Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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It must not be any fun when you're trying so hard to play the victim and the police call you on it:

London Youtube star Callum McSwiggan to appear before US court over fake assault claim

July 19, 2016

A London YouTube personality has been ordered to appear before a US court over claims he fabricated a hate crime.

Callum McSwiggan, who has more than 63,000 subscribers on YouTube, posted a picture of himself in hospital on Instagram claiming he had been the victim of a hate crime after being attacked by three men near a Hollywood gay club.

The 26 year-old told his followers he had suffered three broken teeth and required six stitches to the head from the “assault”.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said officers investigated the alleged attack on June 27 but were "unable to substantiate the assault".

McSwiggan posted on Instagram: "Last night was the worst night of my life and I'm really struggling to find the words to talk about it.

After one of the most wonderful weekends at VidCon we went out to a gay club to celebrate, and towards the end of the evening I was separated from my friends and beaten up by three guys."

A Sheriff’s Department spokesman added that McSwiggan had sustained the injuries by hitting himself over the head with a police station payphone after being arrested for vandalizing a car.

Read more: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/worl...s-court-over-fake-assault-claim-a3299801.html

But then that's how the LGBTQ movement got to where it is today: (Thuggery and) playing the victim.




As shown in the two posts above, those who proudly and unrepentantly engage in homosexual behavior are more apt to commit fraud.

Years ago I was attending a seminar on credit card fraud, the speaker was a special agent from the Seattle office of the FBI. During the question and answer period at the end of the seminar someone asked "What kind of people do you see committing these credit card crimes?"

Keep in mind that the special agent's reply was back in the days when the FBI wasn't an ally of the LGBTQ movement: his reply:

"For some reason I see a lot of homosexuals committing these crimes".



Well-known member
I've posted several articles by American Family Association's Bryan Fischer in the past, here are just two relating to the current topic:

May 18, 2011

Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof

By Bryan Fischer


Moses is a figure who towers over biblical history and world history, widely recognized, even by secular sources, as the greatest lawgiver of all time.

His writings were frequently cited by the founders of Christianity, beginning with Christ himself. He is described as a "man of God," and had the rare distinction of speaking with God face to face, "as a man speaks with a man."

Here's the kicker: when God called this man of faith, this giant of faith, he called him into politics.

God did not call him to start a church, or an evangelistic endeavor, or a soup kitchen. He called him to build and lead a nation. He called him to speak truth to political power and lead his people from political bondage to political freedom.

God called Moses to free his people from the heavy and oppressive hand of a tyrannical government which was taxing the labor of people beyond their ability to bear. (Note: do we need another Moses today or what?)

It's time to get over this silliness we hear from many Christians, even Christian leaders, that Christians shouldn't be involved in politics.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/110518

April 16, 2015

If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender

By Bryan Fischer

The church of Jesus Christ is intended by God to be the conscience of America.

To be sure, the church is not called to run America, since we are not a theocracy but a democratic republic. If folks want a theocracy, in which clergy run the politics of a nation, then Muslim nations are the place for you.

But the church is called to be a clarion voice in the public square, calling public officials as well as the public itself back to the abiding moral principles of the laws of nature and nature's God.

Public officials are servants of God, according to Romans 13, whether they know it or not, and it is the job of the servants of God who fill our pulpits to faithfully remind public officials of their accountability to God and his truth.

Some today still argue that the church and its leaders should just stay out of politics because it's such a dirty business. Well, that's exactly why the church should be involved – somebody has got to start cleaning up that mess.

The church is called to be the "salt of the earth," which means the salt has to get out of the shaker (the four walls of the church) and into society. And the church is called to be the "light of the world," which means it needs to take its light out from under the bushel (the four walls of the church) and shine its light into every darkened corner in our world, including the world of politics.

