Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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In other words you were being a typical homosexual activist.

I am homo, I am sexual, I am active. But I'm not Homosexual, not an activist and I'm anything but typical.

I just want to make sure that if anyone that is trying to get to know Jesus is on this site, that they don't just see your inbred in the doctrines of men's view.


Mission accomplished.

Law vs Grace. Vader vs Obi Wan K.

And of course.... Successful, I was.

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

In other words you were being a typical homosexual activist.

I am homo, I am sexual, I am active. But I'm not Homosexual, not an activist and I'm anything but typical.


1. an especially active, vigorous advocate of a cause, especially a political cause.

Where's that rainbow 'pride' aikido7?

I just want to make sure that if anyone that is trying to get to know Jesus is on this site, that they don't just see your inbred in the doctrines of men's view.

Not to worry, the child indoctrinating/molesting LGBTQueer movement has been well represented in this thread.

Speaking of (accused) child molesters:

I see that you're a Donald Trump fan. I've shown throughout part 4 that many sodomites love him (it's his "New York values"). He recently said in an interview that he'd be better for the LGBTQ movement than Hillary Clinton. I see why you admire him like you do.



If you don't like what Donald Trump or any of his allies stand for, wait 30 seconds and that could change:

Gen. Flynn Clarifies Abortion Stance: I'm a 'Pro-Life Democrat'

July 11, 2016

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who stunned conservatives on Sunday when he commented that abortion should be a woman's choice, on Monday said he wanted to clarify his stance, calling himself a "pro-life Democrat."

"This pro-choice issue is a legal issue that should be decided by the courts," Flynn, who is under consideration as a potential running mate for GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump, told Fox News' Jennifer Griffin Monday. "I believe in law. If people want to change the law, they should vote so that we can appoint pro-life judges. I believe the law should be changed."

Read more: http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/michael-flynn-clarifies-abortion-stance/2016/07/11/id/738115/

Donald Trump's current flavor of the day in VP picks is Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Conservatives remember Pence for signing a religious freedom bill in Indiana, only to back down like a spineless ameba when the LGBTQ movement threatened a boycott of his state.

March 31, 2015

Amid Controversy, Pence Backs Down on Anti-Gay Law Religious Freedom Law

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) said Tuesday that he wanted to see legislation on his desk this week clarifying that the controversial religious freedom bill he signed into law did not allow businesses to deny service to anyone.

Pence made the announcement at a widely televised press conference the same day that the Indianapolis Star ran a front-page editorial urging state lawmakers to change the legislation.

"After much reflection and in consultation with leadership of the General Assembly I've come to the conclusion that it would be helpful to move legislation this week that makes it clear that this law does not give businesses to deny services to anyone," Pence said at a press conference on Tuesday. "Let me say that again. I think it would be helpful and I'd like to see on my desk before the end of this week legislation that is added to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that makes it clear that this law does not deny services against anyone

Read more: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/mike-pence-wants-clarification-law

Like I said: If you don't like what Donald Trump or any of his allies stand for, wait 30 seconds and that very well could change.


This is a shock, and at a Target of all places (gee, I wonder if the following story could be added to these: Sex crimes at Target/http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/fischer/160429
Top 20 sexual crimes committed at Target/http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/26/top-twenty-sexual-crimes-committed-target-stores/

Transgender woman arrested for voyeurism at Ammon Target

July 12, 2016

AMMON — An Idaho Falls man who police say identifies as transgender was arrested Tuesday afternoon after deputies say he took photos of a woman in a fitting room in Target.

Sean Patrick Smith, 46, who also goes by Shauna Patricia Smith, was booked into the Bonneville County Jail on one felony count of voyeurism.

Bonneville County Sgt. Bryan Lovell says deputies were called to a disturbance at Target on 25th East just after 5 p.m. Monday.

A woman told them a man, dressed in women’s clothing, had entered a fitting room in the women’s clothing section of the store. Deputies say the suspect was seen taking photos of a woman in a stall next to him while she was changing.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” a witness inside the store, who asked not to be named, tells EastIdahoNews.com. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

The suspect, later identified as Smith, left the store, and Lovell says detectives located him Tuesday afternoon...

Read more: http://www.eastidahonews.com/2016/07/man-dressed-woman-caught-taking-photos-dressing-room/

Speaking of Target: The American Family Association boycott is still going on and they're telling people who stand for decency to put more pressure on the chain:

AFA aims for 50,000 more names on Target petition

June 15, 2020

More than a million people have signed a pledge to boycott Target stores, and a push is under way to add more names to the list.

"This week we have goal of reaching 50,000 more signatures on the 'boycott Target pledge," says Walker Wildmon, a spokesman for the American Family Association.

AFA announced the boycott and a petition drive in April after Target restated its corporate policy that allows transgender customers to use the restroom and fitting room of their choice.

That liberal policy endangers Target customers, especially women and girls, AFA argued, and launched the boycott and petition drive to convince Target to put customer safety ahead of its pro-homosexual policy.

