Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person


Well-known member
If I am wrong, explain how, please. What makes someone male?

On..... and on...... and round........ and round. .... as if apples are valued as human lives!
I can't help you to see empathy and understanding, so it's time to get help:-

Let's ask for guidance from Jesus and the Ordained Apostles, shall we? Our opinions are worthless.......
A Judge has judged. TITUS 3:9
Maybe we should acknowledge and obey civil laws? ROMANS 13:1
We should sort out our own selves before judging others. MATTHEW 7:1&7:5;LUKE 6:42,LUKE 6:37,ROMANS 14:13
This person's decision to be genderless may be pure. 1 TIMOTHY 5:22..........
................... and true to their calling. 1 CORINTHIANS 7:17-24
What does Paul write about this very situation?
He would support a genderless person's decision, I 'feel' sure! COLOSSIANS 3:5; ROMANS 8:12-13

Finally........ Absolutely finally, read what Jesus said about removing anything which offends a person, either physically or spiritually. MATTHEW 5:29-30; MATTHEW 18:8,9

And so, if you cannot support a Judge's judgement, why not seek guidance from Jesus and the Apostles?


Well-known member
On..... and on...... and round........ and round. .... as if apples are valued as human lives!
I can't help you to see empathy and understanding, so it's time to get help:-

True empathy would move you to help a person out of his delusion, not encourage it.

You still are unable to define "male."
You still are unable to tell me whether or not I am an apple.

Such simple questions.


Well-known member
True empathy would move you to help a person out of his delusion, not encourage it.

You still are unable to define "male."
You still are unable to tell me whether or not I am an apple.

Such simple questions.

And so you ignored the words of Jesus and the Apostles which can throw guidance upon this person's wishes.
If you believe in Jesus, then go to Jesus for your guidance.
Your rants about an apple cannot help you, or me, the spiritual guidance of the New Testament is there.
I'll copy it all for you again....
Let's ask for guidance from Jesus and the Ordained Apostles, shall we? Our opinions are worthless.......
A Judge has judged. TITUS 3:9
Maybe we should acknowledge and obey civil laws? ROMANS 13:1
We should sort out our own selves before judging others. MATTHEW 7:1&7:5;LUKE 6:42,LUKE 6:37,ROMANS 14:13
This person's decision to be genderless may be pure. 1 TIMOTHY 5:22..........
................... and true to their calling. 1 CORINTHIANS 7:17-24
What does Paul write about this very situation?
He would support a genderless person's decision, I 'feel' sure! COLOSSIANS 3:5; ROMANS 8:12-13

Finally........ Absolutely finally, read what Jesus said about removing anything which offends a person, either physically or spiritually. MATTHEW 5:29-30; MATTHEW 18:8,9

................ why not seek guidance from Jesus and the Apostles?


True empathy would move you to help a person out of his delusion, not encourage it.

You still are unable to define "male."
You still are unable to tell me whether or not I am an apple.

Such simple questions.

Ok.The initial question to ask is why do you believe you're an apple? Second, do you realize that you're to be the first sentient, self-aware apple?

We could go from there.....


New member
Hall of Fame
Ok.The initial question to ask is why do you believe you're an apple? Second, do you realize that you're to be the first sentient, self-aware apple?

We could go from there.....

Better place to start, is to answer the question. The why doesn't matter if its not a problem is it?


New member
Hall of Fame
It matters to the individual. Or are you just opining for yourself....per the usual?

Its not an "individual" issue being discussed here, it makes changes that affect all of society, troll. A day late and a dollar short as usual you are.


Its not an "individual" issue being discussed here, it makes changes that affect all of society, troll. A day late and a dollar short as usual you are.

Praytell how another individual's a-sexuality will have any discernable affect upon you?


New member
Praytell how another individual's a-sexuality will have any discernable affect upon you?

There are 2 genders. This is not a philosophical statement or a scientific hypothesis yet to proven. This is something that humanity has known for as long as humans have been alive. When the government officially denies this it declares war on reality.


There are 2 genders. This is not a philosophical statement or a scientific hypothesis yet to proven. This is something that humanity has known for as long as humans have been alive. When the government officially denies this it declares war on reality.

"War on Reality"

WOW! What a bombastic declaration.

Yes, it is of great jurisprudent interest.


Well-known member
Ok.The initial question to ask is why do you believe you're an apple? Second, do you realize that you're to be the first sentient, self-aware apple?

We could go from there.....

1. I have always felt like an apple, trapped in a human body.

2. I am not the first. Rather, due to intolerance and bigotry, other apples-trapped-in-human-bodies have feared coming forward and have remained closeted.

Now will you believe that I am an apple?


1. I have always felt like an apple, trapped in a human body.

2. I am not the first. Rather, due to intolerance and bigotry, other apples-trapped-in-human-bodies have feared coming forward and have remained closeted.

Now will you believe that I am an apple?

I'm convinced, you've just convinced me. You're an apple.

I bet that doesn't quite taste as sweet as you intended.