Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
In another thread I was discussing with homosexualist Art Brain how the LGBTQ movement indoctrinates children and stated that I documented in the table of contents how he had done the same, and offered to pull up the links.

Art Brain was insistent that I find the posts, but instead of searching for them I presented 3 different scenarios to Art, which he refused to answer.

Being the anal retentive person that Art is, he kept insisting that I find the posts that I'd spoken about, so this morning I searched Part 3's table of contents and was unable to locate those posts (thinking back, they were in Part 1 or 2. The scenario was that Art was babysitting friends pre teen children on New Year's Eve and they asked him about homosexuality).

Here is the first scenario that I would like Art Brain to answer:

Inquisitive 10 year old child: "Uncle Art, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."

Uncle Art's reply:

I asked you to do what you offered to do. As it transpires you're not that much in touch with your own ego fest as you seem to think, otherwise you'd have realized that the original exchange had vanished had you kept up to date. Heck, this is your boring little personal blog after all dude.

I've answered on the adjoining thread so either get there or go read 'Creativity Movement's blog and pretend you didn't know it was a piece of racist white supremacist filth again.



New member
What's 'sad' is that homosexual activists won't admit that child molestation or being raised in a dysfunction family (homosexual father, genital mutilated pretend mother) are the reasons behind homosexual desires and that through spiritual and often times psychological therapy, people can actually rid themselves of those perverse desires.

Is anyone really stupid enough to believe either of your 'reasons'?


In another thread I was discussing with homosexualist Art Brain how the LGBTQ movement indoctrinates children and stated that I documented in the table of contents how he had done the same, and offered to pull up the links.

Art Brain was insistent that I find the posts, but instead of searching for them I presented 3 different scenarios to Art, which he refused to answer.

Being the anal retentive person that Art is, he kept insisting that I find the posts that I'd spoken about, so this morning I searched Part 3's table of contents and was unable to locate those posts (thinking back, they were in Part 1 or 2. The scenario was that Art was babysitting friends pre teen children on New Year's Eve and they asked him about homosexuality).

Here is the first scenario that I would like Art Brain to answer:

Inquisitive 10 year old child: "Uncle Art, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."

Uncle Art's reply:

I asked you to do what you offered to do. As it transpires you're not that much in touch with your own ego fest as you seem to think, otherwise you'd have realized that the original exchange had vanished had you kept up to date. Heck, this is your boring little personal blog after all dude.

I've answered on the adjoining thread so either get there or go read 'Creativity Movement's blog and pretend you didn't know it was a piece of racist white supremacist filth again.


If the previous scenario made you feel uncomfortable, let's go with this one:

12 year old student: "My teacher was talking about how loving homosexual relationships are normal and healthy. My parents say that God doesn't approve of sexual relationships outside of traditional marriage: one man, one woman.

Who is wrong, my teacher or my parents?"

Uncle Art's reply:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What's 'sad' is that homosexual activists won't admit that child molestation or being raised in a dysfunction family (homosexual father, genital mutilated pretend mother) are the reasons behind homosexual desires and that through spiritual and often times psychological therapy, people can actually rid themselves of those perverse desires.

Is anyone really stupid enough to believe either of your 'reasons'?

On a side note: Since I get the feeling that you're well versed in child indoctrination, and since Art Brain is extremely hesitant to respond to my scenarios regarding LGBTQ child indoctrination, would you like to play along?

Here's the first scenario:

Inquisitive 10 year old child: "Uncle TracerBullet MrDante, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."

Uncle TracerBullet's MrDante's reply:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If the previous scenario made you feel uncomfortable, let's go with this one:

12 year old student: "My teacher was talking about how loving homosexual relationships are normal and healthy. My parents say that God doesn't approve of sexual relationships outside of traditional marriage: one man, one woman.

Who is wrong, my teacher or my parents?"

Uncle Art's reply:

Have you lost all manner of reading comprehension or something? I told you that I replied in the adjoining thread. Here it is again in case you somehow missed it...:


I am not interested in going through your ever so bonkers scenarios when my answer is there for all to see to any of them.

Seriously dude, try and stop being such a gormless crank will ya?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If the previous scenario made you feel uncomfortable, let's go with this one:

12 year old student: "My teacher was talking about how loving homosexual relationships are normal and healthy. My parents say that God doesn't approve of sexual relationships outside of traditional marriage: one man, one woman.

Who is wrong, my teacher or my parents?"

Uncle Art's reply:

Have you lost all manner of reading comprehension or something? I told you that I replied in the adjoining thread. Here it is again in case you somehow missed it...:


I am not interested in going through your ever so bonkers scenarios when my answer is there for all to see to any of them.

Seriously dude, try and stop being such a gormless crank will ya?

Come on Art, you weren't shy when you told two impressionable children about love before, why now?

Besides, if you play your card rights, maybe someone from the HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) might be so impressed that they'll offer you a job in their "child indoctrination department".

Let's see if the third time is a charm with Uncle Art Brain.

15 year old sexually confused boy:

"Art, my priest raped me when I was 12 and the next year my Boy Scout leader did the same. I'm finding that I'm attracted to males instead of females and don't like that feeling. Should I seek spiritual and if needed psychological help to overcome these same sex desires?"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Come on Art, you weren't shy when you told two impressionable children about love before, why now?