If men of God are supposed to stay out of politics, then God himself didn't get the memo. If godly men are supposed to stay out of politics, then He himself is the biggest offender.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/150416

Once more, cognitive dissonance rules.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Men of faith should be involved in politics -- Moses is proof
If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender

Once more, cognitive dissonance rules.

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time; performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values; or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]

Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.[1]



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I can't emphasize enough how since the decriminalization of homosexuality the LGBTQ movement is hijacking Christianity, Christian forums included. I've noted from visiting numerous Christian forums that homosexuals are disproportionately represented (granted, most of them won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals in a Christian forum, but the evidence that they are is overwhelmingly strong).

As rapidly as this cancer is spreading throughout our society, I foresee the Bible and it's stance on traditional morality becoming illegal because it allegedly spews hatred. Of course the new source for morality will have pretty rainbow colors and promote unnatural behaviors that God abhors.

See, this is the kind of post that once again smacks of projection on your part. Most people of a reasonable persuasion don't hold truck with executing homosexuals or re-criminalizing it. That holds true with most Christians also. Outside of the albeit vocal 'fundy' bible belt variety, it's not something that most Christians foam at the mouth over. So, it makes more than sense that your soapbox isn't given a great deal of support by way of. Even on here you don't exactly have a plethora of conservatives on hand giving you a 'thumbs up' for your ongoing.

Most people aren't admitting it because they aren't in fact, gay, simple as that. Your "logic" seems to be that anyone who disagrees with your premise is in the closet, except that would actually mean that most of the world is homosexual. Except that doesn't add up because according to you it's less than 10%.

Added to which, if being gay and unrepentant about it means being full of pride then why on earth would any homosexual not tell you and then some? Uberpod was hardly reticent about his sexuality by way of although nor was he as much of an egotist as you either. I think you bemused and amused him more than anything.

Face it, there's nothing you can do to homosexuals and projecting insanity only raises more question marks over your own. Most people disagree with you at best. Most people doing so are straight. Them's the facts dude, deal with it.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I can't emphasize enough how since the decriminalization of homosexuality the LGBTQ movement is hijacking Christianity, Christian forums included. I've noted from visiting numerous Christian forums that homosexuals are disproportionately represented (granted, most of them won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals in a Christian forum, but the evidence that they are is overwhelmingly strong).

As rapidly as this cancer is spreading throughout our society, I foresee the Bible and it's stance on traditional morality becoming illegal because it allegedly spews hatred. Of course the new source for morality will have pretty rainbow colors and promote unnatural behaviors that God abhors.

See, this is the kind of post that once again smacks of projection on your part.

Are you questioning the part of my post where I said that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in Christian forums or that they won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals?

Based on the amount of people defending homosexuality on TOL, the prosecution rests it's case. Are many of them practicing homosexuals? I prefer to use the word "speculation" instead of "projection".

a. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.

an estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now

Most people of a reasonable persuasion don't hold truck with executing homosexuals or re-criminalizing it.

There is a huge difference between Old Testament punishment (and current Muslim punishment) of homosexuals and using righteous laws to punish (and thus help) sexually confused people. That's not to say that if someone who engages in homosexual behavior commits a capital crime (like giving AIDS to a child after raping him) that they shouldn't receive the ultimate penalty after receiving a fair trial.

Are you aware that an attempt was made to get reparative therapy on the Republican Party Platform? I don't know if it was successful, but that is hardly an act of hate towards those who engage in homosexual behavior, it's an act of love.

That holds true with most Christians also. Outside of the albeit vocal 'fundy' bible belt variety, it's not something that most Christians foam at the mouth over. So, it makes more than sense that your soapbox isn't given a great deal of support by way of. Even on here you don't exactly have a plethora of conservatives on hand giving you a 'thumbs up' for your ongoing.

How about we talk about the Author of Christianity, Jesus Himself? He rescinded the death penalty for homosexual behavior but by no means gave the behavior a blessing. Jesus isn't an anarchist like many think that He is, He believes in the rule of law and abhors sexual sins.

