Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Now that you've done your little Trump cheerleading routine Catfish, would you like to defend his stance on various issues?

How about we start off with how his very special guest speaker homosexual activist Peter Thiel at the Republican National Convention spoke out against North Carolina's law that prohibits cross dressing men (and those who don't cross dress, but just feel like using the women's restroom) from using women's/little girls restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms?

If you're not familiar with Donald Trump's stance on the issue, he said that the law was "a bad business decision".

I guess when Donald Trump invited drag queen Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom on a Trump property, that must have been a 'good business decision'?



Hall of Fame
Why is it that every time I post a story like the one above showing how a homosexual murdered a child that was in his custody, TOL's homosexualists go silent?

Anyone who murders a child should be given the DP. IF you wish to argue that they shouldn't, feel free.

No "What two consenting adults do in private is no ones business but their own!"

Extremely misleading. There is no *consent* involved with the murdering of a child ... or anyone else for that matter.

No "But but but heterosexuals murder their children too!"

They do ... are you making the claim that heterosexual parents who murder their children should not receive the DP as well?

Not even a "Trump will win!" rant.

Trump knocked some of the bluster out of his own campaign.

Speaking of the orange haired pervert: more on him coming up soon in the WHMBR! Part 4 thread.

With all his supposed wealth, you would think he would have done something with that orange stack of hay that rests upon his over-grown head ...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post

Why is it that every time I post a story like the one above showing how a homosexual murdered a child that was in his custody, TOL's homosexualists go silent?

Anyone who murders a child should be given the DP. IF you wish to argue that they shouldn't, feel free.

Have I mentioned that I just love your holier than thou posts Sandy? BTW: Remember in another thread where you said you'd probably be voting Libertarian Party for President?

1.8 Death Penalty

We oppose the administration of the death penalty by the state.

But don't let that and the fact that the LP is pro abortion keep you from voting for them, because as shown in the above link, they do fly that pretty rainbow flag with pride.

Back to the topic: homosexuals and the murder of children:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No "What two consenting adults do in private is no ones business but their own!"

Extremely misleading. There is no *consent* involved with the murdering of a child ... or anyone else for that matter.

Ah but Sandy, it was that "What two consenting adults do in private is no ones business" bold faced lie that lead to the where we are today: LGBTQ "rights" and homosexuals being allowed to mentor and raise children.

How do you feel about the other harms that homosexual 'parents' cause when it comes to the children in their custody?

For instance, those with gay or lesbian parent(s) were the:
most apt to say they were not exclusively heterosexual,
most apt to be on welfare,
least apt to be employed,
most apt to have gotten a sexually transmitted infection,
most apt to have recently thought of suicide,
most apt to report rape,
most apt to test impulsive,
most apt to smoke,
most apt to report heavy TV viewing,
most apt to have been arrested,
most apt to have pled guilty to a crime,
most apt to score high on depression,
least apt to report being able to depend on others,
least apt to report having felt secure and safe in their family, and
most promiscuous


As long as those kids aren't physically murdered, no big deal?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No "But but but heterosexuals murder their children too!"

They do ... are you making the claim that heterosexual parents who murder their children should not receive the DP as well?

I'm stating the fact that when children are placed in an inherently dangerous environment, which homosexuality is, bad things are going to happen to them.




Hall of Fame
Have I mentioned that I just love your holier than thou posts Sandy?

Ah, thanks. :D

BTW: Remember in another thread where you said you'd probably be voting Libertarian Party for President?

I DO. I also remember that was prior to Trump being shown as a dangerous nutjob. The choice is to vote for the candidate most likely to keep Trump out of office. Don't blame me for the fact that your precious conservative party voted to have this guy as the candidate of YOUR party.

So ... out of the three pro-abortion candidates, which one will YOU be endorsing?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW: Remember in another thread where you said you'd probably be voting Libertarian Party for President?

I DO. I also remember that was prior to Trump being shown as a dangerous nutjob. The choice is to vote for the candidate most likely to keep Trump out of office. Don't blame me for the fact that your precious conservative party voted to have this guy as the candidate of YOUR party.