That never actually happened you silly little clown. Not only are you not up to date with your own silly little ego fest you can't even remember what actually took place. I have never talked to any children about any matters sexual you insipid little crank. You presented one of your daft little scenarios and I answered as to what I would do in such a hypothetical situation. I've told you how I would address any such thing in the adjoining. Though I may add that if such children are online to avoid your tripe at all costs...

Besides, if you play your card rights, maybe someone from the HRC (founded by accused pederast Terry Bean) might be so impressed that they'll offer you a job in their "child indoctrination department".

I was gonna say that should read as "cards right" but given it's just you being a gormless insidious clown once again the grammar or vernacular doesn't even matter.

Let's see if the third time is a charm with Uncle Art Brain.

15 year old sexually confused boy:

"Art, my priest raped me when I was 12 and the next year my Boy Scout leader did the same. I'm finding that I'm attracted to males instead of females and don't like that feeling. Should I seek spiritual and if needed psychological help to overcome these same sex desires?"

Do you have any idea how much of a crank you sound with these convoluted little scenarios? Not to mention creepy?

Your answer has been given to you. If you wanna continue to act like a closet case then you just have at it. Otherwise get a bloody life man.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Is anyone really stupid enough to believe either of your 'reasons'?

For the most part no. Thankfully. But then this whole 'reasoning' is coming from a supposedly straight guy who, for some bizarre reason has 'fashioned' some lurid fantasies about heterosexual posters having homosexual trysts and been banned for such lurid innuendo in turn...

So what does that tell ya?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Come on Art, you weren't shy when you told two impressionable children about love before, why now?

That never actually happened you silly little clown. Not only are you not up to date with your own silly little ego fest you can't even remember what actually took place.
I have never talked to any children about any matters sexual you insipid little crank. You presented one of your daft little scenarios and I answered as to what I would do in such a hypothetical situation.

You were going to babysit the preteen children of friends on New Year's Eve. At the time I was talking about child indoctrination by the LGBTQ movement in television and movies, and posed that scenario for you. In the scenario you told the children that as long as the couple loved each other, that's what is important.

I've told you how I would address any such thing in the adjoining. Though I may add that if such children are online to avoid your tripe at all costs...

Not everyone that follows this thread (I get around 200-300 views a day from TOL members and non TOL members) read the other threads.

Maybe the 4th time will be a charm with Uncle Art Brain:


Uncle Art Brain comes across a 14 year old girl who is his next door neighbor in the mall and he's been a good friend of the family for years. She is holding hands with another girl and on occasion they give each other a kiss. Art knows that the girl has had a rough life: parents divorced and a cousin sexually abused her.

Knowing that the 14 year old girl would pursue a culture of death (an extremely unhealthy lifestyle), what would Uncle Art Brain say to the girl?

A). "Honey, can we talk a minute in private? I know that you've had some rough times at home, but how about you, your mom and I go together to my church and talk to my pastor about the feelings you're having for other girls? Your mom is all for it, and I've heard that through spirituality and sometimes psychological counselling if needed that other sexually confused teens have been helped to overcome their confusion."


B) "Go girl! LGBTQ pride!"

Uncle Art's reply:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You were going to babysit the preteen children of friends on New Year's Eve. At the time I was talking about child indoctrination by the LGBTQ movement in television and movies, and posed that scenario for you. In the scenario you told the children that as long as the couple loved each other, that's what is important.

Uh, yeah, your scenario, that never happened. I'm actually surprised you haven't got a folder for your own blog where you could pull up the entire conversation as I'd be happy enough for you to quote us word for word. What's with that?

Not everyone that follows this thread (I get around 200-300 views a day from TOL members and non TOL members) read the other threads.

Considering that you prop this blog up yourself and when you're banned it just withers on the vine then what does that tell you? You've just inadvertently admitted that the whole thing is about you and your own little ego. Do you seriously think that most people who view this car crash are actually in agreement with you dingbat?

Maybe the 4th time will be a charm with Uncle Art Brain:


Uncle Art Brain comes across a 14 year old girl who is his next door neighbor in the mall and he's been a good friend of the family for years. She is holding hands with another girl and on occasion they give each other a kiss. Art knows that the girl has had a rough life: parents divorced and a cousin sexually abused her.

Knowing that the 14 year old girl would pursue a culture of death (an extremely unhealthy lifestyle), what would Uncle Art Brain say to the girl?

A). "Honey, can we talk a minute in private? I know that you've had some rough times at home, but how about you, your mom and I go together to my church and talk to my pastor about the feelings you're having for other girls? Your mom is all for it, and I've heard that through spirituality and sometimes psychological counselling if needed that other sexually confused teens have been helped to overcome their confusion."


B) "Go girl! LGBTQ pride!"

Uncle Art's reply:

My reply, as before:

Get. A. Life.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Maybe the 4th time will be a charm with Uncle Art Brain:


Uncle Art Brain comes across a 14 year old girl who is his next door neighbor in the mall and he's been a good friend of the family for years. She is holding hands with another girl and on occasion they give each other a kiss. Art knows that the girl has had a rough life: parents divorced and a cousin sexually abused her.

