Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader

Trump is not the same man he used to be. You on the other hand are still a lying sack of crap. Trump will get to heaven before you do. He has changed - you have not. Changing is what repentance is all about.

The funny thing about this "Trump saw the light and received Christ" thing is that it puts him under more heat, not less...

I'd read a few weeks back where an anonymous source stated that Donald Trump told him that he had accepted Christ as his Savior. Is Donald Trump so ashamed of being a follower of Christ that he needs to have an anonymous source make that announcement for him?

While Trump is a mentally ill sociopathic liar, he is smart enough to know that if you dangle a piece of meat in front of a few Christians, they'll start salivating like Pavlov's dog.


I pity the guy who lies about his Christian faith so that he can get the vote of so-called 'Christians'.

For that matter I pity these so-called 'Christians' for going against God's Word when it comes to choosing civil leaders.

God will not be mocked.
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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of repentance and forgiveness. You do not.

Trump is not the same man he used to be.

Unfortunately I've seen no evidence to verify this. Trump still says he doesn't ask God for forgiveness as far as I can tell.... if you know of him reversing that let me know.

That said I'd rather just pray for both of these sorry souls (Trump and aCW) rather than presuming to ask which is more likely to be saved. They're both degenerates and moral reprobates as far as I can tell.


Quote Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader
I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of repentance and forgiveness. You do not.
Trump is not the same man he used to be.

Unfortunately I've seen no evidence to verify this. Trump still says he doesn't ask God for forgiveness as far as I can tell.... if you know of him reversing that let me know.

That said I'd rather just pray for both of these sorry souls (Trump and aCW) rather than presuming to ask which is more likely to be saved. They're both degenerates and moral reprobates as far as I can tell.

Welcome back Jr., the Libertarian faction of TOL has missed you greatly (they've pretty much gone into hiding without their fearless Jr. college leader to show them the way).

Speaking of Loonatarians: You do realize that "Mr. Libertarian" Walter Block* is supporting Trump don't you? I guess with Trump's pro homosexual stance, he's touched the heart of many a Libertarian.

*Good ole Walter stated in a paper that there is justification for a father to sell his 4 year old son..."who is not adult" to a member of the North American Man Boy Love Association provided the father had no other choice for survival. Evidently punching the pedophile in the face and taking the food that they needed wasn't an option for atheist Walter Block.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by CatholicCrusader
I believe in Jesus Christ and the power of repentance and forgiveness. You do not.
Trump is not the same man he used to be.

Welcome back Jr., the Libertarian faction of TOL has missed you greatly (they've pretty much gone into hiding without their fearless Jr. college leader to show them the way).

Speaking of Loonatarians: You do realize that "Mr. Libertarian" Walter Block* is supporting Trump don't you? I guess with Trump's pro homosexual stance, he's touched the heart of many a Libertarian.

*Good ole Walter stated in a paper that there is justification for a father to sell his 4 year old son..."who is not adult" to a member of the North American Man Boy Love Association provided the father had no other choice for survival. Evidently punching the pedophile in the face and taking the food that they needed wasn't an option for atheist Walter Block.

Oh don't worry I won't be sticking around much.

Walter Block's an atheist, it shouldn't be shocking that he says atheistic things. *shrugs*

I'm not a libertarian.


Oh don't worry I won't be sticking around much.

Darn, and I was just getting ready to crank up the mock-o-meter.

Walter Block's an atheist, it shouldn't be shocking that he says atheistic things. *shrugs*

I'm not a libertarian.

What is your cult this week Jr.? You go back and forth from Libertarian to theonomist, is there something new that we should be aware of?


Exposing the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of children by the LGBTQueer movement is a central theme to this 4 part thread. Our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality has posted a video showing how those that belong to the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association think and operate.

I posted this video in an earlier thread, I suggest that parents and those who are responsible for young boys view this to see how these perverts operate.

VIDEO: Documentary Film ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys – Exposes NAMBLA and Pederasts’ Mindset

August 9, 2016

Twenty years later, a movement grows to build an intellectual case for tolerance and respect for pedophiles — whom B4UAct calls “Minor Attracted People”

This award-winning documentary “ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys” was produced in 1994. It was directed by Adi Sideman, who allowed NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) members (and leaders) to speak in their own words, describing their evil actions and thoughts involving boys.

Note how Leyland Stevenson, the über-creepy former NAMBLA secretary whose interview is at the center of this film, claims that the boys are looking for sexual contact with men. This is the central and sickening rationale of all “boy lovers.”

More than two decades ago, I met Stevenson in the course of Americans For Truth’s predecessor, Lambda Report’s, efforts to expose NAMBLA and pro-pedophile groups worldwide. AFTAH’s and LR’s investigative reporting inspired a 1994 American law barring U.S. taxpayer funding to any international organization with pedophile connections.

