Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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For those of you not familiar with Donald Trump's special guest speaker at the Republican National Convention:

Paypal's Peter Thiel has quite a history of intolerance against Christians and people of decency who speak out against his lifestyle and the LGBTQ agenda.

Franklin Graham Condemns PayPal as ‘Hypocrite of the Year’ for North Carolina Pullout over Transgender Bathroom Law

April 6, 2016

PayPal gets the hypocrite of the year award! This company says they’re not coming to North Carolina because the legislators and Gov. Pat McCrory have passed a law to protect women and children against sexual predators by not allowing men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Congressman Robert Pittenger made a great point yesterday: “PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in to the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position.”
Read more: http://americansfortruth.com/2016/0...rolina-pullout-over-transgender-bathroom-law/

PayPal Targeting Christian Sites?

September 23, 2011

A formal investigation of several Christian sites and organizations has been launched by PayPal, the huge money-transfer company, because of an online campaign of “hate” against them by homosexuals, according to one of the targets.

The notices of the investigation were sent to Julio Severo’s Last Days Watchman blog and Peter LaBarbera’s “Americans for Truth,” among others.

Both websites are unabashedly Christian, and both advocate the biblical perspective of homosexuality.

The demands from PayPal came in the form of a questionnaire that required the Christian site operators to explain the PayPal button on their site and “the purpose … of collecting these donations.”

Severo explained to PayPal that his Christian site and ministry aims to “inform people about controversial issues, including euthanasia, abortion, homosexuality, etc.”

“I noticed that your message came to me after a hate campaign against me and other Christian ministries,” he told PayPal. That online campaign criticizes “anti-LGBT extremists” who are using PayPal to raise money for “their dangerous cause.”

Some LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) groups allege that some Christian groups promote “hate.”

But Severo insisted exactly the opposite is true.

“I want you to know that we Christians love homosexuals, but we disagree with their immoral lifestyles,” he told PayPal. “Differently from gay activists that receive huge government grants, I receive no government money,” Severo said.

According to LaBarbera, the issue is that homosexual activists no longer are willing merely to pursue their own lifestyle; they now are demanding that people with biblical perspectives with which they disagree be shut down.

“They want dominance even if it means smearing pro-family people as ‘haters’ and destroying our cherished religious freedoms.

Read more: http://www.rightsidesd.com/?p=5687


New member
Yeah, the guy was a real sicko. He called all of the evidence that I'd shown from both leftwing, rightwing and moderate sources "lies".
Were they?

Now that I think about it, even though he was more than likely (again, I'm speculating) 'married' to another guy who had genital mutilation surgery to become a pretend woman, and together they went to a foreign country and adopted handicapped children so that they could indoctrinate them to the ways of evil,
You speculate about things like this yet you have the nerve to call other people "sicko"?


New member
Nonsense. Stop being racist.
Resorting to name calling so early in a discussion? How telling.

There's nothing inherently disordered about interracial marriages. And you know it.
Others would disagree and their arguments in support of the idea that interracial marriages is disordered would be indistinguishable from the ones you present here...and you know it.

Everyone experiences desires that they ought not act upon (disordered).
For example, sometimes I desire to eat more than I ought to.
I choose not to act on it. I'm a human. I can choose.

Do you have experiences like that? Are you human, too?
Do strangers dictate to you exactly what and how much you should eat?

Is that the disordered desire of mine, to which you referred?
Feigned ignorance is never impressive.

Also, you haven't answered my previous question.
Do you agree that sex outside of the life-long union between one man and one woman, is bad for society?
If not, which part do you disagree with?

Life-long union?
One man?
One woman?

And I asked you to clarify your question.


Well-known member
Others would disagree and their arguments in support of the idea that interracial marriages is disordered would be indistinguishable from the ones you present here...and you know it.


What's the purpose of sex?

Do strangers dictate to you exactly what and how much you should eat?

No, but we recognize eating disorders as disorders, don't we?
If someone you cared about confided in you that they had pica (the disordered desire to eat nonfood items), would you react by trying to help them, or celebrate their "coming out" and pretend they were "born that way" ?

Feigned ignorance is never impressive.

Then be specific. I don't wish to impress you. And I'm not pretending here; I don't know what "disordered desire" of mine, you're talking about.

And I asked you to clarify your question.

What's the purpose of sex?