Knowing that the 14 year old girl would pursue a culture of death (an extremely unhealthy lifestyle), what would Uncle Art Brain say to the girl?

A). "Honey, can we talk a minute in private? I know that you've had some rough times at home, but how about you, your mom and I go together to my church and talk to my pastor about the feelings you're having for other girls? Your mom is all for it, and I've heard that through spirituality and sometimes psychological counselling if needed that other sexually confused teens have been helped to overcome their confusion."


B) "Go girl! LGBTQ pride!"

Uncle Art's reply:

My reply, as before:

Get. A. Life.


And this concludes yet another intense debate with Art Brain.

BTW Art: There are other LGBTQ adults who aren't ashamed to indoctrinate children to the ways of perversion.




For those of you that run across proud and unrepentant homosexuals who claim that they're only involved in a lifestyle that involves adults, run the scenarios that I've presented or make some of your own up and see what kind of response you get.

I'll guarantee you that they won't denounce their lifestyle by telling children what they are doing is morally wrong and extremely unhealthy.




Yeah Connie, and let's hear about how you don't know anything about 'Creativity Movement' and its sickening ethos either. It was all just 'dreamed up' and you have no truck with it.


Have you been fitted for your millstone yet Art?


I figure you for a size "pencil-neck small".

Moving on...


Don't try to silence me by reporting me TracerBullet/MrDante, answer the scenario.

10 year old child: "Uncle TracerBullet/ MrDante, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."

Uncle TracerBullet's/ MrDante's reply:


There was a good reason why homosexuality was considered a mental illness (up until the time NAMBLA defender Frank Kameny and associates used 'gaystapo' tactics to have it removed from the American Psychiatric Association's list of mental disorders) :

There's something very very wrong with these people.

Homosexualists Abuse the Constitution—Again

Laurie Higgins

Aug. 15, 2016

(*Caution: May not be suitable for younger readers.)

Men seeking sex with men have been using a particular public restroom in San Jose, California for their semi-clandestine, wholly vile activities for some years. In fact, it’s become such a popular gathering place for men whose sexual predilections involve public lavatories and strange men that a picnic table has been set up by the country health department offering free condoms and pamphlets about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections/diseases. This popular site for perverse sex just happens to be immediately next to a baseball diamond used by children for their baseball games which are, of course, attended by their families.

Attorney Bruce Nickerson, panties in a twist over a 2014-2015 sting operation that resulted in two dozen men being charged with “among other things, loitering near a bathroom with the intent to commit a lewd act,” plans on filing a class action lawsuit against the police department.

Nickerson sees the sting operation as a gross violation of the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of “equal protection before the law.” How so, you may be wondering. After pouring over the arrest records of the San Jose Police Department for similar sting operations, Nickerson discovered “the department has not made any decoy arrests for male-female lewd conduct,” which he views as a clear violation of the 14thAmendment. So now taxpayers will foot the bill to defend the purported violation of the rights of men who seek to have sex with men in a public restroom.

I wonder if Nickerson considered the possibility that more men seek sex with men in public restrooms than women seek sex with men in public restrooms or vice versa.

In his lawsuit, Nickerson, who views his effort as “the gay equivalent of stopping Jim Crow laws,” will be asking not only that “the police department stop these stings, but will also ask for the arrests to be removed from the defendants’ records and a ‘modest’ cash settlement.”

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2016/08/15/homosexualists-abuse-constitution/

Mess with their homosexual 'culture' and they will do everything that they can to stop you.




New member
Don't try to silence me by reporting me TracerBullet/MrDante, answer the scenario.

10 year old child: "Uncle TracerBullet/ MrDante, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."

Uncle TracerBullet's/ MrDante's reply:

I'll hit that report button any time you try to paint anyone as a child molester.


child: a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl

indoctrinate/indoctrinator: to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.

Open Sexual Deviant: I’ve Been Indoctrinating America’s Kids to Be Sodomites – I Lied about It & Am Not Sorry

March 15, 2012

Sometimes you just can't ask for anything better than lawless people to utter their own crimes from their own mouths, except to render justice upon such crimes. Such is the case with S. Bear Bergman.

Bergman, a mentally ill woman who believes she is a man (She also claims to have "married" another woman that thinks she is a man) and cuts her hair in the style of a man's and apparently takes hormones to grow a beard (yes, it's disturbing to see and the entire "family" situation is beyond confusing and bizarre), provided an op-ed piece at Huffington Post in which she openly admits that she is in education to "indoctrinate your children into my LGBTQ agenda." Furthermore, she adds, "I'm not a bit sorry."

The self-proclaimed "writer, educator, storyteller and loudmouth," also told her audience that one of her number one things that upset her as a young rebellious teen against God was the fact that people accused people like her of recruiting. So, to set the record straight, though it upset her, she came out in this piece to acknowledge that was, in fact, true.

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/open-sexu...e-sodomites-and-i-lied-about-it-am-not-sorry/



I'll keep fighting these filthy degenerates until I can't fight no more.
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