History note: NAMBLA was once allowed to march in homosexual “pride” parades.

One thing NAMBLA is right about: pederasty–sex between men and boys–has ancient roots and must be included in the history of (male) homosexuality.

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...ve-boys-exposes-nambla-and-pederasts-mindset/



New member
Exposing the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of children by the LGBTQueer movement is a central theme to this 4 part thread. Our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality has posted a video showing how those that belong to the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association think and operate.

I posted this video in an earlier thread, I suggest that parents and those who are responsible for young boys view this to see how these perverts operate.

VIDEO: Documentary Film ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys – Exposes NAMBLA and Pederasts’ Mindset

August 9, 2016

Twenty years later, a movement grows to build an intellectual case for tolerance and respect for pedophiles — whom B4UAct calls “Minor Attracted People”

This award-winning documentary “ChickenHawk: Men Who Love Boys” was produced in 1994. It was directed by Adi Sideman, who allowed NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) members (and leaders) to speak in their own words, describing their evil actions and thoughts involving boys.

Note how Leyland Stevenson, the über-creepy former NAMBLA secretary whose interview is at the center of this film, claims that the boys are looking for sexual contact with men. This is the central and sickening rationale of all “boy lovers.”

More than two decades ago, I met Stevenson in the course of Americans For Truth’s predecessor, Lambda Report’s, efforts to expose NAMBLA and pro-pedophile groups worldwide. AFTAH’s and LR’s investigative reporting inspired a 1994 American law barring U.S. taxpayer funding to any international organization with pedophile connections.

History note: NAMBLA was once allowed to march in homosexual “pride” parades.

One thing NAMBLA is right about: pederasty–sex between men and boys–has ancient roots and must be included in the history of (male) homosexuality.

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...ve-boys-exposes-nambla-and-pederasts-mindset/

Sorry but I can't take anything from LaBarbera seriously, mostly because I don't suffer from brain damage.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Exposing the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of children by the LGBTQueer movement is a central theme to this 4 part thread. Our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality has posted a video showing how those that belong to the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association think and operate.

Sorry but I can't take anything from LaBarbera seriously, mostly because I don't suffer from brain damage.

NAMBLA has quite the history:

Founded by homosexual activists.

Marched in 'gay' pride parades until Kirk and Madsen pretty much said in their book "After the Ball: How America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the 90's" :

'It's probably not good PR that the LGBTQ movement associates with pedophiles and pederasts. You boyz from NAMBLA lay low for a decade or so and we'll give you something extra special if you're good.




Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What is your cult this week Jr.? You go back and forth from Libertarian to theonomist, is there something new that we should be aware of?

Still theonomist dude, which isn't a cult FYI.

a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous

Now that you've been with the same cult for several months, how about we do a quick review for the people who weren't following the thread the last time I exposed it?

Correct me if I miss anything:

The Theonomist movements' current leader is a doper by the name of Joel McDurmon. My bad, Joel McD doesn't smoke dope (that's he'll admit to), he only wants it legalized.

Dr. McD's (Joel has a PHD don't cha know) father in law is Gary North who worked closely with Libertarian for life Ron Paul on one of his Libertarian Party Presidential runs, hence a connection (albeit a strange one) between the theonomist and Libertarian crowd.

Theonomists are old school, meaning that they still believe in the Old Testament laws of stoning sexual sinners to death (I'm not sure what their stance on stoning disobedient children is, but if they're going to be consistent...). I've never been able to get a clear answer from one if they would accept reparative therapy for a 12 year old sexually confused boy who was raped by a homosexual earlier in life, instead of stoning him to death.

If the penalty isn't described in the Bible (i.e. if the Bible says nothing about driving an 18 wheeler tractor-trailer 95 MPH while high on crack cocaine) it should be legal.

If you think I'm kidding, you should try debating one about how harmful pornography is to society and hear them say that it should be legal because it's not mentioned in the Bible.


Theonomist Joel McDurmon (oops) "Dr." Joel McDurmon after sniffing the air at Ron Paul's dope compound.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

NAMBLA has quite the history:

You and your lame analogies TracerBullet. I'm trying to remember what you entertained the thread with before...it'll come to me.

Surely you're not implying that the flat earth society, like practically all of the LGBTQ's icons are child rapists are you?

Edit: It came to me. When I talked about those brave souls who overcame homosexual behavior and often times desires through spiritual and psychological therapy, you compared them to people who claimed that they were abducted by aliens.

There's a padded cell with your name on it somewhere TB.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What is your cult this week Jr.? You go back and forth from Libertarian to theonomist, is there something new that we should be aware of?

a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous

Now that you've been with the same cult for several months, how about we do a quick review for the people who weren't following the thread the last time I exposed it?

