From chat: On Jesus and Homosexuality


New member
Leviticus 20:10 - Requires only that you commit the act.

Deuteronomy 19:15 - Requires you must be caught by several.

Today adultery and fornication are sins according to the NT.

We are not subject to Mosaic law so it doesn't matter, the point is moot.


New member
Yes - that she trusts Christ, for salvation instead of her dead works, praise the Lord, what a beautiful fruit!

Thats good news!

Dead works? living as He lived...keeping commandments as He kept them...going and sinning no more...working out our salvation with fear and trembling...

Are dead works?

Maybe not salvific but certainly not dead...

How else are we to be separate from the world....a peculiar people...those that keep the commandments of God...?

Faith without works is what is dead...

We want His hear "well done good and faithful servant!"

Flee rather sin and those that compromise with it...not good works...the keeping of His Law


New member
Yes exactly.
Jesus BROKE Mosaic Law in front of the Periphrases.

You just agreed with me, unknowingly.

So did ya catch the good responses #51 and #57?

Making disciples means a change from sinning to sinning less not sinless...not because it saves us but because we are grateful that we are saved...

Knowing what was done for us we flee from sin, its bondage, in a desire to be closer to the One who saved us...

No man can have two masters...

Drowning in sin we are not taught by Him how to swim in sin but how to get out of the water...


New member
Hall of Fame
I can see that.
No problem for me.
I won't bother you with my perspective anymore.
I'm going to rely on the righteousness of Christ.
His grace is sufficient for me.

Dead works?

Flee rather sin and those that compromise with it...not good works...the keeping of His Law

James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.

Praise the Lord, His righteousness saves me, not my own, id never make it.

Tattooed Theist

New member
See the verse you quoted yourself, as you believe that Christ broke the law for not stoning her and show me where in the passage it shows where the man was brought before Him as well to be stoned along with the woman, thanks.

This is how they tried to "trap" Christ here, by not following the entire law, and asking Him to break the law, when the law required the man to be stoned also and he was not brought, even though "she was caught in the very act" as in the man would have been there too when being caught, no? Yet he was not charged or brought to be judged by Christ.

If you were aware, then you need to also be aware that He followed the law completely even where the adulterous woman was concerned, failing in no point.

So, if me and my buddy rob a bank, and they only find me, we both get off the hook?
That's not how that works now, nor was it then.

Just because a punishment will apply to both doesn't mean that if one is not present the present party wont be punished in the meantime.


New member
Hall of Fame
So, if me and my buddy rob a bank, and they only find me, we both get off the hook?
That's not how that works now, nor was it then.
Yes, that is how it worked, both the man and the woman were to be brought. They werent.

Just because a punishment will apply to both doesn't mean that if one is not present the present party wont be punished in the meantime.

If she was "caught in the very act" how is it possible the man wasnt there? It takes 2 to tango.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, this was my point from the start :)

^^ [MENTION=13987]Angel4Truth[/MENTION]

Which has nothing to do with why Christ did or didnt follow the law. He followed it completely, the man was not brought by the hypocrites, who were trying to trap him, because in the law, they were both to be tried together.

2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

The trap was that the man wasnt there, when the law says both have to be.

Leviticus 20:10

“‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.


New member
Hall of Fame
Source for that specification?

Dude can bail.

If he bailed, they would have to wait till they were both there:

Status of Adulterer.

The paramour was technically the adulterer (noef), and under the Biblical law suffered death together with the adulteress (noefet).
His crime was held in the greatest abhorrence, and Raba and Rab voiced the general opinion when they said that nothing would excuse the wilful adulterer, nor would all his virtues save him from Gehenna (Soṭah, 4b). Even a lustful desire was deemed a moral crime, and the echo of "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife" rings throughout the Talmud and rabbinical writings, and is reechoed in the New Testament (Ex. xx. 17; Eben ha-'Ezer, 21; Matt. v. 27, 28). The adulterer's folly is condemned and makes him liable to the jealous wrath of the outraged husband (Prov. vi. 32-34; Job, xxxi. 9, 10).

