Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


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But we are told not to break the faith of those cracked vessels holding some semblance of the truth yet not the substance of life; arent we?

Or do you think we are to somehow assist in the emptying of the vessel that it may be filled with the Spirit?

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So you think its offensive to point out they are the temple of that Spirit? That same Spirit Christ in and among flesh spoke these scolding words Matt 23:13 that's pretty offensive to traditional thinking is it not?

I'm not calling them idiots or morons, nor am I condemning them.


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So you know no one in the Bible was ever rebuked for obeying too much, but you still don't want to admit you are wrong? You still want to accuse me of doing wrong by obeying and preaching obedience.
You should go read what Jesus said to the Pharisees...

And why would I admit to wrong when I have not committed any wrongdoing? Guilt can only be applied to those under law. I am not under the law, I am under the grace given by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and God.

All things are lawful to me, but not all things are helpful, not all things edify, I will not be brought under the power of any.

Poor GT, caught in the trap of legalism. :mock:


New member
So you think its offensive to point out they are the temple of that Spirit? That same Spirit Christ in and among flesh spoke these scolding words Matt 23:13 that's pretty offensive to traditional thinking is it not?

I'm not calling them idiots or morons, nor am I condemning them.
No sir!.....

I was asking genuine questions as I am somewhat torn on the subject as I see it partially, that a cracked vessel cannot hold the substance of what is their use? Some should indeed be saved by fear of fire, but at what point do we stop trying for that person who repeatedly denies all validity of one's own faith or the truth of the words emparted to them?

I did not mean to seem assuming. It is a curious subject to say the very least.


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Well-known member
No sir!.....

I was asking genuine questions as I am somewhat torn on the subject as I see it partially, that a cracked vessel cannot hold the substance of what is their use? Some should indeed be saved by fear of fire, but at what point do we stop trying for that person who repeatedly denies all validity of one's own faith or the truth of the words emparted to them?

I did not mean to seem assuming. It is a curious subject to say the very least.


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The symbolism of a seed that fall's to the ground has a protective shell to protect its inward germ of life until that new life stirs within, its discarded after the inner process of regeneration/germination out grows that skin, a process that can vary on timing, seasonal conditions, type of soil, etc...we experience all those parables, the tares and wheat grow in the same kingdom Romans 7:18,22, we are that Kingdom Luke 17:21, where good and evil grows side by side, Gen 18:25, John 3:6, so we mistake this paradox for God's going to destroy those wicked people when its just a analogy of our own awaking from darkness to light, learning from our own inflicted suffering by being ignorant of who we are, the accuser, jury, and judge, Romans 2:1, playing with fire/law we get burned Romans 2:15, on the way to perfect love that judges no man like Our Father always welcomes us home, notice the prodigal judged himself, the Father rejoiced .


New member
The symbolism of a seed that fall's to the ground has a protective shell to protect its inward germ of life until that new life stirs within, its discarded after the inner process of regeneration/germination out grows that skin, a process that can vary on timing, seasonal conditions, type of soil, etc...we experience all those parables, the tares and wheat grow in the same kingdom Romans 7:18,22, we are that Kingdom Luke 17:21, where good and evil grows side by side, Gen 18:25, John 3:6, so we mistake this paradox for God's going to destroy those wicked people when its just a analogy of our own awaking from darkness to light, learning from our own inflicted suffering by being ignorant of who we are, the accuser, jury, and judge, Romans 2:1, playing with fire/law we get burned Romans 2:15, on the way to perfect love that judges no man like Our Father always welcomes us home, notice the prodigal judged himself, the Father rejoiced .
So don't judge any as un able to be saved due to their own thick headedness or stiff neck? Just keep on keeping on aye? Stay focused on one's own judgement perhaps?

Your personal insight which gleens of truth seemingly, is very welcome to the conversation.


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Haha, you made me laugh... I like you Meshak. I thought it was funny you chose to argue / disagree with me on a post that was a Scripture quote.

I have been reading your posts and know your overall faith.

So whatever you quote, it will not change my observation of your reading of the Bible.

I am a follower of contextual reading.

God's Truth

New member
You should go read what Jesus said to the Pharisees...

Jesus didn't like the Pharisees because they didn't believe in Jesus and repent of their sins.

And why would I admit to wrong when I have not committed any wrongdoing? Guilt can only be applied to those under law. I am not under the law, I am under the grace given by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and God.

All things are lawful to me, but not all things are helpful, not all things edify, I will not be brought under the power of any.

All things are lawful means you can eat meat that was once forbidden.

Poor GT, caught in the trap of legalism. :mock:

You are in Satan's trap.


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Jesus didn't like the Pharisees because they didn't believe in Jesus and repent of their sins.

All things are lawful means you can eat meat that was once forbidden.

You are in Satan's trap.
Nope, nope, and .... Nope. :mock:

Poor, legalist, GuT.



BTW, We know them by the company we keep too.. Look at the Christians who are thanking to your posts and you are thanking to.

that's how I discern their reading of the Bible whether it is credible or not, mainly.

I would not say always because sometimes there are exceptions.

If they are newbies, I always give them the benefit of doubt.



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BTW, We know them by the company we keep too.. Look at the Christians who are thanking to your posts and you are thanking to.

that's how I discern their reading of the Bible whether it is credible or not, mainly.

I would not say always because sometimes there are exceptions.

If they are newbies, I always give them the benefit of doubt.

Or, you know, maybe they're thanking him because he's correct, and you're not...

Have you ever considered that?