Correct me if I miss anything:

The Theonomist movements' current leader is a doper by the name of Joel McDurmon. My bad, Joel McD doesn't smoke dope (that's he'll admit to), he only wants it legalized.

Joel's a fair bit less theonomic than he used to be, his new book is actually more libertarian, which was annoying.
Dr. McD's (Joel has a PHD don't cha know) father in law is Gary North who worked closely with Libertarian for life Ron Paul on one of his Libertarian Party Presidential runs, hence a connection (albeit a strange one) between the theonomist and Libertarian crowd.

This is accurate at least as far as it goes, though not all theonomists support Dr. Paul either.
Theonomists are old school, meaning that they still believe in the Old Testament laws of stoning sexual sinners to death (I'm not sure what their stance on stoning disobedient children is, but if they're going to be consistent...). I've never been able to get a clear answer from one if they would accept reparative therapy for a 12 year old sexually confused boy who was raped by a homosexual earlier in life, instead of stoning him to death.

"disobedient children" is a strawman of what the Bible requires. Its more like "incorrigibly rebellious to the point where both the parents and the civil elders agree that there's no altenrative.

If the penalty isn't described in the Bible (i.e. if the Bible says nothing about driving an 18 wheeler tractor-trailer 95 MPH while high on crack cocaine) it should be legal.

I think that falls under the general equity of the goring ox law. Its reckless.

If you think I'm kidding, you should try debating one about how harmful pornography is to society and hear them say that it should be legal because it's not mentioned in the Bible.

I'd support bans on pornography, I think there's sufficient Biblical basis for such bans.

Theonomist Joel McDurmon (oops) "Dr." Joel McDurmon after sniffing the air at Ron Paul's dope compound.



Joel's a fair bit less theonomic than he used to be, his new book is actually more libertarian, which was annoying.

Looking at some of the Youtube videos of Dr. McD, I see that he's for executing those who engage in homosexual acts. That's a far cry from being a Libertarian.

Why do you think Jesus rescinded the death penalty along with other penalties handed down by God to the Jews?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Surely you're not implying that the flat earth society, like practically all of the LGBTQ's icons are child rapists are you?

No, I'm saying that there are people who will believe anything no matter how ridiculous.

I hear ya. There are actually people who believe that there is a 'gay' gene, how ridiculous is that?


I'm running across quite a few people here on TOL who appear to like Donald Trump (besides the democrats and Libertarians that crossed party lines to get him the Republican nomination for President).
I guess it's time to kick it up a notch and do a major review showing not only how liberal Donald Trump has been and currently is, but how sleeeeeeeazy the sociopathic liar is as well.

I'll start off with "The Trump Files" from page 100 and add more as I review the past 100 pages of this thread.




New member
I hear ya. There are actually people who believe that there is a 'gay' gene, how ridiculous is that?

Yes, the idea that a single gene could be responsible for an individuals sexual orientation is ridiculous. But there are some who who are dense enough to believe that anyone is talking about a single gene - those are the truly sad individuals.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I hear ya. There are actually people who believe that there is a 'gay' gene, how ridiculous is that?

Yes, the idea that a single gene could be responsible for an individuals sexual orientation is ridiculous. But there are some who who are dense enough to believe that anyone is talking about a single gene - those are the truly sad individuals.

What's 'sad' is that homosexual activists won't admit that child molestation or being raised in a dysfunction family (homosexual father, genital mutilated pretend mother) are the reasons behind homosexual desires and that through spiritual and often times psychological therapy, people can actually rid themselves of those perverse desires.

Since the LGBTQ movement has given up on finding that 'gay gene', do you think that they'll waste more money in an attempt to find a genital mutilation gene?
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In another thread I was discussing with homosexualist Art Brain how the LGBTQ movement indoctrinates children and stated that I documented in the table of contents how he had done the same, and offered to pull up the links.

Art Brain was insistent that I find the posts, but instead of searching for them I presented 3 different scenarios to Art, which he refused to answer.

Being the anal retentive person that Art is, he kept insisting that I find the posts that I'd spoken about, so this morning I searched Part 3's table of contents and was unable to locate those posts (thinking back, they were in Part 1 or 2. The scenario was that Art was babysitting friends pre teen children on New Year's Eve and they asked him about homosexuality).

Here is the first scenario that I would like Art Brain to answer:

Inquisitive 10 year old child: "Uncle Art, my Sunday School teacher says that homosexuality is immoral, and that based on CDC reports, is extremely unhealthy. She also says that through Jesus Christ that immoral behavior can be overcome."

Uncle Art's reply:
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