Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Speaking of getting worse:

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk

July 28, 2016

The Navy is set to name a ship after the gay rights icon and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, according to a Congressional notification obtained by USNI News.

The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206). The ship would be the second of the John Lewis-class oilers being built by General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego, Calif.

The Secretary of the Navy’s office is deferring releasing additional information until the naming announcement, a Navy official told USNI News on Thursday...

Read more: https://news.usni.org/2016/07/28/navy-name-ship-gay-rights-activist-harvey-milk

I think that the "USS Pederast" would be an appropriate name for the ship.

Sexual Predator Honored With U.S. Postage Stamp




I can hear Hillary Clinton saying to Donald Trump:

Our circus act was better than your circus act (Trump's circus attraction was openly homosexual Peter Thiel).

Sarah McBride becomes first transgender speaker at major U.S. party convention

PHILADELPHIA, July 28 (UPI) -- Sarah McBride on Thursday became the first transgender person to address a major American political party's convention, where she told fellow Democrats that Hillary Clinton will work to ensure greater protections for the LGBTQ community.

McBride, 25, a former intern in the Obama White House who now works for the pro-LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign, told delegates in Philadelphia Thursday afternoon that too many transgender people face discrimination -- both in U.S. law, and from individuals.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2016...nal-Convention/8231469707193/?spt=hs&or=tn_us


Maybe Donald will get back at Hillary by doing a commercial with drag queen Bruce Jenner.


I just recently added this article to the index on page 1:

John Hopkins Psychiatrist: 'There is no gay gene'

Besides stating that "environment, however is very important", take note in the article where it states that Dr. McHugh ended sexual reassignment surgery at John Hopkins because it wasn't helping the patients.

(Sigh, I miss the good ole days when Al and TracerBullet flooded this thread with all kinds of LGBTQ propaganda showing that there is a 'gay gene').


Dr. Paul R. McHugh
John Hopkins University

patrick jane


NBC reports that researchers at the David Geffen School of Medicine of the University of California, Los Angeles think they may be one step closer to finding the gay gene.

“To our knowledge, this is the first example of a predictive model for sexual orientation based on molecular markers,” said lead researcher Tuck Ngun.
The study, which was conducted earlier this year, looked at 47 pairs of adult male twins. In 37 of the pairs, one of the brothers identified as homosexual and the other didn’t. In 10 pairs, both brothers said they were gay.
After first identifying the gene code that may affect a person’s sexual orientation, researchers took things a step further and tested the methylation patterns of each participants’ genes. Methylation is the mechanism by which genes are turned on and off. A computer then guessed whether or not the participant was homosexual. It was accurate seven times out of 10.
“Sexual attraction is such a fundamental part of life, but it’s not something we know a lot about at the genetic and molecular level,” Ngun said. “I hope that this research helps us understand ourselves better and why we are the way we are.”
But not everyone is convinced.
“The observed epigenetic changes, particularly if from blood DNA, unlikely determine the complex behaviors, such as sexual orientation,” said Dr. Peng Jin, a professor of human genetics at Emory University.
“My gut feeling is that, as the complete story unfolds, the association may not be quite as simple as the summary and press release suggest,” added genetics professor Darren Griffin of the University of Kent. “The important thing to note however is the mounting evidence that homosexuality is a perfectly normal trait segregating in human populations.”


I stand corrected, my favorite rainbow warrior does on occasion contribute to the thread:

The study, which was conducted earlier this year, looked at 47 pairs of adult male twins. In 37 of the pairs, one of the brothers identified as homosexual and the other didn’t. In 10 pairs, both brothers said they were gay.

I wonder if the LGBTQ so-called "researchers" asked any of the twins about their upbringing, including if they'd been sexually molested as a child?

patrick jane

I stand corrected, my favorite rainbow warrior does on occasion contribute to the thread:

I wonder if the LGBTQ so-called "researchers" asked any of the twins about their upbringing, including if they'd been sexually molested as a child?
I'm sure they were all healthy people with good families, I mean what are the chances that they were molested or indoctrinated into a gay lifestyle, obviously, they may have been born that way - (just spicing it up for you)


I'm sure they were all healthy people with good families, I mean what are the chances that they were molested or indoctrinated into a gay lifestyle, obviously, they may have been born that way - (just spicing it up for you)

In your unsubstantiated, pro LGBTQ opinion...