The petition launched April 20 and climbed to more than one million signatures in six days. The numbers slowed after the one-million mark, however, and the petition currently stands at approximately 1,349,000 signatures.

While homosexual activists have claimed AFA is targeting transgender people, AFA has stated that customer safety is behind the boycott.

The ministry's petition page, in fact, includes a growing list of mainstream news stories in which alleged male pedophiles and peeing toms are being caught in Target stores. The most recent incident occurred at a Target store in Revere, Massachusetts.

After announcing the boycott, AFA has since rebuffed by Target executives – twice.

Read more: http://onenewsnow.com/culture/2016/06/15/afa-aims-for-50000-more-names-on-target-petition
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Yet another article by Dr. Michael Brown showing that the 'gay' Christian movement is a hoax.

Sorry, But We Won’t Rewrite the Bible for Gays and Lesbians

June 27, 2016

...First, what Scripture says on homosexual practice is not negotiable, and no amount of new books or videos or personal stories will change that.

As I explained in my book Can You Be Gay and Christian?, “no new textual, archeological, sociological, anthropological or philological discoveries have been made in the last fifty years that would cause us to read any of these biblical texts differently. Put another way, it is not that we have gained some new insights into what the biblical text means based on the study of the Hebrew and Greek texts. Instead, people’s interaction with the LGBT community has caused them to understand the biblical text differently.”

Simply stated, if not for the sexual revolution, no one would be reexamining what the Scriptures state about God’s intention for His creation. No one would be wondering if two men or two women could “marry” or if a husband could also be a wife. No one would be doubting that the Lord made men for women and women for men and that any deviation from that pattern was contrary to His design and intent.

As one New Testament scholar was candid enough to admit, it was clear to him that the Bible forbade homosexual practice, but when his own daughter came out as a lesbian, he changed his opinion on the subject...

Read more: https://stream.org/sorry-but-we-won...nt=original+content&utm_campaign=rewritebible

"Simply stated, if not for the sexual revolution.." i.e. if not for the decriminalization of adultery, cohabitation laws, no-fault divorce, abortion and now homosexuality, no one would be reexamining what the Scriptures state about God’s intention for His creation.
No one would be wondering if two men or two women could "marry"...


For those of you that haven't heard yet, Donald "New York values" Trump has done what every Republican Establishment Presidential candidate before him has done: picked a (supposed) social conservative as his running mate (Indiana Governor Mike Pence).

I talked about Pence a couple of posts back: showing that he cowered to the LGBTQueer movement after signing a religious freedom bill.

A website called "The Federalist" shows Pence's liberal history on other issues as well:

Four Statist Policies Gov. Mike Pence Champions

As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence has switched his leadership style and political philosophy from government skeptic to technocratic Progressive.

...Here are four prominent policy decisions Pence has made as governor where, in a clear choice between managerial Progressivism and robust self-government, he chose the administrative state.

1. Government-Managed Healthcare

...Faced with, yes, a Gordian knot of largely federal making, Pence decided to accept and expand government-managed healthcare rather than return to individuals the control over their most personal decisions that we all deserve. In so doing, Pence likely saddled us Hoosiers with millions in cost overruns and increased healthcare welfare, besides expanding substandard care for the poor people shoveled into this government monstrosity. Ben Domenech “asked Pence whether he really thought it was a wise policy, a conservative policy, to expand a welfare entitlement to subsidize able-bodied childless adults by taking money from hardworking taxpayers in other states—he said of course it is, or he wouldn’t have proposed it. So there’s that.”

2. Common Core-Style Education

Republican voters are strongly anti-Common Core, and 2016 contenders have gotten that message loud and clear.

...Because Indiana had one of the best sets of curriculum and testing regulations in the nation before trashing them for Common Core, the mothers whose kids started to encounter its inane math raised a ruckus over the degraded curriculum. It took two years, but in 2013 and again in 2014, they got the state legislature to yank Common Core and task the state board of education with replacing it. During the legislative battles, Pence sat on the sidelines and dodged questions about his stance on the repeal bill, when the grassroots coalition against it was desperate for political support. Pence ultimately signed a repeal bill, but did nothing to help it across the finish line. He let his citizens— moms, kids, dads, and grandparents—run themselves ragged generating the political leadership he could have executed much more easily on their behalf...

3. A Managed Economy

Besides a penchant for botching big policies that reach his desk, the policies Pence selected as priorities are also straight from the managerial Progressive playbook. The first, Pence’s big gubernatorial plank, is a managed economy.

He doesn’t call it that, of course—he focuses on jobs and vocational training, both good and necessary in the abstract. But his manner of attempting to improve these was not to get government out of people’s way, but put government front and center of education and the economy, where it already sits and slobbers as it snarfs down children’s futures, freedom, and innovation. Pence’s big solution to the state’s economic doldrums consists of creating several committees of unelected bureaucrats, most of whom he appoints. It’s exciting to centralize power when you’re the guy amassing much of it, eh?...

