Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Drop the drama queen act for a moment Art and listen up:

annab was the only one that came forward to report CatholicCrusader for using absolutely filthy and disgusting language, language that is quite commonly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community".

Homosexuality is truly a mental illness, as shown through their sick and twisted behavior even on internet forums.

You may now resume your drama queen act.

And you've been guilty of the very same lest you forget so stop preening and projecting for a minute and realize that you should have said that only subscribed members could see the thing, not registered ones. Oh, and as whacko, ignorant & Trump fixated as CC is it's pretty evident he ain't gay. Not that that seems to stop you from being pretty 'flamboyant' in the imagination dept on that score eh Connie?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There's misandry, fairy tales of women oppression galore, and men getting the shaft for female privilege.
What makes you think it wouldn't exist?
See, some people choose not to be brainwashed- acting like there is no problem when everyone knows there is. That's something like a mental illness as far as I'm concerned.

That mental illness would be yours then. It's historical record that women were oppressed & you have no way of countering fact. Now stop being some insipid little kid or a gormless, gormless excuse for an adult and get a life you sad sad little tool.



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Drop the drama queen act for a moment Art and listen up:

annab was the only one that came forward to report CatholicCrusader for using absolutely filthy and disgusting language, language that is quite commonly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community".

Homosexuality is truly a mental illness, as shown through their sick and twisted behavior even on internet forums.

You may now resume your drama queen act.

And you've been guilty of the very same lest you forget

Actually I don't think your incessant drama queen antics is an act...

That being said:

I've never said the following about anyone. Here is Catholic Crusader's response (in other thread) after I posted this Bible verse: Psalm 144:1

Quote: Originally posted by CatholicCrusader

The only thing your fingers do is grab your boyfriends gonads.

...so stop preening and projecting for a minute and realize that you should have said that only subscribed members could see the thing, not registered ones.

I wasn't aware of that.

Oh, and as whacko, ignorant & Trump fixated as CC is it's pretty evident he ain't gay. Not that that seems to stop you from being pretty 'flamboyant' in the imagination dept on that score eh Connie?


Remember my post a couple of pages ago (that you didn't reply to) where I said the following:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of pornography very well might be a viewer of pornography?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of recreational drugs, very well might be a user of recreational drugs?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of abortion, has in the past or might in the future use abortion as a contraceptive vehicle?

Is it unreasonable as well to speculate that people such as Catholic Crusader, Grosnick Marowbe, Crucible and Patrick jane, who viciously attack me for spreading the truth about homosexuality and the LGBQueer agenda, and just so happen to be devout followers of LGBTQ ally Donald Trump, that those people might be homosexuals?

A couple of pages ago I wrote a post (which you responded to) showing how the LGBTQ movement has permeated Christian institutions including Christian forums.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I can't emphasize enough how since the decriminalization of homosexuality the LGBTQ movement is hijacking Christianity, Christian forums included. I've noted from visiting numerous Christian forums that homosexuals are disproportionately represented (granted, most of them won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals in a Christian forum, but the evidence that they are is overwhelmingly strong).

As rapidly as this cancer is spreading throughout our society, I foresee the Bible and it's stance on traditional morality becoming illegal because it allegedly spews hatred. Of course the new source for morality will have pretty rainbow colors and promote unnatural behaviors that God abhors.

If you would like to attempt to refute that statement again, please do.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Drop the drama queen act for a moment Art and listen up:

annab was the only one that came forward to report CatholicCrusader for using absolutely filthy and disgusting language, language that is quite commonly used in the LGBTQ so-called "community".

Homosexuality is truly a mental illness, as shown through their sick and twisted behavior even on internet forums.

You may now resume your drama queen act.

Actually I don't think your incessant drama queen antics is an act...

That being said:

I've never said the following about anyone. Here is Catholic Crusader's response (in other thread) after I posted this Bible verse: Psalm 144:1

Quote: Originally posted by CatholicCrusader

The only thing your fingers do is grab your boyfriends gonads.

I wasn't aware of that.

Remember my post a couple of pages ago (that you didn't reply to) where I said the following:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of pornography very well might be a viewer of pornography?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of recreational drugs, very well might be a user of recreational drugs?

Is it unreasonable to speculate that someone who is an ardent defender of abortion, has in the past or might in the future use abortion as a contraceptive vehicle?

Is it unreasonable as well to speculate that people such as Catholic Crusader, Grosnick Marowbe, Crucible and Patrick jane, who viciously attack me for spreading the truth about homosexuality and the LGBQueer agenda, and just so happen to be devout followers of LGBTQ ally Donald Trump, that those people might be homosexuals?

