Zero Americans killed by terrorist attacks from banned countries


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Meaning they had jobs; so what was all the uproar about no jobs then.
They want everyone to have jobs and there be jobs for their children.

Think before you post.
Right back atchya.
I know; typical of the Trump Twitter drone effect, you allowed impulse to dictate your desired result :rotfl:
I tried something different than the Polished, Packaged, Establishment Product.
Do you ever try anything different?


New member
I am all for a full travel ban to the US till they strengthen security. You?

Nope. It is not answer to the problem and is more its' friend than foe.

And if history teaches anything it is that if someone is determined to get someone; they eventually will.

Further, if social engineering continues to teach anything it is that it is one's own that tend to get past the guard at the gate.

This is why nice quiet neighborhoods are ever so surprised when one thought to be their own turns out having been a monster.

It is a lesson as old as Genesis 3's shining one, and is a lesson repeated throughout Scripture.

You would think so called Bible Believers would have learned this by now.

That evil does its' best work under the guise of "looked just like one of us..."

And evil is a chameleon; ever able to adjust to whatever "wall" and or "ban" is put up against it - "the law entered that the offense might abound" :doh:


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Nope. It is not answer to the problem and is more its' friend than foe.

And if history teaches anything it is that if someone is determined to get someone; they eventually will.

Further, if social engineering continues to teach anything it is that it is one's own that tend to get past the guard at the gate.

This is why nice quiet neighborhoods are ever so surprised when one thought to be their own turns out having been a monster.

It is a lesson as old as Genesis 3's shining one, and is a lesson repeated throughout Scripture.

You would think so called Bible Believers would have learned this by now.

That evil does its' best work under the guise of "looked just like one of us..."

And evil is a chameleon; ever able to adjust to whatever "wall" and or "ban" is put up against it - "the law entered that the offense might abound" :doh:

So you don't lock your house at night or when you're gone or ever?


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New member
how many people did osama bin laden personally kill on American soil?

Reminds me of why we had to bomb Hiroshima - twice.

In contrast to Germany; Japan's was partly a strongly religious war against our country: their Emperor believed by them as divine.

Thus, their fool Kamikaze pilots and their one way trip, suicide bomber flights.

There is no way to fight that kind of a thing but by their same threat of total annihilation.

The problem today is nowhere near being Syria's everyday normal masses coming here anymore than it was those every day Germans, and Japanese who were here.

In the end, we took Germany out in Germany; Japan out, in Japan - big, big time.

And the world learned you do NOT mess with the U.S.

As with 911 - we took their war back to them.

Muslims continued to come here and 911 was the only time the terrorists were able to pull off that horror on our shores.

We kept the terrorists too busy on their shores - their having to hide in their caves, etc., for them to be able to focus on a way to pull another stunt like that.

And we revved up our internal investigations here at home.

I was thinking on this one beautiful Halloween back then.

The weather was just right; children and their parents were everywhere: their children just being children.

I thought to myself 'how amazing; here we are at war in the Middle East. And yet, able to go on with our lives, back home here. What a great country..."

As Trump put it - "bomb the hell out of them..." when they mess with us.

Obviously, that would not be here in the states.

Though I suspect he would screw that up as well; given his impulsive fool nature.

Point is their war with us is from over there.

Our great stupidity?

Our continued failure to help the Syrians who are also their victims.

One huge reason our Government had failed to bring down Organized Crime, even after they finally began to go after the Mob Families, was that the Italian Godfathers looked out for their neighborhoods.

As a result, the people in those neighborhoods looked out for them whenever Law Enforcement came "snooping around."

I remember this one Italian neighborhood I used to work in, where a Godfather lived.

Most people didn't even lock their doors.

Insulated from crime just outside its' borders by his edict, the whole area was as clean and seemingly unassuming as that neighborhood on "Leave It To Beaver."

That Godfather had issued an edict that anyone committing a crime in his neighborhood was "to to be hunted down until found and killed," as he wanted "no heat from the Law in my neighborhood."

