Zero Americans killed by terrorist attacks from banned countries


Trump and co. initially insisted that visa and green card holders WERE included. They have since decided to walk that back some but people are still being detained and some agencies are ignoring court orders to stop detaining such people.
Immigration officials weren't given instructions as how to deal with visas and green card recipients - otherwise those individuals wouldn't have been detained and not allowed to speak with their lawyers.

The Trump Administration backtracked only after it was confronted with a political firestorm and the adverse decisions by several federal court judges.

For a businessman who supposedly has decades of experience of managing issues and dealing with the public, this was yet another public relations disaster!
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It's merely political grandstanding. Trump could have chosen to furtively vetted those countries yet he chose to make an official event out of the process engendering hate and bigotry. The man's pathetic.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
He is certainly not playing it the way I would think best. Then, I have little belief he would win the election?


He is certainly not playing it the way I would think best. Then, I have little belief he would win the election?
This is only the first week - how long will it take for Trump supporters to realize that this isn't what they signed on for and that he lacks the temperament and political skills to be president?


New member
Immigration officials weren't given instructions as how to deal with visas and green card recipients - otherwise those individuals wouldn't have been detained and not allowed to speak with their lawyers.

The Trump Administration backtracked only after it was confronted with a political firestorm and the adverse decisions by several federal court judges.

For a businessman who supposedly has decades of experience of managing issues and dealing with the public, this was yet another public relations disaster!

The fat lady hasn't sung yet. There have been many so called public relations disasters in the past, only to end up showing trump was right all along. Besides, Trump likes to get things all riled up with the objective of further delegitimizing the press in the public mind.


New member
It's merely political grandstanding. Trump could have chosen to furtively vetted those countries yet he chose to make an official event out of the process engendering hate and bigotry. The man's pathetic.

The only hate and bigotry being exhibited is from the trump haters. It seems to me that was the further marginalize these people in the public mind.


Well-known member
There have been zero Americans killed by terrorists from the 7 banned countries.

An American also has only a 1 in 3.6 billion chance of dying by a terrorist attack by a refugee in a given year (only three have ever died from refugee terrorist attack, all in the 70's.

The order does almost nothing for national security (might even make it more dangerous as the radical Islamists may get additional motivation to harm us), at great cost (disrputing legitimate business, which harms our economy and research, and separating families).

Anyone who supports Trump's Muslim ban are a bunch of disgraceful cowards.

Another interesting thing to note, most of the voters and supporters of Trump and his ban live in places that are never targeted by terrorist attacks (small towns). The large cities that tend to be targeted, like NYC and Boston that have suffered terrorist attacks, overwhelmingly oppose Trump and his travel ban. The people who actually live in places that may suffer a terrorist attack have a 1,000 times more courage than the cowards who isolate themselves in small towns with their guns and bunkers and support this ban.

This is for you, for the Cato liberal-tarians and all Mohammedans and illegals.



Well-known member
I saw a leftist comment on an article just this morning that said "only five" Americans have been killed by Mohammedans since 9/11. Even if that figure were accurate, it shows how the Left will always move the goalpost and has no problem with "broken eggs." One person killed by an allah snackbar, the response is "Well, it was just one." Five killed, "Only five." A hundred killed, "Hey, at least it wasn't 200," etc.

Mohammedanism (Islam consistently practiced) is incompatible with Western civilization and so is a mortal threat, but the Left is THE enemy here.They're already inside the gates.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... Trump likes to get things all riled up with the objective of further delegitimizing the press in the public mind.

yesterday, the cbc was all about how horribly bigoted trump was to ban muslims

last night, the news was all about the mosque shooting in QC

today, they were tripping over themselves trying (and failing) to tie it to right wing extremism

it's going to break their goofy leftists hearts to realize this was muslim extremism, brought home to roost in their liberal lala land


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm so sick and tired of tribal cry-babies like you, Obama enacted the exact same suspension policy in Iraq so he could strengthen vetting policies, where is your alleged outrage on that.
Two key differences. 1) It was not a ban but delays. 2) It was in response to actual Iraqi refugees who were involved in attacks.

President Donald Trump defended his sweeping immigration policy by calling it “similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months.” That’s a faulty comparison.

There was a delay in processing Iraqi refugees in 2011 after it was discovered that two Iraqi refugees living in Kentucky had been involved in roadside bombing attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. One of the refugee’s fingerprints were found on a detonation device in Iraq, prompting U.S. immigration, security and intelligence agencies to use federal databases to rescreen about 58,000 Iraqi refugees in the U.S. and more than 25,000 Iraqis who had been approved to enter the U.S., but had not yet been admitted, Department of Homeland Security officials testified at the time.