Tony Perkins of the pro traditional values Family Research Council, wrote an article on another website stating how the Republican Party needs to embrace the "Big Tent philosophy", showing a picture of Donald Trump's special guest speaker at the Republican National Convention, Peter Thiel:

Here is my response to Perkins article:

Big tents are usually found at circuses Mr. Perkins, and the latest Republican National Convention with it’s orange haired clown as the main attraction was definitely a circus.
Regarding Donald Trump’s very special guest speaker: proud and unrepentant homosexual/LGBTQ activist Peter Thiel:
Thiel, besides being a proud and unrepentant homosexual and a LGBTQ activist, is the CEO of PayPal. As CEO of PayPal, homosexual activist (and very special guest speaker of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention) showed some of that LGBTQ ‘tolerance’ by formally investigating (and freezing up the money in their accounts) Christians such as Americans For Truth About Homosexuality’s Peter LaBarbera for “hating homosexuals” (evidently Trump’s friend Peter Thiel thinks that the Bible is a book of hate, since that’s where LaBarbera’s and other followers of Christ get their beliefs on sexual morality from).
That ever so tolerant LGBTQ activist Peter Thiel also refused to move PayPal’s corporate offices to Charlotte North Carolina because the good people of that state had the audacity to pass legislation that prohibits men from using women’s fitting rooms, bathrooms and locker rooms. Can you believe it Mr. Perkins, the people of North Carolina actually want to keep mentally ill men and sexual deviants from being in the same enclosed confines as their wives and young daughters.
You might want to check with the owner of this fine website Mr. Perkins, as Matt Barber while employed at All State knows all about people like Peter Thiel, as his constitutional rights were trampled on by the LGBTQ movement for simply writing a letter to the editor (on his own time) about homosexuality.
You might want to think back a couple of years Mr. Perkins and remember how a LGBTQ activist attempted to murder you and your staff at FRC Headquarters.
If you want a big tent political party, go join the Libertarians or Democrats, but leave the pro life/pro traditional family Republican Party to those who believe in the platform that you helped write.




New member

What's the purpose of sex?
I hope you aren't trying to use the rather dumb claim that sex is only for reproduction. Anyone with any amount of wit can see that just isn't the case.

“For Homo sapiens, sex is primarily about establishing and maintaining relationships—relationships often characterized by love, or at least affection. Reproduction is a by-product of human sexual behavior, not its primary purpose.” Chris Ryan

In the study "Why humans have sex" (Cindy Muston and Daid Buss August 2007, Volume 36, Issue 4, pp 477-507)
1557 sexually actives adults were asked why they personally have had sex. The test subjects provided 237 reasons. These 237 fell into four broad categories:
Physical - stress reduction, pleasure, fun.
Emotional - love, commitment.
Goal Attainment - resources, social status, revenge.
Insecurity - self-esteem boost, duty/pressure, mate guarding.

Not one of the subjects brought up baby making.

No, but we recognize eating disorders as disorders, don't we?
If someone you cared about confided in you that they had pica (the disordered desire to eat nonfood items), would you react by trying to help them, or celebrate their "coming out" and pretend they were "born that way" ?
other than to form some sad justification for intolerance why would you compare people to a mental illness?

Then be specific. I don't wish to impress you. And I'm not pretending here; I don't know what "disordered desire" of mine, you're talking about.
justifying your own prejudice

What's the purpose of sex?
see above


Well-known member
I hope you aren't trying to use the rather dumb claim that sex is only for reproduction. Anyone with any amount of wit can see that just isn't the case.

“For Homo sapiens, sex is primarily about establishing and maintaining relationships—relationships often characterized by love, or at least affection. Reproduction is a by-product of human sexual behavior, not its primary purpose.” Chris Ryan

Reproduction is a mere by-product of sex? Are you serious?
It's why sex exists in our species (and any other species, for that matter).
The other aspects of sex evolved to encourage reproduction, and to give human offspring the best possible chances of survival (ie, creating an affectionate and lasting bond between the parents).

That's like saying nutrition is a by-product of eating, and not it's primary purpose.
Is oxygenation a mere by-product of breathing?


I'm temporarily closing the thread, allowing MrDante and glassjester to take their irrelevant posts to another thread. I'll reopen it soon returning with an updated table of contents and more articles showing the LGBTQ movement in action.


The thread is reopened.

I have been loyal to the American Family Association's boycott of Target, knowing that Target snubbed their noses at Christians and people who simply believe in decency by allowing cross dressing (i.e. mentally ill) men and sexual deviant males to use the restroom of their choice.