The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)

1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them.

3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group

4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.

5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?”

6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.

7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.

10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
For someone who claims to be a Christian, "aCultureWarrior" continues to demonstrate a woeful lack of understanding of its basic precepts.

For Christ, love and compassion "trumped" the strict application of Mosaic Law - as Christians we should all be attempting to live our lives following His example!

This thread introduced by "aCultureWarrior" totally contradicts Christ's message of "mercy" and "he who is without sin cast the first stone" - as exemplified in "The Woman Caught in Adultery."

Instead of following Christ's example, the OP chooses to align himself with "the teachers of the law and the Pharisees!"


The Woman Caught in Adultery (John 8:1-11)...

For someone who claims to be a Christian, "aCultureWarrior" continues to demonstrate a woeful lack of understanding of its basic precepts.

For Christ, love and compassion "trumped" the strict application of Mosaic Law - as Christians we should all be attempting to live our lives following His example!

This thread introduced by "aCultureWarrior" totally contradicts Christ's message of "mercy" and "he who is without sin cast the first stone" - as exemplified in "The Woman Caught in Adultery."

Instead of following Christ's example, the OP chooses to align himself with "the teachers of the law and the Pharisees!"

(Yaaaaaawn, same ole jgarden, same ole warn out lies).

So you, like many LGBTQ activists that I've encountered, are claiming that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God in the flesh was some kind of sexual anarchist, who didn't believe in the rule of law?

Again: Show where Jesus went and denounced the criminal courts that convicted people of adultery, homosexuality and others sexual sins that He spoke against in the Old Testament (and the New Testament for that matter).

Jesus told the woman accused of adultery to "go and sin no more" because while He knew that she was guilty, there wasn't sufficient evidence (none of the men accusing her stated who her male accomplice was) to turn her over to the civil authorities.

Nice try though jgarden. Back to your rainbow colored drawing board.


(Yaaaaaawn, same ole jgarden, same ole warn out lies).

So you, like many LGBTQ activists that I've encountered, are claiming that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God in the flesh was some kind of sexual anarchist, who didn't believe in the rule of law?

Again: Show where Jesus went and denounced the criminal courts that convicted people of adultery, homosexuality and others sexual sins that He spoke against in the Old Testament (and the New Testament for that matter).

Jesus told the woman accused of adultery to "go and sin no more" because while He knew that she was guilty, there wasn't sufficient evidence (none of the men accusing her stated who her male accomplice was) to turn her over to the civil authorities.

Nice try though jgarden. Back to your rainbow colored drawing board.
1. Is it "aCultureWarrior's" contention that had "The Woman Caught in Adultery" been caught in a lesbian relationship, instead of a heterosexual one,, Jesus would have left her to the "tender mercies" of the "teachers of the law and the Pharisees" or at least judged her to be a criminal - as the title of this thread suggests?

2. Does "aCultureWarrior" also contend that had her "male accomplice" been present, Jesus' response would have been to allow the Mosaic Law to run its course by allowing both to be stoned?

3. Perhaps "aCultureWarrior" would enlighten us as to what he considers to be the real significance conveyed by "The Woman Caught in Adultery" - given that he has summarily dismissed my interpretation as the "same ole warn out lies!"


1. Is it "aCultureWarrior's" contention that had "The Woman Caught in Adultery" been caught in a lesbian relationship, instead of a heterosexual one,, Jesus would have left her to the "tender mercies" of the "teachers of the law and the Pharisees" or at least judged her to be a criminal - as the title of this thread suggests?

Encyclopedia Judaica:
The evidence of at least two witnesses was required for convicting the accused (Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15; cf. I Kings 21:10, 13).

Speaking of lesbians:

Q: What do you call 100 heavily armed lesbians?
A: Militia Etheridge.

2. Does "aCultureWarrior" also contend that had her "male accomplice" been present, Jesus' response would have been to allow the Mosaic Law to run its course by allowing both to be stoned?

