Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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the government reverse Obergefell v. Hodges because such a thing would require a constitutional amendment

So a constitutional amendment is required to overturn an unconstitutional ruling by leftwing judicial activists?

I'd pointed out in earlier threads that there are ways to overturn unconstitutional laws such as Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell v Hodges and Roe v Wade, and a constitutional amendment wasn't one of them.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

[Art]Maybe you should quit looking only at the pictures of naked men at 'gay' pride parades and make note of the children that are being exposed to by LGBTQ exhibitionists as well as being subjected to all kinds of moral depravity. We've been over how the LGBTQ movement is taking away parental rights when it comes to abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism; we've been over how the LGBTQueer movement indoctrinates children, ignoring CDOM (contributing to the delinquency of a minor) laws; we've been over how 'gay' youth are contracting deadly STD's and are disproportionately committing suicide, we've been over how current laws in many states allow cross dressing males (and those who aren't in drag but "identify as a woman") to use women's locker rooms, fitting rooms and restrooms, where innocent children are, etc. etc. etc., there's no need to go over those topics again.

I've read through the threads here on these things you've been over and in each case your position has been shown to be wrong. Since its all preserved here for anyone to read do you really think you are fooling anyone when you present the same false information?

That "bullet" guy, you know, the one who I speculated was 'married' to another guy who had his genitals mutilated so that he could play a pretend woman? Well he would just call me a "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!". You're more eloquent.

On that note: I'm not here to convince you, Art Brain or any other secular humanist/LGBTQueer activists of anything. The truth is the truth and this 4 part thread is to share it with people who still have an ounce of decency in them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
(Still no explanation of theocracy and totalitarianism, maybe Art should try new scare tactics?)

Hardly scare tactics doofus. What you propose hasn't got any chance of coming about regardless. The fact of the matter remains that you advocate the complete overturning of people's rights to any sort of relationship outside of heterosexual marriage. You'd have homosexuals locked up and presumably would make cohabitation a crime also. That's enforcing a religious view on society and were it to be enforced would be totalitarian. You have scant regard for anyone's personal freedom and liberty and would ride roughshod over the rights your own country holds dear.

Maybe you should quit looking only at the pictures of naked men at 'gay' pride parades

Okay, this little gem just has to be addressed in itself. First off:


I don't look at pictures of men, gay, naked or otherwise. You are the one who has a habit of posting pictures that you obviously scour the internet for on a regular basis. Now if you're in the closet then I hope you learn to overcome any self loathing and live with your orientation but otherwise you are just making yourself look even more of a joke on the score.

and make note of the children that are being exposed to by LGBTQ exhibitionists as well as being subjected to all kinds of moral depravity. We've been over how the LGBTQ movement is taking away parental rights when it comes to abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism; we've been over how the LGBTQueer movement indoctrinates children, ignoring CDOM (contributing to the delinquency of a minor) laws; we've been over how 'gay' youth are contracting deadly STD's and are disproportionately committing suicide, we've been over how current laws in many states allow cross dressing males (and those who aren't in drag but "identify as a woman") to use women's locker rooms, fitting rooms and restrooms, where innocent children are, etc. etc. etc., there's no need to go over those topics again.

There is indeed no need to go over those topics again. Your propaganda, misinformation and half baked crap has been addressed ad infinitum...

The truth is the truth Art, your secular humanist laws are responsible for dead unborn babies and children that grow up without a dad in their home, often times turning to drugs and crime. Some of these children are sexually confused and turn to homosexuality.

The truth is something you've rarely had a grasp of and have no monopoly on whatsoever.

"Many others" weren't mentioned in the article Art; besides, in your constant anal retentive rants about chimney-sweeping children, you acted as if it were Christians who were responsible for these atrocities.

Nope, that's either you being incredibly dumb or just lying again, a toss of the coin as to which. I've never once even intimated that Christians were responsible for the atrocities that you regard as 'anally retentive'. Once again you've just made yourself look like a complete idiot.