Most people aren't admitting it because they aren't in fact, gay, simple as that.

Actually, no people (to my knowledge) on TOL are admitting that they engage in homosexual behavior.

Your "logic" seems to be that anyone who disagrees with your premise is in the closet, except that would actually mean that most of the world is homosexual. Except that doesn't add up because according to you it's less than 10%.

I'm talking about those individuals who incessantly defend homosexuality, even after viewing the evidence against it. ;)

Added to which, if being gay and unrepentant about it means being full of pride then why on earth would any homosexual not tell you and then some? Uberpod was hardly reticent about his sexuality by way of although nor was he as much of an egotist as you either. I think you bemused and amused him more than anything.

Uberod didn't last long here on TOL, and chances are he's infected with a deadly disease or might very well be dead by now.

Face it, there's nothing you can do to homosexuals

I can share the truth about homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda, which I'm doing in this 4 part thread.

and projecting insanity only raises more question marks over your own.

Again, I prefer to use the word "speculation" instead of "projection".

a. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.

an estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now

Most people disagree with you at best. Most people doing so are straight. Them's the facts dude, deal with it.

I'm wasn't aware that you took a poll of people who have followed this 4 part thread and came up with "most people disagree" with the threads. Besides, the truth is the truth no matter what "most people" think.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Are you questioning the part of my post where I said that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in Christian forums or that they won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals?

Based on the amount of people defending homosexuality on TOL, the prosecution rests it's case. Are many of them practicing homosexuals? I prefer to use the word "speculation" instead of "projection".

a. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.

an estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now

Of course you'd prefer to use the word although even that doesn't help you much. At best your conjecture would simply be that and at worst it's a form of personal projection. There's no strong case for your 'speculation' about other people being gay and hiding it as there's no reason why anyone should be so reticent in admitting it on here.

There is a huge difference between Old Testament punishment (and current Muslim punishment) of homosexuals and using righteous laws to punish (and thus help) sexually confused people. That's not to say that if someone who engages in homosexual behavior commits a capital crime (like giving AIDS to a child after raping him) that they shouldn't receive the ultimate penalty after receiving a fair trial.

Well child rape itself is obviously completely different to consenting adult homosexual relations so just discarding that little rabbit trail of yours.

Are you aware that an attempt was made to get reparative therapy on the Republican Party Platform? I don't know if it was successful, but that is hardly an act of hate towards those who engage in homosexual behavior, it's an act of love.

Hopefully it wasn't given how insidious and potentially damaging it can be.

How about we talk about the Author of Christianity, Jesus Himself? He rescinded the death penalty for homosexual behavior but by no means gave the behavior a blessing. Jesus isn't an anarchist like many think that He is, He believes in the rule of law and abhors sexual sins.

Okay, sure. How about you tell us what Jesus had to say on the matter during His recorded ministry in the NT? Go into as much detail as you like.

Actually, no people (to my knowledge) on TOL are admitting that they engage in homosexual behavior.

So why project...ahem...speculate that some at least are?

I'm talking about those individuals who incessantly defend homosexuality, even after viewing the evidence against it. ;)

What evidence? Where?


I've seen plenty of propaganda, loony far right blog links and discredited misinformation aplenty but evidence?


Uberod didn't last long here on TOL, and chances are he's infected with a deadly disease or might very well be dead by now.

Well, it's certainly possible he died laughing at that should he read it...

I can share the truth about homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda, which I'm doing in this 4 part thread.

Well, you can certainly blabber on and on, that much sure has been shown...

Again, I prefer to use the word "speculation" instead of "projection".

a. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.

Erm...nah. There's no reason with you aCW...

I'm wasn't aware that you took a poll of people who have followed this 4 part thread and came up with "most people disagree" with the threads. Besides, the truth is the truth no matter what "most people" think.

Well, you kinda work outside the remits of both truth and thought...

So, there's that.

Still, as you were.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

Are you questioning the part of my post where I said that homosexuals are disproportionately represented in Christian forums or that they won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals?