As a result, the people in that neighborhood looked out for him.

After he died, and with his death, his protection of that neighborhood; it gradually turned crime ridden, street gang infested, etc.

My point?

That we have stupidly alienated the very people better able to keep an eye out on those who they themselves come here attempting to flee from.

Look at some of those detainees who have turned out having been working with us against terrorism.



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Look at some of those detainees who have turned out having been working with us against terrorism.

They would understand.
They would know that their countries are occupied by terrorists and be glad to see stringent vetting by anyone coming from those places.


he expressed anti-immigration sentiments, especially toward Muslim refugees.

And this is where the media forgets about France's 9/11:

Oh my! The surprise of a Frenchman not wanting Muslim immigrants :shocked:

Just can it, libs. You're all special, you don't have to prove it to us :wave:


Anyone who supports Trump's Muslim ban are a bunch of disgraceful cowards.

We're not afraid, we are simply responsible- you all are the cowards; you spend your life making excuses for people hostile to you.

Are you a white male?
Then guess what? EVERYBODY is against you.

Blacks kill whites twice as much as whites kill blacks- what are you doing? Caling everyone opposed to BLM racist! Females express their subtle misandry and march down the streets siding with those who hate you, and what do you say? "If you're not a feminist, you are sexist"!

A Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents, and then a Muslim kills innocents...

... and what do you say :chuckle:

You all ought to be taking some accountability for enabling it- that would be square. That's what you all would've been doing a century ago, when society actually held others accountable :rolleyes:


And another thing: Only about 35% of Americans are fine with these alleged refugees entering. People talk as if it's only conservatives who are against it, but I got to thinking about it and I've never spoken to a Democrat about it who agreed they should be here either.

It's just another media brainwashing regimen, except it isn't working well- trying to make you feel isolated or shunned when the large majority of the country agrees with you :rolleyes:


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Ask Obama;
I would if I could. :idunno: I've seen why he took action on Iraq, not these other countries.

Why would you keep letting people in under a process you don't have confidence in?
Why don't you have confidence in it?

Obama killed the visa waiver program making people from those places have to get visas and more scrutiny.
Trump shut the visas down so they could scrutinize the people more.
It's a natural progression and little more than difference in Management style.
Like on Bar Rescue, ever watch that show?
Some places he walks into and says "Shut it down, fix the lights so you can see how bad it is and scrub every inch of this dump from ceiling to floor."

That's what Trump just did. He's figuring out what the hell is going on. And he's not serving anymore drinks until until he's comfortable with the process.
That could be a natural progression depending on the circumstances but what is the justification for the escalation?


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I would if I could. :idunno: I've seen why he took action on Iraq, not these other countries.
Because they have civil wars going on inside them.
How can you trust a country's vetting when they don't even control their own territory?

Why don't you have confidence in it?
Because they have civil wars going on inside them.
How can you trust a country's vetting when they don't even control their own territory?
That could be a natural progression depending on the circumstances but what is the justification for the escalation?
Because they have civil wars going on inside them.
How can you trust a country's vetting when they don't even control their own territory?


New member
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Because they have civil wars going on inside them.
How can you trust a country's vetting when they don't even control their own territory?

Because they have civil wars going on inside them.
How can you trust a country's vetting when they don't even control their own territory?

Because they have civil wars going on inside them.
How can you trust a country's vetting when they don't even control their own territory?
The vetting doesn't consist of us taking their word for it.


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The vetting doesn't consist of us taking their word for it.
Who's word are we taking? Does ISIS have a passport office you can call?
I can see tremendous challenges for people trying to prove who they are and what they've been doing lately when their country has been blown up repeatedly and battle lines have drifted back and forth and that's a shame for the innocent but it's still a challenge.


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then the challenge is to make sure they think you want to hear the truth, right?

As sinister as that is it does work, if you know some of the truth you can base line their responses and then know if they are telling you what they think is true but that just takes a polygraph machine not a waterboard.