Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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child: a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl

indoctrinate/indoctrinator: to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.

Open Sexual Deviant: I’ve Been Indoctrinating America’s Kids to Be Sodomites – I Lied about It & Am Not Sorry

March 15, 2012

Sometimes you just can't ask for anything better than lawless people to utter their own crimes from their own mouths, except to render justice upon such crimes. Such is the case with S. Bear Bergman.

Bergman, a mentally ill woman who believes she is a man (She also claims to have "married" another woman that thinks she is a man) and cuts her hair in the style of a man's and apparently takes hormones to grow a beard (yes, it's disturbing to see and the entire "family" situation is beyond confusing and bizarre), provided an op-ed piece at Huffington Post in which she openly admits that she is in education to "indoctrinate your children into my LGBTQ agenda." Furthermore, she adds, "I'm not a bit sorry."

The self-proclaimed "writer, educator, storyteller and loudmouth," also told her audience that one of her number one things that upset her as a young rebellious teen against God was the fact that people accused people like her of recruiting. So, to set the record straight, though it upset her, she came out in this piece to acknowledge that was, in fact, true.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/open-sexu...e-sodomites-and-i-lied-about-it-am-not-sorry/



I'll keep fighting these filthy degenerates until I can't fight no more.

Wow...more lies from you. What a surprise.


For those of you that are thinking about fighting the culture war, if you don't already know, pay attention to what you'll be running up against:

On occasion someone will actually debate you (but then when you present the truth, it can't be debated), but the vast majority of the time you will be called a "liar!", and that's probably the nicest word that they'll use.

They'll nitpick because you didn't cross a t or dot an i, things that anal retentive secular humanists are known for.

"Closeted", "drag queen", "faggot", "pederast", "racist" "anti Semitic", etc. etc. etc. are names that you'll be called (and some of those people doing the name calling are from the supposed "right").

When you present the truth, and don't take anyone's side except for God's, people get angry. Keep in mind that these people are living lies themselves and need someone to take it out on. Don't take it personal, it's just what they do.



Yet another ban on therapy to help sexually/gender confused youth from seeking professional and spiritual counseling. Fortunately a group of pastors are putting up a fight.

Pastors sue Illinois over gay conversion therapy ban

August 11, 2016

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — A group of pastors is suing Illinois over a law that bars therapists from trying to change a minor’s sexual orientation.

The lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court seeks to exclude clergy from the ban that took effect Jan. 1. The lawsuit contends the prohibition shouldn’t apply to clergy because it violates free speech and religious rights.

Illinois is among five states with bans on so-called gay conversion therapy for youth under 18. Laws in California and New Jersey have withstood legal challenges, but an attorney for the pastors says the prohibitions in those states did not include clergy.

Critics of so-called gay conversion therapy argue it’s traumatic and psychologically damaging.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/11/pastors-sue-illinois-over-gay-conversion-therapy-b/


Churches Refusing to be Salt and Light (Or, Why So Many Pastors are Gutless Wonders)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For those of you that are thinking about fighting the culture war, if you don't already know, pay attention to what you'll be running up against:

On occasion someone will actually debate you (but then when you present the truth, it can't be debated), but the vast majority of the time you will be called a "liar!", and that's probably the nicest word that they'll use.

They'll nitpick because you didn't cross a t or dot an i, things that anal retentive secular humanists are known for.

"Closeted", "drag queen", "faggot", "pederast", "racist" "anti Semitic", etc. etc. etc. are names that you'll be called (and some of those people doing the name calling are from the supposed "right").

When you present the truth, and don't take anyone's side except for God's, people get angry. Keep in mind that these people are living lies themselves and need someone to take it out on. Don't take it personal, it's just what they do.


Connie, when you use dingbat whacko sites like 'Creativity Movement' then those accusations are more than justified.

How many times have you been banned just for your own sleazy lies and innuendo alone again? Since when was it part of the Christian 'culture war' to make out that most people who disagree with you and your antics are homosexual by way of example?