Being that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh isn't a sexual anarchist like you're portraying Him to be, after two witnesses came forward and identified the male accomplice, He would have turned the two accused adulterers over to Roman authorities. Once convicted in a Roman court of law, I'm not sure if the Romans followed Jewish Talmudic Law.

Encyclopedia Judaica:
Capital Punishment

Your homework assignment for the evening is to look into that and present your findings to the class the first thing tomorrow morning jgarden.

3. Perhaps "aCultureWarrior" would enlighten us as to what he considers to be the real significance conveyed by "The Woman Caught in Adultery" - given that he has summarily dismissed my interpretation as the "same ole warn out lies!"

What part of it takes two people to commit the act of adultery followed by two witnesses to testify to it do you not understand?


In "It could NEVER happen here!" news:

Bill Would Prevent LGBT Discrimination at Religious Schools

July 30, 2016

The conflict between religious freedom and gay rights has a new battleground — California's religious colleges and universities.

A bill moving through the Legislature would remove a longstanding exemption from anti-discrimination laws for religious institutions, potentially exposing the schools to civil rights lawsuits from students and employees.

Some schools call the measure, SB1146, an attack on their free exercise of religion and say the exemption allows them to craft campus policies in line with their faith.

Currently, religious institutions can assign housing based on sex, not gender identity, and discipline students for violating moral codes of conduct, which can include anti-transgender or strict sexuality provisions.

The bill tries to force schools to "change 2,000-year-old teachings to be in line with LGBT ideology," said Derry Connolly, president of John Paul the Great Catholic University in Escondido.

"It's no longer 'live and let live.' It's 'If you don't toe the line with us, we'll take you to court big time,'" he said.

The law faces an upcoming test in the state Assembly after passing the Senate.

Bill supporters say it would be the first law of its kind in the nation and would create a safe space for LGBT students.

Its author, Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, argues that students who attend religious colleges or universities should have the same rights and protections as students who attend other schools.

Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/bill-prevent-lgbt-discrimination-religious-schools-41015052

For those of you that haven't caught on yet: Religious freedom (Christianity and Judeo-Christian doctrine) and the LGBTQueer movement cannot "co-exist".

BTW: Senator Ricardo Lara is a member of the California LGBTQ caucus (as if it weren't obvious by looking at his picture).




With everything going in the LGBTQ movements favor (laws, cultural mores', etc.) they just can't seem to get a break when it comes to deadly diseases.

Meningitis outbreaks among gay men have experts puzzled
July 31, 2016

As cases of meningitis, a rare and potentially fatal disease, popped up in cities nationwide over the past several years, public health officials noticed a trend: many of those infected were gay men.

There’s no known medical reason why meningitis, which is transmitted through saliva, would spread more among gay and bisexual men. Yet New York, Chicago and now Southern California have experienced outbreaks disproportionately affecting that population.

“It is perplexing,” said Dr. Rachel Civen, a medical epidemiologist at L.A. County’s Department of Public Health.

Of the 13 cases of meningitis this year in L.A. County — excluding Long Beach, which has its own health department — seven were gay men. There were only 12 meningitis cases in the county in all of 2015, one of which was a gay or bisexual man.

In Long Beach, there have been six meningitis cases this year, half of which were gay men.

Read more: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/



I want to quash a myth that a TOL homosexualist was spreading in another thread:

How supposed 'monogamous' homosexuals aren't prone to STD's and other harmful and deadly diseases that those who engage in homosexuality disproportionately contract.

Remember that these disgusting perverts are engaging in unnatural sex acts which are extremely harmful to the human body, whether it be with dozens of other homosexuals or with one supposed 'monogamous' partner.

Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do

Throughout history, the major civilizations and religions condemned homosexuality.1 In the American colonies, homosexual acts were a capital offense. Thomas Jefferson said that homosexuality should “be punished, if a man, by castration, if a woman, by cutting through the cartilage of her nose a hole of one-half inch in diameter at least.”2 Until 1961 homosexual acts were illegal throughout America.