So ... out of the three pro-abortion candidates, which one will YOU be endorsing?

I wasn't aware that there are only 3 choices. Since I've voted for this Party in the past, without a doubt when it comes to voting for President, I'll be voting for the candidate that runs on the pro life, pro traditional values Constitution Party.


I see that you have no comments on homosexual violence against children. That's something I've always admired about you Sandy, you know when you're in a no-win situation in debate.


Hall of Fame
I wasn't aware that there are only 3 choices. Since I've voted for this Party in the past, without a doubt when it comes to voting for President, I'll be voting for the candidate that runs on the pro life, pro traditional values Constitution Party.


That's nice ... even though he doesn't have a chance of being elected.

I see that you have no comments on homosexual violence against children.

I have made MANY comments on violence and abuse towards children ... whereas your concern about the violence and well being of the child seems dependent on IF the parent is homosexual. At this point I would ask you ...

"what part of ... any adult who sexually abuses a child should receive the DP" do you *pretend* to not understand?

Insofar as being in a no win situation, that is your projection ... otherwise you wouldn't misrepresent the FACT that I have always spoken against child abuse regardless of who the abuser is ...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I wasn't aware that there are only 3 choices. Since I've voted for this Party in the past, without a doubt when it comes to voting for President, I'll be voting for the candidate that runs on the pro life, pro traditional values Constitution Party.


That's nice ... even though he doesn't have a chance of being elected.

You asked me which one of the 3 pro abortion candidates would I be endorsing, not if I expected him to win.

My conscience is clean Sandy.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that you have no comments on homosexual violence against children.

I have made MANY comments on violence and abuse towards children ... whereas your concern about the violence and well being of the child seems dependent on IF the parent is homosexual. At this point I would ask you ...

"what part of ... any adult who sexually abuses a child should receive the DP" do you *pretend* to not understand?

You talk about what needs to be done after these horrific atrocities against children occur, I'm showing what needs to be done so that these horrific atrocities against children don't occur.


More death and violence caused by a homosexual pedophile.

Woman dies after trying to save grandchildren from sex offender, police say

Columbus Ohio

August 4, 2016

The man told Candy Arthurs and her two grandchildren that he was looking for a lost drone, and the trio was happy to help him look for it.

But shortly after they began searching their Hilltop neighborhood June 23, Jeremy Mullins, 7, and Kourtnee Mullins, 8, started walking into an alley with the man, who turned out to be a convicted sex offender.

Though it's unclear what happened next, Arthurs — who always said she'd sacrifice her life for her grandchildren — confronted the man. He stabbed her in the heart with a large knife and also stabbed Jeremy in the shoulder, Columbus police say.

Wednesday morning, Arthurs, 45, died at Mount Carmel West hospital from the wound she suffered six weeks ago.

The suspect, Kristopher T. Amos, 29, has been charged with murder and was in the Franklin County jail Wednesday night.

The two grandchildren and their mother — Arthurs' daughter — are devastated.

“My mother always told me she would die for them, and that’s exactly what she did,” Amanda Gibson, 27, said, referencing the five grandchildren Arthurs adored.

“She’s my hero.”

Amos, who lives in the 200 block of North Wayne Avenue, just down the street from Gibson's house, is a registered sex offender and twice was found guilty of child enticement with a sexual motivation, in 2010 and 2011. During the first incident, Amos tried to lure children into the shower area of a YMCA, according to the national sex-offender registry.

Read more: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2016/08/03/Hilltop-stabbing-charge.html#


John 15:13


Heterosexual sin left to run amuck will in turn lead to homosexuality

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

I really shouldn't respond to trolls like you, as you never return to the thread to back up your statements.

What basis is your claim that heterosexual promiscuity leads to homosexuality? Sure, some people experiment with homosexuality, but it's traumatic life experiences that damage a persons outlook towards normal sexual activity.


I really shouldn't respond to trolls like you, as you never return to the thread to back up your statements.

