Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that the LGBTQueer movement is up in arms over a new study which amongst other things says that childhood sexual abuse is often times responsible for same sex desires.
There was no mockery in my above statement Catfish. The acronym I used stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer", words that the homosexual movement want to be called.
AFTAH Adopts ‘LGBTQueer’ Designation to Replace ‘LGBT’ – Applauds Homosexual Task Force for Adding ‘Q’ to its Name
You do realize that prior to NAMBLA defender Frank Kameny and his LGBTQueer associates using thug-like tactics to pressure the American Psychiatric Association into removing homosexuality as a mental disorder that there were laws in practically every state against homosexuality?
Hopefully this isn't yet another one of your drive-by troll posts and we can discuss things like
"What should be done with people who organize a movement whose central theme is the indoctrination of innocent children to the ways of sexual perversion?"
"What should society do with people who spread deadly diseases, diseases that are based on a behavior that is changeable?"
I so do look forward to further discussions Catfish (when I call Catholic Crusader "Catfish", without a doubt I am mocking him because in an earlier thread he stated that if a nation recriminalizes homosexuality that same nation would have to recriminalize the consumption of catfish).
I see that the LGBTQueer movement is up in arms over a new study which amongst other things says that childhood sexual abuse is often times responsible for same sex desires.
Do you mock all people with mental disorders or just this one? Do you mock all people with mental issues or just this one?
There was no mockery in my above statement Catfish. The acronym I used stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer", words that the homosexual movement want to be called.
AFTAH Adopts ‘LGBTQueer’ Designation to Replace ‘LGBT’ – Applauds Homosexual Task Force for Adding ‘Q’ to its Name

Mocking people who suffer from a mental disorder is despicable. Criminalizing people because they suffer from a mental disorder is so far beyond stupid that it doesn't even deserve to be discussed.
You do realize that prior to NAMBLA defender Frank Kameny and his LGBTQueer associates using thug-like tactics to pressure the American Psychiatric Association into removing homosexuality as a mental disorder that there were laws in practically every state against homosexuality?
Hopefully this isn't yet another one of your drive-by troll posts and we can discuss things like
"What should be done with people who organize a movement whose central theme is the indoctrination of innocent children to the ways of sexual perversion?"
"What should society do with people who spread deadly diseases, diseases that are based on a behavior that is changeable?"
I so do look forward to further discussions Catfish (when I call Catholic Crusader "Catfish", without a doubt I am mocking him because in an earlier thread he stated that if a nation recriminalizes homosexuality that same nation would have to recriminalize the consumption of catfish).