Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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New member
A few posts ago I talked about how the United States Navy is in the process of naming a ship after homosexual icon Harvey Milk. I shared an article from Liberty Institute's Matt Barber showing that amongst other things Milk was a pederast (Milk was also a friend and enabler of Jim Jones, the cult leader who was responsible for mass murder in Guyana).

Here is a picture of Harvey Milk and one of his "boy toys" Jack Galen (Galen committed suicide at a young age), compliments of our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.


Man-Boy Love? The side of Harvey Milk that liberals ignore: This photo of Harvey Milk (left) and his teenage homosexual lover, Jack Galen McKinley, appears in Randy Shilts’ book, “The Mayor of Castro Street.” Note the caption: “Harvey Milk with Jack Galen McKinley and their dog, Trick. (courtesy of the estate of Harvey Milk).” McKinley was 16 or 17 at the time, while Milk was in his mid-thirties. “Trick” was named after the “gay” slang word for the client of a homosexual hustler (prostitute). Milk preferred “boy-looking” young men as lovers. By repeatedly honoring Milk as an American civil rights hero, President Obama is dishonoring the United States of America, and now our Armed Forces.

In that era how old did girls have to be to get married?


In that era how old did girls have to be to get married?

Why don't you find one who married in that era (the era that homosexual icon Harvey Milk was raping underage boys) and ask her? While you're at it, ask her if she has her picture on a US postage stamp and has a US Navy ship named after her.

Wait, don't waste your time asking her, as those things in this day and age seem to only be reserved for child molesting perverts like Harvey Milk.


Wow, it's like every fake study and claim about gays all in one pamphlet. How convenient

I find it amazing that the human waste that normal people flush down the toilet plays a big part in homosexuality.

Pretty disgusting isn't it?

No wonder those who engage in homosexuality get sick all too frequently and end up dying way before they should.

patrick jane

I find it amazing that the human waste that normal people flush down the toilet plays a big part in homosexuality.

Pretty disgusting isn't it?

No wonder those who engage in homosexuality get sick all too frequently and end up dying way before they should.
What? Human waste is involved with gay activity? How so, can you prove this?


New member
Why don't you find one who married in that era (the era that homosexual icon Harvey Milk was raping underage boys) and ask her? While you're at it, ask her if she has her picture on a US postage stamp and has a US Navy ship named after her.

Well 16 was the legal marrying age.

Guess that means there were thousands of straight child rapists.

As for a navy ship and a postage stamp - Sacagawea comes immediately to mind. She got married at age 13 and has at least two naval vessels named after her.


New member
I find it amazing that the human waste that normal people flush down the toilet plays a big part in homosexuality.

Pretty disgusting isn't it?
That pamphlet and the people responsible for it are disgusting that is for sure.

No wonder those who engage in homosexuality get sick all too frequently and end up dying way before they should.
only in made up studies

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why don't you find one who married in that era (the era that homosexual icon Harvey Milk was raping underage boys) and ask her? While you're at it, ask her if she has her picture on a US postage stamp and has a US Navy ship named after her.

Wait, don't waste your time asking her, as those things in this day and age seem to only be reserved for child molesting perverts like Harvey Milk.

Let's not forget the ages of girls that Phil 'Duck Dynasty Quack Quack' Robertson advocates getting. 15...


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Why don't you find one who married in that era (the era that homosexual icon Harvey Milk was raping underage boys) and ask her? While you're at it, ask her if she has her picture on a US postage stamp and has a US Navy ship named after her.

Well 16 was the legal marrying age.

Guess that means there were thousands of straight child rapists.

Only in the minds of people who embrace sexual perversion.

As for a navy ship and a postage stamp - Sacagawea comes immediately to mind. She got married at age 13 and has at least two naval vessels named after her.

And gave birth to children, lead a productive life and didn't have to worry about dying from all of those nasty diseases that homosexuals get sick and die from because of the disgusting behaviors they engage in.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I find it amazing that the human waste that normal people flush down the toilet plays a big part in homosexuality.

Pretty disgusting isn't it?

That pamphlet and the people responsible for it are disgusting that is for sure.