The Kentucky case not only caused a backlog in processing Iraqi refugees in 2011, but it also resulted in an overhaul of the refugee screening process.

The Obama administration’s actions were limited to one country and in response to a specific threat — the potential for other Iraqi refugees to take advantage of a flaw in the screening process.

By contrast, Trump ordered a far wider ban — albeit also temporary — without identifying a specific threat.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There have been zero Americans killed by terrorists from the 7 banned countries.

Blew a guy up

So this guy isn't really dead?

What about these 500 guys?

They killed a SEAL in Yemen Yesterday

They over ran our Embassy and killed our Ambassador
Did you forget about that?

Here's some Somalians Killing some boaters as they tend to do
With help from a Yemini

I'm not sure where that is and how it relates to South Sudan, I assume it's North of it, but South Sudan has it's share of issues.
But don't worry about it until an American has died? Is that what we should do?

Also, you can't try to make the case that Iraq has any control over who's who when ISIS controls a big chunk of their country.

Same thing goes for Syria.

ISIS is located in Syria and Iraq made mostly of people from Syria and Iraq.
Should they just check a box that says "Not ISIS"? Or would you feel better with them checking a box that says "Totally Not ISIS"?

Trump wanted a ban "Until our Elected Officials can Figure Out what the Hell is Going ON".
Now he's our elected Official and he's going to get a handle on things where he feels there's not a good handle.


Active member
Blew a guy up

So this guy isn't really dead?

What about these 500 guys?

They killed a SEAL in Yemen Yesterday

They over ran our Embassy and killed our Ambassador
Did you forget about that?

Here's some Somalians Killing some boaters as they tend to do
With help from a Yemini

I'm not sure where that is and how it relates to South Sudan, I assume it's North of it, but South Sudan has it's share of issues.
But don't worry about it until an American has died? Is that what we should do?

Also, you can't try to make the case that Iraq has any control over who's who when ISIS controls a big chunk of their country.

Same thing goes for Syria.

ISIS is located in Syria and Iraq made mostly of people from Syria and Iraq.
Should they just check a box that says "Not ISIS"? Or would you feel better with them checking a box that says "Totally Not ISIS"?

Trump wanted a ban "Until our Elected Officials can Figure Out what the Hell is Going ON".
Now he's our elected Official and he's going to get a handle on things where he feels there's not a good handle.

Is English not your first language? We are talking about on American soil for people we have vetted and let in, not attacks in war zone areas on foreign soil.


Active member
nonononono :nono:

tinark meant this week

or this afternoon

or something

Those paint chips really did a number on you, that or English isn't your first language (which means Trump needs to deport you), since we've obviously been talking about killed _in the US_ by people the authorities already vetted using the current methods, duh.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Is English not your first language?
Only one, took some French in High School but it didn't stick.
We are talking about on American soil for people we have vetted and let in, not attacks in war zone areas on foreign soil.
Is English your first language?
Because you didn't say that, you said:
Tinark said:
There have been zero Americans killed by terrorists from the 7 banned countries.

Now, go ahead and underline the words "On American soil" and "vetted" and "war zone" for us.


like marbles on glass
yesterday, the cbc was all about how horribly bigoted trump was to ban muslims

last night, the news was all about the mosque shooting in QC

today, they were tripping over themselves trying (and failing) to tie it to right wing extremism

it's going to break their goofy leftists hearts to realize this was muslim extremism, brought home to roost in their liberal lala land

Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, who said he was a fan of U.S. President Donald Trump and far-right French politician Marine Le Pen, had recently moved into an apartment near the mosque with his twin brother, an unnamed neighbor of their parents told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

Bissonnette, the sole suspect in Sunday night's shooting, was charged on Monday with six counts of first-degree murder and five counts of attempted murder with a restricted weapon. Police said he acted alone.

Police declined to discuss a motive for the shooting at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Québec, but friends and online acquaintances told Canadian media he expressed anti-immigration sentiments, especially toward Muslim refugees.

A social science student and former cadet known in online circles for his right-wing views, Bissonnette was described by a former classmate as a "nerdy outcast."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Only one, took some French in High School but it didn't stick.

Is English your first language?
Because you didn't say that, you said:

Now, go ahead and underline the words "On American soil" and "vetted" and "war zone" for us.

looks like the tinman bailed :idunno: