Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I can't emphasize enough how since the decriminalization of homosexuality the LGBTQ movement is hijacking Christianity, Christian forums included. I've noted from visiting numerous Christian forums that homosexuals are disproportionately represented (granted, most of them won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals in a Christian forum, but the evidence that they are is overwhelmingly strong).

As rapidly as this cancer is spreading throughout our society, I foresee the Bible and it's stance on traditional morality becoming illegal because it allegedly spews hatred. Of course the new source for morality will have pretty rainbow colors and promote unnatural behaviors that God abhors.

Do you think if it was the will of God He would be able to do something about the homosexual influences in our society, without YOUR help?

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

Please answer that question, as I will continue to ask it until you do.

I mean, look what He did to Sodom and Gomorrah. He didn't need your help there, did He?

I was hoping that our country would never get to the point of being like Sodom and Gomorrah, but since people like you do nothing to stop the LGBTQueer agenda, in fact you promote it, it's become the equivalent of S&G or worse.

Laws don't stop immoral behavior.

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

They tried to stop people from drinking alcohol with prohibition and look what happened. That ended up being an "Exercise in Futility."

I've never compared having a beer with sodomy, but if that's how you look at the world...

BTW, prohibition worked: http://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/16/opinion/actually-prohibition-was-a-success.html

Have you EVER read the entire Bible, cover to cover, word for word, name by name? Are you a Christian?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

ACW, you are a mere speck of dust here on planet earth. Do you really believe, single-handedly you're gonna stop the sin of homosexuality with your rantings? If you believe you can, then, you've self-deluded yourself. You're a "Grasshopper Screaming at a Skyscraper."

I can't help but get the feeling that you're taking this thread a tad bit personal. What is it that bothers you so, the fact that I've exposed the child indoctrination aspect of the LGBTQ movement or the fact that I've shown that it's such a filthy unnatural behavior that those who engage in homosexuality partake in?

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll answer that question if you answer mine first:

Should there a law against people like me, i.e. a law that punishes people like me for all of the hatred that I and others like me spew towards homosexuals?

No. We have freedom of speech in this country. In turn, people like me have the right to speak their piece about you. That's the American way.

You didn't answer my question, but I will answer yours: Yes, I'm for Sharia law and look forward to the day when my wife wears a burka and walks 10 feet behind me with her eyes down (as long as she makes it to the kitchen ahead of me to fix my dinner).

When (more like "if") you return to the thread, I'll expect answers from my questions above (1, 2 3 and 4).

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I can't emphasize enough how since the decriminalization of homosexuality the LGBTQ movement is hijacking Christianity, Christian forums included. I've noted from visiting numerous Christian forums that homosexuals are disproportionately represented (granted, most of them won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals in a Christian forum, but the evidence that they are is overwhelmingly strong).

As rapidly as this cancer is spreading throughout our society, I foresee the Bible and it's stance on traditional morality becoming illegal because it allegedly spews hatred. Of course the new source for morality will have pretty rainbow colors and promote unnatural behaviors that God abhors.

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

Please answer that question, as I will continue to ask it until you do.

I was hoping that our country would never get to the point of being like Sodom and Gomorrah, but since people like you do nothing to stop the LGBTQueer agenda, in fact you promote it, it's become the equivalent of S&G or worse.

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

I've never compared having a beer with sodomy, but if that's how you look at the world...

BTW, prohibition worked: http://www.nytimes.com/1989/10/16/opinion/actually-prohibition-was-a-success.html

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

I can't help but get the feeling that you're taking this thread a tad bit personal. What is it that bothers you so, the fact that I've exposed the child indoctrination aspect of the LGBTQ movement or the fact that I've shown that it's such a filthy unnatural behavior that those who engage in homosexuality partake in?

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'll answer that question if you answer mine first:

Should there a law against people like me, i.e. a law that punishes people like me for all of the hatred that I and others like me spew towards homosexuals?

You didn't answer my question, but I will answer yours: Yes, I'm for Sharia law and look forward to the day when my wife wears a burka and walks 10 feet behind me with her eyes down (as long as she makes it to the kitchen ahead of me to fix my dinner).

When (more like "if") you return to the thread, I'll expect answers from my questions above (1, 2 3 and 4).

