Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Well-known member

BTW, We know them by the company we keep too.. Look at the Christians who are thanking to your posts and you are thanking to.

that's how I discern their reading of the Bible whether it is credible or not, mainly.

That may be the stupidest thing the Meshak people have posted since Grandma Meshak said all trinitarians are secret sex perverts.

You judge someone's understanding of the Bible, not by what the Bible says, but by who they give and get TOL thanks from?

You're are literally an idiot. All of you.


That may be the stupidest thing the Meshak people have posted since Grandma Meshak said all trinitarians are secret sex perverts.

You judge someone's understanding of the Bible, not by what the Bible says, but by who they give and get TOL thanks from?

You're are literally an idiot. All of you.

I am talking about very basic of gospel and Christianity.

blessings, musty:)


I am a simple Christian.

I concentrate on basics of the Bible and Jesus' teachings. That's all I can handle.

And I know Jesus approves of my approach about Christianity.

And I know you are no way to judge anyone's salvation, musty.



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I am a simple Christian.

I concentrate on basics of the Bible and Jesus' teachings. That's all I can handle.

And I know Jesus approves of my approach about Christianity.


You think by doing this you can handle the meat of the word?

You can't even handle the milk. You're LACTOSE INTOLERANT!

Jesus hates false witnesses and liars. He hates those who distort the truth of His word just to promote their own agenda.



Well-known member
I am a simple Christian.

Simplest definition of "Christian" is "one who is in Christ."

One becomes a member of Christ ONLY by obeying the saving Gospel of grace.

You've rejected that Gospel since you arrived here.

You are not a Christian in any true, meaningful sense.

I concentrate on basics of the Bible and Jesus' teachings. That's all I can handle.

It is not all that you COULD handle. It's what you choose to believe because it seems to justify your love of self-righteous works.

And I know Jesus approves of my approach about Christianity.

No, He does not. The Jesus you'll go to to try to prove that doesn't exist for you.

And I know you are no way to judge anyone's salvation.

Yes I am, only because I can read.


You're accursed because you deny the Lord who died for you.


Simplest definition of "Christian" is "one who is in Christ."

One becomes a member of Christ ONLY by obeying the saving Gospel of grace.

You've rejected that Gospel since you arrived here.

You are not a Christian in any true, meaningful sense.

It is NOT all you COULD handle. It's what you choose to believe because it seems to justify your love of self-righteous works.

No, He does not.

Yes I am, only because I can read.

You're accursed because you deny the Lord who died for you.

good day, musty.



After you admitted you lied for years by letting people post as you, but refused to admit that it was lying?

All liars go to the Lake of Fire.

wow, you still using this vicious attack and lie after I explained many times?

This is too much, even for you.

good day.



You have been exposing your fake Christianity with your vicious attacks on your enemy Christians.

May God have mercy on us sinners.



Does anyone remember that Musty attacked me with the same kind of comment like a few days ago?

You tried to excuse it but never admitted it for what it was: a lie that you ran for YEARS.

Please let me know. I cannot find them. It is lost in the multitudes of posts.

[MENTION=18157]marhig[/MENTION] [MENTION=20457]jaybird[/MENTION] [MENTION=17355]popsthebuilder[/MENTION]

would you show me?

thank you:)


Never mind, I found it:

e, I am from Okinawa, Japan.

So my English is not perfect and sometimes broken. And I know sometimes, it is darn good, if I say so myself.

So just becaseu my English pattern is not consistent, it is because of my second language barrier (sp).

But I also know that my points are clear and simple and consistent.

I make my posts short to avoid confusion so I don't get to be used to take advantage of my language barrier.

And even that they have something to vilify about. I cannot win.

But that will not stop me to voice my conviction about my simple faith.


Originally Posted by musterion
Not true. They did not identify themselves. They posted AS you and did not tell us they were someone else (even though we figured it out). And it happened more than once.

musty said:
A few years of you and them lying, pretending to be you. You're a liar and now you're trying to excuse it.Jesus has no room for liars with Him.

my reply:
So because I honestly tell what I am doing, and someone is editing my broken English I am subject to harassment?

Only sick person come to this kind of hateful conclusion.

They didn't change anything, all they did was fixing my broken English.

they don't know what is going in the forum so they cannot put their own ideas into my statements.

again, this is just simple common sense.

You need to get rid of your hateful mentality since you claim to be saved Christian.

I have a new thread "child like faith."

I hope you participate it.



As you can see, what musty is doing is dishonest and vicious harassment without any good reason.

do you think this is a good and true Christian thing to do?

I don't think so, yet he has so many Christians thank his comments.

The Truth is not in fake Christians.


New member
Is it faithful towards God to promote false doctrine? No.
Who said it was.....that isn't the doesn't have to promote false doctine by not dividing and separatimg the faithful. We are to help one another, and to be of one accord; not divide.

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