Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Regarding drug resistant gonorrhea on the rise:

Evolution in action.

Sexual perversion on the rise.

Drug resistant strains of gonorrhea have been common since the 1960's when the bacteria began developing resistance to penicillin.

And it's progressively getting worse. When will America begin listening to God and His Word on sexual morality?

According to the CDC website the small increase in cases of gonorrhea has largely been in individuals over the age of 50.

There's one thing that you need to know MrDante: When you come into this thread telling bold faced lies, I will call you on them.

CDC study: Gonorrhea incidents on the rise in gay men


Findings from a new study, announced Sept. 14, show that incidents of gonorrhea are on the rise in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men ( GBMSM ).
The study, findings of which were delivered by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) at the 21st Meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research in Brisbane, Australia, showed that incidents of gonorrhea among GBMSM increased from 1,170 cases per 100,000 persons in 2010, to over 1,400 per 100,000 persons in 2013. Among heterosexual men and women, the rate was consistently about 100 cases per 100,000 persons each year from 2010-2013.

The study utilized data from the STD Surveillance Network ( SSuN ) and was one of the first to examine gonorrhea infection rates among GBMSM in multiple areas.

Mark Stenger, an epidemiologist at CDC and one of the study's co-authors, told Windy City Times that there was likely not one single factor contributing to those increased rates.

Read more: http://www.windycitymediagroup.com/m/APParticle.php?AID=52776&i=27&s=Health

I can think of one single factor that contributes to HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis and the long list of STD's:

Engaging in homosex.


New member
I don't agree with the definition of secular humanism as only a philosophy. In my opinion the religion of godless Secular Humanism dominates thought in the USA. Secular Humanism is led by Obama/Clinton.
Trump seems to have no concern for any religion. I see Clinton as a real threat to Christianity.
I have no illusions about Trump and I do not see him as a friend of Christianity, but I also do not expect him to attack Christianity like the Secular Humanists do.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for 'Extreme Vetting'

It shows that Trump is a thinker and a negotiator. Trump can change his view and tweak policies to make them better, nothing wrong with that - Go Trump !!!!

I see, so the 3 times in a matter of hours where he changed his mind on the subject of abortion was because he's a "thinker and neogotiator"?

And here I thought when he puts his fingers in the air as he often does means that he's testing the political wind to see what's popular at that very moment.



New member
Regarding drug resistant gonorrhea on the rise:

Sexual perversion on the rise.

And it's progressively getting worse. When will America begin listening to God and His Word on sexual morality?

There's one thing that you need to know MrDante: When you come into this thread telling bold faced lies, I will call you on them.
how do you respond when you get called on for yours?

CDC study: Gonorrhea incidents on the rise in gay men
Windy City Times? Really?
I just went to the CDC webpage itself. It seemed to be a more direct approach.

In the meantime let me remind you that you asked: "I wonder if "acceptance of 'drug resistance gonnorhea' has increased among all generations"?

to which the answer is no, according to the CDC the increase in cases of gonorrhea has largely been in individuals over the age of 50.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

There's one thing that you need to know MrDante: When you come into this thread telling bold faced lies, I will call you on them.

how do you respond when you get called on for yours?

With the truth. If there is something that isn't truthful in this thread, please point it out.

But first I need some truth from you: Admit that you're a LGBTQ activist.

1. an especially active vigorous advocate of a cause, especially a political cause.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
CDC study: Gonorrhea incidents on the rise in gay men

Windy City Times? Really?
I just went to the CDC webpage itself. It seemed to be a more direct approach.

I suppose I could have gone to the extensive index on page one of this thread and showed various CDC reports showing how homosexuals disproportionately are afflicted with STP's, but I thought that the link to a LGBTQ website might be good enough proof for you.

Oh, and btw: I missed your CDC link in your post.

In the meantime let me remind you that you asked: "I wonder if "acceptance of 'drug resistance gonnorhea' has increased among all generations"?

to which the answer is no, according to the CDC the increase in cases of gonorrhea has largely been in individuals over the age of 50.

It's hard to find homosexuals that have lived past 50 .... but I guess someone like HRC founder Terry Bean, who is in his mid to late 60's, could easily contract gonorrhea from one of the many underage boy toys that he rapes in his condo down in Oregon.

So you do have a point.

I kinda figured like HIV that gonorrhea usually is contracted by the younger 'gay' generation.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

There's one thing that you need to know MrDante: When you come into this thread telling bold faced lies, I will call you on them.

With the truth. If there is something that isn't truthful in this thread, please point it out.

But first I need some truth from you: Admit that you're a LGBTQ activist.