Quit acting like some preening little git and take ownership of your own crap for a change aCW. The reason folk have a '?' over your orientation is because of the bizarre way that you act and your absolute fixation on gay men. That's on you, nobody else.


Ya know, maybe therapy for sexually/gender confused youth isn't such a bad idea after all:

Gay high school students raped, attacked far more often

August 12, 2016

NEW YORK — Gay, lesbian and bisexual high school students are far more likely than their classmates to be raped or assaulted in a dating situation, according to the first national survey of its kind.

The research also found gay teens were far more likely to have attempted suicide, taken illegal drugs and engaged in other risky behaviors.

For years, advocacy groups have been saying gay and lesbian kids are more often bullied, ostracized and at high risk for many other problems. But earlier research by the government was limited to a small number of states and cities. The new survey includes students in rural areas and other parts of the U.S.

"This is the first time we can say that nationwide these are consistent challenges faced by lesbian, gay and bi- youth," said David W. Bond of The Trevor Project, a national suicide-prevention organization focused on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/08/12/gay-high-school-students-raped-attacked-far-more-often.html

The only problem here Bond, David W. Bond, is that these attacks are taking place "in a dating situation".

The last time I checked, sexually and gender confused youth date other sexually and gender confused youth.

More importantly, these confused children need help from people who actually love them, not pedophiles and pederasts who want to use them.

i.e. more lies from the child indoctrinating LGBTQ movement.




Connie, when you use dingbat whacko sites like 'Creativity Movement' then those accusations are more than justified.

How many times have you been banned just for your own sleazy lies and innuendo alone again? Since when was it part of the Christian 'culture war' to make out that most people who disagree with you and your antics are homosexual by way of example?

Quit acting like some preening little git and take ownership of your own crap for a change aCW. The reason folk have a '?' over your orientation is because of the bizarre way that you act and your absolute fixation on gay men. That's on you, nobody else.

Welcome back to the thread Art.

Let's see if the 5th time is a charm for you:


You work for a child adoption agency and these two freaks walk in wanting to adopt an adorable 18 month old baby boy.



Not wanting to put the child in the custody of homosexuals, knowing full well that the child would be physically endangered:

Homosexual In South Africa Rapes And Sodomizes 18 Month Old Baby Boy

not to mention the psychological trauma the baby would go through as an infant and a child, you're hesitant to sign the papers.

Your cross dressing supervisor has other ideas though and demands that you sign the papers and turn over the infant boy to these two transsexual freaks.

What does child adoption agency worker Art Brain do?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Welcome back to the thread Art.

Let's see if the 5th time is a charm for you:


You work for a child adoption agency and these two freaks walk in wanting to adopt an adorable 18 month old baby boy.



Not wanting to put the child in the custody of homosexuals, knowing full well that the child would be physically endangered:

Homosexual In South Africa Rapes And Sodomizes 18 Month Old Baby Boy

not to mention the psychological trauma the baby would go through as an infant and a child, you're hesitant to sign the papers.

Your cross dressing supervisor has other ideas though and demands that you sign the papers and turn over the infant boy to these two transsexual freaks.

What does child adoption agency worker Art Brain do?

aCW, if I were in such a position whereby I felt a child would be in danger from any potential guardian I would not sign any papers condoning such, whether my supervisor happened to be a cross dresser or not and regardless of the orientation of the adopters to boot.

This would actually happen to include you as it goes. There's no way I'd have you anywhere near children given your sleaze and lies on your own thread no less. You've just made some nutball claim that around three quarters of those who disagree with you are homosexual themselves that is blatantly false. You invent or project scenarios onto other people that are only grounded in your own head. What was with me supposedly having to admit to being abused as a kid not many pages ago? You even have any idea how pathetic it is to even resort to that?

No, don't get your hopes up dude, it never happened but so telling that a supposedly Christian man would even try that tactic.