Based on the amount of people defending homosexuality on TOL, the prosecution rests it's case. Are many of them practicing homosexuals? I prefer to use the word "speculation" instead of "projection".

a. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.
b. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.

an estimate of what might happen in the future based on what is happening now

Of course you'd prefer to use the word although even that doesn't help you much. At best your conjecture would simply be that and at worst it's a form of personal projection. There's no strong case for your 'speculation' about other people being gay and hiding it as there's no reason why anyone should be so reticent in admitting it on here.

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of pornography very well might be a viewer of pornography?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of recreational drugs, very well might be a user of recreational drugs?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of abortion, has in the past or might in the future use abortion as a contraceptive vehicle?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There is a huge difference between Old Testament punishment (and current Muslim punishment) of homosexuals and using righteous laws to punish (and thus help) sexually confused people. That's not to say that if someone who engages in homosexual behavior commits a capital crime (like giving AIDS to a child after raping him) that they shouldn't receive the ultimate penalty after receiving a fair trial.

Well child rape itself is obviously completely different to consenting adult homosexual relations so just discarding that little rabbit trail of yours.

The purpose of that paragraph was to show that while Jesus rescinded the penalty phase against sexual sins, He by no means blessed them by wanting adultery, homosexuality and incest decriminalized.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Are you aware that an attempt was made to get reparative therapy on the Republican Party Platform? I don't know if it was successful, but that is hardly an act of hate towards those who engage in homosexual behavior, it's an act of love.

Hopefully it wasn't given how insidious and potentially damaging it can be.

Again: the point of the paragraph was to show that the conservative platform of the Republican Party isn't for executing homosexuals, it's for helping them out of their 'deathstyle'.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we talk about the Author of Christianity, Jesus Himself? He rescinded the death penalty for homosexual behavior but by no means gave the behavior a blessing. Jesus isn't an anarchist like many think that He is, He believes in the rule of law and abhors sexual sins.

Okay, sure. How about you tell us what Jesus had to say on the matter during His recorded ministry in the NT? Go into as much detail as you like.

Since Jesus is God in the flesh/the Son of God, should I start with Genesis or use the New Testament?

How about I make it easy and cite Matthew 5:17?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually, no people (to my knowledge) on TOL are admitting that they engage in homosexual behavior.

So why project...ahem...speculate that some at least are?

One would think in this day of 'gay pride' that there'd be at least a few out and proud homosexuals on TOL.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm talking about those individuals who incessantly defend homosexuality, even after viewing the evidence against it.

What evidence? Where?

It took a while, but Art Brain finally put his Queen of Denial tiara on.



I've seen plenty of propaganda, loony far right blog links and discredited misinformation aplenty but evidence?

CDC, personal testimonies from homosexuals and ex homosexuals themselves, LGBTQueer websites. Feel free to refute any information that you question Art.

How about we start with this recent one?

London Youtube star Callum McSwiggan to appear before US court over fake assault claim

Quote Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
Uberod didn't last long here on TOL, and chances are he's infected with a deadly disease or might very well be dead by now.

Well, it's certainly possible he died laughing at that should he read it...

On a positive note maybe Uberod realized that he was living a lie and sought out spiritual and psychological help, making him an "Ex Gay" (and your and the LGBTQ movement's worst enemy on the planet).

Since you're here Art, how about we do some scenarios?


New member
Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of pornography very well might be a viewer of pornography?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of recreational drugs, very well might be a user of recreational drugs?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of abortion, has in the past or might in the future use abortion as a contraceptive vehicle?
confronting false claims with actual evidence is defending the truth


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

CDC, personal testimonies from homosexuals and ex homosexuals themselves, LGBTQueer websites. Feel free to refute any information that you question Art.

The CDC does not in any way support or condone so called reparative therapy.


The CDC does not in any way support or condone so called reparative therapy.