Regarding Charles Dickens: Scholar and author Dr. Gary Colledge has studied the legendary 19th century English writer extensively. The Akron, Ohio, native even studied in the United Kingdom, earning a Ph.D. at the prestigious University of St. Andrews for his work on the faith of Dickens...
During his research, Colledge discovered that Dickens was a Christian and his faith in Jesus Christ surfaces throughout his works -- in the themes and characters.

Colledge read a letter from Dickens to one of his critics:

"'All my strongest illustrations are derived from the New Testament. All my social abuses are shown as departures from its Spirit. All my good people are humble, charitable, faithful, forgiving, over and over again. I claim them in expressed words as disciples of the Founder of our religion.'"

Again, it's you secular humanists that are killing and making the lives of societies most innocent miserable, it's we Christians and those who stand up for Judeo-Christian laws that are attempting to defeat you sick and evil degenerates.

I didn't make a comment on Dicken's faith or beliefs but rather pointed out his commentary on the degradation of England at the time. His works, the compassion that flows through much is completely at odds with your fundie branch of whacko zealotry that also came under satire. You don't stand up for anything other than your pompous little ego.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

(Still no explanation of theocracy and totalitarianism, maybe Art should try new scare tactics?)

Hardly scare tactics doofus. What you propose hasn't got any chance of coming about regardless.

You're correct for once in your ever so miserable life Art. The Republican Party, i.e. the supposed conservative party, while they did adopt a very pro life/pro traditional family platform (Tony Perkins wanted to add reparative therapy to it, I don't know if he was successful) nominated a LGBTQ friendly candidate for President, who amongst other things invited a LGBTQueer activist by the name of Peter Thiel to speak at the convention (Thiel received a standing ovation).

So don't let sweat running down your brow ruin that makeup job of yours Art, recriminalizing homosexuality, abortion and other behaviors that have been extremely detrimental to society, aint gonna happen in the next 4 years.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Maybe you should quit looking only at the pictures of naked men at 'gay' pride parades Okay, this little gem just has to be addressed in itself. First off:

I don't look at pictures of men, gay, naked or otherwise...

If I defended an absolutely filthy behavior that amongst other things molests the minds of innocent young children, I probably wouldn't want to know the truth about that behavior either.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...and make note of the children that are being exposed to by LGBTQ exhibitionists as well as being subjected to all kinds of moral depravity. We've been over how the LGBTQ movement is taking away parental rights when it comes to abortion, homosexuality and transgenderism; we've been over how the LGBTQueer movement indoctrinates children, ignoring CDOM (contributing to the delinquency of a minor) laws; we've been over how 'gay' youth are contracting deadly STD's and are disproportionately committing suicide, we've been over how current laws in many states allow cross dressing males (and those who aren't in drag but "identify as a woman") to use women's locker rooms, fitting rooms and restrooms, where innocent children are, etc. etc. etc., there's no need to go over those topics again.

There is indeed no need to go over those topics again. Your propaganda, misinformation and half baked crap has been addressed ad infinitum...

The truth about the LGBTQueer 'culture' and agenda isn't pretty is it Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The truth is the truth Art, your secular humanist laws are responsible for dead unborn babies and children that grow up without a dad in their home, often times turning to drugs and crime. Some of these children are sexually confused and turn to homosexuality.

The truth is something you've rarely had a grasp of and have no monopoly on whatsoever.

Does downing massive quantities of booze help ease the pain of the truth Art?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
"Many others" weren't mentioned in the article Art; besides, in your constant anal retentive rants about chimney-sweeping children, you acted as if it were Christians who were responsible for these atrocities.

Nope, that's either you being incredibly dumb or just lying again, a toss of the coin as to which. I've never once even intimated that Christians were responsible for the atrocities that you regard as 'anally retentive'. Once again you've just made yourself look like a complete idiot.

I see that you used your chimney sweeping line again in an earlier post. You've worked hard on your repetitive lies Art, sorry I had to go and spoil one of your favorites.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Again, it's you secular humanists that are killing and making the lives of societies most innocent miserable, it's we Christians and those who stand up for Judeo-Christian laws that are attempting to defeat you sick and evil degenerates.