The truth about homosexuality isn't pretty is it?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No wonder those who engage in homosexuality get sick all too frequently and end up dying way before they should.

only in made up studies

Surely you're not saying that all of the information put out by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) showing how harmful homosexuality is has been "made up" are you?

Surely you're not saying that the pro LGBTQueer Bay Area Reporter Obituary, showing the early deaths of homosexuals is "made up" are you?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Let's not forget the ages of girls that Phil 'Duck Dynasty Quack Quack' Robertson advocates getting. 15...

.....which was the normal age for marrying for about, oh, 10,000 years, until 20th century America. And even today its 17 in many states. Not advocating, just sayin'

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
.....which was the normal age for marrying for about, oh, 10,000 years, until 20th century America. And even today its 17 in many states. Not advocating, just sayin'

Well if you're not advocating it then what's your point? There's no reason for it to be so in the present is there? let's not forget Quackjob Robertson's reasoning for it either. If you wait until girls are twenty the only picking they'll do is in regards to a man's wallet? What an absolute knob. Oh, and let's not forget your personal hero's comments in 'relation' to dating his own daughter if she wasn't...

What a guy...


Let's not forget the ages of girls that Phil 'Duck Dynasty Quack Quack' Robertson advocates getting. 15...

If you really want to talk about heterosexual pedophiles Art, how about we start off with your fellow Judeo-Christian hater the false prophet Muhammed? At around 49 years old, Mo married 6 year old Aisha and raped the little girl consummated the marriage when she was the ripe old age of 9.

Ya know Art, maybe I shouldn't talk about the false prophet Muhammad and his child bride Aisha (who some claim was post pubescent when the marriage was consummated, making Mo a child rapist instead of pedophile) as some Muslims following the thread might take offense to it and behead me.

How about we talk about another heterosexual child rapist (at this time he's only accused of being one) who along with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is being sued in civil court for raping a 13 year old girl 20 years ago? (Donald Trump was probably getting impatient waiting for his porn queen mail order bride to arrive from Russia and heard that Jeff was hooking up his other friends (Bill Clinton, being one of them) with young dates and figured if he and Jeff threatened the girl and her family with death, she'd never talk).

Ya know Art, maybe I shouldn't talk about accused child rapist Donald Trump, as his loyal lemmings like Nicky M. and Catfish Crusader might call me a "faggot", a "dyke" and a "pederast" (I think the boyz were at one time Catholic altar boys and are still angry at the world) and I would never want to get on Nicky and Catfish's bad side.

How about we talk about the New York pedophile Woody Allen who married his daughter? (thus making her his 'daughter-wife', or is she his 'wife-daughter'? I can never get those incest relationships right).

Ya know Art, maybe I shouldn't talk about pedophile Woody Allen cuz sure enough the topic of his "New York values" will come up and we'll end up talking about Donald Trump again and how in New York, they do things different (like rape 13 year olds and marry their daughters.



I suppose we could talk about the founders of NAMBLA, P.I.E. and the HRC as well as UK homosexual activists who write letters to the editor...


Why, you post the same spam in multiple threads - crybaby :allsmile:

Since you won't be posting in this thread anymore, I guess I should give you a small lesson on debate:

When I present the truth about that filthy lying despicable piece of human trash Donald Trump, you're supposed to refute it, not write brilliant posts like "Trump wins big!"

Now go join your other Trump cheerleader Catfish Crusader in his 3 dozen or so pro Trump threads, as you're not needed nor welcome here.

patrick jane

Since you won't be posting in this thread anymore, I guess I should give you a small lesson on debate:

When I present the truth about that filthy lying despicable piece of human trash Donald Trump, you're supposed to refute it, not write brilliant posts like "Trump wins big!"

Now go join your other Trump cheerleader Catfish Crusader in his 3 dozen or so pro Trump threads, as you're not needed nor welcome here.
I thought this was a homo thread to focus on your fixations. I don't need this thread like it doesn't need me. Why don't you post some more profanity - Are you going to ban ALL Trump supporters?

patrick jane

Let it be known that aCW is and has been on a hate campaign, trying to derail and undermine the GOP - effectively making him pro clinton.
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