You didn't answer my questions properly. In fact, you didn't answer them at all. You don't make the rules around here. Let me be honest with you, "I think you're the "Scum" of TOL. You're obviously not a Christian believer and I have no respect for you as a human being. I love telling you these truths. It gives me, one fine feeling. Personally, I believe you do more harm in this world than ALL of the homosexuals combined. I think you're morally debased and an enemy of Christianity. Your filth is permitted here, however, everybody doesn't have to accept your obscene rantings. I enjoy being able to tell you who and what you are. You're a "Moral Maggot" and a sewer rat. If I had my way, I'd have you banned for life. You serve no worthy purpose on this forum. Hopefully. some day you'll hear the Gospel and place your faith in Christ. Otherwise, your eternal existence doesn't look too promising. :crackup:

That felt wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity to tell a depraved person such as yourself, what a wonderful guy you are.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When (more like "if") you return to the thread, I'll expect answers from my questions above (1, 2 3 and 4).

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

You didn't answer my questions properly. In fact, you didn't answer them at all. You don't make the rules around here.

I wasn't aware that you're the Queen Bee of my thread Grossie.

Let me be honest with you, "I think you're the "Scum" of TOL.

Thank you, that's music to my ears.

You're obviously not a Christian believer and I have no respect for you as a human being. I love telling you these truths. It gives me, one fine feeling. Personally, I believe you do more harm in this world than ALL of the homosexuals combined. I think you're morally debased and an enemy of Christianity. Your filth is permitted here, however, everybody doesn't have to accept your obscene rantings. I enjoy being able to tell you who and what you are. You're a "Moral Maggot" and a sewer rat. If I had my way, I'd have you banned for life.

Let it all out Grossie, let it all out. (Grossie obviously thinks that there should be a law against people like me, i.e. a law that punishes people like me for all of the hatred that I and others like me spew towards homosexuals).

You serve no worthy purpose on this forum. Hopefully. some day you'll hear the Gospel and place your faith in Christ. Otherwise, your eternal existence doesn't look too promising. :crackup:That felt wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity to tell a depraved person such as yourself, what a wonderful guy you are.

Can you answer these questions please?

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When (more like "if") you return to the thread, I'll expect answers from my questions above (1, 2 3 and 4).

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

I wasn't aware that you're the Queen Bee of my thread Grossie.

Thank you, that's music to my ears.

Let it all out Grossie, let it all out. (Grossie obviously thinks that there should be a law against people like me, i.e. a law that punishes people like me for all of the hatred that I and others like me spew towards homosexuals).

Can you answer these questions please?

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.

Well, I certainly hope you learned your lesson you outlandish Malcontent. I gave you quite a thrashing and I sincerely hope you got your monies worth? Hopefully, in the future, you'll be less boorish and learn to treat your fellow posters with more civility. Through our bout of "Verbal Fisticuffs" perhaps you had some form of epiphany take place that will help you to be more cautious when next we meet on a field of honor?

You have been thoroughly demoralized and wounded to the depths of your being. No doubt you'll take some time to "Lick your Wounds." A CREATURE such as yourself relies on a huge captured audience in order to bend their ears with horrific tripe. You seek to capture them with your non-existent but ever present bravado. You draw them in with all the skill of a "Snake oil salesman" then, leave them desiring more of your 'play on words' and unsympathetic rhetoric. You drive the posters into a mad frenzy of emotional upheaval, only to leave them wondering if what they're hearing is the voice of a "Master manipulator" or some out of sorts and degenerate Ringmaster?

Either way, you instill your listeners with 'propagandized' poppycock. Within your distorted mind lies an eerie mixture of bizarre notions of being some obtuse representation of 'anti-morality' while at the same time one who seeks to lead his minions into untoward desolation. Perhaps, you'll think twice about trying to cross proverbial swords with one whose verbal skills outweigh your own. You've been rendered mortally wounded in your present state and should be considering waving the 'white flag?' It would be the honorable thing to do under the circumstances. Your defeat was inevitable from the beginning.


Well, I certainly hope you learned your lesson you outlandish Malcontent. I gave you quite a thrashing and I sincerely hope you got your monies worth? Hopefully, in the future, you'll be less boorish and learn to treat your fellow posters with more civility. Through our bout of "Verbal Fisticuffs" perhaps you had some form of epiphany take place that will help you to be more cautious when next we meet on a field of honor?