After reading about AFA's President Tim Wildmon more or less endorsing Donald Trump for President (a bunch of evanjellyfish leaders met with Trump a while back) it's time for me to call it quits on the boycott and start shopping at Target again.

For you AFA supporters, write Tim Wildmon and remind him that Donald Trump is a LGBTQ activist, who amongst other things invited drag queen Bruce Jenner to use the restroom of his choice at any Trump property and stated that the NC "bathroom bill" was a "bad business decision".

If you're going to boycott a company Tim, don't endorse political candidates who think the same way as that company does.

The American Family Association Plays Credulous Stooges to Trump




For those of you that have been following this 4 part thread and other threads that I've posted in here on TOL, whether you like me or not, you have to admit that I'm interested in the truth.

For several years now I've told the truth about homosexuality and the LGBTQueer agenda.

While it's terribly unpopular to tell the truth about the conservative heartthrob Ronald Reagan, I've consistently told the truth about his pro abortion, pro homosexuality, anti family past.

I've told the politically incorrect truth about Martin Luther King Jr., a person who both the left and right are fighting over to get the black vote.

I've acknowledged that Christian Kent Hovind did commit criminal acts and it was justified in sending him to prison.

I've called out good Christian men and organizations for not being consistent when it comes to their support of immoral politicians.

Now I'm telling the truth about Donald Trump, to the tune of amongst other things being called a "faggot", a "dyke" (if my avatar doesn't give it away that I'm a male, might I suggest that the person who called me that not smoke dope while blogging) and a pederast. These are from people who call themselves "Christian" and right wingers.

If the truth is victorious come November and enough conservative Americans vote their conscience and not vote for the liberal Donald Trump, then I will man-up and give my email address to those Trump supporters who want to come and threaten my wife and children and attempt to beat me up.

Because that's what Donald Trump would expect of his lemming supporters.

For those of you that still are sitting on the fence when it comes to deciding what to do when the Truth smacks you in the face, I'll be posting quotes and articles talking about the Truth in the upcoming days and weeks; hopefully that will help you make the right decision come November.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, in keeping with being the second in terms of posts on your car wreck (apparently) then let's just say that you care as much about truth as a chronically depressed lemming...

Given that you've voiced admiration for this particular outfit:


Then you're hardly in a position to claim to be interested in veracity...



Good to see that you’re still following the thread Art, I thought maybe you’d lost interest. (In Art’s sick and twisted world of denial of the truth, there are 3 standard smokescreen obsessions that he constantly uses:
1). When it’s pointed out that the vast majority of homosexual icons were either pedophiles or pederasts, he accuses devout Christian Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame of being one as well.
2). If society were to recriminalize things such as homosexuality and other behaviors that involve sexual sins, that society must be a theocracy.
3). Because I used a US Congressional Record showing the truth about pro abortion/pro homosexual/pro communist sympathizer Martin Luther King Jr., which happened to be on a anti Semetic website, I must be a Jew hater (although Art goes silent when I talk about the Nazi ties of the modern day homosexual movement and Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger).

I believe we left off in another thread where you were making a joke about recriminalizing co-habitation laws (which I had shown are a major factor behind abortion and fatherless homes) and how in order for that to happen the US must first be a theocracy.
Care to share your brilliant reasoning with the followers of this popular 4 part thread Art?


New member
Good to see that you’re still following the thread Art, I thought maybe you’d lost interest. (In Art’s sick and twisted world of denial of the truth, there are 3 standard smokescreen obsessions that he constantly uses:
1). When it’s pointed out that the vast majority of homosexual icons were either pedophiles or pederasts, he accuses devout Christian Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame of being one as well.
2). If society were to recriminalize things such as homosexuality and other behaviors that involve sexual sins, that society must be a theocracy.
3). Because I used a US Congressional Record showing the truth about pro abortion/pro homosexual/pro communist sympathizer Martin Luther King Jr., which happened to be on a anti Semetic website, I must be a Jew hater (although Art goes silent when I talk about the Nazi ties of the modern day homosexual movement and Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger).

I thought you claimed to be big on truth.


I thought you claimed to be big on truth.

I tolerated you better when you posted under another name (at least that "bullet" guy would use propaganda from LGBTQueer sites to promote homosexuality, you just use boring one-liners).