A couple of pages ago I wrote a post (which you responded to) showing how the LGBTQ movement has permeated Christian institutions including Christian forums.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I can't emphasize enough how since the decriminalization of homosexuality the LGBTQ movement is hijacking Christianity, Christian forums included. I've noted from visiting numerous Christian forums that homosexuals are disproportionately represented (granted, most of them won't admit that they're practicing homosexuals in a Christian forum, but the evidence that they are is overwhelmingly strong).

As rapidly as this cancer is spreading throughout our society, I foresee the Bible and it's stance on traditional morality becoming illegal because it allegedly spews hatred. Of course the new source for morality will have pretty rainbow colors and promote unnatural behaviors that God abhors.

If you would like to attempt to refute that statement again, please do.

Well, I already replied to this so I presume some posts have gone missing on here? Shame it wasn't the entire trainwreck of a thread but to briefly recap. CC should have been banned for that remark. You were deservedly banned for your bouts of sleazy innuendo so you have no real room for any moral ground. Your speculation as regards other people's orientation is based on anyone not agreeing with you as regards outlawing homosexuality. Makes no sense whatsoever as most people disagree with you and most of the world isn't gay.

Ho hum.

patrick jane

Well, I already replied to this so I presume some posts have gone missing on here? Shame it wasn't the entire trainwreck of a thread but to briefly recap. CC should have been banned for that remark. You were deservedly banned for your bouts of sleazy innuendo so you have no real room for any moral ground. Your speculation as regards other people's orientation is based on anyone not agreeing with you as regards outlawing homosexuality. Makes no sense whatsoever as most people disagree with you and most of the world isn't gay.

Ho hum.
I want to see aCW's plan for criminalizing homosexuality. How would it be done? House to house? Snitches?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I want to see aCW's plan for criminalizing homosexuality. How would it be done? House to house? Snitches?

I think his "plan" consists of just blabbering on and on on his thread for the rest of his life as he knows fine well there's no chance of it being made illegal. Then again maybe he'll invent a 'gay detection alarm' or something...


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I want to see aCW's plan for criminalizing homosexuality. How would it be done? House to house? Snitches?
Maybe we should go back to the way it should be, keeping the private life private, not letting the despicable behavior hang out in public where it stinks up the public square and it is shoved in people's faces. I think perhaps a lot of harmful and illegal things are done away from public eyes. Not all of it gets caught.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Maybe we should go back to the way it should be, keeping the private life private, not letting the despicable behavior hang out in public where it stinks up the public square and it is shoved in people's faces. I think perhaps a lot of harmful and illegal things are done away from public eyes. Not all of it gets caught.

Well, for the most part I'd say that's what most people do anyway, keep it private. Wherever I've lived I've not been subjected to public displays of lewdness while walking through the city or in a park, or very very rarely. If you're referring to pride parades then it's not as though they're a daily event and there's a simple solution, don't go to em. Otherwise, what's the problem? Your only realistic alternative is to endorse a police state and aCW knows fine well that would never come about. Bang would go the constitution for a start...and it wouldn't just impact on homosexuals either.


The "homosexual" issue, like interracial marriage in the 20thC, has been largely resolved in the secular marketplace of public opinion in America, and only the "neanderthals," who are well on the way to their own "extinction," will argue that we remain in the Dark Ages.

Given the scientific evidence that one's sexual orientation is not a personal choice any more than one gets to chose their gender, "race" or nationality, Christians must finally come to terms as to how to accommodate such traditionally alienated groups in the 21st C.


Your speculation as regards other people's orientation is based on anyone not agreeing with you as regards outlawing homosexuality. Makes no sense whatsoever as most people disagree with you and most of the world isn't gay.

Ho hum.

I want to see aCW's plan for criminalizing homosexuality. How would it be done? House to house? Snitches?

Laws against homosexuality (i.e. sodomy) are still on the legislative books in at least a dozen US States.


If Lawrence v Texas were overruled, those laws would again be valid (actually they are valid now, as SCOTUS has no authority to override state laws, but that's a discussion for another time).

How are laws against homosexuality enforced? How are laws against incest, bestiality and other sexual sins enforced?

I'm not aware of house to house searches Aaron. Perhaps you should work harder on your scare mongering tactics?


Quote Originally Posted by patrick jane

I want to see aCW's plan for criminalizing homosexuality. How would it be done? House to house? Snitches?

Maybe we should go back to the way it should be, keeping the private life private, not letting the despicable behavior hang out in public where it stinks up the public square and it is shoved in people's faces. I think perhaps a lot of harmful and illegal things are done away from public eyes. Not all of it gets caught.

I'm not quite following your mindset TOL moderator Sherman. Are you saying that things like homosexuality, incest and bestiality should only be illegal if they're displayed in public?