You have been thoroughly demoralized and wounded to the depths of your being. No doubt you'll take some time to "Lick your Wounds." A CREATURE such as yourself relies on a huge captured audience in order to bend their ears with horrific tripe. You seek to capture them with your non-existent but ever present bravado. You draw them in with all the skill of a "Snake oil salesman" then, leave them desiring more of your 'play on words' and unsympathetic rhetoric. You drive the posters into a mad frenzy of emotional upheaval, only to leave them wondering if what they're hearing is the voice of a "Master manipulator" or some out of sorts and degenerate Ringmaster?

Either way, you instill your listeners with 'propagandized' poppycock. Within your distorted mind lies an eerie mixture of bizarre notions of being some obtuse representation of 'anti-morality' while at the same time one who seeks to lead his minions into untoward desolation. Perhaps, you'll think twice about trying to cross proverbial swords with one whose verbal skills outweigh your own. You've been rendered mortally wounded in your present state and should be considering waving the 'white flag?' It would be the honorable thing to do under the circumstances. Your defeat was inevitable from the beginning.

GM doesn't need backup from anyone.

You are correct there musterion, he's a one man circus act that doesn't need a freakish side show.

Perhaps you can address these questions for your good friend Grosnick Marowbe since he refuses to do so:

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

2) Why have laws if they don't deter and contain immoral behavior?

3) So are we going to discuss verses and passages from the Bible (that you've read cover to cover) and talk about what God expects of civil government and it's leaders?

4) Do you think that God (He is the Author of that book that you've read "cover to cover") would approve of that filthy moral degenerate that you're voting for being the President of the United States (Donald Trump)? If so, provide verses or passages from Holy Scripture showing so.
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Well-known member
1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

:think: Me thinks I read somewhere in the scriptures where Israel wanted a king (civil government) and God was displeased. Could be wrong though.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

1) Are you saying that God is an anarchist and doesn't believe in civil government, the rule of law and man legislating righteous laws?

:think: Me thinks I read somewhere in the scriptures where Israel wanted a king (civil government) and God was displeased. Could be wrong though.

I'm not aware of any place in Scripture where God speaks against righteous leaders. Perhaps you can link the verse or passage you're talking about?

That being said:

It's interesting how in our Constitutional Republic we vote for a President, but this one particular candidate wants to be king.



Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
1 Samuel 8 " And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.

8 According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, wherewith they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee.

9 Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit yet protest solemnly unto them, and shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.

10 And Samuel told all the words of the Lord unto the people that asked of him a king.

11 And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: He will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, for his chariots, and to be his horsemen; and some shall run before his chariots.

12 And he will appoint him captains over thousands, and captains over fifties; and will set them to ear his ground, and to reap his harvest, and to make his instruments of war, and instruments of his chariots.

13 And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.

14 And he will take your fields, and your vineyards, and your oliveyards, even the best of them, and give them to his servants.

15 And he will take the tenth of your seed, and of your vineyards, and give to his officers, and to his servants.

16 And he will take your menservants, and your maidservants, and your goodliest young men, and your *****, and put them to his work.

17 He will take the tenth of your sheep: and ye shall be his servants.

18 And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the Lord will not hear you in that day.

19 Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us;

20 That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.

21 And Samuel heard all the words of the people, and he rehearsed them in the ears of the Lord.

22 And the Lord said to Samuel, Hearken unto their voice, and make them a king. And Samuel said unto the men of Israel, Go ye every man unto his city.

King James Version (KJV)


Quote Originally Posted by drbrumley

Me thinks I read somewhere in the scriptures where Israel wanted a king (civil government) and God was displeased. Could be wrong though.

God gave them Saul.

Now that wasn't hard was it Grossie?

I've posted several articles by American Family Association's Bryan Fischer in the past, here are just two relating to the current topic:

May 18, 2011

Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof

By Bryan Fischer


Moses is a figure who towers over biblical history and world history, widely recognized, even by secular sources, as the greatest lawgiver of all time.

His writings were frequently cited by the founders of Christianity, beginning with Christ himself. He is described as a "man of God," and had the rare distinction of speaking with God face to face, "as a man speaks with a man."

Here's the kicker: when God called this man of faith, this giant of faith, he called him into politics.

God did not call him to start a church, or an evangelistic endeavor, or a soup kitchen. He called him to build and lead a nation. He called him to speak truth to political power and lead his people from political bondage to political freedom.

