?

The point is that I'm still hetero even though I chose a sexual act that belies that orientation.

Could not the opposite be true? Could I be an inherent homosexual forced by "normative" societal views to choose engagement in straight sex?


Well-known member
you always have an option

Right. There goes that pesky external locus of control again.

If Quip found himself in the presence of only other men, he'd have "no choice" but to have sex with them (gross).

What if Quip found himself in the presence of only children? Or only animals? Or only relatives?

Insanity. Complete insanity.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Right. There goes that pesky external locus of control again.

If Quip found himself in the presence of only other men, he'd have "no choice" but to have sex with them (gross).

What if Quip found himself in the presence of only children? Or only animals? Or only relatives?

Insanity. Complete insanity.

i'm more charitable than you

i think he's trolling


Right. There goes that pesky external locus of control again.

If Quip found himself in the presence of only other men, he'd have "no choice" but to have sex with them (gross).

My perspective is not simply limited to my own opinion. You guys are prolifically self-serving and myopic.

What if Quip found himself in the presence of only children? Or only animals? Or only relatives?

Insanity. Complete insanity.

How would that scenario work? :idunno:

You're simply straw-man grasping.

P.S. You avoided all my questions and instead went straight to the straw-man smear.
hmmmm.... :think:


Well-known member
Out of desperation or lack of an option I might choose to perform a homosexual act.


So, the question remains: Given the hypothetical prison scenario, am I now a homosexual, heterosexual or some combination?

Bisexual I suppose. Although I don't believe in the recently-invented concept of fixed, innate sexual orientation. Rather than homosexual or heterosexual, you are merely sexual. Your experiences, morals, and values will determine how and with whom you choose to satisfy the sexual urge. Or, like an animal, you can just satisfy it anytime, anywhere, with whoever's available.