Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Actually Art, you and Crucible have more in common than you think (besides both having drinking problems) : you're both in favor of homosexuals adopting innocent children.

Ah, so how's that cocaine habit you've got going again?

Or to put it another way, it's no wonder you didn't address why you're so ready to act like a lying troll or address how I ever implied that I blamed Christianity or Christians for how children were so badly treat in the past.

See how asinine your antics are yet?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Actually Art, you and Crucible have more in common than you think (besides both having drinking problems) : you're both in favor of homosexuals adopting innocent children.

Ah, so how's that cocaine habit you've got going again?

Or to put it another way, it's no wonder you didn't address why you're so ready to act like a lying troll or address how I ever implied that I blamed Christianity or Christians for how children were so badly treat in the past.

See how asinine your antics are yet?

Save your drama for your boyfriend mamma Art.

Surely you're not denying that you support people like Dan Savage and his 'husband' Terry Miller adopting children?

Crucible approves of it.


Two sexual deviants and an innocent child in...ahem...gay Paree.


I'm not sure if Dan and Terry bought the little boy a matching leather outfit.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Actually Art, you and Crucible have more in common than you think (besides both having drinking problems) : you're both in favor of homosexuals adopting innocent children.

Save your drama for your boyfriend mamma Art.

Surely you're not denying that you support people like Dan Savage and his 'husband' Terry Miller adopting children?

Crucible approves of it.


Two sexual deviants and an innocent child in...ahem...gay Paree.


I'm not sure if Dan and Terry bought the little boy a matching leather outfit.

When you get around to addressing my post concerning your puerile claims that I blame Christianity for the abuse of children along with how you're somehow not a totalitarian then let me know. Otherwise I'll leave you to your posting of gay men pics...

I think I'll start posting some of closets...



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not denying that you support people like Dan Savage and his 'husband' Terry Miller adopting children?

Crucible approves of it.

When you get around to addressing my post concerning your puerile claims that I blame Christianity for the abuse of children along with how you're somehow not a totalitarian then let me know. Otherwise I'll leave you to your posting of gay men pics...

I think I'll start posting some of closets...



You have quite the dilemma Art: Acknowledging that you agree with Crucible that sexual deviants should be allowed to adopt children (and hence 'rape' their innocent minds, and in many cases their bodies) or sell out the LGBTQueer movement by not acknowledging that something they worked so hard for should be embraced by society.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not denying that you support people like Dan Savage and his 'husband' Terry Miller adopting children?

Crucible approves of it.


You have quite the dilemma Art: Acknowledging that you agree with Crucible that sexual deviants should be allowed to adopt children (and hence 'rape' their innocent minds, and in many cases their bodies) or sell out the LGBTQueer movement by not acknowledging that something they worked so hard for should be embraced by society.

We certainly do have a drama queen so wear that mantle with the same pride you have over posting pics of gay men. In the meantime, when you get around to addressing how I implied that Christians were responsible for ill treatment of children and how you're somehow not a totalitarian for wishing to dispense with the rights availed by your own constitution then let me know.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You have quite the dilemma Art: Acknowledging that you agree with Crucible that sexual deviants should be allowed to adopt children (and hence 'rape' their innocent minds, and in many cases their bodies) or sell out the LGBTQueer movement by not acknowledging that something they worked so hard for should be embraced by society.

We certainly do have a drama queen so wear that mantle with the same pride you have over posting pics of gay men. In the meantime, when you get around to addressing how I implied that Christians were responsible for ill treatment of children and how you're somehow not a totalitarian for wishing to dispense with the rights availed by your own constitution then let me know.

Wise choice Art, going the drama queen route instead of acknowledging (along with Crucible) that homosexuals make good adoptive parents.

Had you picked the curtain with the pedophile parents behind it, I would have to show case after case (which I did in an earlier thread) of homosexual 'parents' pimping their young son out over the internet to other homosexual pedophiles.




New member
That "bullet" guy, you know, the one who I speculated was 'married' to another guy who had his genitals mutilated so that he could play a pretend woman? Well he would just call me a "LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!". You're more eloquent.
you are just obsessed with this line of speculation. Dude, get some help already.

On that note: I'm not here to convince you, Art Brain or any other secular humanist/LGBTQueer activists of anything. The truth is the truth and this 4 part thread is to share it with people who still have an ounce of decency in them.

Its the decent people who expose your claims for what they are.


When it comes to the TRUTH, I can always depend on our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans for TRUTH about Homosexuality to say it.