Keep in mind that a disproportionate amount of homosexuals are infected with HIV/AIDS and other STD's even though homosexuality is legal. Would this epidemic still exist if there were laws against homosexuality and like any other illegal behavior, those acts would have to be hidden?

Also keep in mind that not allowing those who engage in homosexuality to organize and have an influence over our laws and cultural mores' would be seen as not treating as them equals to those who embrace traditional morality.

Surely you wouldn't want to treat those who engage in homosexual behavior as 2nd class citizens would you?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Quote Originally Posted by patrick jane

I want to see aCW's plan for criminalizing homosexuality. How would it be done? House to house? Snitches?

I'm not quite following your mindset TOL moderator Sherman. Are you saying that things like homosexuality, incest and bestiality should only be illegal if they're displayed in public?

Keep in mind that a disproportionate amount of homosexuals are infected with HIV/AIDS and other STD's even though homosexuality is legal. Would this epidemic still exist if there were laws against homosexuality and like any other illegal behavior, those acts would have to be hidden?

Also keep in mind that not allowing those who engage in homosexuality to organize and have an influence over our laws and cultural mores' would be seen as not treating as them equals to those who embrace traditional morality.

Surely you wouldn't want to treat those who engage in homosexual behavior as 2nd class citizens would you?

The conduct should be illegal. What I am saying is making it illegal will take it out of the public square. It will remove people that do this disgusting thing out of the realm of power over others. We won't have them treading down the rights of decent families.

Homosex belongs with incest, bestiality and other forms of unnatural sex.

Give sin in inch and it will take a mile. This conduct should have never been legalized in the first place.



The conduct should be illegal. What I am saying is making it illegal will take it out of the public square. It will remove people that do this disgusting thing out of the realm of power over others. We won't have them treading down the rights of decent families.

Homosex belongs with incest, bestiality and other forms of unnatural sex.

Give sin in inch and it will take a mile. This conduct should have never been legalized in the first place.

Thanks for clarifying. Recriminalization will not only help those who are susceptible to all of the diseases and disorders that come with homosexual behavior, but stop the child indoctrinating-molesting/institution destroying 'gay' agenda dead in it's tracks.

It's been shown throughout this 4 part thread that violence (as shown in the story below: murder and suicide) is disproportionate amongst those who engage in homosexuality (what a surprise, alleged pederasty was going on as well).

Murder-suicide update: Minnesota teacher, husband investigated for contact with boys

August 31, 2016

By Associated Press

Court documents say a Minnesota elementary school teacher and his husband found dead in an apparent murder-suicide in Washington state were under investigation for having sexual contact with a 16-year-old boy.

South St. Paul schools Superintendent Dave Webb says 40-year-old teacher Aric Babbitt was put on paid leave after the district learned of the allegations Aug. 17.

According to court documents, the boy and his parents went to police to report a sexual relationship with Babbitt and his 36-year-old husband, Matthew Deyo.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports Babbitt and Deyo also were being investigated for inappropriate conduct with two other underage boys.

The bodies of Babbitt and Deyo were found on a Lopez Island beach about 100 miles north of Seattle on Thursday. Both died from gunshot wounds.



Murder, suicide, child molestation: the LGBTQ 'deathstyle' has it all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The "homosexual" issue, like interracial marriage in the 20thC, has been largely resolved in the secular marketplace of public opinion in America, and only the "neanderthals," who are well on the way to their own "extinction," will argue that we remain in the Dark Ages.

Given the scientific evidence that one's sexual orientation is not a personal choice any more than one gets to chose their gender, "race" or nationality, Christians must finally come to terms as to how to accommodate such traditionally alienated groups in the 21st C.

Thankfully most do and don't get in such self righteous fits over it.



The "homosexual" issue, like interracial marriage in the 20thC, has been largely resolved in the secular marketplace of public opinion in America, and only the "neanderthals," who are well on the way to their own "extinction," will argue that we remain in the Dark Ages.

Given the scientific evidence that one's sexual orientation is not a personal choice any more than one gets to chose their gender, "race" or nationality, Christians must finally come to terms as to how to accommodate such traditionally alienated groups in the 21st C.

So a scientific study was done which showed that a person's nationality (where they were born) isn't a personal choice?
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New member
Laws against homosexuality (i.e. sodomy) are still on the legislative books in at least a dozen US States.
Dozens of states still have Jim Crow and segregation laws on their books


If Lawrence v Texas were overruled, those laws would again be valid (actually they are valid now, as SCOTUS has no authority to override state laws, but that's a discussion for another time).
You've never read the constitution have you?


New member

The conduct should be illegal. What I am saying is making it illegal will take it out of the public square. It will remove people that do this disgusting thing out of the realm of power over others. We won't have them treading down the rights of decent families.

What rights are being trampled?
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