Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


New member
if your going to quote me, please do it correctly.
this is me -
i believe the Most High has no limitations, i didnt know that was a heresy. so other than the Most High not being able to create a son, what else can the Most High not do? do you not have an answer?

this is not me -
Quote Originally Posted by jaybird
i believe the Most High has no limitations, (including being able to sin) i didnt know that was a heresy.

Sure it's heresy... you preach a false Gospel. Even the JW paraphrase tells you "it is impossible for God to lie". Heb. 6:18
scripture says the Most High does not lie. putting limits on the Most High, what He can and CAN NOT DO, sound like heresy to me, and very arrogant.

Of course God COULD have created a son. However the Son... the Word was not created.

before you said it was impossible for the Father to create the Son.

God's Word has an answer... there are several things God can NOT do. His Word tells us He can not change... He can not break a promise... He can not sin... etc. Multiple texts tell us what God can't do. If you can't find them by Googling, I will help you.
i am aware of many things the Lord DOES NOT do. but to suggest there are things that the Almighty is powerless to do, beyond HIS abilities. you make it sound as if the Almighty is more like a limited Almighty. not sure about that one

Scripture tells us He was given the name of Jesus when He was born. We don't know what, or if He had a name in eternity past; Scripture does not say... perhaps it was JHWH.
and where does scripture say He was not Jesus before He was born in this world? His parents were told what to name Him, does it say this name was different than what He had before, how do you know the Most High didnt tell them what to name Him because that was in fact already His name.

God's Truth

New member
Then why did Jesus call Nicodemus master? You missed Jesus' entire point. I thought it was only Paul that you misunderstood. :nono:

You did not prove what you claim.

Just obey Jesus.

Matthew 23:8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.


Well-known member
It is disobedience to call someone besides Jesus 'Rabbi'.

Matthew 23:8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

And this is addressed to YOU. You are working very hart to keep Jacob out in the darkness with you.

Matt. 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.​


It is disobedience to call someone besides Jesus 'Rabbi'.

Matthew 23:8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

It is not about me being called Rabbi. As a Jew though I can still be a teacher, which is a Rabbi. That is Jewish, Judaism, Israel. As for calling someone else Rabbi, do you believe that there are teachers in Israel or in the Church? We are all brethren, even this many years later after them, Christ is our Master.

The question you are dealing with has to do with if anyone can have a teacher other than the Holy Spirit or Jesus or God? Maybe not, but I know that in the Church and in Israel there are teachers. If there are teachers, it is possible for a person to be a teacher if God wants them to be, more so than if they want to be, but there is if God calls them to be a teacher does that mean they are a teacher or they will be a teacher or God wants them to be a teacher whether they are now or not? Because a person who wants to be a teacher and is not a teacher yet either needs training or education even from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and maybe even other people or a school or college or institution or something, but would they delay being called teacher or are they simply or merely looking in to it? Do they need formal teaching to teach someone about God, to teach God's commandments, Christian living, what it means to be a Jew, etc...?

Sharing or sharing the truth in love may or may not be teaching. There are many gifts or ministries in the body (of Christ) the church, the body of Messiah. Maybe someone is an Evangelist, but maybe they (and or a person) can share without the title or gift of Evangelist, Evangelism. Etc....




Well-known member
It is not about me being called Rabbi. As a Jew though I can still be a teacher, which is a Rabbi. That is Jewish, Judaism, Israel. As for calling someone else Rabbi, do you believe that there are teachers in Israel or in the Church? We are all brethren, even this many years later after them, Christ is our Master.

The question you are dealing with has to do with if anyone can have a teacher other than the Holy Spirit or Jesus or God? Maybe not, but I know that in the Church and in Israel there are teachers. If there are teachers, it is possible for a person to be a teacher if God wants them to be, more so than if they want to be, but there is if God calls them to be a teacher does that mean they are a teacher or they will be a teacher or God wants them to be a teacher whether they are now or not? Because a person who wants to be a teacher and is not a teacher yet either needs training or education even from God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and maybe even other people or a school or college or institution or something, but would they delay being called teacher or are they simply or merely looking in to it? Do they need formal teaching to teach someone about God, to teach God's commandments, Christian living, what it means to be a Jew, etc...?

Sharing or sharing the truth in love may or may not be teaching. There are many gifts or ministries in the body (of Christ) the church, the body of Messiah. Maybe someone is an Evangelist, but maybe they (and or a person) can share without the title or gift of Evangelist, Evangelism. Etc....



Yep....teaching is a gift.


You will try anything to get out of obeying, IMHO.


this would be diction
or a dictionary
or definitions
or a definition

and I forget what else

Jewish and the word Rabbi
or Israel and the word Rabbi
or the word Rabbi

many people do not know the definition of the word

God's Truth

New member

this would be diction
or a dictionary
or definitions
or a definition

and I forget what else

Jewish and the word Rabbi
or Israel and the word Rabbi
or the word Rabbi

many people do not know the definition of the word

So are you going to obey Jesus or not?

God's Truth

New member
I do obey Jesus. From Matthew to Revelation. All the red letters. I don't see anywhere where it says to not call anyone Rabbi. If it did we wouldn't call Jesus Rabbi.

You have to be able to be reasoned with and that is by people who want to obey Jesus.

That is not you, evidently.


You have to be able to be reasoned with and that is by people who want to obey Jesus.

That is not you, evidently.

Isaiah where you might be talking about is about reasoning with those whose sins are red as scarlet but need to be and will be white as snow

Otherwise I am not into reason and reasoning or the Age of Reason

As for logic, it needs to be turned around to arrive at your conclusion, which is why I no longer believe

"call no man Rabbi"

God's Truth

New member
Isaiah where you might be talking about is about reasoning with those whose sins are red as scarlet but need to be and will be white as snow
They have to repent of their sins. They have to obey.

Otherwise I am not into reason and reasoning or the Age of Reason

All I care about is God's Truth.

As for logic, it needs to be turned around to arrive at your conclusion, which is why I no longer believe

"call no man Rabbi"

You don't want to obey then you cannot be reasoned with. That is the way it is.