Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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No, I was pointing out that unprotected sexual activity can result in any number of STD's no matter what sexual orientation of the participants.

Agreed. And among which population is the occurrence more frequent?

Remember that the LGBTQueer movement only makes up a miniscule portion of the population, therefore those who engage in hetero sex should by far have more STD's than those who engage in homo sex, not the other way around.

Also remember that homosexuals (for the most part) are using the anal cavity as a sexual object. I won't go into details about diseases that are associated with feces, but even using supposed "safe sex" (i.e. a condom) those homosexuals who engage in buggery are not only disproportionately contracting anal cancer (the anal sphincter muscle wasn't made to be penetrated), they're contracting diseases that go along with having direct contact with human waste.


In LGBTQueer 'tolerance' news:

NBA to move 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte

I wonder how LeBron James would feel if a tranny walked into a restroom that his wife or his daughter were using?

After the pro Black Lives Matter tribute by James and a couple of other NBA players at the EPSY Awards, I lost any respect for the NBA that I might have had at one time.

Moving an NBA Allstar game from a State because it's residents want their women and children to be safe, is just the final nail in the proverbial coffin.



New member
Remember that the LGBTQueer movement only makes up a miniscule portion of the population, therefore those who engage in hetero sex should by far have more STD's than those who engage in homo sex, not the other way around.
Again so what? Is this a justification for discrimination?


Again so what? Is this a justification for discrimination?

Righteous laws "discriminate" against immoral behavior. The disease aspect of homosexual behavior is only one reason why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized!

Remember, amongst other things these disease ridden degenerates want legislation abolished that prohibits them from giving blood.

As it currently stands, someone who engages in homosexual behavior can't have homosex for a year if he or she wants to donate blood.

That's an extremely liberal policy being that the incubation period for HIV/AIDS vary.


Welcome to the "new" Republican Party where Christian and constitutional conservative Ted Cruz gets booed off stage for not endorsing the liberal candidate and proud and unrepentant homosexuals are welcomed with open arms.

Gay billionaire Peter Thiel draws cheers at GOP convention


CLEVELAND — Maverick Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel delivered a speech tonight that would have been unheard of at a Republican convention not too many years ago: He proclaimed himself “proud to be gay,” decried “fake culture wars” and called for an end to “stupid wars” in the Middle East.

“Instead of going to Mars, we have invaded the Middle East,” Thiel said to a packed auditorium. Then, after attacking Hillary Clinton for pushing for a military intervention in Libya, he added: “On this most important issue, Donald Trump is right. It’s time to end the era of stupid wars and rebuild our country.”

Thiel is by far the most prominent — and controversial — figure from Silicon Valley to be backing Trump. A co-founder of PayPal and a major early investor in Facebook (who now sits on the social media giant’s board), Thiel is a staunch libertarian. He has also garnered headlines in recent weeks when it was disclosed he had secretly financed ex-wrestler Hulk Hogan’s invasion of privacy lawsuit against Gawker Media — a case that he reportedly bankrolled because its website had outed him as gay.

Read more: https://www.yahoo.com/news/gay-billoinaire-peter-thiel-draws-000000076.html


New member
Yes, but only as a consequence of two other laws.

1. Fornication should be illegal.
2. Marriage should be between one man and one woman.

So a higher rate of STD's among gays shows that they are a social ill and damaging to society and this is justification for discrimination and even imprisonment.

According to the CDC people of African decent contract STD's at rate significantly higher than Caucasians. http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/healthdisparities/africanamericans.html So this shows that blacks are a social ill and damaging to society and this is justification for discrimination and even imprisonment - but only as a consequence of two other laws.

1. Fornication should be illegal.
2. Marriage should be between people of the same race.


I made reference to this story in an early post (I didn't go into detail, I just provided a link).

Donald Trump talks of dating daughter

'If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father'


Donald Trump, leading Republican candidate for the White House, said in the latest edition of Rolling Stone he was proud of his daughter and her beauty – so proud in fact, that he’d consider dating her if he weren’t her father.

Rolling Stone reported it this way: “At 69, he can still carry on like the teen who was yanked out of prep school and delivered to Col. Dobias, the take-no-s–t instructor at the military academy.”

Rolling Stone’s writer then said he met Ivanka Trump, the presidential contender’s daughter, Mediaite reported. And Trump’s response?

“Yeah, she’s really something and what a beauty, that one,” Trump said, Rolling Stone reported. “If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father …”

In 2006 on “The View,” Trump also joked about dating his daughter. Then, he was asked about his thoughts on her posing for Playboy.

He told the women of “The View”: “It would be really disappointing – not really – but it would depend on what’s inside the magazine. I don’t think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/donald-trump-talks-of-dating-daughter/

I wonder if the theme song from 'Deliverance' (Dueling Banjos) would make a great theme for a Trump Presidency?

I knew that homosexuality and abortion were part of Donald Trump's "New York values", but incest?


According to the CDC people of African decent contract STD's at rate significantly higher than Caucasians. http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/healthdisparities/africanamericans.html

(Gosh darn it, here I go again, accusing people of being a 'sock puppet').