I didn't make a comment on Dicken's faith or beliefs but rather pointed out his commentary on the degradation of England at the time. His works, the compassion that flows through much is completely at odds with your fundie branch of whacko zealotry that also came under satire. You don't stand up for anything other than your pompous little ego.

It was Charles Dicken's Christian faith and beliefs that were responsible for his pro children writings.

Sorry, yet another Art Brain anal retentive moment ruined by a whacko zealot Christian.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're correct for once in your ever so miserable life Art. The Republican Party, i.e. the supposed conservative party, while they did adopt a very pro life/pro traditional family platform (Tony Perkins wanted to add reparative therapy to it, I don't know if he was successful) nominated a LGBTQ friendly candidate for President, who amongst other things invited a LGBTQueer activist by the name of Peter Thiel to speak at the convention (Thiel received a standing ovation).

How incredibly interesting, albeit irrelevant to the point that what you would enforce if (thankfully not) given the chance would be a trampling of people's rights that would overthrow the constitution of your own country. Freedom and liberty according to aCW - which is to say, neither. As for 'reparative therapy' you were completely ignorant as to what it even consisted of when put on the spot over it. No wonder it's outlawed in most states now eh?

So don't let sweat running down your brow ruin that makeup job of yours Art, recriminalizing homosexuality, abortion and other behaviors that have been extremely detrimental to society, aint gonna happen in the next 4 years.

Re-criminalizing homosexuality and your totalitarian ideal isn't gonna happen in the next 444 years. No sweat over here and no mascara regardless. More projection?

If I defended an absolutely filthy behavior that amongst other things molests the minds of innocent young children, I probably wouldn't want to know the truth about that behavior either.

You mean practices that a plethora of heterosexuals indulge in? Tell me, would you outlaw any sexual practice that wasn't standard penile/vaginal intercourse between a married man and a woman? Cos otherwise you're not just hypocritical you're only underscoring how utterly thick you are.

The truth about the LGBTQueer 'culture' and agenda isn't pretty is it Art?

Well your lame propaganda and misinformation isn't no, but then that ain't truth is it? Next thing you'll be saying that Hitler and practically all of the Nazis were gay. Oh, you've already done that...

Does downing massive quantities of booze help ease the pain of the truth Art?

Oh, you've gone down the SOD troll route of making up little lies again? You given up the crack cocaine yet?

(See how asinine it is now?)

I see that you used your chimney sweeping line again in an earlier post. You've worked hard on your repetitive lies Art, sorry I had to go and spoil one of your favorites.

You didn't spoil anything, you either just flat out lied or were so dumb as to accuse me of something I've never even implied. The atrocious way that children were treat before the introduction of child labour laws is not the fault of Christianity and I've never made any such claim. All on you doofus.

It was Charles Dicken's Christian faith and beliefs that were responsible for his pro children writings.

Sorry, yet another Art Brain anal retentive moment ruined by a whacko zealot Christian.

Well 'whacko zealot' is certainly an apt description of you and don't kid yourself that puffed up morons like yourself didn't come under fire in Dicken's works, otherwise you're obviously completely unfamiliar with the man.


In every single case, if a man claims to be homosexual- he will lose his children.

Every time_

Even for me, that's cold. Every man deserves their children.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You're correct for once in your ever so miserable life Art. The Republican Party, i.e. the supposed conservative party, while they did adopt a very pro life/pro traditional family platform (Tony Perkins wanted to add reparative therapy to it, I don't know if he was successful) nominated a LGBTQ friendly candidate for President, who amongst other things invited a LGBTQueer activist by the name of Peter Thiel to speak at the convention (Thiel received a standing ovation).

So don't let sweat running down your brow ruin that makeup job of yours Art, recriminalizing homosexuality, abortion and other behaviors that have been extremely detrimental to society, aint gonna happen in the next 4 years.

Re-criminalizing homosexuality and your totalitarian ideal isn't gonna happen in the next 444 years. No sweat over here and no mascara regardless. More projection?

If I wasn't a follower of Christ, and hence embraced Jesus' great commandments (being the totalitarian theocrat that I am),

Matthew 22:36-40

I'd probably be more thoughtful when it comes to recriminalizing homosexuality.