1. an especially active vigorous advocate of a cause, especially a political cause.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
CDC study: Gonorrhea incidents on the rise in gay men

I suppose I could have gone to the extensive index on page one of this thread and showed various CDC reports showing how homosexuals disproportionately are afflicted with STP's, but I thought that the link to a LGBTQ website might be good enough proof for you.

Oh, and btw: I missed your CDC link in your post.

It's hard to find homosexuals that have lived past 50 .... but I guess someone like HRC founder Terry Bean, who is in his mid to late 60's, could easily contract gonorrhea from one of the many underage boy toys that he rapes in his condo down in Oregon.

So you do have a point.

I kinda figured like HIV that gonorrhea usually is contracted by the younger 'gay' generation.


I've got a great idea! Go to a Gay bar and evangelize your message of Love.

Then check in with Isis. They would love to have you assist with the passing of Shria.

They even have the penalty worked out!


Best idea ever.

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


I've got a great idea! Go to a Gay bar and evangelize your message of Love.

Then check in with Isis. They would love to have you assist with the passing of Shria.

They even have the penalty worked out!


Best idea ever.

For someone whose only connection to the LGBTQueer movement is having a couple 'gay' friends, you're taking this thread rather hard aikido7.

Oh and aikido, get a new script writer because dozens and dozens before you have tried the "Muslim theocracy!" angle, and like you, all have failed.


When the unrepentant adulterer who was on the cover of Playboy magazine (not to mention has been accused of raping a 13 year old girl along with a now convicted sex offender) read these headlines, I bet that he said something to the effect of "This is my kind of convention!"

100 naked women to greet Donald Trump at the GOP convention

patrick jane

For someone whose only connection to the LGBTQueer movement is having a couple 'gay' friends, you're taking this thread rather hard aikido7.

Oh and aikido, get a new script writer because dozens and dozens before you have tried the "Muslim theocracy!" angle, and like you, all have failed.
aCW, you suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder. You are constantly calling other posters by previous poster's names. You have a sickness. BTW, I'm Aaron now?


For someone whose only connection to the LGBTQueer movement is having a couple 'gay' friends, you're taking this thread rather hard aikido7.

Oh and aikido, get a new script writer because dozens and dozens before you have tried the "Muslim theocracy!" angle, and like you, all have failed.

That guy, I am not.

But on a positive note I detect a sense of humor in you.

There's hope for you yet ACW.

You're still half ok in my book. [emoji848]

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


aCW, you suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder. You are constantly calling other posters by previous poster's names. You have a sickness. BTW, I'm Aaron now?

That guy, I am not.

But on a positive note I detect a sense of humor in you.

There's hope for you yet ACW.

You're still half ok in my book. [emoji848]

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

You boyz just remind me a lot of a couple of very sick people that posted frequently in this 4 part thread. They both had terrible experiences in their childhoods, which lead them to the state of moral depravity that they were in.

I know, no one uses sock puppets on TOL.

My bad.




just doing some reading of earlier posts in this thread shows that many posters here do exactly that.

I must have read your post over a dozen times and just can't find that link to the CDC stating that people over 50 are largely the ones contracting gonorrhea.

Pethaps this is what you were referring to?


Of course the left-wingers at ABC didn't say that those diseases are contracted disproportionately by homosexuals who are living longer due to AIDS cocktails.


New member
I must have read your post over a dozen times and just can't find that link to the CDC stating that people over 50 are largely the ones contracting gonorrhea.

Pethaps this is what you were referring to?


Of course the left-wingers at ABC didn't say that those diseases are contracted disproportionately by homosexuals who are living longer due to AIDS cocktails.

I've noticed that when your misrepresentations are brought up or when you are criticized you try to change the topic.

Strange behavior for someone inviting others to point out untrue statements.


I've noticed that when your misrepresentations are brought up or when you are criticized you try to change the topic.

Strange behavior for someone inviting others to point out untrue statements.

I was kinda hopin that you'd link that factsheet from the CDC showing the statistics on gonorrhea.

Can the readers of this thread expect that anytime soon MrDante?

In the meantime I went to my good ole trusty index on page 1 and came up with this link from the CDC:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer.

My my, according to the CDC those who engage in homosex are prone to all kinds of nasty diseases.

What should we as a nation do about something like that MrDante?


Not that I'd given this much thought, but up until now I figured Donald Trump's 3rd wife Melania was just another male-order bride from Russia. After reading about her doing a semi-nude cover for GQ magazine back in 2000, along with Donald doing the cover of Playboy magazine back in 1990, it came to me:

Donald and Melania met at a pornography convention!

WARNING! Semi nudity and foul language (but then get used to it if Donald Trump is elected President).

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