When you posted under the name of TracerBullet I went into detail on how the CDC, a government agency that is supposed to be honest when it comes to diseases and what causes them, is sitting snugly in the pocket of the LGBTQueer movement.

For instance:

"Homophobia, stigma (negative and usually unfair beliefs), and discrimination (unfairly treating a person or group of people) against gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men still exist in the United States and can negatively affect the health and well-being of this community."

If the CDC was honest they'd be telling people that unnatural sex leads to diseases, many which are deadly. They'd go on to say that traumatic life experiences, usually in childhood bring about unnatural (i.e. same sex) desires and that many people have left those desires behind through therapy.

But in today's immoral society, hearing the truth isn't something that is common.


Since we're on the subject of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), I'll also mention the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and how both government funded organizations waste taxpayer money $$$.

Here are some examples:

Hey Journalists! 15 Ways NIH And CDC Wasted Taxpayer Money

...Many of these taxpayer-funded studies are a combination of absurd, like spending $181,406 getting Japanese quail high on cocaine, and downright offensive, like one project costing $544,188 studying how to convince young girls to get the HPV vaccine. Surely, these two agencies could find ways to run their operations more efficiently. By way of comparison, the combined budgets the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, FBI, DEA and Secret Service came to nearly $1 billion less than the NIH and CDC combined budgets.

...“Why Are Lesbians Fat?” ($2.87 million) – That’s one question NIH has decided to research for the last four years, spending more than $2.87 million so far on the project. The ongoing study is meant to explain why “women of minority sexual orientation are disproportionately affected by the obesity epidemic,” operating under the claim that “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese. First funded in 2011, the study is slated to continue into 2016.

...Bizarre Sex Studies ($1.5 million) – Congress voted to give NIH $1.5 million to spend on four obscure sex studies: “Mood Arousal and Sexual Risk Taking,” “Study on Sexual Habits of Older Men,” “Study on San Francisco’s Asian Prostitutes/Masseuses,” and “Study on American Indian Transgender Research.” NIH still received the requested funds from Congress, despite efforts by Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., in 2004 to defund the projects.

...Funds for Homosexual Activists in Public Schools ($1.4 million) – CDC gave The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), the homosexual activist group, $1.4 million to create “safe spaces” in public schools starting in 2011. The funding will be distributed during a five year period, as GLSEN works in 20 targeted school districts across the country. GLSEN Executive Director Eliza Byard claimed in 2011 that safe spaces “are vital to these students’ health, success in school and life prospects."

Bogus AIDS Experiments ($4.9 million) – Results of an HIV/AIDS vaccine study funded by NIH were faked by researcher at Iowa State University (ISU), calling into question $19 million in grants awarded to the same researcher over the years. “Inauthentic” samples throughout a period of four years made the vaccine reportedly appear far more effective than it actually was. Although NIH refused to pay ISU the final installment of the grant money, the university was allowed to keep more than $4.9 million after paying back the researcher’s salary – nearly three-quarters of the original grant.

•Sex Workers Spreading STDs ($675,786) – Ever wonder why sex workers spread HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? The answer might seem obvious, but NIH is spending $675,786 to find out exactly how and why in an ongoing study. Researches are continuing the regular testing of 600 female sex workers on the U.S.-Mexico border for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.

•Examining ‘Barriers to Correct Condom Use’ ($423,500) – It turns out “young, heterosexual adult men” weren’t using condoms as frequently as NIH would like. A study investigating the apparent problem in 2009 came with $423,500 price tag.

Read more: http://www.mrc.org/articles/hey-journalists-15-ways-nih-and-cdc-wasted-taxpayer-money




Add this very important piece of information to "The Donald Trump Files":

I would like to thank secular humanist Jose Fly for bringing this to my attention in another thread (although Mr. Fly wasn't trying to make the case that I am making) :

Donald Trump and "extreme vetting" on immigration:

"Trump aides said the government would use questionnaires, social media, interview with family and friends or other means to vet applicants' stances on issues including religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. Trump did not clarify how U.S. officials would assess the veracity of responses to the questionnaires or how much manpower it would require to complete such arduous vetting."

