Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
For 35% of men and 14% of women, it is.

amazing, isn't it?

and yet, we'll have all sorts of bother about how they didn't choose, or that they did choose, but it doesn't count 'cause they dint get to choose what they really wanted :dizzy:

maybe those 35% of men who dint choose dint really not choose because they dint have the choice to choose milla jovovich :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Thus, homosexuality is simply one of many natural expressions of human sexuality?

as is pedophilia, bestiality, adultery, etc

in a similar manner, cannibalism is a "natural" expression of human behavior


as is pedophilia, bestiality, adultery, etc

in a similar manner, cannibalism is a "natural" expression of human behavior

If it done by a human...then yes. :idunno:

Don't confuse 'natural' with 'normal', legal or socially acceptable. Though that might be asking too much from you.


Well-known member
Because its certainly not possible to refrain from sex, without having your own officially recognized new gender, right?
Wrong! Please don't ask me questions and then answer them for me.
You do seem determined to think of bad reasons for honest feelings.
And 'no', it's not a new gender..... such conditions have always existed, it's simply that a Judge has given such conditions recognition....... look, this all about care-in-the-community, empathy for others, love and understanding.... see? Love.... now that's a word that many Christians live by as well as speak.

There is a desperate need to let others know your sexual status to the point of needing ones own designation. Weird.
No.... some kind of desperate need seems to be yours...... to see wrongness in human situations that don't fit neatly into your own 'picture'.

I guess it's all about love and understanding for others?
JOHN 15:9 1 JOHN 3:18 1 CORINTHIANS 14:1; 1 TIMOTHY 6:11; 2 TIMOTHY 2:22 1 CORINTHIANS 16:14 1 JOHN 4:7,11 MATTHEW 5:43 MATTHEW 19:19 MATTHEW 22:39 MARK 12:31 LUKE 10:27 ROMANS 13:9 GALATIANS 5:14 EPHESIANS 5:2


New member
Hall of Fame
Wrong! Please don't ask me questions and then answer them for me.
You do seem determined to think of bad reasons for honest feelings.
And 'no', it's not a new gender..... such conditions have always existed, it's simply that a Judge has given such conditions recognition....... look, this all about care-in-the-community, empathy for others, love and understanding.... see? Love.... now that's a word that many Christians live by as well as speak.

I didn't ask you a question, that was rhetorical along with an eye-roll. Teaching sin is not love.

No.... some kind of desperate need seems to be yours...... to see wrongness in human situations that don't fit neatly into your own 'picture'.
I follow what the maker of humans says is right.

I guess it's all about love and understanding for others?
JOHN 15:9 1 JOHN 3:18 1 CORINTHIANS 14:1; 1 TIMOTHY 6:11; 2 TIMOTHY 2:22 1 CORINTHIANS 16:14 1 JOHN 4:7,11 MATTHEW 5:43 MATTHEW 19:19 MATTHEW 22:39 MARK 12:31 LUKE 10:27 ROMANS 13:9 GALATIANS 5:14 EPHESIANS 5:2

MATTHEW 15:8-9, MATTHEW 7:21-23


New member
Hall of Fame
Have they shown much personal restraint up to this point?

Nope, thanks yet again for showing why mankind needs a Savior. It does show that homosexual relations are choices though.

Are you saying people have no self control over sexuality?


Well-known member
I didn't ask you a question, that was rhetorical along with an eye-roll. Teaching sin is not love.
Hmmm...... where did Jesus say that asexuality was evil?
Since you have been treating asexuality as wrong on this thread, please answer this.....
Was Jesus ever in a partnership with anybody?
This person, the subject of this thread, will not be in a 'close' relationship with anybody either. Yet you see badness in all this.

I follow what the maker of humans says is right.

MATTHEW 15:8-9, MATTHEW 7:21-23

Oh.... may I offer:- (that was rhetorical..... with eyes rolling :D)
Matthew{5:43} Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. {5:44} But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Matthew {7:20} Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
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Well-known member
Nope, thanks yet again for showing why mankind needs a Savior.
Oh yes..... it certainly does!
.... it needs a Saviour who promotes LOVE and UNDERSTANDING before all else.

There are some folks who try to use the Faith of Love as a club, but as soon as they do this they lose that Faith....... it won't stay anywhere near haters.
If you honestly think that such people are actually going to reach Heaven themselves.... then you've lost the plot. I reckon that the only ones with a chance are those who are able to simply give LOVE and UNDERSTANDING to others.

What did Jesus say? Ah yes, you quoted the verses from Matthew..... the gate is narrow, and I think that is all about the ones who can love.

It's difficult....... who can do it? :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Do you agree with Quip?

Is it possible that you would choose to engage in homosexual activity in prison?

Also, you haven't answered yet - do you believe that 86% of women and 65% of men were born homosexual or bisexual?

No, then again I don't just accept a statistic on the face of it either. There's counters which put them much lower than this particular one and furthermore, it's not all consensual activity which should be pretty obvious.


New member
Hall of Fame
Hmmm...... where did Jesus say that asexuality was evil?
Since you have been treating asexuality as wrong on this thread, please answer this.....
Was Jesus ever in a partnership with anybody?
This person, the subject of this thread, will not be in a 'close' relationship with anybody either. Yet you see badness in all this.

Youre a little on the slow side, or deliberately lying. I see no "badness" in being celibate, i see "badness" in declaring another gender apart from what God already defined and the slipperly slope from there that liberals love to slide down.


Well-known member
Youre a little on the slow side, or deliberately lying. I see no "badness" in being celibate, i see "badness" in declaring another gender apart from what God already defined and the slipperly slope from there that liberals love to slide down.

Me? Lying? How can a question be a lie?
Liberals! Again! So it's only threm bloomin' Liberals who experience gender neutrality, or asexuality..... or.... or.... transgender determination? ...... or...... same-sexuality..?
..... blooming people, them Liberals!!!

Look...... relax. At some point in the future you will find yourself in the heaven that I feel sure that you deserve, and it can't look promising for them Liberals, so none of those dreadful folks will make it there, and you will never have their company..... for ever.

Come on....... Smile...... if that doesn't make you feel happy, then you just ain't happy. :D