Zero Americans killed by terrorist attacks from banned countries


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Hall of Fame
They're considered white now, they weren't back then. Eastern Europeans weren't lumped into "white" either. Might want to study up on that racism thing if you're going to use it.

No need, Had read all that before you were born.

They were white, but not Aryan, there is a difference.


We cannot cut corporate taxes and build a strong economy, while, at the same time, taking on the burdens of the world. People need to learn to help themselves.
That's what the country needs - Donald Trump and his billionaire cronies who are already paying little or no federal tax deserve yet another corporate tax cut, subsidized by the rest of us who are paying taxes!


Well-known member
It may not matter for the PR hit but it could matter for how bad the practical consequences are.
It's already terrible. People are terrified. Some of my students may even be affected (My college has a very large number of international students).


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Hall of Fame
That's what the country needs - Donald Trump and his billionaire cronies who are already not paying their fair share of federal taxes deserve yet another corporate tax cut, subsidized by the rest of us who do pay taxes!

We absolutely need the corporate tax cut to need mega corporations in the USA. The people need the jobs more than these large corporations need to pay a 355 tax, about the highest tax burden anywhere.


New member
Temporary really doesn't matter that much. The news has already been made. The whole world sees that Trump (via Steve Bannon) is a bigot, and thus so is US policy for the time being.

I'm so sick and tired of tribal cry-babies like you, Obama enacted the exact same suspension policy in Iraq so he could strengthen vetting policies, where is your alleged outrage on that.
As a result of the Kentucky case, the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets. One Iraqi who had aided American troops was assassinated before his refugee application could be processed, because of the immigration delays, two U.S. officials said. In 2011, fewer than 10,000 Iraqis were resettled as refugees in the U.S., half the number from the year before, State Department statistics show.


Well-known member
I'm so sick and tired of tribal cry-babies like you, Obama enacted the exact same suspension policy in Iraq so he could strengthen vetting policies, where is your alleged outrage on that.
Obama's treatment of Iraqi regugees was bad policy as well, but it didn't block green card and visa holders that had traveled out of the country from re-entering. That is illegal and unprecedented. A green card holder has a legal right to residence in the USA.


like marbles on glass


New member
Obama's treatment of Iraqi regugees was bad policy as well, but it didn't block green card and visa holders that had traveled out of the country from re-entering. That is illegal and unprecedented. A green card holder has a legal right to residence in the USA.

neither does Trump's suspension. there was some confusion early on but Reince Priebus clarified that green card holders are not affected and also numerous Visa types were granted in the order itself


Well-known member
neither does Trump's suspension. there was some confusion early on but Reince Priebus clarified that green card holders are not affected and also numerous Visa types were granted in the order itself

Trump and co. initially insisted that visa and green card holders WERE included. They have since decided to walk that back some but people are still being detained and some agencies are ignoring court orders to stop detaining such people.


New member
"The executive order doesn't affect green card holders moving forward," White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus addressed told NBC's "Meet the Press." He added that they would be subjected to extra questioning by CBP agents when they tried to re-enter the United States.

A senior administration official told Reuters, however, that it had not been determined where and how those screenings would be carried out. The nature of the screening will be up to CBP or the State Department, the official said, and specific guidelines were being drafted.

"They could be screened in many different ways and in many different places," the official said in an interview.


New member
Trump and co. initially insisted that visa and green card holders WERE included. They have since decided to walk that back some but people are still being detained and some agencies are ignoring court orders to stop detaining such people.

disagree on visas the order clearly states exceptions on most types


We absolutely need the corporate tax cut to need mega corporations in the USA. The people need the jobs more than these large corporations need to pay a 355 tax, about the highest tax burden anywhere.
There have to be ironclad guarantees that any future tax cuts will be reinvested in the American economy.

The fact that the wealthy were not not forced to reinvest them in the past speaks to the political contributions that persuaded politicians to not to attach conditions to these tax cuts - assuming that America's 1% could all be trusted to do the right thing!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There have to be ironclad guarantees that any future tax cuts will be reinvested in the American economy.

The fact that the wealthy were not not forced to reinvest their in the past speaks to political contributions that persuaded politicians to not to attach conditions to these tax cuts - assuming that America's 1% could all be trusted to do the right thing!

Did you know there is more variation in that top 1% then in all the 99% below it?

So, you men the super wealthy, like Trump. Do the right thing, as you mean it? No, they will never do that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There have to be ironclad guarantees that any future tax cuts will be reinvested in the American economy.

The fact that the wealthy were not not forced to reinvest their in the past speaks to political contributions that persuaded politicians to not to attach conditions to these tax cuts - assuming that America's 1% could all be trusted to do the right thing!

double posted me thinks. You can be sure the super wealthy will never do much for even the wealthy. Most true if they are Democrats.


New member
There have to be ironclad guarantees that any future tax cuts will be reinvested in the American economy.

The fact that the wealthy were not not forced to reinvest them in the past speaks to the political contributions that persuaded politicians to not to attach conditions to these tax cuts - assuming that America's 1% could all be trusted to do the right thing!

here is what we know for certain, government does an even poorer job of redistributing the wealth around.