What basis is your claim that heterosexual promiscuity leads to homosexuality? Sure, some people experiment with homosexuality, but it's traumatic life experiences that damage a persons outlook towards normal sexual activity.

The book of Romans

Sent from my iPhone using TOL


Quote: Originally posted by aCulureWarrior
What basis is your claim that heterosexual promiscuity leads to homosexuality? Sure, some people experiment with homosexuality, but it's traumatic life experiences that damage a persons outlook towards normal sexual activity.

The book of Romans

I think I understand what you're attempting to say now.

Heterosexual sin left to run amuck will in turn lead to homosexuality

A society that allows immoral behaviors to exist without government interference (adultery, cohabitation) will eventually allow sexual depravity as well.

Well said.




Clinton mistakenly refers to Trump as her 'husband'

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton nearly called rival Donald Trump her “husband” on Friday in an embarrassing slip-up that drew laughs from the crowd.....


While I await that much needed ban of yours to be administered, can you tell the people following this thread the story behind how you got the name "Catfish Crusader"?

(I'll help your memory: If a nation recriminalizes homosexuality, the consumption of catfish will be next).


For you "anti establishment" Trump supporters, I see that Trump is backing yet another high ranking member of the GOP establishment:

Donald Trump officially endorses Paul Ryan after 4-day standoff

August 5, 2016

Donald Trump has officially thrown his support to House Speaker Paul Ryan, who is competing in a Tuesday primary in Wisconsin, ending an extraordinary four-day standoff between party leaders.

"In our shared mission to make America great again, I endorse and support our Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan," Trump said at a campaign rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Friday night.

"Paul Ryan. He's a good man and good guy," he added.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-endorses-paul-ryan-2016-8

Fear not Trumpeteers: Paul Ryan embraces many of those "New York values" that Donald Trump holds so dear to his heart.

Paul Ryan flip-flops, now supports gay adoption

JANESVILLE, WI, May 2, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Paul Ryan, the 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate, announced on Monday that he has changed his position on “gay adoptions”; he now favors them.

Speaking at a town hall meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin, Ryan responded to a question on same-sex “marriage” with a statement about his reversed position on same-sex adoption.

"I do believe that if there are children who are orphans who do not have a loving person or couple, I think if a person wants to love and raise a child they ought to be able to do that. Period,” Ryan explained. “I would vote that way," he added.

In 1999, Congressman Ryan voted far a ban on same-sex couples adopting children in the District of Columbia, but says he has since changed his mind. However, he said that he still opposes same-sex “marriage.”

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/paul-ryan-flip-flops-now-supports-gay-adoption

So homosexuals 'marrying' is definitely a no no for House Speaker Ryan, but homosexuals raising fragile and impressionable children is somehow ok?





Decisions decisions. Since Ivanka won't pose nude for Playboy (following in the footsteps of her mother who posed nude for a French magazine in 1995 and her father, who was interviewed by and on the cover of Playboy in 1990) what's the next logical step?

I know, make her a member of his Cabinet!

The Only Female Cabinet Member Trump Can Come Up With Is His Own Daughter

Aug. 5, 2016

Donald Trump, who, it should be noted, is "doing really well" with women, struggled to name even one he'd put in his cabinet should he be elected president. In fact, in an interview with The Chat's Angelia Savage, who used to work at the Trump Organization, Trump was asked point-blank which women he'd chose as advisers, and the only one he named was his own daughter.

" ... Who [would you] actually put into office as one of [the] first female in your cabinet?" Savage asked, after Trump reminded her that she was once Miss Florida and called her an "easy winner."

Trump replied, "Well, we have so many different ones to choose. I can tell you everybody would say, 'Put Ivanka in, put Ivanka in,' you know that, right? She’s very popular, she’s done very well, and you know Ivanka very well. But there really are so many that are really talented people."

Read more: http://nymag.com/thecut/2016/08/trump-names-one-female-cabinet-member-ivanka.html

Remember a few months ago in an interview Donald Trump suggested that his sister, who is an attorney and wrote an article praising partial birth abortion, would make a great Supreme Court Justice.

This thread needs some entertainment.

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