Arthur Brain
Well-known member
In another thread I was discussing with homosexualist Art Brain how the LGBTQ movement indoctrinates children and stated that I documented in the table of contents how he had done the same, and offered to pull up the links.
Art Brain was insistent that I find the posts, but instead of searching for them I presented 3 different scenarios to Art, which he refused to answer.
Being the anal retentive person that Art is, he kept insisting that I find the posts that I'd spoken about, so this morning I searched Part 3's table of contents and was unable to locate those posts (thinking back, they were in Part 1 or 2. The scenario was that Art was babysitting friends pre teen children on New Year's Eve and they asked him about homosexuality).
Here is the first scenario that I would like Art Brain to answer:
Inquisitive 10 year old child: "Uncle Art, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."
Uncle Art's reply:
I asked you to do what you offered to do. As it transpires you're not that much in touch with your own ego fest as you seem to think, otherwise you'd have realized that the original exchange had vanished had you kept up to date. Heck, this is your boring little personal blog after all dude.
I've answered on the adjoining thread so either get there or go read 'Creativity Movement's blog and pretend you didn't know it was a piece of racist white supremacist filth again.