God called Moses to free his people from the heavy and oppressive hand of a tyrannical government which was taxing the labor of people beyond their ability to bear. (Note: do we need another Moses today or what?)

It's time to get over this silliness we hear from many Christians, even Christian leaders, that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/110518

April 16, 2015

If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender

By Bryan Fischer

The church of Jesus Christ is intended by God to be the conscience of America.

To be sure, the church is not called to run America, since we are not a theocracy but a democratic republic. If folks want a theocracy, in which clergy run the politics of a nation, then Muslim nations are the place for you.

But the church is called to be a clarion voice in the public square, calling public officials as well as the public itself back to the abiding moral principles of the laws of nature and nature's God.

Public officials are servants of God, according to Romans 13, whether they know it or not, and it is the job of the servants of God who fill our pulpits to faithfully remind public officials of their accountability to God and his truth.

Some today still argue that the church and its leaders should just stay out of politics because it's such a dirty business. Well, that's exactly why the church should be involved – somebody has got to start cleaning up that mess.

The church is called to be the "salt of the earth," which means the salt has to get out of the shaker (the four walls of the church) and into society. And the church is called to be the "light of the world," which means it needs to take its light out from under the bushel (the four walls of the church) and shine its light into every darkened corner in our world, including the world of politics.

If men of God are supposed to stay out of politics, then God himself didn't get the memo. If godly men are supposed to stay out of politics, then He himself is the biggest offender.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150416

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by drbrumley

Me thinks I read somewhere in the scriptures where Israel wanted a king (civil government) and God was displeased. Could be wrong though.

Now that wasn't hard was it Grossie?

I've posted several articles by American Family Association's Bryan Fischer in the past, here are just two relating to the current topic:

May 18, 2011

Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof

By Bryan Fischer


Moses is a figure who towers over biblical history and world history, widely recognized, even by secular sources, as the greatest lawgiver of all time.

His writings were frequently cited by the founders of Christianity, beginning with Christ himself. He is described as a "man of God," and had the rare distinction of speaking with God face to face, "as a man speaks with a man."

Here's the kicker: when God called this man of faith, this giant of faith, he called him into politics.

God did not call him to start a church, or an evangelistic endeavor, or a soup kitchen. He called him to build and lead a nation. He called him to speak truth to political power and lead his people from political bondage to political freedom.

God called Moses to free his people from the heavy and oppressive hand of a tyrannical government which was taxing the labor of people beyond their ability to bear. (Note: do we need another Moses today or what?)

It's time to get over this silliness we hear from many Christians, even Christian leaders, that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/110518

April 16, 2015

If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender

By Bryan Fischer

The church of Jesus Christ is intended by God to be the conscience of America.

To be sure, the church is not called to run America, since we are not a theocracy but a democratic republic. If folks want a theocracy, in which clergy run the politics of a nation, then Muslim nations are the place for you.

But the church is called to be a clarion voice in the public square, calling public officials as well as the public itself back to the abiding moral principles of the laws of nature and nature's God.

Public officials are servants of God, according to Romans 13, whether they know it or not, and it is the job of the servants of God who fill our pulpits to faithfully remind public officials of their accountability to God and his truth.

Some today still argue that the church and its leaders should just stay out of politics because it's such a dirty business. Well, that's exactly why the church should be involved – somebody has got to start cleaning up that mess.

The church is called to be the "salt of the earth," which means the salt has to get out of the shaker (the four walls of the church) and into society. And the church is called to be the "light of the world," which means it needs to take its light out from under the bushel (the four walls of the church) and shine its light into every darkened corner in our world, including the world of politics.

If men of God are supposed to stay out of politics, then God himself didn't get the memo. If godly men are supposed to stay out of politics, then He himself is the biggest offender.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150416

I didn't read your sourse material. This is a discussion board not a library. I'm not into commentaries and such.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
ACW, there's NOTHING you or anyone else can do to stop the tide of the worsening world about us. The Bible states in Matthew 24:37-39 "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Things are going to get worse, not better. Try as you may, this world is headed for gloom and doom. The best one can hope for is that people will hear the Grace Gospel and place their faith in Christ as their Savior. You remind of the type of guy who stands on a railroad track waving his arms for the train to stop, just thirty seconds before the train runs him over. You can't stop the train that's coming ACW.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof...
If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender...

I didn't read your sourse material. This is a discussion board not a library. I'm not into commentaries and such.