Jewish encyclopedia on Adultery


New member
James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.

Praise the Lord, His righteousness saves me, not my own, id never make it. why I wish to keep and keep trying to it represents the One who saved me...I am on His team...

Go cubs!...but just because you strike out doesn't mean you give up...or quit the game or are off the try your best next time you are at bat...

You don't keep the rules to play the keep the rules because you love the game...


New member why I wish to keep and keep trying to it represents the One who saved me...I am on His team...playing His game...just no where near as good as Him

Go cubs!...but just because you strike out doesn't mean you give up...or quit the game or are off the try your best next time you are at bat...

You don't keep the rules to play the keep the rules because you love the game...


Well-known member
John 5:24 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

Romans 8:1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Why do you not believe these?

And this is the truth, if we do the will of God and not live by the will of our flesh. No one and nothing in this world can take us away from God. And those who walk after the spirit won't be condemned. But if we walk away from God and go back going after the lusts of our flesh and doing the works of Satan, then we are crucifying Christ afresh and we put him to an open shame, because we don't let him live within our hearts. We are putting him to an open same by professing him with our lips and living to please the flesh. Denying the holy son of God. If we do this, then we walk away and we have turned from God and God will judge us.

So, you also believe that no sin can turn us from God once were saved? And that were going to heaven regardless, yes? What about child molestation?

Don't you think that these ministers who preach in the pulpit the things of God and then go on molesting children are putting Christ to an open shame? Do you think Jesus is just going to say, don't worry about it you're because saved so no problem?

No he's not, he's going to say, depart from me you worker if iniquity, I never knew you!

The only thing in this world that can turn us from God, is ourselves when we put ourselves before him.

Those who are last will be first, and who are first will be last.

We can't put ourselves before God and live by our flesh thinking were saved and think that it will be ok with him, no it won't.



Well-known member
Then you commit no sin ever?

1 John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate before the Father--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

Is this verse a lie?
He's not talking about wilful sinning, we all sin, but we are judged once we carry on wilfully sinning once we know God.

The wages of sin is death, God won't stay in unclean heart, in a person that puts themselves before him, living by their will and not his, he wants our hearts cleansed. And if we're not willing for this because we love the flesh and the world more than him. Then we will be dead to him.


Well-known member
So did ya catch the good responses #51 and #57?

Making disciples means a change from sinning to sinning less not sinless...not because it saves us but because we are grateful that we are saved...

Knowing what was done for us we flee from sin, its bondage, in a desire to be closer to the One who saved us...

No man can have two masters...

Drowning in sin we are not taught by Him how to swim in sin but how to get out of the water...

Guess what, I was talking about your past sentence in our house meeting last night. I saw that we can't breathe when we're under the sea, we can't see the heavens and we can't see the light or hear clearly, we have to come out from underneath the sea to breathe, see and hear clearly. And this is like the coming out of the world. If we live by the world and our flesh, then we won't breathe the breath of life, and we won't see the heavens and we won't see the light and we won't hear God. Living in the darkness by the lusts of the flesh separates us from God. And in staying there we are dead. Just like our breath is taken from us if we remain under the sea. We are to come out from among them and live according to the will of God.

And someone else said that the only way we can go to the depths of the sea is if we take air with us. And this is like we can go to into the the world if take God with us and he will keep us alive, we only die once the breath goes.

We are in the world but we're not of the world. We have come out from among them and are living by the spirit and by the will of God.

Jesus is our life ring, and he is there to pull us out, if we believe in him and have faith.


New member
He's not talking about wilful sinning, we all sin, but we are judged once we carry on wilfully sinning once we know God.

The wages of sin is death, God won't stay in unclean heart, in a person that puts themselves before him, living by their will and not his, he wants our hearts cleansed. And if we're not willing for this because we love the flesh and the world more than him. Then we will be dead to him.

Heb 10:26 If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains,

It is severe and graphic...but we are not to return like a dog to its vomit...

What we are before we die in Him and what we become after should be remarkably different...that is a consequence of the "good news"

Radically not of this world...