Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person


Well-known member
Nope. Though not my standard: "I would never accept anyone's claims to be something that isn't scientifically established."

Seems we're at an impasse.

It's quite interesting, this condition where folks cannot see, recognise or understand something that they don't want to see, recognise or understand.

But genderless identity goes way back in time........ it's nothing new at all.
Gender identity
For humans, androgyne (/ˈændrədʒaɪn/ AN-drə-jyn) in terms of gender identity is a person who does not fit neatly into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles of their society. Androgynes may also use the term "ambigender" or "polygender" to describe themselves. Many androgynes identify as being mentally between woman and man. They may identify as "non-gender", "gender-neutral", "agender", "between genders", "genderqueer", "non-binary", "multigender", "intergendered", "pangender" or "gender fluid". A person who is androgynous may engage freely in what is seen as masculine or feminine behaviors as well as tasks. They have a balanced identity that includes the virtues of both genders and may disassociate the task with what gender it may be socially or physically assigned to. People who are androgynous disregard what traits are culturally constructed specifically for males and females within a specific society, and rather focus on what behavior is most effective within the situational circumstance.


New member
The argument over whether homosexual desire is inherited or learned has nothing to do with Christian theology. Christians need to stop engaging in it, other than to point this out.

Our faith is not one that says, "If you were born with it, it must be natural, and therefore God must approve." When we engage with this argument as if we can prove that homosexual desire is not genetic, we get into an argument that the scripture isn't having.

Christianity, at it's core, says we need to be other than we are. We are all fallen; we are all sinful; we are all far short of what we should be. It says God knows better than us, and that if He says a thing, we should obey. It says that since none of us are obedient, we need Christ's intercession to bridge the gap between God's perfection and our complete lack.

God says the wrath of man is unrighteous. It matters not whether we find a genetic predisposition for Type A personality or if it completely learned. It is still ungodly to be wrathful and we still need Jesus' atonement to reconcile ourselves to God.

God says a man lying with a man as he does with a woman is unrighteous. It doesn't matter whether someone desires that because of genetics or environment. It's still defiling, and we still need Jesus' atonement.

If the whole of life is being "true to yourself" as you are without Christ, then we would have no need of Him, and the cross would be pointless.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'll support you equally to the level of sincerity you display for your cause.

pedophiles are counting on people like you quip :thumb:

they are absolutely sincere in their belief that they cannot help being who they are and that their actions cause no harm to the children they molest


Well-known member
how do you decide whether a judge has judged wisely?

I can have an opinion, but a Judge's peers decide whether that Judge has judged wisely.
If necessary, a bench of Appeals Judges will decide,
If necessary a Supreme Court Judgement will decide....

What do you do, or what did you do, for a living? No..... don't..... nobody need know ..... but your special knowledge will no doubt fall short of experience to judge as well.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I can have an opinion, but a Judge's peers decide whether that Judge has judged wisely.
If necessary, a bench of Appeals Judges will decide,
If necessary a Supreme Court Judgement will decide....

What do you do, or what did you do, for a living? No..... don't..... nobody need know ..... but your special knowledge will no doubt fall short of experience to judge as well.

i have served and continue to serve as a judge, among other things

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The question no one will answer, why does a person need an officially recognized "gender designation" in order to remain celibate, or show no interest in sexuality?

i'll answer it

they don't

what's being pushed is an acceptance of "diversity"

clearing the runway for the approaching "Pedophile Express"