BTW: So that you can become knowledgeable as to why people have perverse sexual attractions, read the numerous articles under this heading on page 1's index:

Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)

(Those who mutilate their genitals to become a pretend woman falls under the GID category ;) )


A couple of pages back I talked about how the pro LGBTQueer NBA is moving their AllStar Game from North Carolina because of the state's legislation prohibiting mentally ill cross dressing males and male sexual deviants from using women's restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms. In the post I talked about how some NBA players (obviously with the blessing of NBA management) ridicule law enforcement.

It appears that former NBA great Michael Jordon has tired of selling underwear, so in leftwing NBA fashion he's decided to ridicule law enforcement as well:

Michael Jordan finally speaks out on shootings of African Americans and targeting of police

July 25, 2016

Michael Jordan has finally opened up on the recent shootings of African Americans and the targeting of police officers, writing a post to The Undefeated in which he says: "I can no longer stay silent."

From the post:

As a proud American, a father who lost his own dad in a senseless act of violence, and a black man, I have been deeply troubled by the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement and angered by the cowardly and hateful targeting and killing of police officers. I grieve with the families who have lost loved ones, as I know their pain all too well.

I was raised by parents who taught me to love and respect people regardless of their race or background, so I am saddened and frustrated by the divisive rhetoric and racial tensions that seem to be getting worse as of late. I know this country is better than that, and I can no longer stay silent. We need to find solutions that ensure people of color receive fair and equal treatment AND that police officers - who put their lives on the line every day to protect us all - are respected and supported...

Jordan made the decision to go public with his statement two weeks ago, according to a spokesperson, but delayed making it because he "did not want his announcement to take away the focus on the LGBT community."
Read more: http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba...-police/ar-BBuQ7Y1?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp

Might I remind you Mike that it was a black male (who now goes by the name of "Lord Uallah", his slave name was Daniel Green) that murdered your father and it was police officers and that bigoted criminal justice system that arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned "Lord Uallah" for the brutal murder of your father (Lord Uallah's co-murderer was a white guy named Larry Demery).

Politically correct Mike Jordan also doesn't have a problem with male sexual deviants using women's restrooms, locker rooms and fitting rooms.

Michael Jordan finally takes a (weak) position on North Carolina's anti-LGBT law

Go back to selling underwear and stay out of politics Mike, you're only making yourself look foolish.



New member
I tolerated you better when you posted under another name (at least that "bullet" guy would use propaganda from LGBTQueer sites to promote homosexuality, you just use boring one-liners).

BTW: So that you can become knowledgeable as to why people have perverse sexual attractions, read the numerous articles under this heading on page 1's index:

I really don't want to learn anything about your sex life.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Good to see that you’re still following the thread Art, I thought maybe you’d lost interest. (In Art’s sick and twisted world of denial of the truth, there are 3 standard smokescreen obsessions that he constantly uses:
1). When it’s pointed out that the vast majority of homosexual icons were either pedophiles or pederasts, he accuses devout Christian Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame of being one as well.
2). If society were to recriminalize things such as homosexuality and other behaviors that involve sexual sins, that society must be a theocracy.
3). Because I used a US Congressional Record showing the truth about pro abortion/pro homosexual/pro communist sympathizer Martin Luther King Jr., which happened to be on a anti Semetic website, I must be a Jew hater (although Art goes silent when I talk about the Nazi ties of the modern day homosexual movement and Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger).

I believe we left off in another thread where you were making a joke about recriminalizing co-habitation laws (which I had shown are a major factor behind abortion and fatherless homes) and how in order for that to happen the US must first be a theocracy.
Care to share your brilliant reasoning with the followers of this popular 4 part thread Art?

I had lost interest. Your "thread" is simply a one man ego borefest. Still, in order:

Phil Robertson advocates getting 15 year old girls because if you wait until they're twenty they'll be gold diggers apparently. What superlative conservative Christian values that speaks to...

The only type of society that would impose laws against homosexuality, unmarried cohabitation etc would be a totalitarian one. Given that you endorse laws based on your *understanding* of Judeo Christian law the logical conclusion to draw is that you advocate a theocracy on the West. Of course freedom and liberty would suffer but then what would that matter to you?

It's a fact that you've used a militant white supremacy site to besmirch a black man, just as it is your predisposition to post photoshopped pictures, misinformation and propaganda. You even expressed admiration for 'creativity movement' despite the fact it's also atheistic in ethos as well as just bonkers.

I fully expect you to divert with your usual pompous tactics so get on with it...your smokescreens failed a long time ago but have at it.
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