So amongst other things, a President Donald Trump would use "questionnaires, social media, interview family and friends and other means" to find out that a Christian wanting to immigrate into the United States holds traditional biblical values (I.e. he or she doesn't embrace the LGBTQ agenda nor homosexual behavior) and use that vetting process to keep that Christian from immigrating into the US.

I wonder how long before a President Donald Trump would vet US citizens with those standards?
Last edited:


For you Christians out there who are even thinking of voting for Donald Trump:

Remember that he was on the cover of misogynist Playboy magazine and was interviewed in the SMUT magazine.


Remember that he is currently being sued for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl.


And let's not forget that Donald Trump would "date" his daughter (if he weren't her father, i.e. if incest weren't still illegal in New York State).


Do you really want a sick moral degenerate like Donald Trump as our nation's leader?


For those of you that plan on voting for Donald Trump because you like his hardcore stance on immigration/illegal immigration: I guess you'll have to find another candidate.

Donald Trump's 'Softening' on Immigration Is His Latest Flip-Flop

August 24, 2016

The list of flip-flops that Donald Trump has made since descending an escalator in his namesake tower last year and into the presidential campaign continues to grow.

In the latest instance, he has described his change in tone on immigration as a "softening" of a stance he previously touted rather than a complete reversal.

Other issues on which he had different feelings before the presidential campaign include abortion and assault rifles. But the bigger surprises have come after he announced one stance early in the presidential campaign and then switched his position.

Here is a review of some of his most notable reversals.

His 'Softening' on Immigration

Trump has spoken throughout the campaign about his plans for a "deportation force," but his campaign staff has indicated in recent days that such plans may not come to fruition exactly as previously described.

In November he mentioned a possible force to target unauthorized immigrants.

"You are going to have a deportation force, and you are going to do it humanely," he said during an appearance on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Now Trump has signaled that he's adjusting his position.

"There certainly can be a softening, because we're not looking to hurt people," he said during a Fox News town hall event Tuesday, Aug. 23.

"We want people — we have some great people in this country. We have some great, great people in this country. But, so, we're going to follow the laws of this country. What people don't realize — we have very, very strong laws," Trump said.

Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/dona...mmigration-latest-flip-flop/story?id=39063811



It's been a while since we've heard from Donald Trump's head cheerleader (no, not TOL's Catfish Crusader). In the event that you're not familiar with Milo Yiannopoulos (I talked about Milo several pages ago), he's an openly homosexual supposed journalist who writes for the supposed conservative website Breitbart.com (named after it's late founder Andrew Breitbart, who was an honorary chairperson on the homosexual organization known as "GoProud").

Like many homosexuals, it appears that Trump head cheerleader Milo Yiannopoulos is into fraud.

Where's the money? Milo Yiannopoulos denies he spent cash for charity fund

Former director of ‘privilege fund’, which Yiannopoulos set up for white men to balance scholarships for women and minorities, says money was mismanaged

April 19, 2016

The rightwing writer and internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos has apologised for mismanaging a “privilege grant” college scholarship fund for white men.

Yiannopoulos admitted on Friday he had missed a deadline to turn donations into bursaries but denied speculation he had spent the cash.

“This is very overdue, and I do apologise for this very sincerely. We did pass our deadline I’m sorry to say ... as a result of over-eagerness and just being completely overwhelmed by the volume of interest in it and the various things on my plate,” he said in an audio show posted on YouTube.

He blamed a busy schedule. “This is entirely my fault. I have been, as many of you know, overtaken and overwhelmed and overburdened by my own success.”

Yiannopoulos, 32, the technology editor for Breitbart.com, has raised his profile in recent months by hounding the Ghostbuster actor Leslie Jones, which earned him a ban from Twitter, and by championing the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, whom he calls “daddy”.