4. Literal Nanny Statism

Pence’s other big push this legislative session—wait for it—was sending other people’s money to politically favored groups for an utterly useless, family-displacing entitlement called government preschool. This happens to also be the policy priority for the Clinton Foundation, except currently they’re emphasizing private initiative over government initiative. That’s right. Hillary Clinton is the one who wants poor moms to read to their own kids. Mike Pence is the guy who wants to take kids from their moms and force tax dollars from other people’s pockets to hire a non-family-member to read to those same kids. Enough said.

Pence touts himself as the man who voted against No Child Left Behind and against expanding Medicare. Bloomberg says he “won conservatives’ loyalty” at the 2004 CPAC when he “took the GOP to task for ‘veering off course’ into ‘big-government Republicanism.'” Maybe someone should check if Indiana’s governor is that Mike Pence’s evil twin.

Read more: http://thefederalist.com/2014/07/14...ov-mike-pence-champions/#.V4e56sbVdrk.twitter



Liberals of a feather flock together.


Morelike neoconservative colors are shinning true.:drum::)

When talking about Donald "New York values" Trump and his potential running mate Mike Pence, I prefer to use the term "pseudo-con".


A person who claims to be guided by and a follower of conservative ideals and principals, but in reality they are primarily and mostly just the opposite. While they may take a conservative stance on a few or more issues, and even speak in conservative terms and espouse conservative core ideas, they are in reality individuals who at their core are functionally anti-conservative. They are a very self contradicted group of individuals.

Regarding neo-cons: (Libertarian SabathMoon could have written this description)

Neoconservative. Criminally insane spenders that believe in killing brown people for the new world order. Huge Orwellian government, unfathomable amounts of spending, bomb tens of thousands of people to death to rearrange the globe. Take the worst aspects of the liberal and conservative positions and combine them into one and you would have a NeoCon.


This isn't really a surprise, as the LGBTQueer movement promotes sexual experimentation. Of course immoral laws and cultural mores' promote this kind of perversion.

June 2, 2016

Millennials are the most bisexual generation of all time

Bisexuality is booming, with the number of people who bed men and women more than doubling, a study says.

Some 7.7 percent revealed they had bi romps in 2014, compared to 3.1 percent in 1990.

The stats follow the openness of Brit model Cara Delevingne and other celebrities about their bisexuality. In the same period the percentage of men who reported having had sex with at least one man rose from 4.5 percent to 8.2 percent.

And the number of women who said they had bedded at least one female leapt from 3.6 percent to 8.7 percent.

Meanwhile, acceptance of same-sex sexuality has increased among all generations, says the US study of 30,000 adults.

Levels were up from just 13 percent in 1990 to 49 percent in 2014.

Read more: http://nypost.com/2016/06/02/millennials-are-the-most-bisexual-generation-of-all-time/

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I can't believe this malignant disgusting thread has been allowed to go on for so long. Criminalizing a disease: Is there anything more STUPID then that? Maybe we should make kleptomaniacs criminals too eh? After all, stealing is a sin too. Maybe we should make alcoholics criminals too eh? After all, drunkeness is a sin too.

The OP better hope they don't criminalize liars. Lying is a sin too, and the OP is the King of liars.


With homosexuality/bisexuality on the rise, this comes of no surprise:

Cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea skyrocket

July 15, 2016

Antibiotic-resistant cases of the sexually transmitted illness gonorrhea have more than quadrupled in the United States.

This new data, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, should serve as a warning that "the future of current treatment options may be in jeopardy," the agency said in a news release issued Thursday.

"The confluence of emerging drug resistance and very limited alternative options for treatment creates a perfect storm for future gonorrhea treatment failure in the U.S.," said Dr. Jonathan Mermin, who directs the CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and Tuberculosis Prevention

History shows us that bacteria will find a way to outlast the antibiotics we're using to treat it," Mermin said. "We are running just one step ahead in order to preserve the remaining treatment option for as long as possible."

Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/drug-resistant-gonorrhea-increase-in-us/

I wonder if "acceptance of 'drug resistance gonnorhea' has increased among all generations"?


I can't believe this malignant disgusting thread has been allowed to go on for so long. Criminalizing a disease: Is there anything more STUPID then that? Maybe we should make kleptomaniacs criminals too eh? After all, stealing is a sin too. Maybe we should make alcoholics criminals too eh? After all, drunkeness is a sin too.

The OP better hope they don't criminalize liars. Lying is a sin too, and the OP is the King of liars.

I really need to go back to Part 3's table of contents and pull up your post where you compared the recriminalization of homosexuality to criminalizing eating catfish (hence his nickname: "CatfishCrusader").

BTW, Catfish here is an avid Donald Trump supporter and has been promoting that disgusting, sleazy moral degenerate's Presidential run on numerous threads throughout this fine Christian website.
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