Think about it Art: Don't those who engage in that detestable crime against nature have enough to worry about without the threat of civil government trying to help them out of their miserable lives?

Homosexuals have to worry about HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, anal cancer and a very long list of sexually transmitted diseases that I can't pronounce, let alone spell.

Other than worrying about life threatening STD's, they have substance abuse, 'gay' on 'gay' violence, suicide and let's not forget the biggest worry of them all:

Fathers catching them raping their sons:



Here's a thought Art: Maybe if homosexuality were recriminalized, those who engage in that absolutely filthy behavior that embraces a child molesting agenda would get the help that they're so desperately crying out for and wouldn't have so many worries.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You're correct for once in your ever so miserable life Art. The Republican Party, i.e. the supposed conservative party, while they did adopt a very pro life/pro traditional family platform (Tony Perkins wanted to add reparative therapy to it, I don't know if he was successful) nominated a LGBTQ friendly candidate for President, who amongst other things invited a LGBTQueer activist by the name of Peter Thiel to speak at the convention (Thiel received a standing ovation).

So don't let sweat running down your brow ruin that makeup job of yours Art, recriminalizing homosexuality, abortion and other behaviors that have been extremely detrimental to society, aint gonna happen in the next 4 years.

If I wasn't a follower of Christ, and hence embraced Jesus' great commandments (being the totalitarian theocrat that I am),

Matthew 22:36-40

I'd probably be more thoughtful when it comes to recriminalizing homosexuality.

Think about it Art: Don't those who engage in that detestable crime against nature have enough to worry about without the threat of civil government trying to help them out of their miserable lives?

Homosexuals have to worry about HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, anal cancer and a very long list of sexually transmitted diseases that I can't pronounce, let alone spell.

Other than worrying about life threatening STD's, they have substance abuse, 'gay' on 'gay' violence, suicide and let's not forget the biggest worry of them all:

Fathers catching them raping their sons:



Here's a thought Art: Maybe if homosexuality were recriminalized, those who engage in that absolutely filthy behavior that embraces a child molesting agenda would get the help that they're so desperately crying out for and wouldn't have so many worries.

When you get around to posting something other than outlandish propaganda and total crap then let me know aCW. This is rather pathetic deflection even for you...


In every single case, if a man claims to be homosexual- he will lose his children.

Every time_

Even for me, that's cold. Every man deserves their children.

I guess that supposed "man" loves homosexuality more than he loves his wife.

It sounds like you're reminiscing about the good ole days when you were raised by an openly homosexual male and later (as an adult) taken to 'gay' bars.

Or is there more to your story?


I guess that supposed "man" loves homosexuality more than he loves his wife.

It sounds like you're reminiscing about the good ole days when you were raised by an openly homosexual male and later (as an adult) taken to 'gay' bars.

Or is there more to your story?

I think if we went any more in the past I could legally warrant a fist directly in your face, and get out of mine
Before I get in yours


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I guess that supposed "man" loves homosexuality more than he loves his wife.

It sounds like you're reminiscing about the good ole days when you were raised by an openly homosexual male and later (as an adult) taken to 'gay' bars.

Or is there more to your story?

I think if we went any more in the past I could legally warrant a fist directly in your face, and get out of mine
Before I get in yours

(Don't pay attention to Crucible folks, that's his Trump bully side talking aided by a 1/2 case of beer).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I guess that supposed "man" loves homosexuality more than he loves his wife.

It sounds like you're reminiscing about the good ole days when you were raised by an openly homosexual male and later (as an adult) taken to 'gay' bars.

Or is there more to your story?

(Don't pay attention to Crucible folks, that's his Trump bully side talking aided by a 1/2 case of beer).

I'm tired of you godforsaken people- Hell follows you_ you're not going to intimidate the elect_


Dude, I highly doubt anyone is either intimidated by you or aCW or interested in intimidating you in turn. You're just a cranked out kid and aCW drops more clangers than George W Bush...

The pair of you are bonkers.

Actually Art, you and Crucible have more in common than you think (besides both having drinking problems) : you're both in favor of homosexuals adopting innocent children.
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