From chat: On Jesus and Homosexuality


New member
You quoted this earlier

Romans 8

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,

But you left out the rest

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

If we walk after the flesh and not after the spirit then will still come under condemnation.

As I said, we all sin every day, but to purposely sin knowing it's wrong before God is different. We will suffer for doing this, and if we carry on then we are choosing one Satan over God.

If you want to carry on thinking your ok and that you're sealed even if you live how you want to and carry on purposely sinning then thats between you and God. I know that's not the truth. I know that if we put ourselves before God and deny Jesus, then we're not worthy of him.

How about this in Ephesians 5

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.*For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God

That's pretty plain!

And this is what it actually says about no more sacrifice for sins remains. It's if we wilfully sin!

Hebrews 10


For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,


If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left

The only way we continue to be saved is if you walk after the spirit and not after the flesh

The wages of sin is death. That's as clear as crystal.

By the way, you say that anyone molesting children were not saved in the first place, what about all the other people who are wilfully sinning saying there are saved, aren't they really saved either? Where do you draw the line? Which sins are ok and which ones aren't?

I believe that we are sealed as long we keep our faith, obey the living God and follow Jesus and turn away from the lusts of the flesh and away from sin. I know that I will be chastised for wilfully sinning, And if I carry on, I know that God will let me go my own way and it will be my own fault because I will be a worker of iniquity, the holy spirit is saving me from sin every day, I know because he is giving me the power to overcome, but I also know that if I disobey God and go after the flesh then I will lose the power of the spirit and I will be dead again. I know that I must obey God and live by his will not my own!

The tortured understanding of once saved always saved ironically demands another concept the Catholics have developed regarding marriage...annulments

If a couple wish to separate, the Church (which representing God who joined the couple) has to prove that the couple were not actually properly joined to start with...(despite it being God who joined them)...

So even after 20 years together and 6 kids the Church, for a fee, can prove they were never actually married...

Same concept now with being saved...

The claim is that once you are saved, if you still sin, you were never properly or fully saved...

There are those that insist their sins are winked know, being under grace and all...


The claim is that once you are saved, if you still sin, you were never properly or fully saved...

Perseverance of the Saints



Well-known member
The tortured understanding of once saved always saved ironically demands another concept the Catholics have developed regarding marriage...annulments

If a couple wish to separate, the Church (which representing God who joined the couple) has to prove that the couple were not actually properly joined to start with...(despite it being God who joined them)...

So even after 20 years together and 6 kids the Church, for a fee, can prove they were never actually married...

Same concept now with being saved...

The claim is that once you are saved, if you still sin, you were never properly or fully saved...

There are those that insist their sins are winked know, being under grace and all...

Yes, they seem to be those who believe that they are predestinated and elect and that can do what they like, sin away and God will be ok because they are elect and chosen by him before they were born and nothing whatsoever they do can separate them from God, unless of course it's really bad and then they were never saved in the first place, even those who have been preaching for years thought of as a minister. Once caught in the act he was never saved the first place and was never elect. It's utter nonsense It's just a false teaching brought in by man!

Once saved always saved is a false doctrine. The truth is we can turn from God and die in our sins!


New member
He deduced it from scripture, with an entire historical reformation.

Well good for him...they also thought they were promised a land and walked 40 years towards it...and even assured as "the chosen" by Him in person...they still ended up rotted in the desert...their belief to leave Egypt turned to unbelief to cross over Jordan...

God's Law > Man's traditions no matter how old or how many do it...

You deduce falsehoods, with cherry picks and idiots. mad bro?


Well good for him...they also thought they were promised a land and walked 40 years towards it...and even assured as "the chosen" by Him in person...they still ended up rotted in the desert...

God's Law > Man's traditions no matter how old or how many do it... mad bro?

So what, you're an atheist now?

Either way, you're an idiot.


New member
But not just any individual act of sin. He disobeyed a specific and direct command from God.

So, that doesn't fit your case.

We are indeed told to do specific acts at specific today we are to rest...heal and the good news on forums to find and spread like minded happy Sabbath!

His whole calendar of festivals are to be done as a memorial to what was done for us and still point to the good things to come...

Not to save us but because we believe He already saved us...

It's for all the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2
His death at Passover was exactly in the spirit of that is a thank offering to spare the world from the coming wrath of His jealous Father...His wrath burns against sin and we must be covered by His son's blood to be passed over on the final day of wrath...

And true to that sacrifice being only for sins of omission...His son prayed "forgive them for they DO NOT know what they do"...even as He was being killed by them He spared them from a greater wrath...for sins they did not even know they committed...Romans soldiers, as they though, had no skin in the game but that wrath will include even them...they should be thankful for what was said and done there at their feet. Passover remains a thank offering...not a sin offering...

No Scripture to back up this claim.

Is 59:2 But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.

Google more yourself...

All of what? No Scripture supports you.

Again, no basis.

Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into this world, and through sin, death; so also death was transferred to all men, to all who have sinned.

What is more corruptible than desth? All of the sacrificial system and Laws are to teach us to cleanse and purify and restore us to our unfallen uncorrupted state...and then to finally learn that only belief in the spilled blood of One sacrifice will we ACTUALLY be transformed...

Ah, sanctification, not justification. (Romans 12:1-2 isn't about justification.)
you thought of that text not me...I was still going on about how only one individual sin started this whole plan of salvation rolling...that one individual sin it doomed us all...of course we need Him for one sin alone...

Nice platitudes.
Awww thanks...

No Scriptural support.

Peter and John make a bold scene about this in Acts 4 they declare He is

the cornerstone.’ 12Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

So we good? One sin mattered...even if done in ignorance

Not really sure what type of believer or belief you are here with...another gospel?


New member
i disagree, but even if so, how does "love your neighbor as yourself" apply to neighbors who are murderers?

Your quote refers to the royal law. The Law of Liberty defines the parameters by which we are judged.