In this AFAH article Peter tells the TRUTH about Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump and his LGBTQ activism:

Trump’s LGBTQ-Friendly GOP Elevates Homosexual Businessman Peter Thiel – Media Hype for ‘Gay Republicans’ Overshadows Conservative Platform

Fox News, media, Republican social liberals cheer on LGBTQ agenda in Cleveland

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Special Report, Part One

Quick Summary [see videos at bottom]:
•Donald Trump is already taking the Republican Party in a pro-homosexual direction
•Trump as a life-long New Yorker has a history of supporting homosexual “rights”
•In his speech accepting the GOP presidential nomination, Trump went out of his way to affirm the “LGBTQ [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning] community”
•Meanwhile, Trump said nothing about overturning the Supreme Courts’s Obergefell ruling imposing homosexual “marriage” on the states
•Trump also ignored the battle raging between “gay rights” and freedom of conscience [see this Colorado baker case update]. And his long speech did not mention abortion and the plight of the unborn
•All these issues were featured prominently in the conservative 2016 GOP Platform approved in Cleveland...
Trump invited openly homosexual PayPal founder and “gay” activist Peter Thiel to give a prime time address at the GOP convention [watch video at bottom]
•Thiel used the opportunity to deride the “Culture Wars” as “fake”; said he was “proud to be gay”; and he belittled pro-family efforts opposing “transgender rights” laws
•Fox News and other major media applauded Thiel and generally celebrated the “gay Republican” cause
•Fox News’ Megyn Kelly brought on young homosexual Republican Guy Benson and a liberal Democrat–but no social conservative–to comment on Thiel’s address

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...epublicans-overshadows-conservative-platform/


Homosexualism in the name of “freedom”…is being pushed in the GOP by groups like the American Victory Fund. Shown above are (left to right): Montel Williams, Margaret Hoover and Bruce (“Caitlyn”) Jenner at a widely covered AUL event held at the Republican convention in Cleveland. Watch Jenner’s and Williams’ presentation at the AUL event here. Photo: American United Fund website.


When it comes to the TRUTH, I can always depend on our good friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans for TRUTH about Homosexuality to say it.

In this AFAH article Peter tells the TRUTH about Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump and his LGBTQ activism:

Trump’s LGBTQ-Friendly GOP Elevates Homosexual Businessman Peter Thiel – Media Hype for ‘Gay Republicans’ Overshadows Conservative Platform

Fox News, media, Republican social liberals cheer on LGBTQ agenda in Cleveland

By Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Special Report, Part One

Quick Summary [see videos at bottom]:
•Donald Trump is already taking the Republican Party in a pro-homosexual direction
•Trump as a life-long New Yorker has a history of supporting homosexual “rights”
•In his speech accepting the GOP presidential nomination, Trump went out of his way to affirm the “LGBTQ [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning] community”
•Meanwhile, Trump said nothing about overturning the Supreme Courts’s Obergefell ruling imposing homosexual “marriage” on the states
•Trump also ignored the battle raging between “gay rights” and freedom of conscience [see this Colorado baker case update]. And his long speech did not mention abortion and the plight of the unborn
•All these issues were featured prominently in the conservative 2016 GOP Platform approved in Cleveland...
Trump invited openly homosexual PayPal founder and “gay” activist Peter Thiel to give a prime time address at the GOP convention [watch video at bottom]
•Thiel used the opportunity to deride the “Culture Wars” as “fake”; said he was “proud to be gay”; and he belittled pro-family efforts opposing “transgender rights” laws
•Fox News and other major media applauded Thiel and generally celebrated the “gay Republican” cause
•Fox News’ Megyn Kelly brought on young homosexual Republican Guy Benson and a liberal Democrat–but no social conservative–to comment on Thiel’s address

Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...epublicans-overshadows-conservative-platform/


Homosexualism in the name of “freedom”…is being pushed in the GOP by groups like the American Victory Fund. Shown above are (left to right): Montel Williams, Margaret Hoover and Bruce (“Caitlyn”) Jenner at a widely covered AUL event held at the Republican convention in Cleveland. Watch Jenner’s and Williams’ presentation at the AUL event here. Photo: American United Fund website.

What a sick disgusting person Jenner is. Proof of satanic involvement with the kardashian family. Sad

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When talking about Donald "New York values" Trump and his potential running mate Mike Pence, I prefer to use the term "pseudo-con".


A person who claims to be guided by and a follower of conservative ideals and principals, but in reality they are primarily and mostly just the opposite. While they may take a conservative stance on a few or more issues, and even speak in conservative terms and espouse conservative core ideas, they are in reality individuals who at their core are functionally anti-conservative. They are a very self contradicted group of individuals.
NO, I think the term quasi-con fits better.


What a sick disgusting person Jenner is. Proof of satanic involvement with the kardashian family. Sad

Sent from my iPhone using TOL

What's even worse is that Bruce Jenner is encouraging gender confused youth to follow in his footsteps (as I'd pointed out earlier in this thread, Jenner has amongst other things spoken at a LGBTQ youth center in LA).

Remember that Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump publically invited the drag queen to use the women's restroom at any Trump property (and Jenner did a youtube video taking Trump up on his offer).

This is how depraved our society has become.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

This is how depraved our society has become.

For as bad as it is, it will get worse.

Seeing the two main Presidential candidates that embrace immoral values, I can't argue with you there.

Keep fighting the good fight, decency will prevail.
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