For the 748th time now I'm straight. Yes, you heard, I'm straight. straight straight straight straight straight in case you want to anally retentively add that to the amount of times I've said it already. So are most people who post in this now train wreck of a train wreck.

Get a life man. Go soak up the sun on a beach or build a new platform for your train set or something. Believe it or not I wish you no ill will, but you are in need of help or you need to help yourself.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What does child adoption agency worker Art Brain do?

aCW, if I were in such a position whereby I felt a child would be in danger from any potential guardian I would not sign any papers condoning such, whether my supervisor happened to be a cross dresser or not and regardless of the orientation of the adopters to boot.

That is the question Art (I see progress here folks, we might actually get an answer from homosexualist Art Brain one of these days) : Would you sign papers allowing two homosexuals that are not only gender confused, but most likely had their genitals mutilated to become pretend members of the opposite sex, to adopt an absolutely adorable 18 month old baby boy?



Since Art Brain is such a huge fan of reparative therapy, this scenario should be easy for him (which is based on this post: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...ized!-Part-4&p=4792661&viewfull=1#post4792661


A 15 year old boy, whose parents are close friends of Art Brain, approaches him in tears and says the following:

"Art, I'm tired of living this lie of having same sex desires. I'm addicted to drugs, have STD's, and have given serious thought to suicide. I recently went to a LGBTQ suicide prevention counselor, but the counselor, 48 year old Harvey Milk, ended up seducing me.

I have a friend who lives out of state that has seen a therapist, and he says that the spiritual and psychological counselling he received has made him a new person.

It'll illegal in this state for me to see a counselor like that, would you please drive me across state lines to see this therapist? I don't think I can go on much longer living this lie."

Art Brain's reply:




New member
For those of you that are thinking about fighting the culture war, if you don't already know, pay attention to what you'll be running up against:

On occasion someone will actually debate you (but then when you present the truth, it can't be debated), but the vast majority of the time you will be called a "liar!", and that's probably the nicest word that they'll use.

They'll nitpick because you didn't cross a t or dot an i, things that anal retentive secular humanists are known for.

"Closeted", "drag queen", "faggot", "pederast", "racist" "anti Semitic", etc. etc. etc. are names that you'll be called (and some of those people doing the name calling are from the supposed "right").

When you present the truth, and don't take anyone's side except for God's, people get angry. Keep in mind that these people are living lies themselves and need someone to take it out on. Don't take it personal, it's just what they do.


Talking about yourself ... again?


New member
Yet another ban on therapy to help sexually/gender confused youth from seeking professional and spiritual counseling. Fortunately a group of pastors are putting up a fight.

Pastors sue Illinois over gay conversion therapy ban

August 11, 2016

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — A group of pastors is suing Illinois over a law that bars therapists from trying to change a minor’s sexual orientation.

The lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court seeks to exclude clergy from the ban that took effect Jan. 1. The lawsuit contends the prohibition shouldn’t apply to clergy because it violates free speech and religious rights.
what about the rights of their victims?


New member
Ya know, maybe therapy for sexually/gender confused youth isn't such a bad idea after all:

Gay high school students raped, attacked far more often

August 12, 2016

NEW YORK — Gay, lesbian and bisexual high school students are far more likely than their classmates to be raped or assaulted in a dating situation, according to the first national survey of its kind.

The research also found gay teens were far more likely to have attempted suicide, taken illegal drugs and engaged in other risky behaviors.

For years, advocacy groups have been saying gay and lesbian kids are more often bullied, ostracized and at high risk for many other problems. But earlier research by the government was limited to a small number of states and cities. The new survey includes students in rural areas and other parts of the U.S.

"This is the first time we can say that nationwide these are consistent challenges faced by lesbian, gay and bi- youth," said David W. Bond of The Trevor Project, a national suicide-prevention organization focused on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/08/12/gay-high-school-students-raped-attacked-far-more-often.html

The only problem here Bond, David W. Bond, is that these attacks are taking place "in a dating situation".

The last time I checked, sexually and gender confused youth date other sexually and gender confused youth.