Yet you copied and pasted 1 Samuel 8, which deals with righteous leaders.

ACW, there's NOTHING you or anyone else can do to stop the tide of the worsening world about us. The Bible states in Matthew 24:37-39 "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Things are going to get worse, not better. Try as you may, this world is headed for gloom and doom. The best one can hope for is that people will hear the Grace Gospel and place their faith in Christ as their Savior. You remind of the type of guy who stands on a railroad track waving his arms for the train to stop, just thirty seconds before the train runs him over. You can't stop the train that's coming ACW.

Yet you're going to vote for Donald Trump, and seem pretty excited about what you think he'll do if crowned king elected President of the United States.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof...
If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender...

Yet you copied and pasted 1 Samuel 8, which deals with righteous leaders.

Yet you're going to vote for Donald Trump, and seem pretty excited about what you think he'll do if crowned king elected President of the United States.

You're quite the "delusional zealot" aren't ya.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Are you warming up for an encore from last night's performance Grossie?

Oh, I see you have a fan, someone named "Tambora". Perhaps he or she would like to join in and assist you in defending Donald Trump?

Anything to stop the "Corrupt Clinton's" from entering office. Hillary stated: "We must continue the legacy of President Obama." That kind of says it all.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Are you warming up for an encore from last night's performance Grossie?

Oh, I see you have a fan, someone named "Tambora". Perhaps he or she would like to join in and assist you in defending Donald Trump?

Anything to stop the "Corrupt Clinton's" from entering office. Hillary stated: "We must continue the legacy of President Obama." That kind of says it all.

Oh but Grossie, a little bird chirped out this melody to me not so very long ago:

ACW, there's NOTHING you or anyone else can do to stop the tide of the worsening world about us. The Bible states in Matthew 24:37-39 "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Things are going to get worse, not better. Try as you may, this world is headed for gloom and doom. The best one can hope for is that people will hear the Grace Gospel and place their faith in Christ as their Savior. You remind of the type of guy who stands on a railroad track waving his arms for the train to stop, just thirty seconds before the train runs him over. You can't stop the train that's coming ACW.

Now if you want to acknowledge that God does expect man to appoint righteous leaders who acknowledge His Wisdom and rule accordingly, then we can go further with this discussion.

(You can't have it both ways).


I see that another proud and unrepentant homosexual spoke at a Trump rally:

Donald Trump’s Florida Rally: Gay Speaker Slams Obama on Guns, Radical Islam

Aug. 17, 2016

Former Orlando mayoral candidate Randy Ross lambasted President Barack Obama’s attempt to blame guns for the Orlando terror attack instead of blaming radical Islam.
“While victims were in the hospital, families were grieving, funeral arrangement were being made for the victims, our city mourning, [Obama] turned the conversation into one of gun control” said Ross, a gay speaker who was speaking at Donald Trump’s Aug. 11 rally in Kissimmee, Florida

According to the Advocate, Ross said Obama’s speech wrongly switched the emphasis from the threat of radical Islam to a plea for more gun control for law-abiding citizens

The death of 49 innocent people was an attack on the gay community, it was an attack on the Hispanic community, but moreover, it was an attack on Americans,” said Ross.

Read more: http://www.breitbart.com/big-govern...ama-radical-islam-donald-trump-florida-rally/

Actually Bruce, it was an attack by a homosexual against homosexuals who didn't like the idea of contracting AIDS from one of the many homosexuals that he had sex with.

But that's not the real issue here: What is a homosexual doing speaking at a supposed 'conservative' candidates rally?

How about I take it a step further and ask this question:

What is a homosexual and a thief doing speaking at a supposed 'conservative candidates rally?

Political activist pleads guilty to false insurance claim

July 11, 2015

A political activist pleaded guilty last week to the charge of making a false insurance claim about stolen lawn furniture, according to the State Attorney's Office.

As part of the plea deal, Randy Ross will serve 5 years probation, 250 hours community service and pay about $4,000 in restitution.

Ross filed a claim with his home insurance company that $35,000 in lawn furniture was stolen from his Orlando home but authorities alleged he never bought or had the furniture.

His attorney, Roger Scott, said Ross received the furniture as a gift and "recreated some paper work" when filing the insurance claim after it was stolen. Ross abandoned the claim and didn't receive any money, said Scott.



I don't blame you Fido, I wouldn't want to look at that disgusting owner of yours either.
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