Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


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Who said it was.....that isn't the doesn't have to promote false doctine by not dividing and separatimg the faithful. We are to help one another, and to be of one accord; not divide.

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Is it helpful to someone to encourage them or even stand idly by as they push false doctrine?


New member
Is it helpful to someone to encourage them or even stand idly by as they push false doctrine?

Encourage the straightening and strengtheing there of by the will and mercy of GOD. Not promote false doctrine or set idley by.

We are not to divide though or cast out.

I am surprised you speak of not setting idly speak of works friend.

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Jesus says to have childlike faith.

spreading malicious lies are not childlike faith.

Our faith is meaningless if we cannot discern what is of the HS or not.


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Encourage the straightening and strengtheing there of by the will and mercy of GOD. Not promote false doctrine or set idley by.

We are not to divide though or cast out.

I am surprised you speak of not setting idly speak of works friend.

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Would you agree with this statement?

"If a brother sins against you, rebuke them, and if they repent, forgive them."


Is JR your friend who has been thanking musty's vicious personal attacks?

child like faith is not being naïve or closing eyes to evil deeds.

do you agree or not?



Have you reading my posts?

and you cannot tell if I speak the truth?

Marhig affirmed that I do, many times.


New member

BTW, We know them by the company we keep too.. Look at the Christians who are thanking to your posts and you are thanking to.

that's how I discern their reading of the Bible whether it is credible or not, mainly.

I would not say always because sometimes there are exceptions.

If they are newbies, I always give them the benefit of doubt.

Blssing to you also.
You will notice I sometimes thank you and Marhig also. Does that mean you can determine how I read my Bible?
We do disagree Meshak on some things, but you should attack that rather than criticize a post that is scripture only.


Blssing to you also.
You will notice I sometimes thank you and Marhig also. Does that mean you can determine how I read my Bible?
We do disagree Meshak on some things, but you should attack that rather than criticize a post that is scripture only.

Your basics are still the same with those opponents of ours.

That's all count for me.


As I said... You can criticize opinions... you should not criticize Scripture (Although, you can argue if you think someone is taking a single verse out of context). I think we agree on that my friend.

My position still stands. I know your basic position and I don't agree. So I know we are reading the Bible differently.

So your quoting the verses to me is meaningless.

We are completely taking different approach in discerning things. Jesus is the judge who is right or not.

good day.


New member
Good. Because those are Jesus' words.

Pops, should some rebukes be harsh and dividing, if someone refuses to repent?

Harsh; not divisive.

We are to separate ourselves from those who we know through observation to not repent of evil or wrong. We separate ourselves from such not through harsh words that belittle who we consider wrong, but our very works will show the difference in themselves is one is not of the flock.

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New member

Have you reading my posts?

and you cannot tell if I speak the truth?

Marhig affirmed that I do, many times.
You generally seem to have the right idea as far as I can tell....however asking about such and pointing out that someone else may think such isn't too becoming in my opinion.

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New member
[MENTION=17355]popsthebuilder[/MENTION], why the silence?[/QUOTE [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION] ;

I work ma'am. And though the things we generally discuss interest me very much; I cannot always comment imediatly.

Many of your posts I do not see.

You asked something about Jr seemingly because I called him friend and agreed with a point of his.

He is hard to discuss things with at times as I surely am as well. At times he can admit when he needs to rethink or return to subject.....even if the only sign of such is his own silence.

If someone says words close to the teachings of the Christ without manipulation then chances are I will agree with it. I am quite aware of the name calling and derogatory comments that fly around here. I am not blind; but I will not comment on every little thing always. This is mainly because it is better to approach things a particular way to me, that people might here every once in a while. If all I do is rant about the snide remarks of others then that will be the expected norm from me and my words will eventually be heard even less.

So you understand; I have one real enemy and even consider them a friend in that I sincerely wish the best for them.

I try to stay on the topics relating to the bigger picture that quible to no avail about what each of us already know is wrong.

If you are expecting outward praise to others here about you then you will be receiving none. I didn't agree with you about Mrs. Mary for her to see it, but because i agree. Likewise; though i may agree with her about you too some extent; i would never exclaim such by your request..... I'll leave it at that.

peace friend.

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God's Truth

New member
Is JR your friend who has been thanking musty's vicious personal attacks?

child like faith is not being naïve or closing eyes to evil deeds.

do you agree or not?

Are you a hypocrite? Do you not call everyone 'friend'?

I think all who call those who are against obedience to Christ a 'friend' is in error.

God's Truth

New member
Would you agree with this statement?

"If a brother sins against you, rebuke them, and if they repent, forgive them."

Wow. So you are preaching that one should repent of their sins. Good for you; however, not a good heart if you don't admit that you used to preach against repenting of sins.