Gays claim that the “prevailing attitude toward homosexuals in the U.S. and many other countries is revulsion and hostility…. for acts and desires not harmful to anyone.”3 The American Psychological Association and the American Public Health Association assured the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986 that “no significant data show that engaging in… oral and anal sex, results in mental or physical dysfunction.”4

Is the historic stance against homosexuality merely one of prejudice? Is homosexual behavior really as harmless as gays and these health associations assert?

Read more: http://www.familyresearchinst.org/2009/02/medical-consequences-of-what-homosexuals-do/

Across the world, numerous researchers have reported that 'committed' or 'coupled' homosexuals are more apt to engage in highly risky and biologically unsanitary sexual practices than are 'single' gays. As a consequence of this activity, they increase their chances of getting AIDS and other sexually transmitted or blood-borne diseases.




A few posts ago I talked about how the United States Navy is in the process of naming a ship after homosexual icon Harvey Milk. I shared an article from Liberty Institute's Matt Barber showing that amongst other things Milk was a pederast (Milk was also a friend and enabler of Jim Jones, the cult leader who was responsible for mass murder in Guyana).

Here is a picture of Harvey Milk and one of his "boy toys" Jack Galen (Galen committed suicide at a young age), compliments of our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality.


Man-Boy Love? The side of Harvey Milk that liberals ignore: This photo of Harvey Milk (left) and his teenage homosexual lover, Jack Galen McKinley, appears in Randy Shilts’ book, “The Mayor of Castro Street.” Note the caption: “Harvey Milk with Jack Galen McKinley and their dog, Trick. (courtesy of the estate of Harvey Milk).” McKinley was 16 or 17 at the time, while Milk was in his mid-thirties. “Trick” was named after the “gay” slang word for the client of a homosexual hustler (prostitute). Milk preferred “boy-looking” young men as lovers. By repeatedly honoring Milk as an American civil rights hero, President Obama is dishonoring the United States of America, and now our Armed Forces.


For the many of you that are following this 4 part thread outside of the confines of TOL (and there are many), it appears that the truth about sociopathic liar Donald Trump has hit some of TOL's 'Trumpeteers' rather hard. Remember how I talked about how one Trump supporter called me a "faggot" and a "dyke", and another called me a "pederast"? Well those ever so tolerant Trump supporters are attempting to have me silenced by reporting me for policy violations.

Henceforth it's time to pick up the pace here in the WHMBR! Part 4 thread and continue to show the truth about LGBTQueer friend and ally Donald Trump.

Is Donald Trump 2016’s most LGBT-friendly Republican?


With his penchant for name-calling and plans to deport every undocumented immigrant living in the United States, Donald Trump hasn’t exactly established a reputation for tolerance. Yet the real estate mogul and reality TV host might nevertheless be the most LGBT-friendly Republican running for president.

Asked whether private companies should be able to fire employees simply because they’re gay, Trump told “Meet The Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday that he didn’t think sexual orientation “should be a reason” for letting workers go.

The question is a significant one for any White House hopeful – currently, 31 states lack employment protections for LGBT Americans, by the Human Rights Campaign’s count, and there are no federal barriers to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Trump’s response, however, marked a significant departure from the rest of the crowded GOP presidential pack, many of whom have pledged to expand protections for those wishing to turn away LGBT people on religious grounds.

It’s not the first time Trump has taken a pro-LGBT stance. As far back as 2000, Trump was advocating the idea of amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation – something the currently-pending Equality Act would basically do if lawmakers on Capitol Hill ever decided to pass it.

“[A]mending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans – it’s only fair,” Trump told The Advocate in February, 2000. In the same interview, Trump said he favored “a very strong domestic-partnership law” that guaranteed same-sex couples equal legal rights as married, heterosexual couples. Trump also said he believed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – the military’s then-ban on openly gay service members – had “clearly failed.”

Read more: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/donald-trump-2016s-most-lgbt-friendly-republican

Amongst other things: With Trump's admiration for cross dressing transgender activist Bruce Jenner and by having proud and unrepentant homosexual activist Peter Thiel on stage at the RNC giving a speech denouncing the 'culture wars', there is no doubt that as President, Donald Trump would fly the rainbow flag at the White House like Barack Hussein Obama is currently doing and has done throughout his 8 years as President.


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