Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The LGBT movement is not about equal rights, it's about shoving LGBT in everyone's faces and forcing them to accept and conform to their standard.

It's a facade which liberals have used as a tool to sabotage conservatives, to an extent to where even if it's acknowledged, it is infallible. Conservatives did a good job of ignoring the problem, and now it's grown too big for them to extinguish.

I find it extremely disappointing that just 2% of the population managed to overturn the entire country on it's traditional values without even so much as lifting a finger- almost all the pro gay advocates are heterosexual liberals and feminists.

Yeah, well, you were probably tearing your beard out when you found out women were equal to men an all so...




Yeah, well, you were probably tearing your beard out when you found out women were equal to men an all so...



A platitude that must be repeated over and over so that people don't see the reality behind it. Women aren't equal, they are privileged to make up for the fact that they aren't as good as men and demand that we pretend otherwise. Those as yourself are simply self loathing puppets pulled by the strings.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
A platitude that must be repeated over and over so that people don't see the reality behind it. Women aren't equal, they are privileged to make up for the fact that they aren't as good as men and demand that we pretend otherwise. Those as yourself are simply self loathing puppets pulled by the strings.

Aw, the reality is that they are though dude. Take a look around you doofus. The days of the sad little bearded patriarch ended some time ago. Wind your clock up to the twenty first century and don't get so wound up yourself by the same token. The sooner you get rid of that stupid little chip on your shoulder the sooner you might just get out of that little basement and see life outside of that sad little box you live in.


Aw, the reality is that they are though dude. Take a look around you doofus. The days of the sad little bearded patriarch ended some time ago. Wind your clock up to the twenty first century and don't get so wound up yourself by the same token. The sooner you get rid of that stupid little chip on your shoulder the sooner you might just get out of that little basement and see life outside of that sad little box you live in.

'Sad little bearded patriarch' built the entire world, created math, art, science, and government, and are the best in all those fields.
If women were equal, they wouldn't have ended up on the losing stick to begin with. They are not as good as men- you all simply lie to yourselves and to each other.

Let those strings puppeteer away :rolleyes:


New member
A platitude that must be repeated over and over so that people don't see the reality behind it. Women aren't equal, they are privileged to make up for the fact that they aren't as good as men and demand that we pretend otherwise. Those as yourself are simply self loathing puppets pulled by the strings.

Wow, someone is really compensating for a ...er... shortcoming here


New member
A platitude that must be repeated over and over so that people don't see the reality behind it. Women aren't equal, they are privileged to make up for the fact that they aren't as good as men and demand that we pretend otherwise. Those as yourself are simply self loathing puppets pulled by the strings.
The 19th century called, they want their slogan back.


New member
'Sad little bearded patriarch' built the entire world, created math, art, science, and government, and are the best in all those fields.
If women were equal, they wouldn't have ended up on the losing stick to begin with. They are not as good as men- you all simply lie to yourselves and to each other.

Let those strings puppeteer away :rolleyes:
There are some statements that are so stupid that there is no rebuttal to them because they are so far outside of reality that they don't apply. This is one of those times.


There are some statements that are so stupid that there is no rebuttal to them because they are so far outside of reality that they don't apply. This is one of those times.

No it is not. None of you are able to state otherwise, all you can say is what you've just said. There is no rebuttal, because it's the truth. Now go, Pinocchio :wave:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It's quite entertaining to watch these two uber-extremists, aCultureWarrior and MrDante, go at each other. They are both wrong, yet they're on opposite extremist ends of the same topic. It's a great example of how extremism always leads to ridiculous positions.



Name one thing women can do better than men.
I'll wait until the Sun explodes.

They weren't equal because they aren't equal, it was not 'misogynistic'- you've been made a fool out of, being made to denounce your male ancestors for a lie.

Reserve the chuckles for that insanity :)


I've just clicked on your link and still couldn't access this "conversation".

annabenedetti is as much a "sodomite" as you're rational and logical.

You really are one utterly demented little crank.


Drop the drama queen act for a moment Art and listen up:

annab was the only one that came forward to report CatholicCrusader for using absolutely filthy and disgusting language, language that is quite commonly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community".

Homosexuality is truly a mental illness, as shown through their sick and twisted behavior even on internet forums.

You may now resume your drama queen act.


The LGBT movement is not about equal rights, it's about shoving LGBT in everyone's faces and forcing them to accept and conform to their standard.

It's a facade which liberals have used as a tool to sabotage conservatives, to an extent to where even if it's acknowledged, it is infallible. Conservatives did a good job of ignoring the problem, and now it's grown too big for them to extinguish.

I find it extremely disappointing that just 2% of the population managed to overturn the entire country on it's traditional values without even so much as lifting a finger- almost all the pro gay advocates are heterosexual liberals and feminists.

Did you tell that to the proud and unrepentant homosexual that took you in as a teenager and later (as an adult) showed you homosexual 'culture' at 'gay' bars?

If you did I'd love to read a replay of that conversation.

Better yet, draft up an email of that and send it to your pro LGBTQ Presidential candidate Donald Trump and show us what response you receive from his rainbow colored staff.


New member
Name one thing women can do better than men.
I'll wait until the Sun explodes.

They weren't equal because they aren't equal, it was not 'misogynistic'- you've been made a fool out of, being made to denounce your male ancestors for a lie.

Reserve the chuckles for that insanity :)
I am more impressed that this kind of thought still exists. Although, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.


I am more impressed that this kind of thought still exists. Although, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

There's misandry, fairy tales of women oppression galore, and men getting the shaft for female privilege.
What makes you think it wouldn't exist?
See, some people choose not to be brainwashed- acting like there is no problem when everyone knows there is. That's something like a mental illness as far as I'm concerned.


New member
There's misandry, fairy tales of women oppression galore, and men getting the shaft for female privilege.
What makes you think it wouldn't exist?
See, some people choose not to be brainwashed- acting like there is no problem when everyone knows there is. That's something like a mental illness as far as I'm concerned.
Don't give me that, women couldn't even vote until the 1920 election. History is full of evidence to the contrary, this is a fight you don't want.
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