Ya know MrDante, there was a guy who posted frequently in this thread that I had speculated was 'married' to another guy who had his genitals mutilated to become a pretend woman and they went overseas to adopt a couple of handicapped children (his username was something "bullet") who used the very same lies that you do.

He would talk about how blacks disproportionately contract HIV/AIDS, but leave a minor detail out:

That it is black male HOMOSEXUALS that disproportionately contract HIV/AIDS.

I also told this "bullet" guy that heterosexual black females are contracting HIV/AIDS because they've having sex with bisexual black males (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) and that these women aren't aware that these guys engage in homosex (it's called being on "the down low").

Aren't the facts a bummer when you're trying to promote the LGBTQ agenda and someone calls you on it?


Well-known member
So a higher rate of STD's among gays shows that they are a social ill and damaging to society and this is justification for discrimination and even imprisonment.

According to the CDC people of African decent contract STD's at rate significantly higher than Caucasians. http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/healthdisparities/africanamericans.html So this shows that blacks are a social ill and damaging to society and this is justification for discrimination and even imprisonment - but only as a consequence of two other laws.

1. Fornication should be illegal.
2. Marriage should be between people of the same race.

This makes no sense. A person can't be a social ill.
A practice or activity they engage in, can be.

What activity are people engaging in that leads to the spread of STD's? Fornication? Polygamy? Adultery? Rape?

These are social ills - do you deny this?
All four of those practices used to be illegal.
And for good reason.
Now we're down to two.


New member
(Gosh darn it, here I go again, accusing people of being a 'sock puppet').

Ya know MrDante, there was a guy who posted frequently in this thread that I had speculated was 'married' to another guy who had his genitals mutilated to become a pretend woman and they went overseas to adopt a couple of handicapped children (his username was something "bullet") who used the very same lies that you do.
If that is what you spend your time speculating about then you might wish to seek some form of counseling.


New member
This makes no sense. A person can't be a social ill.
A practice or activity they engage in, can be.
But you did just that when you made it clear that homosexuality itself was socially damaging.

What activity are people engaging in that leads to the spread of STD's? Fornication? Polygamy? Adultery? Rape?

These are social ills - do you deny this?
All four of those practices used to be illegal.
And for good reason.
Now we're down to two.
And none of the things you list has anything to do with either sexual orientation or race.


Well-known member
But you did just that when you made it clear that homosexuality itself was socially damaging.

I'll try to state my view more clearly.

The person that experiences disordered desires is not a social ill. The practice of acting on disordered sexual desires is a social ill. Legislation and court rulings that encourage inherently disordered sexual desires are social ills. Granting the same legal status to an illicit sexual relationship, as if it were no different than a rightly-ordered sexual relationship is a social ill.

And none of the things you list has anything to do with either sexual orientation or race.

That's right. :)

Do you agree that sex outside of the life-long union of one man and one woman is, in fact, bad for society?
If not, which part of that statement do you disagree with, and why do you disagree?


New member
I'll try to state my view more clearly.

The person that experiences disordered desires is not a social ill. The practice of acting on disordered sexual desires is a social ill. Legislation and court rulings that encourage inherently disordered sexual desires are social ills. Granting the same legal status to an illicit sexual relationship, as if it were no different than a rightly-ordered sexual relationship is a social ill.
disordered desires like falling in love with someone of a different race

That's right. :)

Do you agree that sex outside of the life-long union of one man and one woman is, in fact, bad for society?
If not, which part of that statement do you disagree with, and why do you disagree?

Do you have any reason for limiting this to one man and one woman other than your own disordered desires?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

(Gosh darn it, here I go again, accusing people of being a 'sock puppet').

Ya know MrDante, there was a guy who posted frequently in this thread that I had speculated was 'married' to another guy who had his genitals mutilated to become a pretend woman and they went overseas to adopt a couple of handicapped children (his username was something "bullet") who used the very same lies that you do.

If that is what you spend your time speculating about then you might wish to seek some form of counseling.

Yeah, the guy was a real sicko. He called all of the evidence that I'd shown from both leftwing, rightwing and moderate sources "lies".

Now that I think about it, even though he was more than likely (again, I'm speculating) 'married' to another guy who had genital mutilation surgery to become a pretend woman, and together they went to a foreign country and adopted handicapped children so that they could indoctrinate them to the ways of evil, I can't imagine that this "bullet" guy would stoop so low as to use another name on an internet forum.

See, I do have some faith in our society's moral degenerates.


Well-known member
disordered desires like falling in love with someone of a different race

Nonsense. Stop being racist.
There's nothing inherently disordered about interracial marriages. And you know it.

Do you have any reason for limiting this to one man and one woman other than your own disordered desires?

Everyone experiences desires that they ought not act upon (disordered).
For example, sometimes I desire to eat more than I ought to.
I choose not to act on it. I'm a human. I can choose.

Do you have experiences like that? Are you human, too?
Is that the disordered desire of mine, to which you referred?

Also, you haven't answered my previous question.
Do you agree that sex outside of the life-long union between one man and one woman, is bad for society?
If not, which part do you disagree with?

Life-long union?
One man?
One woman?
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