Zero Americans killed by terrorist attacks from banned countries


New member
I want trump to succeed. Because if he succeeds we all succeed. I think he will be great if he learns how to speak better and stop lashing out on anyone who goes "against him" or disagrees with him.


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The timing and inclusion of Iraq in Mr. Trump’s order has put America’s military, which is closely coordinating with Iraq’s security forces in the fight for Mosul, in the awkward position of having to justify a political decision out of Washington that seems significantly out of step with the close cooperation on the battlefield.

Commanders who are leading the offensive on Mosul have asked why Iraq has been singled out even though it has partnered with the U.S. while “Saudi Arabia and other states perceived as terrorism exporters were not,” the diplomatic memo said.

One of the top generals in the fight had been planning a trip to the U.S. in early February to see family but “now appears to be stuck in Iraq,” the memo says. The general had been living in the U.S. under a sanctuary visa since last year after he received multiple death threats for his military service. But Mr. Abadi asked him to return to Iraq to help lead the fight against Islamic State, according to the memo.

“His work alongside the U.S.-led coalition and U.S. Special Operations Forces in the fight against ISIS has contributed in a major way toward the accomplishment of vital U.S. national interests,” the memo says.


Well-known member
Little by little, the complexion of our country changes by the number of Muslims we allow to immigrate.

Oh the complexion. You mean skin color it seems. That's what people said during WWII when we rejected thousands of Jews and left them to die. What kind of pro-lifer chooses to send innocent families to their deaths?


Well-known member
I read a similar piece about how this may hurt Iraqi cooperation with our military because of concerns they won't have the protection of being able to come to the US for safety. The order is only temporary so it may not end up having a significant effect.

Temporary really doesn't matter that much. The news has already been made. The whole world sees that Trump (via Steve Bannon) is a bigot, and thus so is US policy for the time being.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Oh the complexion. You mean skin color it seems. That's what people said during WWII when we rejected thousands of Jews and left them to die. What kind of pro-lifer chooses to send innocent families to their deaths?

You are a bit wacky. It is a quote from the film "Hud" Jews are white people anyway, did you not know?

You have a bad case of "white guilt".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We cannot cut corporate taxes and build a strong economy, while, at the same time, taking on the burdens of the world. People need to learn to help themselves.


Well-known member
You are a bit wacky. It is a quote from the film "Hud" Jews are white people anyway, did you not know?

You have a bad case of "white guilt".

They're considered white now, they weren't back then. Eastern Europeans weren't lumped into "white" either. Might want to study up on that racism thing if you're going to use it.