From your link: "Shontay Richardson says the survey reflects her experience in high school. "There's of course the physical bullying, but also the emotional bullying that takes place," she said.

Now 24 and a graduate student at Purchase College in suburban New York, she says she was lesbian but tried to hide it from her classmates. Still, she was seen as different. She was ostracized by her classmates and sexually assaulted by a boy she knew"


From your link: "Shontay Richardson says the survey reflects her experience in high school. "There's of course the physical bullying, but also the emotional bullying that takes place," she said.

Now 24 and a graduate student at Purchase College in suburban New York, she says she was lesbian but tried to hide it from her classmates. Still, she was seen as different. She was ostracized by her classmates and sexually assaulted by a boy she knew"

Take it up with the ultra pro LGBTQ CDC:

•19% to 29% of gay and lesbian students and 18% to 28% of bisexual students experienced dating violence in the prior year.
•14% to 31% of gay and lesbian students and 17% to 32% of bisexual students had been forced to have sexual intercourse at some point in their lives.2

Granted, the 2nd sentence deals with sexually confused youth being raped earlier in life (many by a homosexual elder), thus leading to their sexual confusion.


ACW, Have you ever considered posting about the Gospel? After all, there's more to life than talking endlessly about homosexuals.

In a political forum?

But since you're here, how about we talk about the role of civil government in the Bible and what happens when people of the Christian faith don't get politically active?

You can grab musterion and heir if you need back up.

Heck, while you're here you can tell us why someone who claims to be a follower of Christ such as yourself would back a secular humanist like Donald Trump (pro LGBTQ, pro abortion, etc. etc. etc.). Perhaps it's because you both embrace the same values?

But since you're just trolling, I highly doubt that we'll have those conversations.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since Art Brain is such a huge fan of reparative therapy, this scenario should be easy for him (which is based on this post: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...ized!-Part-4&p=4792661&viewfull=1#post4792661


A 15 year old boy, whose parents are close friends of Art Brain, approaches him in tears and says the following:

"Art, I'm tired of living this lie of having same sex desires. I'm addicted to drugs, have STD's, and have given serious thought to suicide. I recently went to a LGBTQ suicide prevention counselor, but the counselor, 48 year old Harvey Milk, ended up seducing me.

I have a friend who lives out of state that has seen a therapist, and he says that the spiritual and psychological counselling he received has made him a new person.

It'll illegal in this state for me to see a counselor like that, would you please drive me across state lines to see this therapist? I don't think I can go on much longer living this lie."

Art Brain's reply:



I don't drive so that was an easy one...

Otherwise I really don't care about your increasingly whacked out scenarios.


A 15 year old boy, whose parents are close friends of Art Brain, approaches him in tears and says the following:

"Art, I'm tired of living this lie of having same sex desires. I'm addicted to drugs, have STD's, and have given serious thought to suicide. I recently went to a LGBTQ suicide prevention counselor, but the counselor, 48 year old Harvey Milk, ended up seducing me.

I have a friend who lives out of state that has seen a therapist, and he says that the spiritual and psychological counselling he received has made him a new person.

It'll illegal in this state for me to see a counselor like that, would you please drive me take a bus or train with me across state lines to see this therapist? I don't think I can go on much longer living this lie."

Art Brain's reply:

I don't drive so that was an easy one...

Otherwise I really don't care about your increasingly whacked out scenarios.

I made the necessary changes in the above scenario to fit your travel accommodations.


New member
Take it up with the ultra pro LGBTQ CDC:

•19% to 29% of gay and lesbian students and 18% to 28% of bisexual students experienced dating violence in the prior year.
•14% to 31% of gay and lesbian students and 17% to 32% of bisexual students had been forced to have sexual intercourse at some point in their lives.2

Granted, the 2nd sentence deals with sexually confused youth being raped earlier in life (many by a homosexual elder), thus leading to their sexual confusion.

Why would anyone assume that the perpetrators would be the same gender as the victim?
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