No, it doesn't RD. Scientific theories do not become formulated because of 'assumption' and science is independent of any human bias. The evidence is what matters. Beliefs, biases, prejudices et al are entirely irrelevant. The ToE did not come about on some sort of whim by way of. If it didn't pass muster or hold up to scrutiny then it would never have become a theory. By now you should realize what the term 'theory' means when applied to science as well. Now, there can be some area for assumption in science but once again, this is in conjunction with established parameters and if data comes about that undermines said then modification and else ensues.
The two most prominent and knowledgeable voices on here in reference to scientific matters were Alate & Barb, neither of whom are atheists so that was feeble. Disagreement with the likes of yourself and similar ilk does not equate to disagreement with God by any stretch.