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/technol...o-yiannopoulos-denies-spending-privilege-fund



This is interesting:

Orlando Hospitals Say They Won't Bill Victims Of Pulse Nightclub Shooting

August 25, 2016

Two Orlando-area hospitals are waiving the medical bills of victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting, praising the community response and saying they want to contribute.

More than 50 people were wounded in the June 12 attack on the Florida gay nightclub, and 49 people died.

Orlando Regional Medical Center has treated 44 victims of the shooting — more than any other hospital. The center's parent company, Orlando Health, says it will not charge victims for their treatment, reports Abe Aboraya of member station WMFE.

"Instead, the hospital will look at federal and state funds, victims' funds like the One Orlando fund, and private funds raised for victims," Aboraya reports for our Newscast unit. "The hospital will bill insurance if a patient has it, but it will not go after a patient's copays.

"The same goes for the nine patients who came to the hospital and died," he says.

The hospital expects about $5 million in unreimbursed costs.

Read more: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-...wont-bill-victims-of-pulse-nightclub-shooting

Here are some thoughts:

Since Obamacare became law, I thought that everyone was medically covered?

What makes these homosexuals so much more deserving of free medical care than others? Is the family that is injured in a car accident less deserving of free medical care than those that were congregating in a nightclub that catered to sexual deviants?

Is the father of a family shot during a robbery less deserving of free medical care than those that were high on drugs and alcohol in a nightclub that catered to proud and unrepentant homosexuals?


I see that the LGBTQueer movement is up in arms over a new study which amongst other things says that childhood sexual abuse is often times responsible for same sex desires.

Sexuality and Gender
Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D.

"Whereas the preceding discussion considered the part that biological factors
might play in the development of sexual orientation, this section will
summarize evidence that a particular environmental factor — childhood sexual abuse — is reported significantly more often among those who later
identify as homosexual. The results presented below raise the question
whether there is an association between sexual abuse, particularly in childhood,
and later expressions of sexual attraction, behavior, or identity. If so,
might child abuse increase the probability of having a non-heterosexual

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I see that the LGBTQueer movement.......

Do you mock all people with mental disorders or just this one? Do you mock all people with mental issues or just this one?

Mocking people who suffer from a mental disorder is despicable. Criminalizing people because they suffer from a mental disorder is so far beyond stupid that it doesn't even deserve to be discussed.


New member
I see that the LGBTQueer movement is up in arms over a new study which amongst other things says that childhood sexual abuse is often times responsible for same sex desires.

Sexuality and Gender
Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D.

"Whereas the preceding discussion considered the part that biological factors
might play in the development of sexual orientation, this section will
summarize evidence that a particular environmental factor — childhood sexual abuse — is reported significantly more often among those who later
identify as homosexual. The results presented below raise the question
whether there is an association between sexual abuse, particularly in childhood,
and later expressions of sexual attraction, behavior, or identity. If so,
might child abuse increase the probability of having a non-heterosexual

1. It's not a study scientific or otherwise. This is a review of selected studies.

2. The New Atlantis is not a scientific journal. It is private publication by the Ethics and Public Policy Center about "the social, ethical, political, and policy dimensions of modern science and technology"

3. No where does the article say that homosexuality is the result of childhood sexual abuse.

4. The authors missed (or ignored) the well known association between age and the incidence of all forms of abuse among homosexual youth. Specifically abuse rates among those who would later identify as homosexual were no different from the abuse rates among those who would later identify as heterosexual until about the age of 14. Beginning at this age those who would later identify as homosexual begin experiencing increased levels of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse as well as neglect. At the same time those who would later identify as heterosexual begin experiencing less abuse. Teenagers with no history of abuse are 800 times more likely to be abused by family members after they come out. Human rights watch Violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender adolescents 2011. Caitlin Ryan Family rejection of gay teens. American academy of pediatrics 2009.
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